AN: I hereby award a free, virtual hug to anybody and everybody who knows the song. It's really short, even for me, so I do apologise. I wrote in my lunch break. This is dedicated to everybody who is doing their exams or is about to do their exams.


Jeremy lay reading. He looked up when Michael entered the room. He was carrying a record. Jeremy went back to his book. He heard the soft thud of a needle hitting a record, signalling the start of the record, and felt Michael come sit on the bed next to him.

He put his book down when he heard the start of the song. It was the song that had been playing when they had first met, several years ago now.

"Michael... you didn't have to do this. But thank you so much for doing it anyway"

"I'm glad you appreciate it, it took ages to find"

Where did you find this? I tried to find it but..."

"This woman I know, they say she can find anything, she owed me a favour and..."

They kissed as the song's intro ended and George Elrick began to sing, 'Standing by the fruit stall on the corner...'