Chapter Four

Natsu could sense Lucy's discomfort. His anger softened into concern as he watched her, crumpled up into a tiny ball on the ground. He could feel Wendy staring at him, edging him on to go talk to her. He raised himself up and walked over and took a seat down next to her.

"Hey, I'm sorry alright?" He apologized, "I never meant to hurt you."

She looked up at him, her body pale, "It's nothing…" She whispered, gently pulling herself up while hugging her knees to her chest.

He sat down next to her, "Hey…" He began, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling the girl against his shoulder, "Hey, hey, hey, calm down. You can stop crying now, I'm sorry Luce."

"No." She sniffled, wiping tears from her eyes, "It's not you…" She said, "Well, it kind of is."


"Well, for starters, you're so stubborn you won't let me save your life!"

"What are you talking about?"

"There are very skilled wizards out there trying to catch me for ransom, and if they found out that I was here with you, then you could be hurt in the process." She stated, "That's why I-"

"Hold up." He commanded, "Why are people hunting you down for cash? What are you worth for?"

She looked up at him, feeling slightly hurt by his wrong choice of words. She simply cleared her throat and sighed, "The truth is, I'm actually a debutante." She admitted, "I come from a really wealthy family, where my Father usually spends most of his time in the estate."

There was a pause between the two and for a second Lucy thought Natsu didn't hear her. That would be ridiculous, of course, because it had been proven many times that he had amazing hearing.

She was about to repeat the question, when he started laughing his stupid ass off.

"You?" He shouted, "A fancy little rich girl? You really expect me to believe that?"

"It's the tru—"

"Oh, please. You're lying to me, now tell me the truth." He commanded, "Why were you being chased by those guys?"

"I already told you why!"

"Quit playing along with that dumb lie, we all know that it's not true."

"For your information—" She began, "You are the only person I have ever told this to, so quit laughing at me because I'm telling the truth!"

He chuckled again, and that was when Lucy's tears turned into sobs. She stood up and got intensely close to him, making the dragon blush. She raised her hand and struck him across the face, "You stupid, moronic, ridiculous, doofus, damn idiot, clueless, annoyi—"

He felt the side of his face, which was now hurting from the impact. His entire body caught on fire and he glared at her, "Lucy, how dare you! Don't you know what I am?"

The blond flinched but held her own. She wouldn't let Natsu's flames get to her, she refused to show her fear.

"I know perfectly well what you are! Now, if you think you can scare me you are dead wrong!"

"Why would you ever lie to me, you stupid girl!" He shouted, causing Lucy to freeze up.

"Lucy, where have you been? You were supposed to make an appearance at the gala this evening. Why would you avoid such an event? I was about to show off my most prized possession!"

8-year-old Lucy stared up at her Father, a smile forming on her face. Did he finally come to love her? Had he really just called her his most prized possession?

"Father, I'm sorry. It seems I have gotten a cold, and I did not want to get our guests sick. I am honored though, that you think so highly of me. Knowing that I am your most prized possession—"

"What are you blabbering on about? I was showing off a vase that was worth over thirty million jewel. You were supposed to be there to wave hello to all the guests as they entered. Now, once again, why do you avoid such an important event?"

"Father, I already told you that I have gotten sick."

"Stop these lies! After everything I've done for you, why would you ever lie to me, you stupid girl!"

"But Father, I'm not-"

"Shut your Mouth! You shall be punished for this, you lazy child. This is why I wanted a boy, not a useless, disobedient girl like you!" He raised his hand and struck her across the face repeatedly.

By the time he had left, Lucy's cheeks were covered in bruises. She cried herself to sleep that night, under the care of Ms. Spetto, who stayed with her until morning came.

Lucy's foot slipped on the edge of the cliff as she stared fearfully at the raging dragon boy standing before her, his body aflame.

The ground crumbled below her, and she began to fall. She closed her eyes and smiled, looking strangely peaceful. Soon, the impact would come, and she would be no more. The world would be better without her, and all the people she cared about would be safe.

"Lucy!" Natsu shouted, returning to his dragon form and diving down to catch her. He was so focused on saving her that he didn't even notice the obstacles in front of him, groaning when he hit his head against something hard that made his head spin.

There was a bright, golden glow ahead of him that came from Lucy herself. His vision was blurry, but he thought he saw a woman, not a dragon, catch her. His eyes slowly closed, though somehow he managed to flap his wings so he landed back on the cliff before he passed out.

"What do you think you're doing?" Aquarius shouted at the blond, who opened her eyes at the sound of her first friend's voice. She was more than shocked when she saw tears in the mermaid's eyes.

"Aquarius…" Lucy mumbled, "You opened your own gate."

"Yeah, so what?" She shouted, setting her on the ground and refusing to let the girl go, wondering how she was being so calm about this. The blond had barely escaped death, and yet she was acting like this was nothing.

"I thought you hated me."

"You think that matters right now? You almost got yourself killed, what the hell were you thinking?"

"I didn't jump." Lucy said, "The ground broke from under me. I wasn't scared, Aquarius."

"What, because you were stupid enough to think that one of us would catch you? You can't count on that every time you know."

"I know. I guess I was just ready to die."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I've been thinking about it for a while, how the world would be better without me. I almost got murdered a couple minutes ago. That's not the way I want to die, though. I want to pass on my own terms."

"No... " The mermaid mumbled, her tears intensifying, "No! You're never leaving m—all of us behind, okay? Seriously, what kind of idiot are you?"

"I'm sorry…"

"You better be. Because if you ever try to die again, I'll kill you."

Lucy chuckled, "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."

"Now, who's this asshole who tried to murder you?" Aquarius asked, a sudden raging fire in her eyes, "I'm gonna kill him."

"Up that cliff, but—"

"UUUGGGGGHHHHHH!" She shouted, already flying up the hill holding Lucy in her arms. Her eyes stared down at the dragon, "IT WAS YOU!" She shouted, "YOU ALMOST KILLED MY WIZARD! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, YOU SCALY BEAST? I'M GONNA KILL YOU!"

A/N: Well, here I am, finally back from hiatus! I wasn't sure what to do with this chapter, but I still hope that you like it. Thank y'all and I hope you enjoy! Oh, and stay tuned for another chapter of Mate of Fate!

