Sixteen years ago, Echo Creek was the epicenter of the biggest and final magical phenomenon ever experienced in the universe; the dimensions of Mewni and Earth were cleaved together by the love of Marco Diaz and Star Butterfly, this... is not their story. Well, they're in it, but it's not about them. Instead, our story focuses on two other best friends who were promised to grow up together by the couple so many years ago, and today is the birthday of one of them.

Within the household of Rafael and Angie Diaz, the room which used to house their son Marco, now has a new occupant, actually, she's been there for the better part of 7 years now. The alarm clock on the bedside read 8:59am, then switched to 9:00 bringing forth the blaring alarm everyone knows, but before a second blair even happened, a hand slammed down on the clock and a large head of messy brown hair wearing purple pajamas shot straight up from her bed. She used both hands to part her hair, revealing a very excited face; Mariposa Diaz, the younger sister of Marco, is now 16 years old, and on her brother's word, he had a very very special surprise for her today. Through many years of growing up together, Marisposa and Marco grew really close as siblings, and she knew that any gift from Marco would be wickedly awesome and worth the wait. She jumped out of bed and ran to her closet, throwing open the doors and putting on one of her favorite outfits; a navy blue shirt with a penguin on the chest, a purple cardigan, navy blue skirt and short purple boots and to top it all off, a demon horns headband she got as a gift from Star on her 5th birthday as well as an improved, metal, penguin necklace Marco gave her the same day.

Mariposa ran downstairs, or rather, rode the railing downstairs and made it to the kitchen, where she was surprised to see her family and friends gathered around the table, noticing her and yelling.

"Surprise!" There were decorations everywhere, streamers, balloons, monster decorations and a banner that said 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIPOSA' which has been reused for as long as she can remember and they're starting to fade badly. She scanned around the crowd, seeing her parents, who have definitely shown signs of aging; Marco and Star, married for the better part of 9 years; Marco eventually became an actual therapist, majoring in psychology, he looks similar to when he was in the Neverzone, but less rugged, no scar on his eye, no ear piercings and no scissor tattoo on his left bicep, he's still completely ripped which Star goes crazy over. Star on the other hand, is just taller, with a more mature, but still starlike fashion sense; she went to school for clothing designs and even has her own fashion line now to outfit humans and monsters alike; Star was holding their newborn son, Thomas and next to Marco stood their 5 year old daughter Stella. Moon and River were among the crowd, next to them Eclipsa and Globgor, who actually dressed up for this, not just in his usual speedo; all four of them lead the head council of Mearth, just recently established around 5 years ago when everything finally was in order all over the new planet. Tom and Janna were there, but near the back of the crowd, they became an item about 3 months after the two dimensions were cleaved together and married a year after Star and Marco, with each one being the best man and maid of honor respectively; Jackie and Chloe were in town during this time, so they decided to show up as well, ponyhead was looking inside through the window as she was now too big to fit in the house. However, among all these familiar faces, there was one person missing.

"Where's G-" Suddenly, before she could finish her word, she was tackled to the floor by an unknown person; Mariposa got ready to fight, but when she opened her eyes, she saw familiar purple stripes on the arms of her assailant; she looked up further to come face to face with the fanged, slit eyed, short purple haired Meteora.

"Surprise sis!" The young monster girl said as she helped her up, they each hugged each other with Mariposa being more excited.

"Grobb! You made it!"

"Of course I did Bork, why would I miss my bestie's birthday?" The two of them preferred to call each other their Neverzone names rather than their real names, but nobody else really cared.

"Now that everyone's here, who is ready to party?!" Rafael said this and everyone was ready. The rest of the day followed with a breakfast buffet outside, candle blowing and cake eating, which evolved into a cake shoving match between Mariposa and Meteora, and all kinds of party games which brought together more of their monster, mewman and human friends from all over. Present time happened to be around 2:00 and there was a pretty big pile of wrapped gifts; as Mariposa unwrapped each one, she became more and more excited; her gifts consisted of new, not released yet clothes from Star, a new Bo staff from Tom and Janna, her first mirror phone from her parents, a friendship pendant from Meteora and plenty of other gifts. Soon, the gift pile was empty and she couldn't help but realize something.

"Marco?" She turned to face her older brother, who was talking with Tom.

"Yeah sis?"

"Where's your gift? You didn't forget did you?" Marco put on a sly grin and motioned her to the fence.

"Come here, and put this on." He gave her a blindfold and lead her. Once they got to the gate, Marco opened the door. "Alright, take it off." Standing before her, scales polished and cleaned, new 667 license collar and ready to ride, was Marco's dragon cycle, Nachos. Mariposa stood with her eyes wide and jaw open, and if it could fall to the floor, it would have when Marco held out his hand, revealing an ignition key with a penguin keychain attached to it. "Don't worry, I already talked to mom and dad, they were scared, but ok with this." A few more seconds of silence before a high pitched scream of excitement escaped the young girl, she then ran and hugged her brother tightly.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" She then ran over to Nachos and inspected her, the dragoncycle purring at her in response.

"So, do you like it?"

"Are you kidding me?! This is the best gift ever!" She then got a solemn look. "Are you sure you're ok with me having Nachos?"

"Of course I am. I already had this planned a while ago, she's ok with it too, right girl?" The dragoncyle nodded and purred. Mariposa's excitement came back and she smiled brightly. "So, wanna take her for a spin?" He held out his hand again and she nearly took it along with the key with how fast and aggressively they were yanked. She mounted the cycle and then looked to the side before starting her up.

"Hey Grobb! Come here and join me!" The monster girl, who now preferred mid cut T-shirts and ripped jeans with high tops, essentially barreled through the crowd, but was stopped by a giant hand from her father who picked her up by the scruff of her shirt.

"Where are you going in such a hurry young lady?" Eclipsa told her daughter as she dangled from Globgor's hand.

"Mom, dad, can I please go with B- Mariposa? She did invite me and it is her birthday."

"Yeah, please aunt Eclipsa? Can she come?" Both girls gave the pair cutsey eyes and they broke quite fast. Globgor shrank back down and set his daughter back on the ground.

"Fine, we'll allow you to go."

"But please don't get into too much trouble?"

"I'll be fine mom, we'll stay safe; or, as safe as we can be on a dragon cycle."

"Alright sweety, just be back home before it starts getting dark." Meteora nodded at her mother, hugged both of them and then ran off to join her friend on a Joyride through Echo Creek. The two sat awkwardly as Mariposa tried to get the cycle to move.

"Umm how do I? Maybe... Marco, I forgot how to make her move!"

"Just rev up the right horn and side kick. Oh, but be careful not to kick too hard or-" But before he could finish, they shot off into the sky with screams of enjoyment and absolute terror. "Or else you'll shoot off at uncontrollable speeds. Well, she'll remember how to ride soon enough, I hope." Just then, the sound of crashing was heard and they looked to see that the two had smashed through the sign that said 'WELCOME TO ECHO CREEK' but seemed to start getting control again. Marco sighed, but looked on with a smile; then Star held on to his arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Reminds me of the reckless mess you were Marco."

"Who, me? No, I was the safe kid remember? I never did a single reckless thing in my life." The two chuckled, having made Marco's high school label a running joke, before hearing Tom speak to them from behind.

"You guys coming back inside to get something to eat? There's still plenty of food. Also, dude, your parents are passing around the baby, might wanna stop them before River gets to him." They ran inside fast, both because of hunger, but also because they knew exactly what Star's father would do to their baby, go hunting with him, which is what he did with Stella when she was born.

High above the ground, the dangerous trio was flying around, Mariposa finally getting the hang of the cycle.

"So, Bork, waddaya say we go on a quick adventure?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"I'm thinking... fighting some evil guys."

"Sounds good to me!" She revved up the cycle and they flew onwards, thinking to herself. 'Best birthday ever!'