In the room there was an elven blonde girl in a white robe looking at the white moon sky. an elven man in a white robe and bending over holding the girl and lifting her.

"What is my star ..." said the man with a gentle tone "Why are you awake"

"Father ... I can not sleep" Said the blonde girl looking at her father "You can tell me a story."

"Daughter that story knows your mother and she was all the time I have things to do"

"I know ..." The girl got pout "I do not want a story where a gentleman saves a princess .. I want to hear your story as you met mom and also because you were a hero all over the country"

"Child ..." The man sighs defeated "That story is long that could last a week ... but I'll tell you since I was born"

"Does your birth matter?"

"The birth of your father is important" the girl looks at the blonde elf woman in the white coat.


"My birth matters a lot and it has a lot to do because I become a hero" Look seriously at his elf daughter "You really want to hear my story yes or no" The girl nods. The man sits on the couch and puts it on his thigh. "Everything started ...

800 years ago.

A soul traveled in the beyond there were many stars. That soul is white and inside he felt calm.

'With what is the furthest? "Said the soul." After so many years ... "He saw something in a final point" It may be my other life "The soul reaches the point where it should be" I'll see my Maria "


Chapter 1: The Elf Assasin of light. Part 1.

POV of Altair.

'Everything was dark and I did not feel and did not move any of my limbs and my eyes are still closed. Do not tell me I did not die. I was supposed to be in the afterlife. I will see that I can open my eyes. I tried to open my eyes but when I opened it, the light blinded my sight. but someone put me in my mouth looked like a liquid or something when I returned to open my eyes and found a blonde woman with glasses with pointed ears. She puts the small spoonful in my mouth and I swallow it and I wanted to talk but I heard my baby voice. I realized that I am a baby. '

"Waaa !!" I cried inconsolably.

"My son seems to be crying," said the elven woman and shaking me calmly. but I was crying slowly I did not understand what was going on. "My son ... your mother is here" She stroked my forehead but I calmed down a bit and felt that she never treated me like this at birth and I did not have a mother at birth in my previous life . but I closed my eyes.

5 years later.

Time has passed a little since I was born in a village of white elves looking for information. Now I am in a dining room in my house with my two brothers. There is a teenage girl with a ponytail dressed as a villager. It's my older sister Angelica. the other is a pre-adolescent boy of 13 years old is Hernesto. I for my name is Altair but for my new family. The name of this reincarnated body is Darter. I'm 5 years old. I heard that the elves have immortality you can not grow old until a thousand years. My father is one of the wise advisers and my mother is one of the guardians of the village. Now I am eating the food where my sister Angelica prepared and my brother ate bad manners.

"Hey eat calm!"

"Sister, I have things to do" exclaims Hernesto. I sighed annoyed but could not talk try to study the elf language. I could understand a little. I could walk but my eagle eyesight is improved. I am surprised by myself being in a body of an elven child that I understood clearly. My brother Hernesto got into trouble with the village along with his friends My sister is the houseworker when our parents are not there. And I do not have a routine yet. every day I read a book and I do not play with children my age. My child's body is not yet ready to do something physical. I just had to wait.

5 years later.

'I'm quite surprised being at the height of a 10-year-old child. I asked my father how old the elves were maturing. He told me that they begin to mature at age 50. I only have 40 more years to wait but I can not afford to be lazy so I decided to improve my acrobatics. I started doing daily routines that would be climbing trees. some elven children looked at me strangely and others admired him and others laughed at me because they called me the crazy man climbing anything. but I did not care what they told me so I followed my routine although there were inconveniences like that. '

"Well once again the eagle jump" said Altair, being at the height of the big tree and jumping out of the water. "Once again..."

'I was still not stopping. until the final moment arrives that would be a race of the village until the tower of the church arrives. '

Altair is standing at the main entrance of the village. and he positions himself and starts running by jumping into the merchants' boxes causing the merchants It will startle what happened. Altair ran over the boxes and looks at the thick branches of the trees and jumps on top of the branch and climbs up. the people of the village begin to gather so Altair is doing the madness of climbing. Parents and two brothers worry.

"Darter !!" His father exclaims angrily.

"You are going to get hurt!!" the mother shouts worried. Altair finally arrives at the tower and climbs the bell tower and ends up standing at the steel point with both feet together. and look down there is a pile of hay. Altair breathes deeply and an eagle passes screaming and leaps causing people to scream and gasp. his mother faints thinking that she is going to lose her son. Altair falls on the pile of hay. People go to the hay stack to see if the child was fine. He leaves unharmed and takes a tap removing the dust from his clothes.

The elves were left with their mouths open. everyone is surprised to see this similar act where a crazy child wanted to commit suicide.

"Hey, brat why you wanted to kill yourself !!"

"I have no desire to commit suicide, it's my sport," Altair said in a serious tone. the father slaps his son.

"I can not believe what I've seen." Said his father with an angry and embarrassed tone "You made me look ridiculous in front of my classmates, son, you have to explain to me what you were thinking"

"Well father, I can talk in secret"



"What's your name, Altair !!" His father exclaims angrily "Your name is Darter Asterid !!"

"Son tell me if you're okay" The mother grabs her son.

"I'm fine," said Altair.

"As you're well ... since you were born or did not make a single friend for 20 years!" Hernesto exclaims worried.

"We are all worried about you !!" Angelica exclaimed too. Altair looks at his worried family.

"Mother Father and brothers, I promise I will not do it anymore"

"Son promises us he will not do more of that madness"

"I promise," Altair said.


I lied to my parents and my brothers. Every day I walk through the forest climbing branches and jumping to improve my acrobatics and I sit on a branch resting for a while.

"I'll have to wait about 10 years to improve the sword fight." He said leaning back a little.

"Hey!" Altair looks down and finds a blonde girl with long hair to the foot with white cloth and her eyes are emerald.

"What do you want?" Altair asks

"You're the guy you're jumping with and you threw yourself from the tower"

"The same" Altair said with a serious tone "And you want to make fun of me, I do not care about it"

"I do not come to mock you, I come to tell you that you are inclerable" Said the girl smiling. Altair strangely blushed a little.

"Do not say like that ... if some of the adults see me with you, they will accuse me with my parents" said Altair, reclining on the tree wall.

"Come on, do not be like that ... at least say your name"

"Darter Asterid ..." Altair said following recumbent

"Get down and introduce yourself politely" Altair sighs annoyed and gets off the tree. The girl puts a smile and approaches.

"I'm Celestine Lucross,¿ Did you want to be my friend?"

"Well ... Celestine" Altair said and climbed back up the tree causing Celestine to be surprised and inflated on the cheek.

"Hey, I have a friend who does those things the way you are doing!" Altair looks down showing a disbelieving face.


"Come with me but promise me that you keep secret" Celestine said.

"Celestine, I'm not good at promising ..." Altair said.

"You swear to keep secret" Celestine approaches Altair staring into the emerald eyes causing Altair to give him a heartbeat

"I promise," he said defeated.

"Yay" exclaims victory.


'Celestine took me to a place away from the village and I accompanied her and introduced me to a couple of friends. when we arrived there was a tree house that is little built. Celestine comes forward in front of a tree. '

"Hey Olga and AJ !!" Altair realized with the sense he never felt. Suddenly, a dark child with pointed ears of black hair falls to the shoulder and lands on Celestine's forehead. his clothing is in a white shirt with a black vest and dress pants. the boy looks at Altair.

"Celestine why you brought a child here"

"He is my friend and he also climbs trees and I jump over the sanctuary above."

"Climbs?" The dark elf boy said.

"I'm Darter ..." Altair said

"AJ..i seen climbs to anything like climbing the wall and jumping the trees"

"Yes ..." Altair nodded. AJ began to laugh.

"Hehe ... I've always wanted to look for an opponent for the race" AJ said with a competitive smile.

"What happens?" They all look at an elf brunette girl with long hair up to her knee.

"Olga I introduce you to my new friend is Darter and he also knows how to climb and he makes all kinds of movements like AJ" says the cheerful Celestine "And now they are going to compete a race"

"A career huh" Olga puts on a proud smile "My servant is going to win against an white elf "

"Olga already told you I'm not your servant ... I'm your friend so" AJ complains.

"The white elf comes forward" Olga said pointing to Altair.

"What?!!" Turn around watching Altair getting ahead of him "I'm not ready yet!"

"You did not say that already!"

"Dont go ahead!" Ajay runs to the tree. Celestine sits next to Olga. and watch where the two elves are climbing trees. But Altair ran without stopping until AJ appears above the overtaking.

"I tell you that I am the master of the woods!" AJ exclaims, jumping towards the other tree.

"Dont come to me with your ridiculous words because I'm going to dethrone you !!" Follow the steps.

"Let's see if you can win me!" They both laughed together as he ran. Olga looks at AJ happily and running along with Altair.

"It's the first time I've seen him smile like that" Olga said smiling.

"I guess those two will be the best friends like us," Celestine said smiling.

"Yes ..." Altair and Ajay jumped to another tree when another tree passed, the weather changed day and night until Altair and Ajay grew up as teenagers and ended up climbing towards the tip of the big tree admiring the view.

10 years later.

"I won AJ ... you owe me a basket of berries" He said smiling with victory face. Altair had a white shirt with a black vest and his hair is short. He is already 15 years old.

"Wait, we draw many times" AJ said complaining. His hair is tied like a horse's tail.

"Well, let's go down, they're waiting for us," Altair said, looking at the ground and making a leap of faith and AJ following him down, entering a pile of hay. Olga and Celestine are preparing a lunch.

"These two always compete" Olga said sighing annoyed. Your body has developed a little. Olga looks at Celestine's breasts that have grown a lot and develop a certain envy. but he realized that Celestine's face is sad. "Celestine what happens."

"Olga, I have to tell the three of you," Celestine said. Altair and AJ approaches the two.

"What they brought to eat ..." Altair said smiling.

"Darter, AJ and Olga ..." The three look at Celestine with a sad look. "My father received a warning that I am one of the candidates of the new governor of Eostia." The three are left with their mouths open.

"You're lying to me ..." Olga said in an angry tone.

"No ..." Celestine said sadly. there was a moment of silence. Altair knew that Eostia was looking for candidates who would take the place of the reincarnated goddess of Eostia.

"Go ..." Olga said in a cold tone. Altar and Celestine look at Olga "I said go and take your man away from home!" Angry yells Olga throwing the two white Elves. Ajay grabs her from behind causing Olga to calm down. Celestine gets up and leaves the place crying, Altair gets up and follows Celestine.

Celestine cries without stopping falling many tears and Altair grabs her hand to stop. Celestine wanted to look away so he did not see his sad side.

"Celestine it's true you're leaving" Altair said sadly.

"I'm sorry, Altair ... I know you're affected but ..." She looks at Altair with tears in her eyes. "I do not know what to do"

"I know it's shocking for Olga and Ajay to be upset with you, I'm not angry with you and nothing is going to change, I'm always giving you support," Altair said.

"Altair ..." Celestine looks at Altair "I want you to promise me something"

"I hear you"

"Even if I become the ruler of Eostia, I want us to marry when we meet." Causing Altair to be perplexed.

"Wait what?" Altair exclaims impacted "Wait you're sure .."

"I want you to promise me when I meet we will get married ..." Celestine blushes crying and takes a deep breath "I love you Altair" Celestine said holding Altair's hand. "When we met 10 years ago, I developed my feelings for you, I tried to ignore but I could not save my feelings so that I confessed in the other moment" Celestine's hand trembles "But this news came and made me very regret that he confessed in this way "she looks into your eyes." Please promise me "Celestine begs Altair.

"Celestine ... since I met you, you were my first friend and you made me feel happy again." Altair grabs Celestine hugging her "I love you ..." Altair confesses in Celestine's ear causing her to cry of happiness.

"Altair ..." she replies hugging very hard as he does not want to go anywhere to separate from his two only friends and also a loved one. "I love you Altair I do not want to leave ..."

"You have to go ... the goddess chooses the candidates and you have to be present"

"Well, get away with me and we will also go with Olga and AJ and we will escape" exclaims Celestine.

"Celestine you can not escape and you have to accept"

"Okay ... but promise me you're going to look for me and you're going to propose to me and we'll be a family and we'll have children" Celestine smiles tearfully

"I promise," he looks at himself for a moment. both faces come closer to make contact with the lips. they kiss softly and Celestine grabs him by the neck and Altair hugs her waist.

Altair and Celestine return to the village holding hands. the next morning Celestine and her family prepared to leave. Celestine waited for Altair to fire her.

Altair arrives just in time and stops at Celestine.

"Altair you came" Look at his man.

"Celestine I wish you luck" said Altair giving a sad smile

"I'll give you this so you do not forget our promise" Celestine pulls a gold necklace from the leaf and gives it to Altair, and kisses it for the last time. "I'll wait for my beloved Altair" Altair hugs her.

"I'll find you" said Altair. Celestine and her family are on their way to Eostia leaving Altair alone at the main entrance of the Village. Altair looks at the necklace and puts it on.

100 years later.

After Celestine leaves. Altair had no more encounters with AJ and Olga. now it has grown to a height of 1.60 m. He is dressed in the light elf armor. He entered the militia for elves when he reached age 50. He was in training for 20 years and increased the effectiveness of the sword. Altair always walked through the woods when he played the task of patrolling to find some intruders or bandits. after 80 years there was a war of territories the human race began to invade territories by 5 generals. Altair became the most important member of the strategy as a spy. spying on the movements of the humans and sabotaging the carriages. and also ruining the plans. The whole village recognized Altair as the elven warrior of light. Some nobles propose marriages to Altair. but he rejected and said there was only one place for the real woman. He kept the promise.

He was sending letters through an eagle that took a month to arrive. but they were talking about love and also about everyday life. Altair gave moral support to Cellestine with motivating words to move forward and also not to grieve. Cellestine managed well in Eostia. until one day, Cellestine's father returned from Eostia but with a special letter for Altair. but before that I talk about a serious matter.

"Altair, I can talk to you"

"How do you know that?" Altair is startled to hear it.

"My daughter told me everything"

"All?" Ask Altair.

"Come to my mansion"

Altair swallows the saliva and follows Cellestine's father to the mansion. 10 minutes later they are in the room together with him.

"Altair, you were not in the militia all the time"

"Yes, and how your daughter walks"

"She's fine, thanks to your moral support, Cellestine can manage the country Eostia, I'm glad you gave her a lot of support"

"Your daughter really cares a lot for me" Altair said bowing.

"Ya ... but I'll give you a letter" said the father taking out the letter where he had kept in the jacket. "Read it in silence" Altair opens the letter and reads it in silence.

Dear Altair: Since I left my home, I have been very sad to be separated from you. but the time that you gave me support made me trust and decided to do for the good for all the inhabitants of Eostia. these 100 years that we have been sending letters so I decided that someone on my side that would be a counselor and commander to lead the militia. I only know one and that is you. I would like you to come to Eostia.

"It means that I will see Cellestine" Altair said surprised by the emotion, Cellestine's father nods.

"Just wait in about six months and you will go to Eostia to be the guardian."

Altair was going to say something but there was something else in the letter.

"When you arrive in Eostia, we will get married and we will make a great family together ... I love you Altair" he gets happy and blushes a little.

"My daughter loves you very much" he puts on a mocking smile.

"Are you against that?" Altair raises his eyebrow.

"Of course not, if my daughter is happy, I'm happy too." The man gets up from the chair and slaps him on the shoulder "When you get to Eostia ... you will be part of the family and you can call me father, but one question, why is your name Altair?"

"Well I know it's going to sound crazy and you'll take me crazy" Altair began to tell of his previous life but did not tell about the order of killers because he was afraid that Cellestine's father would reject him and would not allow him to return to see more of Cellestine.

"Let me see if I understood you were reincarnated in this world and you came from the other world where there are no elves and all kinds of monsters, there are only common animals and millions of humans" said his father-in-law. "Your name was true Altair"

"Well I asked your daughter to call me like that"

"Wow ... I can not believe there is a new life after death, you had a lot of sword knowledge and also where you climb houses and trees, you have a lot of surprises, but are there any experiences you have?" Altair did not mean that he was a master killer.

"Only this one" Altair said.

"Well, in a week I'll go back to Eostia and I'll give you good news that in about six months you're going to leave."

"Thank you, Father," said Altair, lowering his head.

After the visit. Altair's father brought a human general with an elf from another country but his clothes are strange, wearing a dark blue suit and a three-cornered hat. now he is in the village counselor's room.

"My name is Mosker and I am the first general of Duke Rawis"

"And I'm Hendrick Morrison," he said, lowering his hat.

"What is it that brings in that village?" the chief of the elf village asks.

"We have come to make a temporary alliance," Mosker said. "To eliminate monsters that invade the villages and we need more soldiers and we can help each other"

"And what does it benefit us?"

"We will give him defense and also good supply." Hendrick said giving a map. "We will put control post to defend your border and also your properties, we have good men well ordered and trained for the invasion and also includes in case of war and also some weapons"

"Do you agree?" Ask Mosker. the head of the village assimilated.


"You would lend us some of your soldiers that are good"

"I have one who is a professional" The village chief looks at Altair's father.

"I present my son Darter Asterid" The father introduces his son.

"Nice to meet you" Altair said lowering his head.

Altair still remembered his only childhood friends Olga and AJ. but in the other week. he participate fighting against the goblins and beast men for 6 months until another mission arrived that would be.

Attack the village of the dark elves.

Altair did not know that this was going to happen and had the reason to be back with the two dark elf friends. Now he's going to the place where he first met them. when the place arrives.

"AJ and Olga I'm here" Altair looks at the old tree house and felt nostalgic and sad

"Darter. i knew you were going to be" Altair looks at the owner of the voice and finds a young man in a black shirt and black pants. His hair was tied like a ponytail and on the waist he had a light sword. "I see that you are also in the military"

"Yes I'm in the militia ..." Altair looks at someone missing "Where is Olga?"

"Olga is in the kingdom as the princess. As we end up like that," AJ said in a low voice.

"We are in war of territories ..." Altair said looking around "I have come to warn you that the humans and my people will start attacking tomorrow night" AJ opens his eyes with a bang.

"You will participate in the invasion"

"I do not want to," Altair said, "But he forces me to do it ... I have no way out"

"That makes us enemies" AJ said glaring. Altair recognized the look somewhere. "I hope it comes out of my sight and when we meet we will not leave you alive"

"AJ listen to me, I do not want to fight" Altair approaches AJ but she draws the saber sword and points to Altair.

"Do not come near ..." he said in a cold tone. Altair looked at the blue eyes of AJ are of a assasin.

"I know those eyes ... you're going to assassinate me as the order of ..."


The two swords clash with each other. Altair and AJ looked at each other intensely and pushed the swords and separated.

"As you knew I am a Assasin ..." AJ moved slowly and looking at Altair.

"Because I've seen many assasin's in my previous life ..." Altair said moving the sword.

"Are you a Templar?" AJ asks with a frown.

"No ... I'm from the assasin's order"

"I'm also of the order ..." AJ puts himself in the sword position pointing "What's your name?"

"Darter Asterid"

"Dont!!" He denies flatly: "I mean the true name of our soul that came from the previous life ... My name is Ratonhnhaké: ton but they call me Connor Kenway"

"Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad"

"A Sirian ..." Connor moves the sword slowly "Let's see what Assassin classes you are Altair"

"You're messing with the mentor ..." Altair said with a frown.

Both begin to fight with the swords. Connor attacks him on the right and Altair covers himself with his sword.


"Connor, I do not want to fight with you ..."

"And why you work for humans!" Angry Connor exclaims and rushes towards him and attacks him in front to stick him in the abdomen. Altair dodges it and makes him stumble.

"You have anger and you deconcentrate" Altair said. Connor gets up and grabs the sand and throws it in his face but Altair covers his arm and defends himself with his sword.


"Come attack me with everything!" He exclaims angrily. Altair sighs disappointed and gets seriously. and rushes towards Connor and wields the sword horizontally.


Connor defends himself and attacks him horizontally but Altair dodges him jumping up and gives him a roll on his chin.


Connor falls on his back and wanted to lift but Altair lowers the sword pointing to the neck.

"I told you I'm the mentor ..." Altair said.

"¿What are you going to do ... kill my people ..?." Connor asks with a frown.

"No ... I'm going to stop that from happening" Altair lifts the sword. "If I do that ... Celestine will never forgive me"

"What are you going to do"

"Kill the human generals ..." Altair said looking at Connor "You will help me get rid of the generals"

"I do not know if I should trust ..."

"We are assasins and we trust each other, I am a teacher above," said Altair.

"Shut up ..." Connor sighs defeated "Well I'll help you but I'm not doing it for you"

"You're doing for Olga"


"Good but first ... our tunics" Altair raises the white hood hiding the face. Both Assasins have a mission to prevent invasion.

Eliminate the five generals.

Note the Autor: Thanks for reading the first chapter. leave in the comments if you like this plot.