"What's got you so happy?" Keith asked. "Did you play with that stray cat again?"

Shiro had walked in the door a few minutes ago, home from the gym, and hadn't stopped smiling his small happy smile he got whenever something small happened that made his day.

"Nothing happened," Shiro said lightly as he washed out his water bottle in the sink. Keith eyed him suspiciously from where he was making his lunch on the opposite counter.

"Bullshit, something happened and that's why you're smiling like that."

Shiro sighted and turned to face Keith. "If you really must know…an attractive guy hit on me at the gym," he said, a light blush on his cheeks.

Keith smirked and raised an eyebrow. "More attractive than Adam?"

"Nobody's more attractive than Adam," Shiro replied without hesitation, and Keith rolled his eyes at the sappiness of it. "Look, sometimes, it's just…nice. It's flattering. To know that an attractive person also finds you attractive. I know you hate being hit on, but some of us appreciate it sometimes." He paused before continuing. "Besides, he was really hot. And nice."

"Should I tell Adam he has some competition?" Keith teased.

"There's no competition, alright?" Shiro said defensively. "A hot guy hit on me and I politely refused, saying I am very happily committed to someone else, and we parted ways very amicably."

"I'm only teasing. I'm well aware there's nobody out there that could pry your heart away from Adam. Besides, Adam would never let that happen." Shiro smiled a small dopey grin at that and Keith rolled his eyes again. "So, what did he look like?"


"They guy who hit on you? What did he look like? I know you want to tell me."

Shiro hesitated a few seconds before speaking, clearly wanting to talk about the encounter now that it was in the open. "Well, he was tall. Pretty good body definition, but still kinda lean." Keith turned back to his ramen noodles as Shiro continued describing the man, nodding along and only half-listening. "Oh, and he had white hair." Keith dropped his fork into the pot and leapt back as small droplets of boiling water hit his hand. Shiro continued, not noticing Keith's reaction. "It was pretty long too, past his shoulders. It was kinda a weird style, but he pulled it off. And his name was kinda weird, what was it? L-Lo, Lo-something—"

"Lotor?" Keith asked, with a sense of dread.

"Yeah! That was it. Lotor." Shiro's eyebrows furrowed. "How do you know Lotor?"

"Oh my god," Keith said, ignoring the question. "No, no, no. Shit. I have to call Lance."

"What? Why do you have to call Lance?" Shiro asked, but Keith was already in the living room, searching for his phone. He found it and dialed up Lance. He tapped his foot while waiting for Lance to pick up, while Shiro trailed into the living room after him.

"Lance? Lance," Keith said, as soon as he picked up. "You're not gonna believe this."

"What? What happened?" Shiro could through the line.

"Lotor. That's what happened."

"Shit, don't tell me he found our coffee shop again."

"He didn't. He hit on Shiro at the gym."


Keith paced back into the kitchen. "Oh my god, my gym!" he suddenly exclaimed. "Lotor was at my gym! Shit! I can't go there anymore."

"No, not your gym, you love that gym," Lance said consolingly.

"It's the perfect gym. It's the perfect distance from the apartment and the university, it's not too expensive, it's never too busy, it's always clean, they take good care of their equipment, and now I can never go there again," Keith lamented, leaning his forehead down to the counter.

"Who's Lotor?" Shiro asked from behind.

Keith turned to face him. "My ex-boyfriend."

"You're ex-boyfriend hit on me?" he asked, looking less pleased about the encounter.

"And Lance's ex-boyfriend."

"He hit on Lance's ex-boyfriend?"

"No, he is Lance's ex-boyfriend."

"You both dated Lotor?"

"And Allura."


"Yes, we all three dated Lotor, Allura being the most recent."

Shiro was silent for a minute before adopting a haunted look on his face.

"What?" Keith asked.

Shiro looked up at him. "Thank god I'm dating Adam or I might've said yes."

They both shivered at the thought.

"Wait, Keith, was he there to work out or was he just checking out the gym?" Keith startled, having forgotten that Lance was on the phone. "'Cause if he was only checking out the gym, he might join a different gym and as long as he doesn't know you go there, you're safe."

"Oh my god, you're right," Keith said into the phone, then directed at Shiro, "Was he there to work out?"

"Um, I don't think so, he was dressed in normal clothes."

"Did he seem to like the gym? Do you think he'll come back?"

Shiro scratched the back of his head. "Uh, maybe? I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention to that kind of thing."

"I need more than a maybe, Shiro!" Keith said intensely, but turned back to his phone without listening for an answer. "Fuck, this is stressful. Why did he have to come back?"

"Lance, the most blessed thing happened to me today and I had to tell you right away."


"I saw Lotor today."

"What?! Since when is that a good thing?"

"Let me finish. I briefly stopped by the gym closer to our old coffee shop, just scouting out my options, and I saw Lotor signing up for a gym membership."

"You're gym is safe!"

"My gym is safe."

Note: Thanks for reading, comments keep me alive :)

I think this was all the inspiration I had for this verse, but my inspiration is random and fickle so who knows.