Part of UraIchi Week 2019 Day 5 Prompt: Mafia AU

Kisuke is a young Yakuza Boss who leads the Utagawa Group under the reign of the Shihoin Clan. He meets the heir to the Shiba Clan – Ichigo Shiba - who is made to serve as his bodyguard.

Story inspired by 'Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai'.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

A/N: I'm so excited for this story and I really hope you like where I will take it! This is the first time I'm trying my hand at a AU like this so please be gentle! Anyway, enough of my rambling! Enjoy!

Name: Kisuke Urahara.

Age: 27 years old.

Occupation: Boss of the Utagawa Yakuza Group.

Location: Karakura City, 16:00 o'clock.

Kisuke was currently leaning against the glass window overlooking Karakura City. A cigarette was dangling from his mouth and burning away slowly, he neither seemed to notice or care. With a sigh he ran a hand through his messy ash-blond hair. He flicked the cigarette out of the open window, watching it land on the empty sidewalk below.

He had removed his jacket, wearing only a pristine white shirt, his vest and a loosened tie; an attempt to get comfortable even if he was stuck at the office for another hour at least.

With a groan he hit his head against the glass.

Some days were just so dull.

No trespassing on his territory, no interesting heists, nobody he needed to collect money from or threaten. The only thing left to do was check over reports and he sure as hell was procrastinating on that as long as he could.

He hadn't even had a decent fuck yet. For a man that usually had had at least three cocks up his ass by the time lunch came by it really was a dreadfully slow day.

"Boss!" A voice called through the door.

"Come in!" He yelled back.

One of his subordinates – Keigo Asano – came walking in, another person in tow.

"Ichigo Shiba, of the Shiba Clan is here to start his work." Asano informed him.

Kisuke's gaze shifted to the young man behind Keigo. He was wearing a dark grey suit and black tie. Handsome and undoubtedly his father's son, with a mop of bright orange hair which messily fell into his face.

"Leave us alone, Asano." Kisuke ordered.

As the door closed behind him Kisuke gestured for the Shiba boy to step closer.

"Take a seat." He offered, pointing towards the couch.

Ichigo did as he was told. He kept his eyes trained on the man as the Yakuza boss easily slid into the seat across from him.

"So, it seems like we'll be working together from here on out." Kisuke said.

"Yes." Shiba answered, his voice curt. Kisukes tilted his head as he realized that there seemed to be a permanent scowl plastered on his face. With an amused quirk of his eyebrow he slowly leaned further back, crossing his feet as he went.

"Ichigo Shiba, hm?" Kisuke asked quietly. "Tell me, what have you heard of me?"

Ichigo scowled a bit more before answering carefully. "Youngest Boss the Utagawa Group has ever had, serving under the Shihoin Clan."

Kisuke huffed a small laugh. "What else?"

The boy stayed quiet, fighting to keep his expression neutral.

"Aww, come on. I've heard a lot of bad things in my life. No need to be shy~. Tell me, what have my dear underlings told you about me?" Kisuke sung happily.

"Masochistic pervert." Shiba spoke after a moment's hesitancy.

A calm smile stretched itself over Kisukes face as Ichigo answered. "Ahh, yes, delightful. Anything else?"

"Lustful cat."

"Hmm, I like that one. Next?" Kisuke replied, his smile never wavering.

"The public toilet of the executive staff."

"Ohh, am I now? Anything left?"

"He smiles even if he's mad, so be careful."

Kisukes smile stayed the same as before, but his eyes seemed to bore themselves into Ichigos. Somehow becoming colder and sharper.

"Quite a few things you've heard there. My turn now, isn't it?" Kisuke asked rhetorically, uncrossing his feet and leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Ichigo Shiba, 20 years old. Heir to the Shiba Clan and for the foreseeable future my bodyguard. Really, the relationship between the Shihoins and the Shibas has always been excellent but sending their Heir to work for the other group? A little strange…isn't it?"

"Maybe." The young Heir allowed. "I'm not old enough, nor experienced enough as a Yakuza to take over any portion of our Family business. It wouldn't be good for me to work under my father or any of my future subordinates. You were the 'logical' choice."

"Hmm…I see. Well then, Ichigo-kun. Let's get along well!"

Kisuke reached his hand out across the table, after a moment's hesitation Ichigo took it. In the next second Kisuke had yanked him closer and was speaking directly into his face.

"I've heard some other things about you too, Shiba. Ferocious attack dog. Red fox. Uncontrollable beast. I wonder…do you think I'll be able to tame you? I rather fancy myself a housecat." Kisuke whispered, a sharp smile tugging at his lips.

Ichigo glared at him, tugging at Kisukes hand just as harshly. "Really now? I wonder who will tame whom?"

Kisuke laughed and release Ichigos hand. "We shall see."

Ichigo got up and walked towards the exit.

"Ahh, before you leave Ichigo-kun. Come over here for a second."

Ichigo turned around and stepped closer cautiously, stopping two feet in front of his new 'Boss'. With quicker movements than Ichigo had anticipated the older man closed the last distance between them and pulled him down into a hard kiss.

It was all tongue and teeth; battling for domination, the taste of blood being swapped between them as they bit at each other's lips. Ichigos heart was pumping harder and harder in his chest, desperate muffled gasps and pants spilling from his lips.

Breathing heavily, they pulled away, a string of salvia and blood connecting their lips.

Ichigos eyes were wide and wild, full of confusion and surprise.

"I'll have you tamed soon, my little kitten." Kisuke told him with a grin, tapping his index finger against Ichigos nose before brushing past him and walking out of his office, leaving a very confused and slightly aroused red-head behind.




"So, where is our money?" Kisuke asked the whimpering man in front of him coldly.

"I-I don't h-have it! I-I'm so sorry…Pl-please give me a-a little more time!"

"Hmm, but that's what you said last time too, you know?" Kisuke asked, boredom obvious in his voice.

Ichigo watched on dispassionately. The man was being held by both of his arms, his head bowed before Urahara. Hisagi crowding him on his one, Abarai on his other side.

Kisuke took a deep drag of his cigarette and blew out the smoke leisurely. "You see, the problem is: we want our money back. And I know you don't have any. Go to your parents, your siblings and then to your other relatives. And. Get. The. Money. We'll chop you up and sell the pieces if you don't." Kisuke said, waving his hand dismissively a look of utter carelessness on his face. "We don't care either way. Money is money."

"Whoa, don't fuckin' piss yourself." Renji yelled, pulling away from the man, a look of disgust on his face.

"Kick him out." Kisuke told them, snapping his fingers. As Hisagi and Abarai did as they were told Kisuke sauntered over towards the sitting area. Keigo was sitting on one of the couches, a cup of coffee in front of him. With a sigh Kisuke let himself fall down opposite of him.

"So, how's it going, Asano?" Kisuke asked conversationally.

"Ohh, Boss! Uhm, I'm good? How about you?" Keigo responded slightly nervous.

"Hmm could be better. Haven't had a decent fuck for two days. For a masochistic pervert and lustful cat like me something like that is quite bad, you know?" A small smile was spreading over his face, ice-cold eyes settling on Keigo.

Sweat broke out on Keigo's face as he threw a quick glare into Ichigo's direction.

"Asano. Who are the executive staff members?" Kisuke asked fishing for another cigarette in his pocket as he spoke, throwing the other in an ashtray.

"I-I really don't know. I h-have no idea." Keigo answered.

"Really? So, they haven't all banged my ass? Even if I had more than one ass, it wouldn't be enough you know? There is quite a few of them." Kisuke informed him, tilting his head slightly and lighting his cigarette as if he didn't have a care in the world.

"Ahaha, yes I know. And with your hands full with Kyoraku it really isn't possible." Keigo said gulping as he spoke, a permanent nervous smile plastered on his face.


"A-ahaha, I had just assumed, as he seems to f-favor you and always wants to do business with you." Keigo quickly clarified.

"Hmm I see…Refrain from bad-mouthing your boss in front of the new guy next time, Asano. It might just cost you that pretty neck of yours one day." Kisuke told him, patting him on the shoulder like an old friend as he stretched and walked off into his office.

Keigo threw another glare at Ichigo.

"What the hell did you tell him that for?" He asked face reddening in anger.

"Ahh…sorry…he asked what his subordinates said about him. I didn't want to lie. He seemed to have an idea anyway." Ichigo answered shrugging.

"Ahh fucking hell!" Asano yelled. "Now I'll never have a chance of hooking up with him!"

"Not like you had one before." Abarai butted in drily, obviously having listened in on their argument.

"Tch, not like you know that for sure!" Keigo snapped.

"You know the Boss doesn't fuck his subordinates, Asano, hell he won't ever look at us like that. Get over it. None of us will ever get some of that ass." Abarai told him, waving away the sputtering brown-haired man.

'The Boss…doesn't fuck his subordinates…?' Ichigo wondered quietly, blocking out the sound of Abarai and Asano bickering. 'Then why…did he kiss me?'