Chapter 6: The Past Seven Years Without Him


An: This chapter gets emotional. This chapter will also be formatted a little different since it is mainly a flashback chapter.


'Present Day'

As Dot was climbing into bed she still had the question she had meant to ask Yakko. Still, lingering within her mind.

Had he been with them for the past seven years?

And had they not noticed?

She flopped face down on her pillow

"I know what this means" she murmured into her pillow to no one in particular and prepared for the flashbacks.


'Hospital-Seven years ago'

After the ambulance had driven off not even offering the siblings to ride with their dying sibling. Surprisingly , had offered to give them a ride to the hospital. Which, they immediately took. The drive was pretty much silent, other than Dot's occasional sniffs as she tried to calm herself wiped at her eyes as she looked out the window. What she and Wakko had just witnessed was horrific. Deep down both her and Wakko hoped that they would be able to go home with their brother. But, they knew better… they knew that they were going to say goodbye.

As she thought about this she felt more tears slip down her face and couldn't help but let a small whimper escape her. Suddenly, she felt an arm around her and pulled her into a tight youngest warner looked up to see her older brother Wakko, he had tears streaming down his face too. Then, the car wasn't so quiet as Dot placed her head on Wakko's chest as she sobbed. No one said anything. continued to drive as Wakko just buried his face into her hair and Wakko held onto her just a little tighter.


From the car, into the hospital, in the waiting room. Dot and Wakko had not let go of each other since they felt like if they did they would lose each other too. The only time they really moved in the waiting room was when a doctor would come in. Neither were sure how long they were waiting for. Eventually, a doctor came in looking for them.

"Warner?" He asked, Dot and Wakko's heads snapped up and they pulled each other to their feet.

"That's us" Wakko spoke for the first time since being in the car

Dot mentally noted that the doctor looked sympathetic and was honestly scared for what he was about to say.

The doctor nodded "Now, I'm sorry for what I'm about to say. We tried everything we could to save him but our best attempts were met with failure. Would you like to say Goodbye?"

Wakko nodded "Of course we would"

"Follow me this way"

Dot and Wakko followed the doctor into the hospital room's. Dot's eyes filled with tears once again, making it a blur to see in the hallway but Dot was holding tightly onto Wakko's hand as they were walking. After what felt like an eternity they had made it to the room that their brother was in.

"Now, before you go in I should wa-"

Dot didn't let the doctor finish his sentence as she and Wakko pushed the door open to the hospital room. What they were met with shook Dot to her core and she had no doubt that Wakko felt the same. Yakko was laying there covered in bandaids from pretty much head to toe. There were machines next to him and if they were once connected to him they no longer were. Though he was mostly covered with white bandages there were still a few visible burns. The worst part, he wasn't breathing.

Dot heard Wakko suck in a deep breath as he yet again offered his hand to her. Dot took his hand in hers and they immediately began walking towards the bed their brother laid in. Dot felt like everything was going in slow motion and she felt sick.

As they got closer, they saw Yakko's eyes were closed, his mouth slightly agape like he had been taken before he could get his last words out, and he seemed paleler then he already was. Dot's trembling hand moved from Wakko's to her eldest brother's head as she brushed his fur with her hand. She noted that all the warmth from Yakko's body had been taken, leaving him cold and stiff.

The youngest warner then glanced around the room and saw that Yakko's gloves had been taken off of his hands and placed neatly on the table next to the bed. Then, she looked over to Wakko whose tears were streaming down his face, holding one Yakko's gloveless hand. Dot moved to due the same as Wakko. She then felt her face warm with tears and for one last time the gentlest as she could nuzzle Yakko's nose with hers. She managed to get a few last words out.

"I love you so much. I'll never forget you" She sucked in a deep breath before continuing "You'll see me and Wakko again one day in the future...I promise…"

She looked up at Wakko. Who seemed to know what she was about to say and nodded.

"One for all and all for one times three… that's the way it'll always be"


'Funeral-Seven years ago'

The trees passed through the windows of the car that Dot and Wakko were currently sitting in. They were going to put their brother to rest. Neither wanted to admit it. But, they knew even if they didn't want to believe it.

Dot felt a hand gently squeeze her shoulder and she turned her gaze towards the person whose hand was on her. It was Wakko. He gave her a small reassuring smile. Which she returned though it was a little less genuine.

Slowly the car came to a stop and she realized that they were there. At the funeral home. She sighed and gripped the door handle with her gloved hand and pushed open the door. Slowly let her feet meet the ground.

After Wakko got out of the car he met her where she stood. Took her hand into his and slowly began walking. Everything felt as if everything was in slow motion as She and Wakko walked into the building.

It was going to be a long day.


Wakko glanced at Dot who had not looked up since they entered the building. He was upset too and seeing his baby sister this heartbroken did nothing to ease his nerves. Dot was leaning into him, avoiding the gaze of everyone there. He wrapped his arm around her to comfort her even if it was only for a second.

"Vakko,Dot wouldn't you like to sit down?"

Not even the filimar voice got Dot to look up.

Wakko looked at "Hey Scratchy, We're making our way over there slowly but surely" he gave the doctor a small smile. Which he returned.

"Y'know even though Animaniacs has ended you kides are always welcome in my office. If you need anything."

"Thanks, we'll keep that in mind"

"Wakko?" A soft voice caught his attention. He looked down to see his sister gently gripping his jacket.

"Yes, Dot?"

"Can we sit now?"

"Sure, See ya around Scratchy"

With Dot still clutching his jacket they made their way to find a seat.


Dot up at the casket that now held her brother. That he would be buried in. She felt the tears start to well up all over again. She shivered. She felt cold but it wasn't cold in the funeral home. She knew that for a fact. Maybe it was just nerves.

She was about to go up on stage and give a speech right after Wakko. Sure, she had prepared for it beforehand. But, this wasn't acting. This was very real and Dot wasn't sure if she could handle it.

"Thank you"

Wakko's voice caused her to look up from glaring at the floor like it had wronged her. She saw Wakko stepping off the podium.

Dot then realized that she hadn't heard a single word of Wakko's speech. Now, she felt more awful than she already did. She just wanted to curl up into a ball and hide from the world.

"You ready, sis?" Wakko asked

Half heartedly, Dot shrugged "As ready as I'll ever be I guess"

Wakko gently patted her on the back "You got this, I believe in you"

She gave him a small smile "Thanks, Wak" Dot then made her way up onto the podium. Dot took a deep breath before she started her speech


'Who is Yakko Warner?'

'He's a comedian, an actor, snarky, confident'

'And the greatest brother anyone could ask for'

'He may have been snarky. But, only two people got to see his softer side'

'There names?'

'Wakko and Dot Warner. His siblings'

'Behind closed doors. He would always be there for you'

'Had a bad day? Yakko was right there with ice cream when you got home'

'Feeling sick? He's ready to drop everything and take care of you'

'Nightmare? Yakko's already up waiting so you can crawl in his bed and be cuddled'

'No one ever really saw that in Yakko, unless that knew him personally'

'He loves his siblings dearly.'

'He would do anything to protect them'

'Even if it meant… losing his life'

'That's who Yakko Warner is'


'His birthday-Six years ago'

Dot rubbed her eyes as she sat up in bed. Her pink fluffy blanket laid on top of her. She glanced wearily at the calendar. The young Warner then realized that it would've been Yakko's seventeenth birthday.

Dot shook her head. It was Yakko's seventeenth birthday. She and Wakko were going to celebrate it. With new found energy Dot threw her blanket off of her and rushed towards the kitchen.

She got all the things she needed and started to bake. She was thirteen now. She could make a damn cake if she wanted too.


Dot jumped and she hadn't seen or heard Wakko come in. "Geez! You scared me!"

"Sorry, I was just wondering, What are you doing?"

"Making a cake"

"Err… at 8:00 in the morning?"


"Did ya lose control of your life or-?"

"Dumm-Wait was that a rugrats reference?"

Wakko gave her a goofy smile "... Maybe"

Dot rolled her eyes "References aside… have you seen what day it is?"


Dot huffed "It's Yakko's birthday and we're going to celebrate it"

"Cool! What can I do to help?"


Beep beep

Dot hopped up from the couch and walked over to the oven. "It's ready~" she sing-songed as she put the oven mits on. Opening the oven she very carefully pulled out the cake.

"It smells delicious!"

"Of course it does! It's chocolate and chocolate is always delicious"


"Now, come help me decorate it"

"Sure thing!" Wakko said as he hopped off the couch and met his sister in the kitchen.


"Happy birthday to you~" Dot and Wakko sang now completed with the birthday song. Before they knew it seemed like the candles blew out on their own. But, Dot knew better and knew it was just the fan that blew it out and nothing more.

Dot was satisfied with what her and Wakko had accomplished today. Grabbing a piece of cake, she smiled.

"Wherever you are, Yakko… I hope you had a good birthday"


'Graduation- One year ago'

"Dot Warner!"

Dot took a deep breath as she walked on the stage to grab her diploma. Four long years of highschool were finally over. She'd be going to college when fall started. She looked into the crowds seeing only bright smiling faces. The only face that was missing in that crowd was her eldest brother. Regardless of the sad thought she kept a smile on her face.

Suddenly she felt a coldness grip onto her. Though, she was in no way cold. It was probably just nerves. She thanked the principle as he handed the diploma to her. Then, she continued to walk down and off the stage and headed towards Wakko who was sitting in the crowd.


"I can't believe my baby sister is all grown up!" Wakko said while picking Dot up and spinning her around causing her to laugh.

"Wakkoooooo… put me down!"

Wakko put her down "Sorry it's just that you're graduating highschool and on the way to college. You're amazing, Sis!"

The youngest warner smiled bashfully "I'm not that great…"

"Are you kidding?! You're the best sister one could ask for!"

"Thanks, Wakko"

Even though Yakko wasn't there maybe just maybe if Dot believed in it enough. He was right there and she just couldn't see him. But, Dot knew better than that as sad as it was. Her eldest brother was gone and wasn't coming back. But, wherever he was Dot somehow knew Yakko was proud of her and probably beaming as bright as Wakko.

Knowing that, Dot felt a more genuine smile creeping on her face. As she and Wakko took photos together.

Someone Dot knew that everything was alright and would continue to be that way.


'Present Day'

Dot rolled over onto her back, now staring at the ceiling as the flashbacks had ended. They were very subtle but a smile slowly made its way onto her face. As she realized that he was there with them the whole time. He never left their side even in death.

The young warner's thoughts finally stopped moving and she allowed herself to be pulled into a dreamless sleep as she snuggled into her covers.


An: This chapter was a long one! But, I hope you enjoyed all the flashbacks but next chapter it'll be back to regular format. Only four more chapters until the end of Act one. The Warners have a lot more coming to them. :3