p class="MsoNormal"His blood was soaking his pants, but he didn't mind. It was comforting, warm, like a mothers embrace. Kid flash let it soak him thoroughly. He felt something stick straight out, like a flagpole, it wavered with true American sovereignty. He knew only, if anything else, that wally west, his big daddy, would come and save him from his shame. Wally would pull him from this warm, loving embrace. Kid flash didn't mind. Wally made him think of his mother, so old yet so young in soul. The stick wavered a bit, than dropped uselessly, as he had lost too much blood to maintain it./p
p class="MsoNormal""How ya doing kid?" said wally west, noticing the young child seizing before his final death thrash./p
p class="MsoNormal""Not too bad myself wally" replied kid flash, his eyes lolling into the back of his head./p
p class="MsoNormal""Huh, coulda tricked me" said wally, in his characteristic way. "Howabouts I take you back to my 'secret base'?" *winkzzzzzzz*/p
p class="MsoNormal""Mommy wouldin't ALLOW IT DADU. But I'll oblige to come XD!" Kid flash replied slyly. He now was entering the final stages of hypovolemic shock, his lips turning blue and his last sense leaving him./p
p class="MsoNormal""Sounds good kiD!" Willy west boisterously replied. Wally whipped out his electric limb pieces and transfused 1000 ml of his own hep C infected blood into the young chap, allowing him to regain cousins. Wally grabbed Kid and whipped him over his soldier. "get reddy 4 a CRAZY trip kiddo"/p
p class="MsoNormal"And so they flew to the secret base, which was located under hospital university. When they got there, wally lay kid fash on his bed, and whipped out his huge, throbbing, and quite moist large intestine, and started thwapping quick kid on the chest to restart his haret, because on the way, kiddo didlio entered into cardiac arrest, and was pratically dead./p
p class="MsoNormal""Aw come on kid, I can't make use of you if your dead…. Here I'll buy you an icecream if you wake up"/p
p class="MsoNormal"Flasher kid woke up instantly, looked at wially waste, and immediately strareted experiencing diaphoresis. His proud American pole was straight again, it stood with unaltered American love, for his wonderful country. Mam would be proud./p
p class="MsoNormal""I lov you" said wally/p
p class="MsoNormal""me 2" said kid flash/p
p class="MsoNormal"They then married and had twelve children, all of the children were horribly mutated and made love to each ohther, crating even more horribly mutated children which then bread further. Wally and kid flash were proud mothers, and kid flashes mom was prouder, her son had finally amounted to something more than what his pathetic corpse would have been otherwise./p