Disclaimer: I don't own Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken nor do I own Harry Potter.
It was five years ago that Yuuki Kagurazaka and Velda had been defeated, the honor ultimately going to a certain slime. After the war, many of the heads of states from various countries came to that slime for assistance and alliances, raising the prestige of his nation. Additionally, the development of his nation, the Jura Tempest Federation, went along smoothly, building the tallest buildings in the world, completing the first railroad system, and even planning a new network of airplanes. New, faster, methods of travel increased the popularity of the capital city, bringing with it culture to the Federation from even the farthest lands on the continent. These also strengthened the Federation's economic powerhouse, allowing more and more goods to flow at a rate never before seen in the world. In those five years, the Federation had become widely regarded as the political, cultural, and economic center of the world.
Rimuru Tempest, formerly Satoru Mikami, was the slime that had made that all possible.
This day proved to be a very interesting day for him. Ciel, his Manas, had given him a very vague message: «Earth, United Kingdom, Surrey, Little Whinging, Privet Drive, Number 4. October 31, 1981, 22:00. Go there.» She also provided an image.
Over the years, Ciel had begun to develop a distinct personality. Along with that came a mischievousness that Rimuru sometimes felt like he could live better without. It also came with a new possessiveness of her "master", forbidding him from taking some DNA from Satoru Mikami and integrating his old appearance it into his human form. Ciel had instantly rejected his idea with a cold tone, saying that things would get troublesome if he were to develop sex characteristics. In her words, «I will definitely not allow other women to enjoy! Outrageous!»
Back to Ciel's mischievousness, that vague message with an address and time in London of all places was certainly one example. Back when she was Great Sage or Wisdom King Raphael, she would give straight answers and complete advice, but as Wisdom God Ciel and Manas: Ciel, she would cut corners and take actions without telling him what she was doing. Of course, she didn't do anything harmful with her new personality and it was a lot more interesting than her previously emotionless self, but sometimes, he just wished he could get a straight answer out of her.
That said, her personality wouldn't affect how much Rimuru trusted her. After all, she had waited until the End of Time for him to awaken after Yuuki's attack during that fateful battle. It was for this trust that he had told her about his previous life and everything he knew about Earth. Her message was odd, but he would see what it was about anyways.
He told Diablo, Shion, Benimaru, and Souei where he was going and why so they didn't cause panic when they realized he was missing. The four of them could spread the word to the rest of his friends and subordinates to keep the peace.
After that, Rimuru changed into his human form and used Time Warp to get relatively close to the location in space-time Ciel had told him about. Spotting his destination, he looked around to see if there was anything unusual. Seeing nothing too out of the ordinary, he watched the lights in Number 4 turn off, most likely signifying that its residents had gone to bed. Since Number 4 was his target, he believed that something still might happen either in or around the house.
Activating [Invisibility], a skill he had copied from an Otherworlder, he leaped up on top of Number 4. There, he waited patiently for something to happen, hoping that Ciel hadn't just sent him here to watch him sit there like an idiot. Luckily, that was not Ciel's plan.
To pass the time, Rimuru pulled out some older manga to re-read, although just until he saw something move in the corner of his eye. Asking Ciel how long had passed, he was relieved to learn that it was only 23 minutes.
A man in very strange clothing suddenly appeared on the far corner of Privet Drive. He was in every way like the stereotypical European wizards Rimuru had read about during his life on Earth. He wore long robes, a purple cloak that touched the ground, and he even had that silvery beard that was long enough to reach his waist. The strange old man suddenly looked at the other end of the street, then laughed lightly and muttered something at a cat that was sitting there. Reaching into his cloak, he pulled out what Rimuru thought was a lighter, although that thought was promptly shattered when the silver device caused the streetlights to go out one by one. Rimuru could see just fine in the dark, but he doubted that anyone else on the block would be able to see all too well.
Looking back at the cat, he realized that it was no longer a cat, but a severe-looking woman, one whom the strange old man was currently talking with. She too was wearing the stereotypical western wizard clothing (witch clothing?), although emerald green rather than the man's purple. The two struck up a conversation, though the woman was visibly annoyed, even more so when the man began pulling out some candy from his cloak and offered it to her. However, her anger only lasted so long as the two eventually transitioned into what could only be a heavy topic, judging by the gasps, depressed faces, and shed tears.
And then a motorcycle fell from the sky. A massive one. With an equally massive man on it. With a... baby in his hands? In his country, this might not be considered strange, but Rimuru was on Earth. As Ciel started giggling, he could only wonder if this was related to why she wanted him to come to Earth. His interest peaking, he decided to eavesdrop a little bit. Ciel's Thought Acceleration would help him to understand English since he naturally assumed that non-Asiatic Londoners wouldn't usually speak Japanese or the language of his world.
"Hagrid," said the old man, relieved. "Professor Dumbledore," the large man, Hagrid, returned before greeting the woman at his side, "Professor McGonagall."
Professors? What do they teach, magic? At that point, Ciel was having a hard time holding in her laughter and Rimuru wasn't sure if he wanted to know why she was having such a good time.
"No problems, were there?" The old man, Dumbledore, asked Hagrid.
"No, sir. House was almost destroyed, but I got the two of them out all right before the Muggles started swarmin' around. Dropped the boy off at the Burrow ter his parents before comin' here."
"Good, now-"
"And I don't suppose you're going to tell me why we're all here, of all places?" The woman, McGonagall, asked heatedly, cutting the old man off.
"We've come to bring Amaryllis to her aunt and uncle," Dumbledore responded. "It is what we must do."
"Why - you can't mean the people who live here?" she protested, pointing at the house Rimuru was sitting on top of. "Dumbledore, you can't. I've been watching them all day. You couldn't find a couple who are less like us and they've got this son - I saw him kicking his mother all the way up the street, screaming for sweets. Why couldn't she just live with the Weasleys like the rest of her family?"
"Lily and James requested to have Amaryllis erased from the Wizarding World. Now that they can see the pieces falling in place, they have come to the right choice." Pausing for a moment to look straight into McGonagall's eyes, he continued, "It is for the best that she stays here with the only non-magical family she has. I've written them a letter."
And with that, Rimuru felt like he had heard enough to get a general understanding of what was happening. Magic was real on Earth, which still confused him because surely someone would have noticed with all the technology available to humans by the time he had been stabbed. For some reason unknown to him, a young girl named Amaryllis had been abandoned by her magical family. Their friends, who were probably professors at a school for magic, agreed to it and decided to help out. The girl was to be dumped with her aunt, uncle, and cousin, who, by the way McGonagall spoke about them, seemed like a group of disgusting people.
Can we take her back to the Federation with us? Rimuru asked Ciel, who excitedly replied, «She can be our child!» He took that to mean a yes, but also instantly understood that Ciel would be mad at him if he didn't introduce the girl as "Ciel and his daughter" or something like that.
Shivering at the thought of Ciel's wrath, he patiently waited for the two wizards and one witch to leave. As he was waiting, Ciel chose to give him a second message: «London's West End, Charing Cross Road, Leaky Cauldron. Gringotts Wizarding Bank.» He took this message to mean that this was where he should go next after picking up Amaryllis. Unfortunately, he couldn't use Time Warp or Teleportation to get there because those skills required that he have an image of his destination in mind, which Ciel didn't provide this time. However, he hoped that there would be a high concentration of Magicules around the Wizarding Bank in order to protect it, something he would easily be able to sense with [Magic Perception].
Watching as the three suddenly disappeared as if they had used Teleportation, he jumped down from the roof and picked up the baby girl, who was now holding that letter the old man had mentioned earlier. Maybe he would consider reading the letter later, but he had more important things to get to. Sprouting dark wings from his back, he launched himself into the sky. For a split second, one might have been able to see a bundle of blankets quickly floating upwards, but Rimuru quickly realized this issue and held the girl inside of his fur coat to extend the effects of [Invisibility] to her.
[Magic Perception] was constantly active for high-level beings like Rimuru, so all he had to do was reach out and look for any abnormalities. As he flew northeast towards the heart of London, he noticed little fluctuations in the Magicule concentrations here and there throughout the city. While normal people had a very small concentration of Magicules, which could still be sensed with [Magic Perception], the people who could use magic had significantly higher concentrations of Magicules within them. To someone like Rimuru, it wasn't anything special, but it was a big leap up from non-magical people.
Once he reached the heart of London, he found five very noticeable abnormalities. There were two massive ones - one deep underground and one near a slightly worn-down building - and three smaller ones - a phone booth and another two underground. He wasn't too sure on what the Magicules in the phone booth were for and the underground locations would be a pain to get to without knowing the way, so he hoped that the worn-down building might hold some clues.
Approaching said building, he was able to read the sign that read "Leaky Cauldron", meaning that this was where Ciel wanted him to go. He also felt the Magicules forming a barrier that seemed to be aimed at non-magical people. He didn't know what this barrier did specifically, but none of the non-magical people seemed to notice the place even existed. They would occasionally glance at the buildings on either side of it, but not at the Leaky Cauldron itself. Perhaps the barrier diverted their attention away from the building?
Entering the building, he found a depressing scene. The building was functional as a bar - a pub as the English called it, but that was about it. At least this was not his final destination, which was the Wizarding Bank. Closing the door, he took Amaryllis out of his coat, de-activated [Invisibility], and walked towards the greatest concentration of Magicules. Oddly enough, that happened to be in the back yard of the pub, above the trash bins, emanating from a single brick two up and three across. Not understanding what the brick was supposed to do, he opted to poke it a few times. To his surprise, that actually did the trick by itself, causing the bricks to reshape themselves into an archway and revealing an entrance where there was none previously.
Stepping through the entryway, he looked around. If the Leaky Cauldron was a mess, this was a whole other kind of a mess. Did wizards just not care about cleanliness and order? The buildings here were leaning in different directions and the street was far too narrow for the number of people walking through it. Suddenly, a crack sounded to his left, revealing where a wizard had suddenly appeared. He thought that if this was how wizards teleported in this world, then that sucked because they would instantly give their position away, ruining a chance to take one's enemy unawares. What a waste of a skill...
Ignoring how the buildings looked, the shops themselves seemed interesting to Rimuru. Certain shops stood out to him, like Eeylop's Owl Emporium and Quality Quidditch Supplies, for he had never seen a shop entirely dedicated to owls nor did he know what this "Quidditch" was. He did, however, see the stereotypical flying brooms in that Quidditch shop, so maybe they had a sport involving flying brooms that they called Quidditch? In any case, his destination was straight ahead of him. While it was still in a similar condition to all the other buildings around it, it at least looked more formal and grander in comparison.
Walking into the bank, he saw what he could only assume were goblins since they looked more or less like the goblins in Jura Forest. The only real difference one could see was that these goblins had pale skin like humans instead of the green skin he was used to seeing. The goblins were working at desks that lined the walls of the bank, directing clients and filing paperwork. Seeing that there was not much else to observe, he joined the shortest line, though the bank wasn't exactly busy at eleven o' clock at night.
Now, Rimuru wasn't carrying around any money with him as he hadn't expected to need any. However, combining [Creation Lord Ahura Mazda] and [Information King Akashic Records], he could easily make infinite amounts of pure gold and surely, he could exchange that for something here. While he would most certainly not do that back in the Federation because that would cause the value of gold and therefore gold coins to plummet, he could make an exception for Earth because, well, he at least hoped they had ways to prevent a market crash.
"Next!" The teller in his line called out, bringing him out of his thoughts. The goblin gave him a questioning look, but not directed at his eyes. Was it the color of his hair?
"Hello. Would it be possible to have a private room to set up an account and discuss legal matters?" He asked the teller in a soft and polite manner.
Scrutinizing him for a moment, the goblin eventually relented and curtly said, "Follow me." The teller got down from his seat and lead Rimuru through the halls of the bank. Eventually, they arrived at a simple office with a table in the middle and a couple of chairs surrounding it. In one of the chairs sat another goblin.
"Rodraff here will be your account manager once your account is set up," the teller explained, gesturing to the other goblin in the room. "He will also be able to take care of your legal issues. Anything you say to him is strictly confidential, so have no worries." And at that, the teller left, his job complete.
"Hello, I am Rimuru Tempest. Nice to meet you," he introduced himself, giving the goblin a warm smile and then taking a seat. Rodraff, quite unused to such kind treatment from customers, stood in silence for several seconds before replying, "Hello. As you have already heard, I am Rodraff. What can I do for you?"
"There are a few things I would like to get done. I'd like an account set up, I want to convert some gold into currency, and I want to adopt this child. I know this is a bank, but do you deal with things like that?"
"The first two requests of yours should be easy enough and yes, we have clearance to file magical adoptions from the Ministry of Magic."
"Ministry of Magic?"
"You... don't know about the Ministry?"
"Unfortunately, I am not from the area."
"I have never heard of a group of people who speak perfect English and are not bound by the laws of one Ministry or another, nor do I think any witch or wizard who has access to learning English to such a degree would not be bound under some Ministry."
"... Ehh... Well, I guess I need to add another thing to the list - a lot of information."
"I am also interested in gaining information from you, so why don't we do a trade."
"I guess we can do that since everything is confidential. But first, I should properly introduce myself." Rimuru had hoped he could do this with a little more ease and with fewer details revealed, but this would have to do. Setting Amaryllis on the table, he went into his slime form and hopped onto the table next to her. The goblin was rather startled at this sudden development, not knowing what the blue blob on its table was or how it could take the appearance of a human so perfectly.
"I am known as the Great Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest, founder and sole ruler of the Jura Tempest Federation..."
Quite some time later, the two of them had finally finished their exchange of general information. Rimuru had learned quite a lot about magical Britain and found many things that both he and Rodraff thought were quite dumb. He had also cleared up the fact that he was genderless, identified as a male, and had a human form that looked like a young woman. Interestingly, Rodraff had asked to visit the Federation to meet with the goblins of that world and to see if he could learn anything from the dwarves since goblins were also known for their metalsmithing. Rimuru happily agreed, seeing no real reason to refuse. It wasn't like the goblins of Earth could interfere with the Federation's economy anyway.
It was also surprising, yet not that surprising that the Wizarding World mostly relied on wands and staffs along with incantations to cast magic. Even the classic "abracadabra" existed, although said slightly differently and with much more horrifying effects. Anyways, it was possible to cast magic with only your body and it was possible to cast magic soundlessly, but while the latter was often achieved, the former could only rarely be achieved and only at the most basic levels. It was somewhat comforting to know that at least the goblins could cast wandlessly without any trouble, at least.
At last, it was time to get down to business. Rimuru materialized a standard bullion bar of pure gold for Rodraff to examine, setting it on the table with the expectation that the goblin wouldn't take it too kindly if he dropped an almost 30-pound bar of gold directly into his hands. While examining the bar, Rodraff was thoroughly astonished. He knew that he was dealing with foreign royalty, but this...
"This bar is worth almost 130,000 galleons by itself," he told Rimuru weakly. During their information exchange, he had not mentioned something because he thought it would be unnecessary. This was the fact that their currency was only coated or sometimes only colored, not made entirely of gold, silver, or bronze. Galleons used to be worth almost 7,000 times as much as they did now, but that age was long gone. Besides, large coins of pure gold were just too heavy to carry around.
"That much, huh?" With the assistance of Thought Acceleration, he quickly calculated the size of a more reasonable bar. "This bar should be worth 3,000 galleons, 5,000 sickles, and 2,000 knuts, I think. Could I have that one converted and store the rest of the gold in a vault?"
"Absolutely," Rodraff replied, relieved that he wouldn't have to explain why hundreds of millions of galleons were suddenly needed for a single, new vault. Even for royalty, that was seriously just too rich. "Now, onto your legal dilemmas, which I assumed are related to the human baby you've brought with you today?"
"Yes, it's related to her. Her name is Amaryllis and I think she's related to two people named Lily and James. These two people wanted her identity to be erased from the Wizarding World and turned to an old man named Dumbledore, a woman named McGonagall, and a large man named Hagrid for help. She was supposed to be dropped off at the house of an unpleasant family, although one related to her by blood. The large man said something about a house being destroyed, a brother, and something about 'Weasleys', but that's the end of the information I know. Do you know any of the names I mentioned?"
"Do you remember how I mentioned the current state of the country - a battle of Light against Dark as many are calling it?" An affirmative nod prompted him to continue. "While the so-called Dark Lord I mentioned is what you could call 'the leader of the Dark', Albus Dumbledore is the one most would call 'the leader of the Light'. He has many other titles, including Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, and Headmaster of Hogwarts, all three of which I mentioned earlier. Hogwarts is where Minerva McGonagall is a professor and Rubeus Hagrid is the groundskeeper. The Weasleys are a large family that are firmly Light and I can only guess with all the connections that Lily and James are Lily Potter and James Potter. They are the parents of Benny and Amaryllis - twins. Their family is also firmly Light."
"It doesn't seem very 'Light' to abandon a child with a bad family, does it?"
"Indeed, it does not. I myself cannot completely understand why Dumbledore would do such a thing but there is a thing that all of us goblins understand about him that the humans completely ignore. We all know he's a very smart and manipulative man who plays dumb and senile. He is the sort of man to say that the result justifies the means of attaining that result. It is entirely possible that this is just another one of his schemes."
"In this case, it's a very good thing that I picked her up and away from his grasp, isn't it?"
"I think so, at least. The Light might disagree, but I doubt the Neutral and Dark families would care at all that someone is messing with the old goat's plans. That said, would you like to just adopt her on paper, or would you like to opt for the full package - a blood ritual?"
"What does this blood ritual do to a human wizard or witch?"
"Under normal circumstances, the ritual more or less causes the child, who must be less than 18 years of age, to take the characteristics of the people who will become their parents and guardians. We recommend not involving any more than two parents and two guardians because any more people involved may result in serious harm to the child. As for your situation, I cannot say with certainty what will happen if a human is adopted through a blood ritual by beings as powerful as the ones you describe. I am interested to know what would happen, however, and would be grateful to hear the results if you decide on the blood ritual."
"Thank you. I will go with the blood ritual and I'll update you on the results as she ages."
"Very well. Since Dumbledore, with all his political influence, could easily erase this girl from existence, it is only a matter of time until that happens. After that, we'll be free to formally file this adoption with the Ministry and your parenthood will be completely recognized. Until then, I'll need you to fill out some forms in regards to the adoption. While you're doing that, I'll go find a copy of the instructions for the blood ritual."
And this is what Rimuru gets for constantly shoving all the paperwork on his subordinates. Now, with no one but Amaryllis, who was but a small child, and Ciel, who would probably refuse, he was forced to face his dreaded enemy head-on.
Luckily, the forms weren't too lengthy and Parallel Processing made reading and understanding the fine print and conditions rather easy. If only he could've had Ciel's help back when he was but a simple salaryman in Japan... When Rodraff eventually returned with the copy, Rimuru stored it in an Imaginary Space and handed the completed forms to his account manager, then the two set off towards his new vault.
On their way down, Rodraff told him, "I understand that you've been requesting that I do not regard you as royalty here, but unfortunately that fell on deaf ears. You've been granted a maximum-security vault on the 25th floor, the deepest floor. You will have Vault 2501, which is the only one in use on that floor. As is the case with maximum security vaults, there are no keys to this vault and the only way to get in is with the touch of the account manager, although I wouldn't put it past you to find some way into it without my touch."
Sighing in resignation at the fact that he was being treated like royalty, Rimuru simply nodded along at what the goblin was saying. At the thought that there were 25 floors, he began wondering if it was done through manual labor or if they had someone like Ramiris, but then he immediately discarded that idea because it was most likely neither. The goblins probably had some magic that could move large amounts of material efficiently and Rodraff probably wouldn't have been as wary of his title as "Great Demon Lord" if they had someone like Ramiris in the past. Ramiris's labyrinths made her too overpowered.
Once they reached Vault 2501, Rimuru found himself staring into a room that could probably fit an entire decent sized mansion. It would be useless to fill the entire vault with gold and other valuables because there probably wouldn't be enough currency in the entire world to account for all of it, so what else could he do with a mansion-sized room but build a house? It wasn't necessary at all for him to do this, but it felt like a waste of space to leave such a big room so empty.
Using the Ultimate Skills [Creation Lord Ahura Mazda] and [Information King Akashic Records] together once again, he built a cozy Japanese style house in the back half of the vault. Turning to the ceiling, he created a multitude of 'stars', which were really just balls of light hovering slightly below the ceiling. He couldn't exactly explain how that was possible, but the easiest answer would be "magic". Focusing his attention on the remaining half of the vault, he placed stacks of the standard bullions so that they rose in perfectly aligned pillars all the way up to the ceiling, only leaving space for where the piles of knuts, sickles, and galleons would go, as well as the pathway to get to the house.
In the meantime, Rodraff was about to faint from the ease at which Rimuru built a house, from the way he casually defied the Laws of Magic, and from the tens of billions of galleons worth of gold he had stockpiled. Maybe he should've gone easy on his account manager and left some of the room empty... No. It was too late to regret his decisions. His house and the ceiling were beautiful and they would be staying there for the foreseeable future.
When the goblin finally broke out of his daze, he worked to place the wizarding currency in the allotted space. The two had gone to exchange the gold for currency before actually heading down for Vault 2501 and it was a Gringotts policy to handle exchanges all the way through, including placing the money into vaults if that was what the client requested. Somewhere along the way, an expandable money purse was also picked up, which Rimuru though was quite helpful.
With their work done, Rimuru stashed a good amount of money into the purse and the two ascended back up to ground level, where he thanked Rodraff for his services before the two separated. Placing Amaryllis gently into another Imaginary Space, he would've liked to do some shopping right then, but the only problem was that it was past midnight and all of the shops were closed. In fact, it seemed like only Gringotts was open. Oh well. He would just have to find a clear space and Time Warp ten hours in the future or so, when all the shops were sure to be opened.
And he did just that.
What he didn't expect was a rampant party taking place in the alley. At that point, he was very glad that he had placed Amaryllis in an Imaginary Space because she would've surely been injured by a group of drunk wizards who came crashing down on Rimuru in a fit of boisterous laughter. Seriously, what was going on here?
Freeing himself, he was suddenly hit with the answer. Literally. A newspaper had been folded up and thrown in the air, which subsequently had hit him on the head. Unfolding it, he was met with the massive front page title "THE DARK LORD IS DEAD" and a picture of the Minister of Magic. Underneath her image, which was somehow moving, there was a single quote in bold: "I assert our inalienable right to party." Turning to the next page, he read the full article.
For the past eleven years, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and his followers have terrorized Britain. He made alliances with dark creatures, controlled armies of Inferi, and ruled over an army of Death Eaters. With violence and bloodshed, in both the Muggle and Wizarding Worlds, he caused our people to live in fear. But that all ended last night.
It was late last night in Godric's Hollow that the so-called Dark Lord perished. We are told that he was likely targeting the Lord Potter and his family, who own a house there. The Potters are known for their first support of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the man said to be the only person He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named ever feared. In a stroke of luck, the Lord Potter and his wife were away from their home battling Death Eaters when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named came for them. However, their 15-month-old boy was there. When He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named moved in to kill the young Benny Potter, the Killing Curse somehow rebounded, sending itself back at himself and ultimately killing him instead.
"We cannot offer an explanation for how this happened, nor do we particularly care so long as the man is dead for good," Millicent Bagnold, Minister of Magic, declared in a press conference earlier this morning. "With the self-fashioned Dark Lord dead, his followers will be in disarray and we will be in a position to round them up. With the end of rampant crime and unnecessary bloodshed in sight, we at the Ministry see no fault in celebrating, even if raucous and dangerously risky. I assert our inalienable right to party."
That, of course, is in response to the number of owls being sent across the country and the various other celebratory showings that show a blatant disregard for the Statute of Secrecy. The Muggles could not find a way to explain the huge number of owls or the "shooting stars" that lit up the pre-dawn sky. Fortunately, the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes didn't see the necessity in oblivating every Muggle who noticed, thus saving them a lot of work.
For more on He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's reign of terror and demise, celebrations, and the Potters, continue on page A3.
Well, Dumbledore sure worked fast. There was already no mention of a daughter in this article, meaning he had managed to erase the identity of a child in mere hours. What terrifying power this old man had.
Article aside, shopping was going to be a bit crazy today with the crowd, but he would try to get it over with anyway. Hopefully, he would only need to do one round of shopping and not stick around any longer than necessary.
Entering a shop called Flourish and Blotts, he instantly noticed that the shop was much bigger on the inside than it looked from the outside. Now, Rimuru wasn't a bookworm or anything of the sort, but he felt that going through Diagon Alley's bookstores was important for two main reasons. Most importantly, he wanted to raise Amaryllis so that she knew not only the magic of his world but also the magic of her own world. His secondary reason was that he wanted to seek out new ideas for skills, new methods for potion making, and other things like that. It would surely keep his researchers busy for a while.
Going through the shelves for anything that seemed remotely useful to him, he picked up all seven volumes of The Standard Book of Spells, A History of Magic, Magical Theory, Defensive Magical Theory, all three Guides to Transfiguration (Beginner's, Intermediate, Advanced), One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, Magical Drafts and Potions, Advanced Potion-Making, Book of Potions, The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, The Essential Defense Against the Dark Arts, Numerology and Grammatica, Spellman's Syllabary, The Complete Runic Dictionary, A Guide to Everyday Charms, Eccentrics: Advanced Charms, and all four Guides to Alchemy (Beginner's, Intermediate, Advanced, Master's). It was quite the list, and quite heavy, but it would be a good amount of information. He found it rather strange that the books on alchemy were stuffed in the back and seemingly never touched. It was far from useless, so why did people ignore it?
Going to the counter to pay, the shopkeeper's eyes opened wide at the massive stack of books being carried. In fact, it was actually taller than Rimuru's human form. Handing the shopkeeper the 83 galleons and 14 sickles as requested, he then turned into an empty aisle before dumping his stack of books into yet another Imaginary Space. Hoping he had not been seen, he left Flourish and Blotts and headed for the two apothecaries across the street. There, he bought some of everything he didn't have available back in the Federation in addition to the stuff he had simply never heard of, like billywig stings. Eating up another hundred or so galleons between the two shops, he was suddenly very glad he didn't have to worry about money.
Wandering around, he passed through a couple of joke shops, a handful of bookstores, and finally a travel agency named TerrorTours. The joke shops weren't very helpful and the bookstores were generally more of the same albeit with something interesting here and there, but the travel agency held something very helpful. There, they sold an assortment of potions and devices that would give the user knowledge of a certain language as if they were a native speaker, sort of like what Ciel was doing for him at the moment. Best of all, they carried several dozen languages, including English. He also considered buying a bunch of potions containing another language to use as a secret code in his world, but ultimately decided against it because it would get too complicated.
He had eventually also found Knockturn Alley, which he thought looked very suspicious and fit for a criminal hideout. His thoughts were only strengthened when he went into a bookstore and found shelves full of Dark Arts, which he bought nonetheless. He was grateful that the shopkeeper barely batted an eye when he walked out with about half the shop's books.
And so, he ended up in Ollivander's, hoping to learn something about wands and wand making. Apparently, the Ollivander family had owned the place for 2363 years, only making wands, so how could they not have a great amount of knowledge? That said, he found it rather strange that the current owner tried to sneak up on him from behind when he entered. Of course, [Magic Perception] saw right through the attempt, but it was still odd nonetheless. The owner was only more surprised when someone he had never seen before, and he had an excellent memory, had not come in for a wand, but rather facts about what makes up a wand. At first, Ollivander thought that the woman with silvery blue hair (Rimuru) was just trying to steal trade secrets, but when confronted about it, the accusation was only denied. That was no lie and Ollivander could easily tell as a professional judge of character. Eventually, he relented and told the woman the basics of each material he used, which took up quite a while considering how many different woods could be used in combination with various cores, lengths, and flexibilities.
And why would Rimuru be asking about something as boring as what a wand is made out of? So he could get more powerful materials that might match Amaryllis when she would eventually need a wand, of course. He would leave the wand making to Ollivander since he was the expert, but he could at least hope to spoil Amaryllis a little with better materials.
Thanking Ollivander, he handed the wandmaker a handful of galleons as thanks for the lesson, though it took a few minutes to convince the man that he should take the money. Finished with his shopping and information collection, he used Time Warp to return to the Federation.