Knox: Back again everybody~
King: Took a bit, but that's not too surprising.
Knox: That is... entirely your fault.
King: Sure it is...
Everyone sat in anticipation for what was to come. Pyrrha was always untouchable, unbeatable. But now, she was a game character that had to be balanced against everyone else. What's more, it would be interesting to see what weird stereotypes would be linked to Pyrrha.
Like all the others, Pyrrha was dancing down a railway as Knox's voice appeared, "Pyrrha Nikos. Four time champion of Mistral's junior huntsmen tournaments, top student of Sanctum Academy, and the pride of Argus. The legendary Invincible Girl. She's got all this lore about how great she is, she must be the best character in the game right?" Suddenly, the camera zoomed in on Pyrrha's face, "Right?"
When everything returned to normal, Knox continued, "This is the thoughts of every new player to ever pick up the game. So there's a LOT of stereotypes to go over. And I think you can tell what to expect."
That did not fill Pyrrha with confidence, that's for sure. Sure, it was nice that there wasn't the same unbeatable stigma, but it was hard to ignore the fact that they weren't going to be very good. There was a reason she was a four time champion, when she could just have easily walked away after the first big win. She was competitive. Now, she had to sit back and wait to see where this goes.
The first hat to appear showed Pyrrha with a bronze, spartan helmet over her head, metal protrusions hugging her cheeks and over her nose, [300%].
Nora's hand was up in an instant, "Mine!"
"Okay, let's get the low hanging fruit out of the way. This is the new player picking up the game for the first time and thinks if she puts on this hat it makes them look tough and cool. It was one of Pyrrha's first hats, so it's the veteran hat, right? No." Knox finished on a deadpan.
Nora was more stunned than anything. Yang, meanwhile, was just laughing.
"Next hat!"
The hats swapped out to Pyrrha with her usual ponytail replaced by a long braid, [Intertwining Fate].
Yang waved her hand slightly, "Right here!"
"This is a slot filler. No really. Most of Pyrrha's best cosmetics are miscs, so her hair/hats just kind of ends up ignored."
Yang and Nora swapped rolls, with a disgruntled Yang and a laughing Nora.
The hats swapped over to show Pyrrha with a bronze, laurel crown resting over her ears, [Victory in Motion].
Neptune cut through the laughter on the other side of the seats, "I got this one."
"Victory Pyrrha's are an interesting lot. More often than not, Pyrrha is not their main and they're just trying out a new play style for a bit. They could know all the best strategies, where to be, and when to take advantage of a whiff. But that doesn't mean they can put it into practice just yet."
Neptune sighed, but at least Yang and Nora were busy laughing at each other instead of him.
"Just don't get it confused with…"
The next hat looked very similar. However, the metal showed signs of burns and the tips of Pyrrha's hair had wisps of smoke, [Pyrrhic Victory].
No one claimed it, but Yang did find the pun respectable.
"Pyrrhic Pyrrhas' propensity for perfection precludes her to pick predictable paths, particularly playing on Payload maps. Pathologically passing through points, often leading to passing on from a placed bomb. I'm not re-recording that."
Weiss had to laugh a bit at the attempt at alliteration.
The hats swapped again to show Pyrrha with a similar style of item, however it was a solid metal more resembling a set of black horns, [Iron Princess].
Velvet raised her hand for the first time in three rounds, "I picked this one, actually."
Pyrrha turned to the rabbit faunas with a raised eyebrow. It was no secret between the two that they were in competition for Jaune's affection. This particular style, meanwhile, almost seems demon-like with the horns. So, it wasn't out of the question for Pyrrha to think Velvet picked this out of some sense of spite.
"The Iron Princess just came out at time of recording, so there hasn't been a lot of time to develop a stereotype. But I've been seeing it everywhere recently."
Coco thought back to their options. "I think I get it. These are all recorded over time, but we got the most recent version to work with."
"I have noticed a few things, though. First, Iron Princesses will be more aggressive than usual. Second, they'll favor their rifle over their other options. Third, they'll probably have Eisenkanzler on Jaune."
A Jaune appeared to the side, showing a dark canvas, navy hat with a blue and gold shield pin at the center of the hat.
Eyes turned to Velvet, since they didn't hear what she picked for Jaune, but she shook her head. "I didn't pick that one for Jaune."
"I know King's taken to using both of them. Take that as you will."
Hats changed again to show Pyrrha with a solid-metal, black tiara resting on her head, [Obsidian Champion].
Blake waved her hand slightly, "Mine."
"Obsidian Pyrrhas are on that thin line between edgy and genuinely cool. It really depended on how the person takes it. If the rest of the outfit looks edgy, it's probably edgy. If it looks semi-normal, they're cool."
Yang chuckled, "Guess we'll find out once we get to the outfits."
Blake thought back to her design, not entirely sure what her choice counted as.
Hats swapped out again to show Pyrrha with her hair cut short, reaching only as far as her shoulders, with a canvas military hat. Said hat was a deep blue with a red trim at its base and had a golden plus sign on the front, [Military Polarity].
Weiss raised an eyebrow, "I know I selected this one, but it looked different."
Ruby turned to her partner, "What do you mean?"
Yang had a similar confused look as Ruby, "Looked like that when I checked it out."
Weiss disagreed though, "The one I had was bright red with blue trim and had a negative sign."
"Okay, the Military Polarity is a weird one. First off, it comes in two forms. Positive and negative."
Both versions of the hat appeared on the screen for a moment with the positive being what was shown and negative being how Weiss described it.
"Oh!" Ruby grinned, "That explains it."
"Positive Polarity Pyrrhas are the straightforward type, always going through the match just to have fun, even if she's not the best. Negative, however, turns it into a border-line War Pig. She's smart enough to recognize that she can't solo the enemy team, but not smart enough to realize she's not as good as she thinks she is."
Yang and Nora had enough time to calm down and turn their laughter back to Weiss.
Weiss just sighed and shook her head, a little annoyed.
Hats swapped around again to show Pyrrha with loose, wavy hair with a yellow ribbon and a simple mask over her eyes, [Sailor Juniper]. (by Bucky749)
Ruby's hand shot up, "Mine!"
"Sailor Juniper is often worn by the Pyrrha who really likes Magical-Girl stories. You know: power of friendship, transforming sequences, a group of superpowered girls fighting monsters, etc."
Yang had to laugh, "Minus the transforming, sounds like another day for team RWBY."
Blake nodded, "A little bit."
"If not, you got this in a crate and you're wearing it until you get something better. That, or you've got an unusual effect on it. If so… yeah, fair enough."
Hats swapped again to show Pyrrha with a section of her hair tied up at the top of her head while the rest fell down her back (think Meg from Disney's Hercules), [I Won't Say it].
Coco raised her hand slightly, "Right here."
"Can't Say It Pyrrhas are a bit weird, I'll be honest. The biggest stereotype is that they tend to have that one friend they can't admit they like in real life. Be it as a friend or a potential love interest. That said, in game, they're just quiet and not really getting involved unless they have a friend on the server."
Coco raised an eyebrow, but after a moment just shrugged. She couldn't think of anyone in that case so it was just a bunk stereotype. It wasn't the first time, but still.
Hats changed over again to show Pyrrha with her hair tied back and a small black hat set on her head, [Torero].
Sun's hand shot up, "Mine!"
There was a moment as music started to build before Les Toreadors from Carmen began to blast from the speakers. Each strike of the symbols in the background was a kill on the screen of whatever unfortunate sap got in her way. This went on for about a minute with a small lull in the middle of the bombastic music for a quieter moment as Pyrrha ran along a map searching for her next victim. As the bombastic music hit an ending point, the screen turned black with white lettering saying, [I spent too much time on this joke].
As Knox started to talk again, the rest of the sonata was playing in the background behind him. "Be afraid! Be very afraid! If you ever see a Torero Pyrrha on the enemy team and you don't have your team with you, run. You will die. Toreros are masters of jukes and odd movements to screw with your tracking. It's hard to get a read on them and you will die unless you get super lucky. Keep an eye out."
Sun beamed with a certain pride hearing he got a truly awesome stereotype with that one. He'd gotten decent ones, but not the server stomper, so it was fun to get the best of the options.
"Okay then. This is usually the part where we get the JoJo hat. Everyone has one, so Pyrrha's should be next."
Pyrrha's next hat showed her wearing a wide brimmed hat with a series of cut out sections that break up the shade given by the brim. A pair of goggles were wrapped around the hat for good measure, [Go! Go! Nikos!].
Pyrrha raised her hand slightly, "I picked this one."
"JoJo. The best friend you'll ever have. She'll be tough, sure, but you'll improve because of it. That said, there are limits to her patience. She's got a good heart, but you wouldn't think it unless you took the time to find out. It's also a really nice hat, so you see non JoJo fans picking it up."
Pyrrha didn't have much to say, but liked what she did get.
Things returned to show Pyrrha as she danced down the railway.
"And that's it. For now anyway. Weirdly, I couldn't find an edgy hat. Well… yet, anyway. Again, most of Pyrrha's best cosmetics are miscs, so the hats are usually after thoughts. When we get back around for the clean up episode, I might find one. Until then, next up is Ren. See you next time."
Pyrrha smiled, "That wasn't that bad."
Weiss huffed, "Speak for yourself."
Blake nodded. She and Weiss had less than desirable, overarching stereotypes with their characters. For now, they just had to wait and see if Ren would also follow suit.