Hey everyone! I just wanted to start off with a little bit of context for this particular fic before you get to reading.
I came up with the initial idea for this character and story about 10 years ago after my obsession with Iron Man grew, but I never felt confident enough to actually write it. After I saw Endgame, something sparked inside of me and I felt inspired to finally write this story, especially now that I had motivation for how the story would end. The last time I wrote any fan fiction, or anything for fun for that matter, was around 8 years ago. So, consider this as my writing comeback. It may not be the most spectacular thing you'll ever read, but it's something that I've most definitely enjoyed planning and writing; and I hope you enjoy reading it as well. I tried to work Alex's story into the already established MCU timeline, which has definitely been an entire task within itself - so please bear with me if there are a few hiccups here and there with it. Her story begins in 2013, after the events of the first Avengers film as well as Iron Man 3, and it will span over the course of 10 years through the events of Endgame. So just as a forewarning, this will definitely be a long work in progress.
Additionally, I've compiled a playlist on Spotify to "accompany" the aesthetic of this story. The chapter titles are from songs within the playlist that I felt were appropriate to represent the feel of each respective chapter. More songs will probably get added as I continue to write, but it is what it is. Here's a link if you would like to listen: open[dot]spotify[dot]com/user/1230076395/playlist/0rTA2W7MoTfht7EUfOr2Qk?si=e13e2nqCQ0uo2u9Nan5QsQ
That being said, I'm going to stop rambling now and let you get to the story. Once again, I hope you enjoy it - and, of course, feedback is always much appreciated! :)
- Faylor