I know this is short, but I'm working in small bursts to try and move the plot along into better things. Enjoy.

Rosalie knew something wasn't right. She knew deep down in her gut, as she waved her siblings off to school. She knew, as she worried her bottom lip between painfully sharp teeth. She knew something was wrong. Yet a quiet fury coated her soul as the seconds ticked by, marked only by the large clock featured on one of the many walls in the house, Bella had ditched her. She was a Hale. Hale's do not get ditched. Rosalie growled to herself as she snagged her car keys and tore off towards school. She was going to ruin Isabella Swan's day.

Rosalie's bad mood had only gotten worse as the day wore on, and her siblings had been walking on eggshells. Bella and her brother were nowhere to be found, she'd asked her siblings and not a single one of them had heard from the brunette duo. By lunch the Cullen clan, fed up with the emotions swirling around, had sent Rosalie and Jasper out to hunt. They'd gone home to drop Rosalie's car off and immediately headed into the woods, vaulting the river that flowed behind the house.

Minutes later Rosalie was prowling, pacing back and forth in a meadow they had found. "I just… Jasper she…" She growled, frustrated with her inability to communicate her thoughts to her twin.

"It's okay darling. I understand. Why don't we head home and you can-" Whatever Jasper was going to suggest was cut off by the most heartbreaking sound she had ever heard. It tugged at her very core, and before Jasper realized what was happening, his twin was gone, running top speed through the woods.

When they found the source of the sound, Jasper was struck still at the emotions. There, in the middle of a fresh clearing, was a white wolf. Upon closer inspection, the wolf was chewing desperately at its front paw, whining pitifully.

"Bella" Rosalie breathed out, relief flooding her system at seeing her mate. "What happened to you?" Rosalie had seemingly forgotten about Jasper's presence, and hearing him clear his throat had her spinning around in a crouch, a snarl falling out of her mouth.

"I'm going to go home, I'll let the others know. Text me when you know what's going on please."

Rosalie turned back to her mate, gently purring as she approached. "Let me see Bella." The wolf huffed, but lifted her paw anyways. Rosalie gently examined it, taking note of the large sliver sticking out between the pads of the massive paw. "I'm going to pull it out okay? Don't bite me." She quickly pulled it out, wincing at the yelp of pain. "Are you going to turn back and tell me what's going on? You have some explaining to do I think."

Bella huffed, laying her head on Rosalie's lap, eyes pleading with the blonde to understand. "It's okay Bella, we can sit here as long as it takes." Rosalie sat for hours, threading her fingers through the wolf's soft fur, only pausing when it finally gave way to brown curls, and warm skin.

"You didn't have to stay." The words were rough, tearing across unused vocal cords. Bella examined her hand, avoiding the blondes eyes.

"Of course I did." Rosalie's mind was racing, Bella was clearly in pain from something, but she was also naked in front of her, and was quite attractive. It was hard to peel her eyes away from rippling muscles, and settle on the brunette's face. "Do you want to tell me what is going on?"

Bella scrubbed at her face with her hands, internally debating. Eventually she heaved a great sigh, and allowed words she'd never thought she'd say spill across her lips. "Bridget is alive."

"Wait what? The Bridget? How?"

"Apparently the day I buried her and left, the grave was desecrated, her body stolen. The Council believed it to just be a part of the war, and covered it up. No one outside of the Council. They decided it would be too painful to tell me after I had just buried her. Two days ago however, someone appearing to be Bridget was spotted in New York, by a team doing a routine sweep. She got away before they could get closer, but footage from cameras has confirmed that it is her."

"I'm so sorry Bella… Do you know what you're going to do?" Rosalie slowly linked their hands together, trying to ground the brunette as much as possible.

"Well, I suppose this should be told to Carlisle as well, the elders are coming, along with a group of delegates. Normally it wouldn't be a problem, however they'll be hunting around here."

"I'll let him know. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Distract me? We can walk to my house and you can tell me about the dance?" Rosalie could see the aching pain in her mate's eyes, but recognized the need for distraction. She'd been there, more than once unfortunately.

"Okay, I can do that." Rosalie threaded her arm through Bella's, gently guiding the brunette through the woods. Stopping only once at a spot Bella declared to be a clothing cache.

"Gotta cover up the goods" The brunette had shrugged blush covering her cheeks.

Once they started moving again Rosalie filled the empty space with mindless chatter. "So rumour has it that the dance was originally supposed to be cancelled in order to be able to allot more money to the halloween dance. However an anonymous donor seems to think a school can't go without a homecoming dance, so we're still getting both."

"I don't suppose you know who this donor that I have to thank is?" Rosalie's laugh filled the forest, echoing back and surrounding them. It made Bella feel warm, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. She'd give anything to hear that sound for the rest of her life.

As it turned out, the brunette hadn't gotten too far from her house, and before the couple knew it, they were able to spot the lights from the kitchen through the trees. "Come in with me? I don't think my parents will particularly care at the moment."

Rosalie nodded, allowing the much taller brunette to guide them into the house and into the formal living room. Bella wasn't surprised to see her parents still sitting together on the couch, speaking quietly. Gavin had also seemed to not have moved, still staring deep into the fireplace.

"Mother, father." Bella's spine straightened completely, and even though she was wearing men's jean shorts and sports bra, she appeared royal. "May I present to you Rosalie Hale."

Charlie and Madeline rose as one. They hadn't expected Isabella to do a formal greeting so soon after receiving the news of Bridget, however tradition dictated that they must respond in kind.

Madeline dropped into a curtsy, a small smile on her face. Charlie bowed, out stretching his hand and allowing Isabella to place Rosalie's small hand in his own. He brushed a kiss to the back of her knuckles and stood straight again.

"Rosalie Hale, we welcome you into our home."

Bella shook hands with her father, rather seriously Rosalie thought. However, she'd had no first hand experience with Watcher traditions, save for stories Jasper had whispered to her in secret, to guide her through this.

"Thank you sir." Rosalie whispered softly, allowing Bella to tuck her back into her side.

"Really Isabella?" Gavin hadn't moved from his vigil over the fire, but his words were sharp in the large room. "You really think that this is the best idea right now?" His face was stormy, and rage clouded his eyes.

"Gavin. That is enough." Madeline was firm, but Gavin paid her no mind, and continued.

"No, she needs to hear this. You've formally introduced Rosalie to our parents. Who are part of the council. You're an idiot. The council is on their way here, right now. Which means you have to formally present her to them at the ball."

Bella clenched her jaw, staring Gavin down harshly. "I know what I've done Gavin."

"Clearly you don't CARE!" Gavin was suddenly up and across the room, he was matched for height with Bella, and was staring her down. "You'll have to fight to earn her hand, remember how-"

"I know what I'll have to do! Just because you lost your right by conquest, doesn't mean I will." Gavin was silent at that, betrayal covered his face. Just as he was about to speak up again, Madeline forced herself between them.

"I said that is enough. Both of you to your rooms."

Bella nodded tersely once, and drug a bewildered Rosalie upstairs. "I- I apologize Rosalie, you shouldn't have had to witness that."

"I have so many questions." Rosalie perched on the edge of the bed, watching Bella pace around the room and tidy up. "First of all, what the hell was that?"

Bella sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "It is customary in Watcher families to present anyone you wish to court to your family. If this isn't done, none of the laws can protect them."

"Okay, that makes sense I suppose. Are you going to tell me what is wrong with Gavin?"

"Gavin… Gavin was in love with a lady from another house. She was several years older than us, and he, among several men, presented her to his house. The end result was that Gavin, was forced into a right to conquest fight. He lost, brutally. In the end, the lady was married within a year, and Gavin was left in the dust."

"Well, that's terrible. What if she didn't want to be with whomever wins?" The blonde was mad at the backwards logic in front of her.

"Oh, she doesn't have to accept to court any of the men, but once a right of conquest is called, anyone may participate. However she's allowed to break any bonds before actually marrying, at no cost to herself."

Rosalie hummed to herself. "So what does that have to do with us then? As far as I know, you're the only one to have presented me."

"See that's where it gets complicated. A house as old as house Swan falls under the original clauses. As well as my unique situation puts me in another bind. Any females that decide to challenge you for me are allowed to call for a duel. I don't expect anyone to, as that clause is ages old, but it's a possibility."

"So what you're saying is I might have to literally fight off girls in order to be with you? What the actual fuck Bella?"

"There is a way around it. If I can get a majority vote with the Council, you won't have to do anything. I'm fairly certain I can pull it off, house Swan has a fair amount of clout with the other Council houses."

"Okay." Rosalie was resolved.


"Yes. But if we're going to do this, you have to let me in on the plan. I refuse to be put on the spot like that again Bella." Bella nodded, slowly pulling the blonde into a sweet kiss.

"Now, would you like to help me pick out a suit to wear to the fall formal?"

"Like you had to ask…" Rosalie giggled and stood on her tiptoes to deliver another kiss to her mate.

In the end, Rosalie decided on a slick black suit, with a black button up and a tie to match her dress. Eventually they migrated back into the bedroom and they were lounging on Bella's bed discussing random topics.

"I'm just saying, if we ever go scuba diving, it's up to you to protect your booty hole from the dolphins… I'll be too busy protecting mine."

Rosalie raised her eyebrow, eyeing the brunette in front of her. "You're such an idiot." She smiled fondly, placing a soft kiss on Bella's lips. "Dolphins are not going to attack my booty hole."

"Tell that to my dad."

Rosalie grabbed a pillow and fit it snugly over Bella's face. "Shut up I don't want to hear about your father's booty hole you freak."

She was so confident with the fact that Bella was subdued under the pillow, that when she found herself on her back, the brunette hovering over her, she was completely surprised.

"Rose?" Bella's voice was thick with something Rosalie couldn't identify, but as she claimed the blonde's lips, it became more clear what it was. She felt Bella move between her legs, and felt just how warm she was, even through two pairs of jeans.

It felt like an ungodly amount of time had passed before the two separated, scared apart from what sounded like a shoe being thrown at the door. Rosalie was scared to look at their pants, fear of their being a hole rubbed through them from Bella's sinful grinding.

"Stay the night?" Bella murmured in her ear, slowly trailing kisses across the pale span of skin.

Rosalie hummed, deep in her throat. Digging her nails into the brunettes back when she hit that spot on her neck. "Fuck Bella. You need to stop."

"Sorry love." Bella laughed, but rolled over onto one side of the bed, opening her arms for Rosalie to slide into. They laid like that for the rest of the night, discussing plans for the rest of the week. They would be okay, Rosalie thought. They had to be.