Alright, guys so here is the first chapter of the remake I've been working on. This remake combines chapters 1-3 of the original story which have been removed as well as the prologue as I want people to read this first instead. For new readers, I know it says there are more chapters, but I'm currently in the process of rewriting and combining chapters so some parts may not make sense.

Ch. 1 Remake

'Nobody will miss them'









"...Stupid alarm shut up already *Click*."



"UGH! *Smash*."


"That's better..."

*Door Opens*

"Ruby, wake up already!"

"...Five more minutes..."

"Don't you five minute me now come on get up!"

"Wha! Yang stop I'm gonna fal-"


"Owww! Yang, that hurt!"

"If you don't want me to drag you out of bed, then get up yourself now hurry up and get dressed mom has breakfast ready!"


"And clean your room geez it's so dusty in here," Her sister said, wiping off the dust that had fallen on her when she pulled Ruby out of bed.

With an annoyed huff, she picks herself off the floor, making her way towards the bathroom to brush her teeth. Washing her hands thoroughly after she finished, Ruby began combing her hair to get rid of the nasty bed hair that was present. It didn't take much time seeing as her hair was short, only reaching her shoulder much like her mother. Satisfied with her hair, she moved to her dresser to pick her outfit for the day.

"Okay, let's see hmm how about this shirt *Sniff* ugh I really need to wash this okay how about this one *Sniff* alright this smells decent, and it's black too it'll go with these blue jeans that don't look to dirty," nodding at her choice she began changing when her bedroom door opened and a young man with raven-colored hair stepped in partially.

"What's taking you so long, kiddo? Breakfast is gonna get cold," panicked that she was being seen in a not so decent appearance Ruby grabbed her blanket covering herself.

"Uncle Qrow! Don't you know your suppose to knock before entering a young lady's room!" she scolded the young man who didn't seem phased. He looked around her room before smirking at her, "What young lady?"

"Get Out!" Throwing the first thing she could get her hands-on, she expected to hit him square in the face only for him to close the door in time.

"When you find this 'young lady' bring her down for breakfast so I can meet her," with a cocky laugh, her Uncle left, leaving an annoyed Ruby to finish changing and pick up her destroyed alarm clock that was near the door.

"Geez, Uncle Qrow, you're so mean!" punching him as she sat down next to him at the dinner table.

With a grin on his face, he ruffled her hair annoying her more, "I was only telling the truth, Kiddo, you're still too young to be called a lady your still like six years old, right?"

Smacking his hand away, she glared at her Uncle, "I'm ten years old!"

"Oh? Really? Are you sure? You don't look like you grew much you're still so short," Ruby pouted she hated when people called her short or anything involving her height.

"Qrow stop being such a bully," Qrow chuckled as Ruby's mother came to her rescue.

"I was only messin with her now, let's dig in, shall we?" clapping his hands excitedly, he reached for his utensils when Ruby's mother smacked on the hand.

"Ah ah ah not yet we still need to wait for Yang and Tai," crossing his arms, he began to groan in annoyance.

"Don't be such a baby Qrow," she scolded

"Where'd they go?" Ruby asked while eyeing her fluffy pancakes with strawberries on top.

"They went out to the backyard to spar since my little rose was busy trying to find this 'young lady.'"

"Mom! That's not funny!" shaking her arms angrily while she and Qrow both chuckled at the young redhead.

*Back door opens*

"Alright, we're back!" Ruby's older sister chirped with her dad following behind.

"How was your sparring?" her mother asked as she got up to kiss her husband on the cheek.

"It went fine aside from the fact that Yang tried to dropkick me a bunch of times," the young blond giggled as she took her seat next to her younger sister.

"Why are you practicing your dropkicks?" the younger sister asked.

"I saw on TV someone dropkick an Ursa and thought that was so kick-ass, and I wanted to be able to do it too!" Ruby and her Uncle shared her enthusiasm for dropkicking an Ursa while her parents scolded her not to swear.

"Now that we're all here let's dig in!" clapping his hands once more, he reached for his utensils only to be smacked on the hand again.

"What now?" he said with an irritated tone.

"Let Tai and the girls wash their hands first Qrow," with another annoyed huff he crossed his arms and glared at Tai to hurry up.

"Come on, girls, let's wash our hands before Uncle Qrow beats us up," Tai joked as he walked to the sink.

"Kay!" the young blood stood up and followed, but the other stayed seated.

"But my hands aren't even dirty! I washed them after I brushed my teeth!" Ruby protested, waving her hands at her mother.

"Ruby, your hands have dust on them," her father pointed out.

"Yea, Sis, look at them."

"Wha! No way!" looking at her hands, expecting them to be wrong only to see they were right. There were specs of reddish dust on her palms aswell on the tips of her fingers.

"Hehe, some lady you are can't even wash your hands properly," her Uncle joked, annoying and embarrassing her.

"S-shut up!" she yelled, pelting her Uncle with her tiny fists in a cartoonish way.

"Ruby Rose, that's enough," her mother said in a serious tone.


"No buts young lady, you know you can't eat with dirty hands now go wash them," not wanting to argue she stood up and stomped her way to the sink sticking her tongue out at her Uncle who was still snickering.

"You need to stop playing in the dirt, Rubes," her sister teased.

"But I'm not! I didn't even go outside yesterday!" she argued

"Then, where did the dirt come from?"

"That's what I want to know!" her sister rolled her eyes.

"Then how do you explain all the dust in your room?"

"What dust?"

"You seriously didn't notice all the dust in your room when you woke up?" I was practically suffocating in there its even the same color as your hair see."

"Your lying! I just cleaned my room yesterday; it should have been spotless!" she countered.

"Surrreeee you did," her sister said, sarcastically leaving a pouting Ruby. She wasn't lying; Ruby really did clean her room yesterday. One could argue on her definition of spotless, but it should have at least been dust-free. So, where did this reddish dust come from? Looking at her hands again, she noticed there was a faint glow on some of the dust on Ruby's finger. Out of curiosity, she licked her finger, expecting to taste dirt only to be surprised that it tasted completely different. It was sweet and sugary, almost like candy. Ruby also felt something like a small jolt of energy. The strange jolt left as fast as it came leaving Ruby puzzled at what she felt. Seeing there was still some glowing dust left on her finger, she was about to lick it again.

"Ewww Rubes, are you licking the dust off your finger!" Her older sister's sudden outburst startled the young girl.

"I-I was just checking to see if it actually was dust l-like what if it was just sugar from those sugar canes Uncle Qrow bought us!" she said, quickly waving her hands.

"Annnnndddd? Was it sugar?"

"W-well, it tasted sweet, so uh, maybe?" she said meekly.

"Let me see," grabbing Ruby's hand; she licked her finger that had some glowing dust left.

"Blegh! This is disgusting!" she cried out, spitting out the dust she licked.

"Yang! if your gonna spit do it in the sink, not on the kitchen floor," her father scolded.

"Blegh! Ruby, you tricked me you said it tasted sweet!"

"I said maybe it tasted sweet," she corrected, earning a glare from her sister.

After washing there hands, they and returned to there seats.

"Alright, now let's dig in!" clapping his hands once more, he reached for some toast.

"Ah ah, a-" Ruby's mother attempted to smack his hand once more only this time he wasn't taking no for an answer, grabbing it and shoving it in his mouth.

"You only get two Summer," he said with a smirk getting a frown from her. She was about to scold him when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Now now, honey Qrow's been waiting the longest to eat."

"*Sigh* Fine, you get a pass this time Qrow."

"Thanf Jew," he said between chews making the two young girls giggle.

"Thanks for breakfast, Mom!" both girls said in unison, putting their plates in the sink.

"Your welcome now go get your stuff for school," both nodded, dashing off to there rooms for there backpacks. Entering her room, Ruby pulled her backpack from the closet.

"Alright, homework check pencils and pens check comic books to read during boring classes double check!" slinging her backpack on her back. Ruby was about to leave when she remembered something her sister said.

'You seriously didn't notice all the dust in your room when you woke up?'

Scanning her room, Ruby noticed there was dust sprinkled everywhere the same reddish dust that was on her palms and fingers.

"Where did all this dust come from? I know I cleaned yesterday, hmmm," trying to recall if there was an instance where dust or dirt may have been involved yesterday but was drawing blanks. Crouching down, Ruby slid a finger across the floor, smudging some of the dust on her finger. It was dim, but the dust was glowing as it did before. Not thinking twice, she licked the dust off her finger again. It tasted the same as before sweet and surgery, followed by the same jolt of energy that came and went.

"Yang said it tasted nasty, but it's so sweet does it maybe taste differently for other people?" Ruby was about to slide her finger for more till her sister banged on her door

"Ruby, hurry up or where gonna be late for school!"

"C-coming!" deciding she'd worry about this later, she left her room heading downstairs.

"Do you girls have everything?" her father asked.

"Yup!" Yang said with confidence.

"I think I do!" Ruby said with slightly less confidence getting a sigh from her father.

"I guess that'll have to do," opening the front door, he gestured his daughters that it was time to go.

"Bye, Mom!" they both said while waving goodbye.

"Bye have fun at school, you two," she said warmly, waving goodbye aswell.

"Don't forget this kiddo!" her Uncle waved a red hoodie at the young redhead.

"My sweater!" Ruby dashed towards her Uncle, grabbing it and putting it on. It was her favorite hoodie that was red as her hair with a rose emblem on the back.

"Wouldn't want our 'lady' to freeze to death now, do we?" flashing another smirk.

"You're not gonna stop this anytime soon, are you?" she asked with a frown on her face.

"Nooopppppeeee," with a chuckle, he ruffled her hair.

"Now get going, or you'll be late," giving her Uncle a reluctant hug she left.

As they walked, her sister and dad made small talk about there plans in the afternoon while Ruby pondered where the dust came from. It wasn't ordinary dust, that's for sure. The only thing she could think of would be the dust Huntsman used for there weapons, which would explain why it was glowing — seeing as her parents and Uncle where Veteran Huntsmen and Huntress that would go on missions every now on then they always carried dust with them.

'Could one of them maybe have dropped some in my room by accident?'

'No, that can't be it; everyone always puts there dust away before they come inside, so this doesn't happen.' Her next thought was maybe her sister may have swiped some in secret to practice using it, which happened quite often. 'If that's the case, the dust would be in Yang's room, not mine.' she was so deep in thought that she didn't notice her sister warning her about the pole she was about to hit.



"Owwwww," cringing in pain, she rubbed her forehead that had gotten bruised from hitting the pole.

"I told ya to watch out for the pole Rubes," her sister offered a hand to help her up.

"S-sorry I was lost in thought," taking her hand, she stood back up.

"What's on your mind, Ruby?' her father asked a little curious since it was uncharacteristic for Ruby to have been so quiet as they walked to school.

"Well, I just trying to figure where'd the dust on my hands came from."

'I thought we'd agreed that it came from you rolling around in the dirt," her sister quipped.

"No, we didn't agree that's just what you assumed," she argued.

"Well, I'm right, aren't I?"

"No! This isn't even regular dust you'd find outside!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I looked closer at the dust, and it was glowing-" before she could continue, her dad put a hand on her shoulder.

"Ruby, have you been swiping dust from the storage shed again?"

"N-no, I haven't gotten any since Yang got caught by mom," shaking her head and arms in denial.

"*Sigh* you girls need to stop getting your hands on this stuff it's hazardous you could potentially hurt yourself," lecturing them as they walked.

"Wait! Does that mean the stuff I licked off your finger was dust like the special dust that people use for just about everything?"

"Uh, yeah, I think so why?"

"Ruby! that stuff is deadly if you ingest it!"

"What!" both beginning to panic as they scanned each other's face for any symptoms.



"Calm down, you two, you'll be fine."

"B-but, Dad! I heard that if you ingest dust, you'd explode!" Ruby then recalled when she licked the dust, she felt the jolt of energy, and her face went white.

"D-dad am I gonna explode?" her voice laced with worry.

"Yang stop scaring your sister and no Ruby your not gonna explode."

"How can you be so sure?"

"You said it was glowing faintly, right?"


"Then it was probably diluted dust the worst thing that happens if you drink that is you'd vomit even then you'd have to drink a whole vial's worth of it for it even to affect you," hearing there father's explanation eased there worries.

"Phew, that was close, Ruby, you need to be more careful!"

"Hey! I didn't ask you to lick my finger!"

"I only licked it because you said it tasted like candy!"

"Alright, that's enough, you two; we don't wanna attract Grimm by shouting at each other, right?" both nodding apologizing to one another.

"Good now come on let's pick up the pace were falling behind."

They walked in silence for a bit till Ruby spoke up.

"So dad, if diluted dust makes you vomit, what do the other type of dust do?" her father signed knowing one of them would eventually ask this question he would prefer they didn't know since it wasn't a pleasant topic for kids, but knowing them they'd eventually find out probably from there Uncle Qrow.

"Well, raw dust would make you extremely sick some people have described it like their whole body was being burned from the inside sweating like crazy."

"Can you die?"

"If you don't receive proper medical treatment, yes, you can."

"For filtered dust, your stomach bursts along with some of your organs; it's not a pretty way to go."

"So, you basically blow up from the inside!"

"Hmm yeah, that's one way to describe it."

"Last is pure dust now; no one has ever tried to ingest this, but there are some theories at what would happen."

"Do you start glowing!"

"Do you get superpowers!"

"Are you able to fly!" both girls shooting their ideas quickly, not giving there dad time to reply.

"Haha, no, unfortunately, you don't get amazing abilities."

"Awwww, boooooo."

"Then what does happen?"

"Well, scientists have theorized that if ingested, you'd melt into goo."

"What!" both surprised not expecting this.

"Why would you melt?"

"Well, first, can either of you tell me what dust is?" both girls raised their hands as if they were in class.

"Alright, Yang, let's hear what you learned."

"It's the stuff we used to kick Grimm's ass!" her dad laughed at how confident she was.

"Close, but not quite what I was looking for, Ruby?"

"Dust is a crystallized form of natural energy that can be found throughout all of Remnant, because of its useful properties we use it for just about everything like generating electricity to power cities, fuel our ships and it's our greatest weapon against the Grimm," Ruby puffed her chest happy with her explanation while her sister murmured 'Know it all' under her breath.

"Correct good job Kiddo," as her father praised her and ruffled her hair, she shot a smug look at her sister, irritating the young blond.

"I'm Ruby Rose. I'm sooooooo smart. I know everything cuz I'm a smarty pants," feeling jealous and bitter Yang mocked her young sibling.

"Dad, Yang's being mean!"

"Now now no need to fight," both looked away with a huff.

"Okay, now where was I? Ah yeah, just as Ruby said, dust is a crystallized form of energy. When we ingest it, our stomach tries to absorb the energy; unfortunately, our bodies aren't compatible with this type of power. So it will try to get rid of it by either regurgitating or sweating it out, but this only applies to diluted and raw dust since the energy these holds are greatly diminished. For filtered and pure dust that holds much more concentrated power, our bodies can't handle it, it's just too much, which is why, as Yang said, we explode from the inside, or we'd melt from all the excessive energy."

"Dang, that sounds ruff good thing you only had diluted dust on your hands, Rubes."

"Yeah, I'll say I don't think I'd like being a puddle of goo."

"Now, you girls have an idea why you should never eat it, and I hope you won't try it to see if I'm telling the truth."

"Don't worry; we won't!"

As they continued to make small talk, Ruby noticed something in the distance.

"Dad were here!" Ruby pointed at her school that was slowing appearing on the horizon.

"Hmm? Looks like we are, and we didn't run into Grimm. That's a good sign."

"Even if we did, I'm sure we can take them, right dad!" Yang pumped her fist in the air, confident with her response.

"Easy there kiddo, you may have unlocked your semblance, but that doesn't mean you're ready to fight Grimm just yet."

"Awwww, but why? I already know how to cloak my body in aura to protect myself, and I'm already super strong nobody in school can beat me!" her father laughed as the young blond flexed, showing her childlike muscles.

"You definitely are strong, Yang."

"Super strong!" she corrected

"Haha, yes, super strong, but being able to beat a person is different from being able to beat a Grimm."

"How so?"

"Well, for starters, when you miss a dropkick on an Ursa, it isn't going to let you get back up just because you called time out," he explained.

"That's why I'm practicing! So when the time comes, I won't miss like I did earlier during our practice session in the morning!"

"Which reminds me where are we training today?"

"Your school's gym, I got permission to use it after classes are over."

"Sweet! That way, we don't have to worry about destroying mom's stuff again."

"Yeah you can say that again she was pretty angry when she saw what we did," her father scratched his chin recalling when he and Yang were so engrossed in there usual training sessions that they didn't notice their brawl had spilled to Summer's garden destroying it earning them both a scolding and no supper.

Finally, arriving at the gates of there school Patch Unified School District the two girls tried to dash in quickly, but their father stopped them. Their father crouched down and spread his arms wide.

"Alright, you two, you know the drill," The sister's sighed. They looked around to make sure no one they knew was watching them then dived into there father's arms.

"That's my girls alright good luck at school today," Yang was the first to break free from her father's goodbye hug and dashed inside excited to tell her friends she would be training in the gym after school. Ruby lingered a bit, waiting for her sister to be out of ear distance before asking her father something.

"H-hey Dad, do you think that maybe I could join you guys for combat training?" she asked meekly.

Her father knew this question was coming when he mentioned that they would be training at the gym today. Still, it didn't make it any easier for him. He placed an arm on her shoulder, speaking in a soft voice.

"...Sorry sweetie, but you still haven't unlocked your semblance yet you'd only end up getting hurt," Ruby's face saddened. She knew this would be his answer; it always was.

"Hey, hey, don't look so sad Ruby I'm sure your semblance is bound to awaken anytime now you just have to be patient," Ruby nodded, but wouldn't meet her father's eyes. Before he could say something else to comfort her, the school's bell rung, prompting the young girl to dash inside running to her first class of the day.

Ruby sighed gloomily as she sat down at her desk. She couldn't count how many times her father refused to allow Ruby to train with them, because of her lack of semblance. She hated hearing the same thing over and over. Still, her father was right. If an average person tried to train with a semblance user, they'd most definitely get injured. The reason being is when a person awakens there semblance, they also begin to generate an aura. This aura they produce enhances all of the body's physical attributes, making them faster, stronger, and more durable. Which sounds incredible, but this also meant they become a danger to ordinary people. If a user who hasn't been taught how to control their newfound strength were to fight an average person, they could possibly kill them. Now Ruby was confident her father wouldn't accidentally punch her into the afterlife. He was a veteran Huntsman with 20 years of experience, after all. Yang, on the other hand, was not. Even though Yang has been training for about 2 years now since unlocking her semblance, she still hasn't quite gotten a firm grasp on her strength. Combine this with the fact that Yang's semblance is the ability to create and manipulate fire, which she has also yet to fully control as well. It was the perfect recipe for disaster. Being punched to death would be the least of her worries. She was pulled out of her self-loathing hearing the teacher clap her hands to gain everyone's attention.

"Alright, everyone take out your composition books were going to do our morning vocabulary," rummaging of backs packs could be heard as the students pulled out their composition book with a pencil or pen. The teacher scanned to make sure everyone was ready before starting the lesson, and of course, she spotted someone who wasn't prepared.

"Mark, where is your composition book?" the teacher giving the young boy a stern look with her arms crossed.

"Sorry, teach I forgot it at home," he said with a cheeky grin on his face.

The teacher rolled her eyes, not believing him, after all, he was the school's biggest trouble maker. The teacher, not wanting to waste valuable time on lecturing him, gestured toward his neighbor sitting next to him.

"Ruby can you please lend Mark a few sheets of paper-"

"And a pen!" the teacher facepalmed at how unprepared he was while he snickered.

"And a pen so Mark can do his work," with a quick nod, Ruby tore a few sheets of paper from her notebook and grabbed the ugliest pen she could find and handed it to him.

"Thank's stumpy!" She frowned as he took the supplies.

"Okay, everyone, same as always. I'm going to write down a series of words on the board, and I want you to write them down along with the definition and use it in a sentence. Any questions? Good begin," as Ruby began her assignment, she heard paper being torn from her neighbor but ignored it since it was probably Mark messing around not wanting to do his work.




"Ewwww," Ruby winced in disgust as she wiped a spitball that hit her on the cheek.

"Hehe headshot," he giggled as he loaded another torn piece of paper into the tube from the pen he got from Ruby. Before Mark could shoot another one at her, Ruby raised her hand.

"Ms. Henderson! Mark is shooting spitballs at me!" the teacher stood up from her desk, walking towards them with an annoyed expression.

"Mark! What did I tell you about shooting spitballs in class!" Mark shrugged his shoulders, feigning ignorance irritating the teacher even more.

"That's detention for you for the whole week, young man!" with an annoyed huff Mark dug, his hands in his pockets, sending Ruby glares every now and then as the class progressed.

"Alright, that'll be all for today remember we have a test on Friday so be sure to do your review it'll help you," with that teacher gathered her stuff and left. Ruby was about to do the same when a sudden burst of wind sent her supplies flying across the room, startling the whole class except for Ruby.

"Whata hell's wrong with you!" she yelled at Mark, who was laughing at what he did.

"That's what you get for being a damn snitch!" he shouted back.

"You could of hurt someone with your semblance!"

"Pfft HA! I'm not a loose cannon like your sister I've already mastered my semblance I'm practically a Huntsman already!" he boasted.

"No, your not! It takes lots of training before you can become a Huntsman!

"Says who? Your mediocre Huntsman of a dad or your alcoholic Uncle?" slamming her hands on the desk, Ruby stood up, giving him an angry glare before shouting.

"Don't insult my family!"

"Oh? What are you gonna do about it?" Ruby, not being baited, started walking towards the door to inform the teacher.

"Where do you think you're going!" a gust of wind appearing under Ruby, raising her into the air.

"P-put me down, Mark!" she yelled, wiggling her arms and legs, trying to break free of the wind that was suspending her.

"Make me, oh wait, you can't, you don't have a semblance!" twirling his fingers, the wind around Ruby began to spin her.

"S-stop it!" Ruby cried out, trying to grab onto something to stop herself from spinning. Mark just laughed Ruby's pleas where like music to his ears. The young girl began to feel sick as she kept turning. If this kept going, her breakfast would make an appearance.

Mark, please stop!" Mark grinned, noticing Ruby's face becoming pale, increased the speed she spun. Ruby started to feel her stomach turn violently she was reaching the point of no return any longer; she would show her classmates what she ate for breakfast.

"What's going on here!" a teacher walked in, hearing the commotion from outside, but was a second too late as Mark switched off his semblance, sitting back down on his chair playing the innocent bystander. While Ruby nosedived onto the cold tiled floor.

"Oh, just Ruby slipping and faceplanting on the ground, it was pretty hilarious," the teacher eyed Mark, not believing him but didn't have time to question him as the teacher dashed to check on the poor girl who was pinching her nose to stop it from bleeding.

"Hey, you alright, Ruby?" she wasn't able to answer as her head was still spinning along with her stomach. The teacher helped her up and took her to the nurse's office as Mark watched with a smile satisfied with what he had done.

"Here's some water and tissues."

"," taking the items the nurse handed her, she went inside the bathroom to clean herself up.


Locking the bathroom door so no one would walk in on her, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her nose was red-colored and slightly swollen with blood dripping out of it.

"Asshole," she murmured, wiping away the blood with tissues. Aside from being the worst trouble maker, Mark was also the biggest bully in the entire school who also happened to have a semblance, which made Ruby loathe him. After all, Ruby was raised to believe that one's semblance was to be used to protect others, not injure and harass them. This resulted in conflict between the two as Ruby wouldn't stand idly when Mark misused his semblance, unlike everyone else who turned a blind eye out of fear. But today was different from there previous confrontations. He'd usually just blow away her stuff then walk away and ditch school for the rest of the day. Mark had never used his powers to such an extent that he would lift her off the ground, and it frightened her. He was getting more adept at controlling his abilities; it wouldn't be long till his harassments escalated to something worse. She needed to tell the teacher what had happened. Splashing water on her face to clean the last of the blood, she turned to leave the bathroom but stopped short, hearing voices on the other end.

"Damn, that kid is such a pain in the ass."

"What he'd do this time?"

"I don't know I went back to figure out what happened, but everyone is too afraid to say," Ruby felt disappointed in her classmates she knew they where cowards, but still hoped that at least one of them would have said something.

"I don't blame them. It's hard for kids there age to stand up to a bully, especially one that has a semblance."

"Yeah, I know, but I know Ruby will tell me she's not afraid of him, and once she tells, I'll report it to the principal."

"But what's the point? He'll just get suspended for a day or two, then come back; its what always happens."

"No, not this time, I know for a fact Mark abused his semblance and injured Ruby, and when she confirms it, we'll have the evidence we need to expel him."

"That's good. I'm sure everyone would be relieved to see Mark gone." Ruby couldn't help but smile. Mark would finally be kicked out of school; all she had to do is tell the teacher what happened.

"But wait, it gets better with proof that semblance students are injuring regular students; we'll be to push for a non-semblance user policy."

"Non-semblance policy?"

"Basically, if our school adopts this policy, we'll be able to refuse semblance users to enroll in our school."

"What about the ones already enrolled?"

"They'll be forced to transfer to another school."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, I know Mark won't be missed, but other users like Ruby's older sister Yang she's a kind and upstanding person. I don't know if it be right to just kick them all out because we had one lousy user."

"...Yeah, I know she's a good kid, but a majority of the teachers here aren't trained on how to deal with young semblance users. Like for example, if Yang happened to lose control of her semblance and started lighting stuff on fire, would you know what to do?"

"...No, I wouldn't know what to do."

"See, that's what I mean our staff is severely undertrained and unequipped to handle these situations. I know it sounds like we want to get rid of them, but this is for the best young semblance users need to attend a school that's adequately prepared for them, not some school that bearly has enough money to hire Huntsman to protect it from Grimm."


*Door opening*

The nurse and teacher turned to see Ruby exiting the bathroom.

"Great, you're done," the teacher walked towards Ruby placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Ruby looked at the teacher hands curled up in a tight fist.

"...I-I...I tripped and fell..," the teacher looked flabbergasted, not believing what he was hearing.

"Ruby, I know that's not what happened. You can tell me. I can make sure Mark never does this ever again."

"N-no, Mark never had anything to do with what happened. I just kind of tripped trying to leave class."

"Then why was your stuff all the way on one side of the room and you on the other side?"

"...Because I dropped them when I...fell."

"Really? Because to me, it looked like someone through your stuff."

"N-no It was me when I fell I accidentally though my stuff hahaha I'm kinda a...klutz," putting on her best fakest smile and laugh as she lied. The teacher stared at her with a serious look he clearly didn't believe what she said, but there was nothing he could do if Ruby didn't want to tell the truth.

"Ruby, are you sure that's what happened?"

"...Yeah, that's what happened," Ruby's head dropped not looking the teacher in the eye she didn't even believe herself.



"Alright, go on back to class," Ruby walked past the teacher leaving the nurse's office.

"She's lying," the nurse spoke after Ruby was gone.

"Yea, I know the question is why? Ruby has always told us when Mark was misbehaving, so why to stop now?"

"Maybe she was scared."

"Maybe...I'll try asking her again tomorrow."


"You god damn coward," she insulted herself while banging her head on the wall. This wasn't fair for the young girl; if she wanted to have Mark expelled and be rid of him, she'd also be condemning her sister to a similar fate. The only other school, her sister, would be able to transfer to would be Signal Academy as it was the only school geared towards semblance users who strived to become huntsman and huntresses. Which sounds perfect if it wasn't located on the very bottom of the island they lived on. It would take two full days just to walk there. Her sister would be forced to move closer to the school so she could attend. Ruby was sure Yang wouldn't mind. However, Ruby did she wanted to attend the same school as her sister till they both graduated, and that wouldn't be possible if she transferred as it was a semblance user only school. That's why she lied.

When she finished sulking, she walked to the library, not really feeling like going to class and dealing with Mark again, who happened to be in almost all her courses. Opening the door slowly, she peeked inside to see to make sure no one was around. When the coast was clear, she went in. Ruby loved to read; it was her favorite way to pass the time. She even volunteered to work at the library so she could read all of the new books they get before anyone else. Walking down the aisle, she pulled a book off the shelf. Not wanting to sit down at a table since they were facing the window where people could see her. She opted to sit down where she was and opened her book titled 'What is a Semblance.' It described semblance's as the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual, with the effects varying greatly from user to user. The book then listed several semblances, with some being rather lame like just being able to increase the length of your nails at will and others being awesome like being able to fly. She flipped through the pages telling of semblance's history as that wasn't what she wanted to read right now, flipping through a few more pages till reaching her desired chapter. 'Chapter 10- Unlocking One's Semblance' ever since Yang unlocked her semblance, Ruby has been rereading this chapter almost every day trying to do the same. This chapter, like how it was titled, described ways an individual had unlocked there semblance. The most common was exceeding one's physical limits, one example being someone had done 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and ran 10 KM every day. 'This person must be insanely strong. He could probably beat everything in one punch' is what she thought when she read this the first time. Other traditional methods were traumatic or life-threatening events that unlocked it. Which is how Yang awakened her semblance. When they were younger, Ruby and her sister would always go out and play in the forest. Their parents would always warn them not to go too deep as they could be attacked by Grimm, but being the rebellious girls they were, they didn't listen. Sure enough, one day, they were attacked by an Ursa, a type of Grimm like bear. Yang told her to run and get help while she fended it off. When Ruby returned with her parents, they found Yang passed out on the ground. Everything in a mile radius, including the Ursa, was burned to a crisp. As she recalled the memory, Ruby wondered that if she had stayed would've, she unlocked her semblance as well. Shaking her head as there was no way to change the past, she turned the page and kept on reading.

'Although everyone is born with a dormant semblance, not everyone has the potential to awaken it.' Ruby hated reading this part. It went on to say out of the entire population of Remnant only 20 percent would unlock there semblance. The 80 percent would live ordinary lives, never know what's it like to have a semblance. Ruby prayed she wasn't the majority. The next few paragraphs affirmed that being born from parents that have unlocked semblances increased the child's chances as well, but it wasn't guaranteed. Which gave her hope, even if it wasn't a lot. She flipped the page reaching the last section before another chapter would start.

'Many had described that moments before there semblance awakened there chest felt light and warm. Then when it happened, they felt a great sense of euphoria as their body unleashed their unique aura with there semblance showing itself shortly after.'

Yang and her family can attest that this was almost spot-on on how they felt. Her Uncle claimed he didn't feel anything at all; it just sort of happened. From what he told her, her Uncle just woke up one morning and just felt really strong and energized it took him a while to realize his semblance had awakened. 'Lucky' is what Ruby thought. She grilled her Uncle for days trying to figure out if he did anything unusual the night before it awakened, hoping to reenact it, but unfortunately, her Uncle said there was nothing that stood out. Ruby moved on to the next chapter that just listed different careers that semblance users could work towards. The young girl didn't bother reading them as there was only one career that interested her once her semblance awakened. That was being a huntress. Ruby had romanticized being a huntress ever since she was 5 years old. She idolized them how they protected the world from the Grimm and arrested villains. They where bonafide superheroes in her mind. Hearing her parent's stories of when they where active huntsman and huntress only strengthened her desire to become one herself. Sadly her career choice was on ice till her semblance showed itself if it showed itself.

"Darn it."

She buried her face in the book, feeling depressed again. Ruby stayed like this for several minutes, thinking of methods that would aid her. It wasn't until she felt her nose itch that she pulled away. Expecting to see a loose strand of hair as the cause, the young girl was surprised to see the same reddish dust as before. It was sprinkled on her nose and on the book she was reading.

"Wha?" checking her hands to see if she still had some on them.

"My hands are clean; there isn't a spec on them."

"Where did this dust come from?" patting down her person trying to locate the source of this mysterious dust.

"There's nothing in my front pockets nor my back pockets," Ruby finished patting herself down, still unable to find the source.

"Where haven't I checked?" as she pondered where this mysterious dust came from a strand of hair fell onto her nose, tickling it.

"Not now hair," blowing the strand away, she went back to thinking when it hit her.

"Wait, did I check my hair?" with one of her hands, she ruffled her hair a bit as she did reddish dust slowly trickled off.

"That's weird Uncle Qrow ruffled my hair in the morning, and nothing came off," she pulled her hand back and examined it.

"Yep same reddish dust and it's glowing too," noticing there was a small pocket of dust on her palms she licked it receiving the same taste and fleeting burst of energy.

"Yep still taste like sugar," as Ruby continued to lick the remains off her hand she failed to notice that someone had crept up on her.


The sudden flash startled the young redhead, immediately looking where the flash came from. Her heart sank when she saw who it was that caught her.

"Mark! What are you doing here!" she yelped face turning pale with every second.

With a devilish grin on his face, Mark spoke, "Well, I just came to read a book while I ditched class, but I never would have guessed I'd find you here licking dirt that came off your hair like some kind of freak."

Ruby shook her head and hands in denial while fumbling her words, "N-no I..I...I wasn't licking t-them I was I was smelling it? Yeah! I was smelling it! I was just trying to figure out what it was!?" Ruby shook her head and hands in denial while fumbling her words.

"Oh? Is that so," tapping on his scroll a few times, he turned it to show a video of Ruby licking the dust off her hands.

"Doesn't look like your just smelling it," his devilish grin growing wider. Ruby was at a loss for words as she watched the video loop showing her say it tasted like sugar then lick it. It was one thing for her sister to catch her, but someone like Mark catching her. It was beyond humiliating. Mark noticing the horrified look on Ruby's face snickered as he placed the scroll back into his pocket.

"What will everyone say when I show them this video, I wonder?"

"What!? Why would you show this to people!?" she shouted her heart, sinking deeper.

Mark smiled and crouched down, looking at her in eyes, "Why? Because I find it amusing how you always act like your better than me, but here you are ditching class licking dirt dust whatever off your hands like some kind of fucking freak. I'm gonna enjoy showing this to everyone," standing back up, Mark turned to walk away. But was stopped by Ruby pulling on his shirt.

Shaking out of horror and tears in her eyes, she managed to speak, "...P-please don't s-show this to e-everyone I beg you...," Mark stood still back facing her as Ruby pleaded. They stayed like this for what Ruby felt like was an eternity before Mark turned around with a face that said he was about to make her life a living hell.

"Afterschool me and you are gonna go on a nicccee romantic walk where we'll discuss what price your gonna have to pay got it?" Ruby could only nod. With that, Mark left, never looking back. Ruby felt her legs give in collapsing on the floor, howling, "GODDAMNIT!?" not caring if anyone heard her.

Everything up to the end of school was pretty much a blur to the young girl. Ruby knew she left the library. Yet, the young redhead couldn't recall what she did. All she knew is that school had ended and was going to meet up with Mark to find out what price she was going to 'Pay' for him to keep quiet about the video. Making her way towards the school gates, she stopped when she heard her name being called.

"RUBY!?" turning to see her older sister running towards her.

"Where are you going? Don't you remember me and dad are going to train in the gym you should come and watch! Who knows, maybe he'll even let you train with us this time!" Yang attempted to pull her, but Ruby resisted.

"Sorry, Yang. I don't really feel so good right now, maybe next time..." Ruby's eye's drooped, not willing to see what face she was making. Before she could walk away, her sister pulled her into one of her tight warm hugs.

"Don't fret Ruby. I'm sure your semblance is going to awaken soon. I just know it! You just gotta be, patient!"

"..." Ruby really couldn't find the right words to say she knew her sister was trying to comfort her even if she was off at what was troubling the young redhead. After a few seconds, Yang slowly let go smiling at her sister.

"I'll tell you what Rubes. If dad isn't going to train you, I will!" she declared with confidence.

"Yang I don't thin-"

"Ah ah ah none of that I know I'm not that skilled, yet so we won't be able to spar, but I can at least show the type of workouts we do! Who knows, maybe a good workout is what you need!" Ruby could feel tears beginning to build on the corners of her eyes.

'I have the best sister in the world.' Ruby truly meant this even if she couldn't say it right now.

"...Thanks, Yang," her sister's smiled widened.

"Don't worry about it, Rubes, what are sisters for!" rustling her little sister's hair. Yang shifted and ran off, heading towards the gym where her father was waiting.

Seeing her sister disappear into the gym, Ruby took a few deep breaths before pivoting, heading towards the school gates once again. Stepping outside, she was greeted by the afternoon sun. Ruby looked around for Mark apart of her hoped he had forgotten and went home. However, unfortunately, he was still here waving at her in the distance to come crushing her wish. Every step she took towards him was filling her with dread. She had no idea what this 'price' was going to be, but she was sure it wasn't going to be good.

"Look at that you didn't run away guess your not a coward and a freak just a freak," Ruby scowled at his insult. Mark didn't really care as he started walking with Ruby reluctantly following behind. They didn't walk very far since even Mark didn't want to risk running into a Grimm staying close, but just far enough where no one would bother them.

"Good, this spot should be fine. Alright, are you ready for your punishment, freak!" Ruby glared at him, not liking this already.

"Don't you mean price?" she corrected.

"Pfft same thing. Alright, lemme get the stuff out," Ruby watched him shuffle through his backpack pulling out...a pair of dog ears and tail?

"Here," handing her the ears and tail Ruby stared at him, waiting for an explanation.

"Well don't just stand there looking at me like a retard put them on!" Ruby growled at him. She wanted to ask why he had these in the first place but swallowed it. Slowly putting on the dog ears first, then clipping tail on the loop on the back of her jeans.

"What's the point of this, Mark?" she asked, irritated by the smirk he was giving her.

"I'm glad you asked! As you know, our small little island has no faunus! So I thought it be great if you could dress up and act like one!"

"Sooo, you just want me to dress and act like a faunus just for today?" not believing what she heard.

"Yup! that's all you gotta do!" he said with a smile on his face that had a sense of wickedness behind it.

"That doesn't seem too bad," if this was all she had to do, then it didn't sound like a bad deal.

"Glad you agree now I need you to put this on too," pulling black ring of sorts that had a rope attached to it he tossed it to her. Ruby took one look at the ring eyes widening, realizing what it was.

"Mark, this is a dogs collar!" she yelled

"Yeah, so?"

"Faunus, don't wear collars!"

"Ah, silly Ruby, normal Faunus, don't wear collars you're a freak, remember?"

"I'm not going to put on the collar!" throwing it, hitting Mark in the chest but didn't seem to mind.

"Awwww well guess I gotta show everyone the video good thing I got everyone's number today," Mark pulled out his scroll and tapped it a few times.

"Your bluffing, there's no way you got everyone's number!" Mark laughed as he turned the scroll to show her. The display showed everyone's name and picture from her class, all with numbers next to them.


"It was easy while you were phasing out in class. I went around and 'kindly' asked everyone for there number.

"So I'll ask you one more time, are you gonna put on the collar or not?" keeping his finger on the send button to add to the pressure. Ruby gritted her teeth and balled her hands into a tight fist. She hated this; Mark had the upper hand. There was no way out for her.

"...Fine, I'll put it on.," she said in the lowest voice she could muster.

Mark grinned and pointed at the collar at his feet, "Good come get it."

Ruby growled at him that's why he wasn't angry when he threw it at him. He was planning this from the beginning.

"Tick-tock," Mark quipped, inching his finger closer to the send button.

"Fine!" Ruby walked towards him crouched down, picking up the collar unbuckling it, then putting it around her kneck, buckling it back up.

"There! Happy!" she couldn't even look at him in the eyes. Ruby never felt so degraded.

"Yep! Now, let's go for a walk, shall we?"

"Wait wha- ACK!?," before Ruby could finish Mark yanked on the rope connected to her collar, making the girl fumble almost falling as she was pulled.

"Mark, Wait! You- Ugh!" every time he pulled the rope, the collar grew tighter around the young girl's neck, reducing her ability to breath properly. She tried to jam her fingers between her neck and the collar, but to no avail. Ruby next attempted to dig her heels into the dirt to help her resist being pulled, but that was a mistake with one heavy pull from Mark. The young girl was sent stumbling forward, losing her balance falling to the ground. She cringed slightly from her hands and knees, being scrapped by some jagged rocks. There was no time to recover from her fall as Mark continued to pull on the leash. Ruby found herself almost crawling on her hands and knees like an actual dog. She wanted to yell at him to stop again, yet the words wouldn't come out as the collar had started digging into her skin, squeezing her throat. At this point, her breathing was becoming weak and shallow from the lack of oxygen she was receiving. Ruby was starting to feel lightheaded as well; it wouldn't be long till she collapsed. Then for some reason, Mark stopped. Not letting this chance slipped past her, Ruby fiddled with the latch on the collar loosening it. However, she was unable to remove it as some dirt had wedged itself inside, jamming the lock from fulling opening.

"*Yawn* Man walking your dog is really tiring good thing I hired some dog walkers," Ruby jumped as Mark had said that quite loudly. Ruby was about to ignore him, but the last phrase caught her attention.

'Wait, did he say he hired dog walkers?' as if to answer her question, the bushes around her began to part revealing several boys hiding behind them.

'Oh no,' Ruby recognized them they where Mark's friends, each of them being just as bad as Mark even if they didn't have a semblance.

"Mark! What are they doing here?!" she barked, trying to hide the collar.

"What? Didn't you hear stupid I hired them as dog walkers," stepping back as he handed the leash to someone else.

"This was supposed to be between you and me!"

"Hm? I never said that" before Ruby could retort Mark's friend pulled on the leash dragging Ruby behind as they restarted there walk. Luckily this time, Ruby dug her fingers in to keep the collar from tightening on her throat again. Though this worked against her as Mark's friend started jogging, pulling on the leash dragging her along. Ruby was keeping up till someone stuck there foot out, tripping the young girl. As she only had one arm available, she wasn't able to adequately brace herself, falling onto her side. Everyone around her began laughing, taking pictures while they did.

"Awww she couldn't keep up," the boy with the leash laughing his ass off as Ruby spit out dirt she ate from her fall.

"Come on, hurry up and get up," another boy crouched next to her, poking her in the head.

"Yea, hurry up! It's my turn next!" one of them grabbed Ruby's arm forcibly pulling her off the ground.

"There now, st- Gah!" Ruby had finally had enough of this smashing the boys face with a rock she grabbed off the ground. Everyone dumbfounded, seeing their friend fall to the ground bleeding heavily from the face, but that was just the start Ruby wasn't stopping there. Before anyone could recover from there shock, Ruby tackled the boy holding the leash straight to the ground. Not missing a beat, Ruby began dropping blows onto the boy's face. She didn't know how powerful her hits were, seeing as she wasn't a fighter like her sister, but she didn't care. The only thing she cared about was inflicting as much pain as she could; nothing else mattered. This went on for a minute before Mark finally recovered.

"Get her off him!" he yelled, snapping his friends out of there daze. Ruby felt arms grab her from behind, pulling her off the boy who wasn't moving, only twitching spewing blood from the mouth. Ruby growled viciously, trying to break free from the boys holding her kicking them and headbutt one of them.

"Mark! This bitch lost it do something!"

"Alright, everyone, move!" following there leaders' orders, they pushed the enraged Ruby away. While Mark used his semblance to conjure a gust of wind, firing it at Ruby, sending the young girl flying back colliding with a tree. Ruby slowly slid down till her bottom touched the ground. She was down but not out. Ruby glared daggers at them as she menacingly stood back up. Ruby wasn't done, not till everyone paid for humiliating her starting with Mark. Dashing forward, trying to tackle him only to be hit by the same wind attack. She tried again and again only for the same thing to happen. Mark began laughing maniacally as he sent her flying back once more.

"Scream and run at me all you want I can do this all day!" Ruby growled, standing back up.

"Why does someone like you have a semblance!" slamming her fist on a tree as she yelled.

"Why? It's because I'm better than you!" rejecting his answer, she dashed at him again only to be sent back.

"Damn it! You don't deserve it!"

"Ha! Even if I didn't, there's nothing you can do your just a weak loser!" hitting Ruby with a stronger wind attack, she found herself being rag-dolled farther back. Groaning in pain, she was unable to get back up. The adrenaline that was pumping through her veins was growing weaker. Her body was reaching its limits.

"Damn it!" slamming her fist on the ground, cursing loudly.

'Why him? What did he do that I didn't?'

'I've done my best to be a good person, always doing the right thing. So why damn it does he have the right to have a semblance, and I don't!' digging her fingers into the ground, out of frustration and anger. Why was God so cruel to her? Did she do something horrible in a previous life that she was paying for it in this life? Or was he just playing a sick joke on her if so, then it's time to stop no one's laughing anymore. Then it dawned on her if God, the world, or whoever didn't want Ruby to have a semblance, then she'd find another source of power. A power that would be hers and hers alone. Her realization triggered something in her like the final cog started to spin starting something. Her heart suddenly felt like it was on fire; the sensation was unbearable. She found herself clenching her chest, screaming in agony. Mark and his friends froze as they heard Ruby scream in anguish, unable to understand what was happening. It then started to feel like something was being torn out of her like something deep within was being brought out.

Ruby began to feel nauseous, her stomach doing backflips on itself as if it was trying to escape. She barely managed to raise herself on her knees as she started vomiting violently. Yet, it wasn't her breakfast from the morning or her bodily fluids that came out. It was the same reddish dust that she had been finding all over herself except this time it was glowing radiantly as if it was supercharged. The reddish powder pooled in front of her. Ruby was horrified at how much was coming out of her. She wanted to stop, but whatever was inside of her, it wanted out. The dust was starting to decrease after a bit Ruby .was reaching the end and whatever was trying to leave her would show itself. Feeling a lump get stuck in her throat, Ruby wheezed and thumped on her chest, trying to get whatever it was out.

*COUGH!* with a forceful cough she shot out the object onto the pool of dust in front of her. Wheezing and coughing, she raised her head to see what the object was.

'A rose petal?' the object that was trying to make its way out of her was a rose petal, or at least it looked like one. It glowed brilliantly much more than the reddish dust she vomited out. Ruby reached out, attempting to grab it only for it to suddenly melt fusing with the powder. The dust abruptly began to radiate blinding the poor girl. She covered her eyes but peeked a bit to see what was happening. The dust started to levitate then swirl on itself. Bits and pieces began connecting, forming something. When it finally finished, Ruby stared in awe as a wolf with black and reddish fur that was the size of an Ursa stood there proudly and gracefully. It's glowing auburn eyes glared at Mark and his friends who were petrified, unable to move. The wolf then shifted it's gaze back to Ruby. It was weird when Ruby met the wolf's eyes. It felt like she was staring at herself; it was an odd feeling. The wolf continued to look at her like it was waiting for something, but what? Ruby turned to look at Mark, who was trembling in fear.

"Ah, so that's what you want," Ruby smiled. If this wolf came from her, then it must feel what she feels, and what she felt right now was paying Mark back for the humiliation she felt tenfold.

Pointing at Mark, she voice what the wolf wanted to hear," Get 'em!" letting out a threating roar, the wolf lunged at Mark and his friends, tearing them to shreds.

"Nobody will miss them," she whispered before blacking out from exhaustion and pain.

I meant to have this up last week but the holidays had me drinking like crazy. Anyways I hoped you guys like the new scenes for the remake as I didn't want you guys to read the same thing. Don't worry the story will still follow the same path it'll just be tweaked a bit. The chapter 2 remake will be released mid to late January as I'm going to be going on vacation for Christmas. Hope to see you guys next year so uh Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and happy new year.