Hi guys welcome to my twenty chapter series where we change one of my small problems with Endgame to make it go from a GOOD movie to the BEST movie of all time. My first change will be making sure a older Cassie is fiddling with her fathers old stuff when one day she activates the tunnel. After each chapter I will explain why I would make that small change. Get some tissues and enjoy reading.

Scott Langs Garage , 2023

A teenage girl banged the tunnel with her hammer, she wanted to fix the quantum tunnel, to get it working. A loud voice brought her back to reality, it was her step father. Paxton opened the garage door with a look of shame on his face.

"Hey kiddo dinners ready."

"Store it in the fridge, i'm busy."

"Look I know you miss your Mum and Dad but they wouldn't want you being unsociable and sad."

Paxton sat down next to the stubborn teenager who was ignoring him she was to busy fiddling with the quantum tunnel.

"You didn't care about my dad you just cared about my mum because you guys are married. Thanks for your offer but i'm fine i'm a fifteen year old teenager who's perfectly capable of looking after herself."

"Look your father turned from a blind thief to a hero. You know that me and your mother forgave him."

The teen cried and hugged Paxton tight,

"I'm so sorry i've been blindingly ignoring your kindness, i'll join you for dinner in minute."

The young teen watched as her step father went inside the house. She wanted to join him to be polite but her ultimate priority was getting the tunnel up and running. The girl tripped over her hammer and her hand hit a button on the machine.

All of a sudden a man in a metal suit came out of the tunnel and fell to the ground. The man was non-other than Scott Lang.

"Hope,Hank,Janet, HOPE!"

Scott ran past the shocked teenager and headed straight to a memorial garden. The teen chased after the horrified man.

"Dad come back here right now!"

The hero ignored the teen and looked at one of the tombstones in great shock and horror to not only see his friends names on their but his name as well.

Scott looked around and began to feel dizzy all of this was way to overwhelming.

To make it worse the teenager touched his face in a loving way.

"Dad is it really you after all this time?"


The man clapsed but luckily Cassie caught him. She carried him back to the house and put on some casual clothes for him. Cassie then kissed her dad on the forehead before putting a blanket over him.

"Are we dreaming Cass you really freed your father from the quantum realm."

"He was so confused but luckily he fainted before anyone noticed him."

"He's gonna freak out when he finds your Stature suit in the garage."

"Paxton he first needs updating on what happend five years ago."

Scott woke up groaning in pain, he heard faint voices. Cassie quickly got a cloth and put it on her dads head.

"Welp looks like someones awake!"

"C-Cassie? You've grown!"

"Its been five years Dad s-"

"Since the mad titan thanos snapped half of the universe and since the avengers failed to stop him."

Cassie helped her father up and hugged him tight. Paxton opened the door and smiled at Scott.

"Scott would you like to join us for dinner? You owe Cassie as today she accidentally freed you from the quantum realm."

Scott was in full blown turned he clutched his daughters hand as they headed to the kitchen.

The family sat at the table eating a nice plate of roast chicken and potatos. Scott starred at Cassie he was still felt overwhelmed about what Paxton and Cassie had told him.

"You look just like your mother and thank you for saving me."

"Your welcome Dad but may I ask how long did you think you were in the quantum for?"

"Cassie I fainted earlier because it felt like five hours and because I didn't expect my grown up daughter to release me into a new world!"

The room went silent until Scott's face lit up and he got out of his seat.

"Scott where are you going?"

"To see the avengers of course I need to tell them about my discovery."

Cassie kissed her step-father on the forehead and headed straight to the garage. Scott packed his and Cassie's things and opened the garage. He was shocked to find his daughter wearing her very own Antman costume.

"If you wanna tell the avengers of your discovery Stature is coming with you."

"W-Well ok then but you gotta tell me how you manged to find all of my old antman tech and build your own costume peanut."

"I will after we talk to the avengers."

The father and daughter walked to avengers head quarters ready to give the world something it hadn't had in a long time hope.

Hope you all enjoyed Chapter 1 some of the stories will be based on other peoples grudges as well. Now I made this change because whilst talking with my sister we realised how dum it was that Doctor Strange relied on a RAT to pull Scott out of the quantum realm it would have been way more impactful if Cassie was the one who saved him. Also since we had older Cassie it really was a missed opportunity not introducing Stature into the MCU but hopefully she'll get her chance to shine in Antman three.

Thanks for reading, next chapter will make sure a certain spy is mourned.