Hello readers and welcome back to fixing the endgame. This will be only roughly one thousand words but still enjoyable. Now I'm going to get attacked for this once again but I think it was pointless having Thor leave with the guardian's when he's getting a forth movie with presumley know Guardians and he won't be in guardians three. Now my change here is inspired by the comics but im going to have Rhodey slowly be convinced to run away as Nebula and him didn't share a romantic bond but I feel like he would have had good character development with the guardians.


Rhodey was so grateful for this second chance they'd been given he felt more than anything that as a team it was the avenger's fault and his own that they couldn't put their differences aside and fight as one. He admired space he loved it's beauty and breath of fresh air it gave to him Earth seemed chaos and quiet with less design. He was honoured with the pleasure of helping Nebula retrieve the power stone, the two had become good friends over the past five years.

"Woah this looks awesome!"

"Believe me it's only wonderous for the people who haven't lived in it for years."

"Oh, so this Quill guy is he from earth?"

"Sure but he doesn't like it much he tends to avoid visiting earth as much as possible. Look I don't get why you're so interested in space?"

"For the past five years, I've felt misery loneliness and stress. For once I want something new in my life I've seen all of earth I want to know what's out there."

"Well, then what's stopping you!?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"What's stopping you from doing that?"

"My-my friends here on earth I feel horribly selfish just leaving them behind."

"You're not being selfish at all, you feel out of place, you want something new I know what that feels like."

"You do?!"

"Yes I wanted nothing but to prove myself and my loyalty to my father but when he starting making me his machine I secretly craved a better life. My guilt overbears me my sister offered her hand if I had taken it and not craved revenge she wouldn't have been murdered."

"I'll think about it, I don't think Tony would like me suddenly vanishing after all this."

"Yeah, your right I'll ask you again once this is all over."

The pair carefully walked over to the power stone temple. Both stopped when they saw Peter Quill dancing. Nebula quickly knocked him out and stole his tools.

"So was this Quill guy an idiot back then?"

"To me, he was always an idiot but now he'll be broken with grief remembering that he couldn't save Gamora, he'll blame me for a while. You see Rhodey once you lose a soul mate you'll never be the same."

"Ah, so that's why Cap always so serious. I know what grief feels like as it's the Avengers fault that we lost everything."

"Why do you blame your friends."

"Tony acted correctly I thought at first but no he was wrong. He fell for the manipulation the government and Zemo gave. If Steve and Tony made up sooner we would have come up with a plan together making it easier to beat Thanos."

"Oh you know it wasn't their fault it was nobody but Thanos's himself."

"Your right, I guess playing the blame game doesn't help at all."

Nebula peacefully tried to stroll to the temple but immediately Rhodey put his arm forwards stopping her.

"Ugh, are you sure we should casually stroll right in, I mean for something called a space temple it's bound to have booby traps like in the movies."

"Not without the tools of a thief."

"Genuis, let's get it."

Nebula carefully snuck into the vault and quickly snatched the power stone. The cyborg began to panic when her robotic hand slowly started to melt, she carefully rolled it into Rhodey's satchel and continued staring at her partly melted arm. Rhodey held out his hand and comforted the cyborg.

"Hey, it's-it's ok I wasn't always like this either."

"What happened to you."

"Tony and Steve recruited split part of the avengers to join their side. Vision who was an android shot me out of the sky leading to my legs being terribly fried. My story doesn't matter when I look into your eyes I see someone who was tortured and stripped of all-natural emotions."

"Correct, every time I disappointed my father he'd strip me of my flesh and blood until I became a full cyborg alowing him other torture methods."

"That's awful I couldn't imagine being in your position, so do you think your gonna stick around with your sister's friends once they've returned from the snap?"

"Of course, as you desire it this is the fresh start I need."

"As I said I'll think about it when this is all over."


The battlefield was intense, playing pass the gauntlet was the main aim. Thanos was brutally defeating the avengers one by one. Cap lunged with Mjolnir but Thanos showed no mercy almost crushing the super-soldier. The Mad Titan smirked grabbing the iron gauntlet and placing it on his massive hand.

"I am inevitable."

Tony nodded at Doctor Strange's single and carefully snatched the stones of Thanos's gauntlet. The billionaire seethed in pain as he felt the powerful stone's burn his skin. He smirked clicking his fingers.

"And I-am-Iron-Man."


The heroes began to look around and watched as every thing to do with Thanos including himself disappeared into ashes. Pepper, Peter and Rhodey all ran to Tony full of tears, horrified knowing that he was dying.

"Mr Stark, we won, we won, please wake up."

"It's gonna be ok kid, oh Tony of course only you would take all the glory and sacrifice yourself, hm I'm gonna miss you pal. I don't know who else will have my back during a tricky situation."

"I'm sorry Rhodey! Friday can you check his vital signs?"

"Unfortunately his life signs are low, he won't last long Mrs Stark."

"Hey Tony? Tony look at me, you can rest now, you can rest."

Tony closed his eyes for good finally able to rest now that earth was safe. All the avengers and heroes bowed in respect feeling nothing but sadness. Rhodey pulled Peter and Pepper in for a tight hug. One thing was for sure the world would no longer be the same for Rhodey now that he'd lost Tony.


The funeral for Tony was one of the most toughest things he'd ever experienced his best friend was gone and now could rest in heaven. Rhodey stood with a glass of wine in his hand one thing was for sure he definitely wanted to drink his way out of misery. To his surprise, Peter Quill walked over and stood next to Rhodey also having a glass of wine in his hand.

"So your um Rhodey right?"

"Ugh yeah, how do you know?"

"Nebula told me about you she saids you want to explore space."


"She also told me you wanted to join us?"

"Of course I've been thinking about it a lot it's a hard choice to make."

"Well, James Rhodes do you want to join the Guardians of the Galaxy and leave earth forever? It's ok if you say no, you have a choice, I didn't."

Rhodey began to think, Pepper, Morgan, the kid. He would be abandoning not only his life and responsibilities but his friends too. He sighed, Rhodey was conflicted he felt like the world needed him but he just wanted to escape.

"It-it would be a pleasure to join you I-I just feel like the world needs the next iron man and that my friends need me."

"I absolutely understand but I have a strong feeling that Peppers gonna be the one taking his place I mean you can't waste a present right. Look Rhodey we can always visit earth when you want to see your friends. I didn't really know Stark but I do know he wouldn't want to see his friend end up becoming a depressed broken man living in his own guilt, he'd want to see you happy."

"Yes, your right, um meet me back here tomorrow morning at 9 a.m"

"Of course, now why don't you sit with your friends and have a good time, this is your last day on earth, after all, I didn't get the chance to so embrace it."

"Thanks, Quill."

"Oh, it's no big deal."


Rhodey smiled looking at his room he couldn't believe he was permanently leaving the Starks, he felt like a jerk for leaving but he knew that Quill was right, Tony would not want him to be miserable for the rest of his life he would want him to be happy.

He looked at his war machine and smiled putting it into it's charging chamber. The suit he would definitely need if he was going to be joining the guardians he'd need it to kick butt. He grabbed his heavy packed suitcase and bag carefully making sure they got downstairs. Pepper, Happy and Morgan were all waiting for him. He looked at the clock and realized it was almost time to leave earth forever.

"Hey Uncle Rhodey, I'll miss you very much, will you ever visit?"

"Of course I will, when you look up at the stars gaze carefully and you'll see the guardians of the galaxy ship fly past. That will make you never forget."

"I love you 3000."

"I love you 3000 too."

"Now you promise to be a good girl and look after your mother for me."

"I promise but you've gotta promise me you'll send letters and photographs of the stars."

"I promise Morgs, your Dads one of the stars so of course, he'll want you to see them."

Happy looked up and gave Rhodey a familiar card with the word Friday written on. He knew what it was, of course, Tony wanted his best friend to inherit his iconic a.i.

"He wanted you to have her, I understand why your leaving pal, you deserve to rest."

"Thanks, Happy!"

"If they treat you with any disrespect tell them I'm gonna grab you of that ship and never allow you to go back."

"Ok, then."

"I'll miss you Rhodey but I think Tony would want this opportunity for you."

"I'll miss you too and thanks for everything."

Pepper looked up at Rhodey with pain and tears in her eyes but she knew that he had to go it was for the best. She simply held out a photograph of Rhodey standing next to her and Tony. The familiar hum of the guardian's ship echoed from outside. Pepper Stark opened the door and Happy helped Rhodey with his things.

"So your not gonna make me change my mind."

"Of course not Rhodey you're just as stubborn as he was. The galaxy needs you and you deserve to thrive. It's been a pleasure farewell Rhodey."

"Farewell Pepper, until we meet again."

Peter greeted Rhodey and immediately helped him carry the heavy luggage. Morgan took one last look at the spaceship before it flew off into the stars along with her dear uncle Rhodey.


So that was that um sorry it was an incredibly emotional ride. The fact that Iron Man actually joined the guardians one time in the comics really inspired me. I think Rhodey needed a closing like that as endgame didn't really close his story. The last time we saw him was at Tony Starks funeral. Don Cheadle also hasn't said anything about the future of Rhodey in the MCU. I'll write one about Thor leaving with Captain Marvel in chapter 14 but next chapter will be an emotional one. I'm warning you now Starmora fans.