Natasha was busy studying a map of the harbor adjacent to the secret research base where the experimentation would be taking place. She was planning out how to prevent the assassination attempt that Hydra was about to pull. The drivers were no problem as they were killed during the escape attempt, however, Fred Clemson or Heinz Kruger would end up completing his mission. The master assassin was thinking of ways to approach the target and account for any unexpected interferences.
Her concentration was broken when she heard someone knock on the office door.
"Come in." She answered.
Agent Carter opened the door "how's the work?"
"It's getting done, thanks. You excited for the procedure tomorrow?" Natasha inquired.
"Excited yes, nervous too." Peggy hoped the serum will work. "You're not coming with us in the morning?" Peggy asked Natasha.
"No, Abraham has me finishing up last minute reports. I'll be there for the demonstration." Natasha lied.
"I see." Peggy replied, she sounded indifferent.
"I am sure you and Steve can use this time to get to know each other more." The assassin teased.
Peggy put on a stern expression, realizing what Natasha was implying. "Oh, don't be silly."
"What? He's not a bad guy. Or are you just superficial?" The red-haired woman shrugged.
The brunette looked offended. "I am not superficial- I am just not interested in settling down at the moment." She defended.
"I never said you had to settle down." Natasha smirked which caused Peggy to get a little flustered.
"I just want to keep it professional." Peggy remained calm.
"Uh-hu, now go get some rest, I can't concentrate with you here." Natasha joked. "Thanks for checking in on me."
"Of course, get some rest too." Peggy left.
As the door finally closed, the assassin let out a deep breath and sunk into her seat. She wanted to be prepared for the worst-case scenario but wasn't sure if her efforts would be enough to stop the tragedy that would unfold tomorrow. "Maybe if I intercept him before he arrives?" Natasha tussled her hair, slightly frustrated with the logistics of her problem. After a few more hours of planning, Romanoff snuck out of the base, she had 'barrowed' some weapons and a jeep. Lucky for her she had all the paperwork needed to convince the guards that she was just completing a task Dr. Erskine had assigned her.
The agent drove her way to the harbor where she had read that Kruger's get away vehicle a Fieser Dorsch, a single pilot submersible vehicle was retrieved. She didn't know if the Hydra spy would arrive in the vehicle or if she had already missed the time window.
It was a little passed midnight and there wasn't much activity at the harbor. Natasha got out of the jeep and made a quick checked of the surrounding area before activating the Hydra quantum realm suit and diving into the water. The suit came in handy as it had night vision and was waterproof. "No Hydra vehicle down here." She muttered.
After a few more minutes of scanning through the pitch-black water she came back onto the surface and found a position on a cargo ship facing the doc. The assassin carried with her a Lee-Enfield sniper rifle with a prototype suppressor. The place would make a great stakeout location for the rest of the night. If Kruger arrived, she would be able to take him out easily or head back to the Strategic Scientific Reserve facility to protect Erskine and Steve before the operation began.
Natasha had not kept her eye off the dock area for the past six hours. She had run through all the possibilities in her mind of how she was going to take out the Hydra assassin. It's been over 72 hours since the last time she slept, and she could feel a twinge in her fingers that meant her alertness was starting to fade. The sun had been up for a while now and the assassin shook her head and emptied her mind of any thoughts about sleep. Steve's procedure was about to begin in an hour so she was contemplating whether she should go to the facility. It was about a five-minute drive away, so she waited a little longer.
Suddenly, the surface of the water broke. A smile slowly made it onto the assassin face as she scoped in with her rifle and could visibly make out a man coming out of the Hydra vehicle. It was Kruger.
Natasha kept her target in sight, watching his every move as he climbed up onto the dock and was met with three strangers. "Those must be the get away drivers." The four seemed to be conversing about something important. Natasha could make out from their moving lips that they were walking about Erskine, the serum, and a plan. She closed her eyes for less than a millisecond, holding her breath and taking aim.
The first shot entered the cranium of one of the random Hydra agents, before the other two drivers could react more bullets sailed through the air going into their chests and out their backs. That was three confirmed kills for the Black Widow.
Kruger looked hysterical, unable to comprehend where the projectiles where coming from. The Hydra Spy made a dash for the alleyway but what struck in the knee from another round. The man fell onto the ground yelling in pain, but no one was there to help him. Natasha smirked, satisfied with her work. She unloaded the magazine and cocked the gun, packing up any traces that she was there before heading down to retrieve her asset.
Natasha gave Kruger a fifty/fifty chance of taking his own life. The reports said the the spy had a cyanide capsule disguised as a right canine, she wanted nothing more than for the man to be dead. This meant that there would be no curve balls that she had to deal with, his mission was compromised, and he had served his cause. However, if he was alive- well then that meant he has one final message to deliver.
It took Romanoff two minutes to get down from her position. The entire time she made sure that the man couldn't make it too far. The Fieser Dorsch was still submerged and none of the getaway vehicles were missing. She followed a trail of blood that curved around the corner to the back of a building. There she found the Hydra Agent holding his bloodied leg and breathing heavily.
Natasha aimed her weapon at the man, "You should be dead." She mouthed.
The man noticed the voice and looked up, he laughed in a mocking manner. "You are not what I was expecting."
"I hope I didn't disappoint." Natasha quipped.
"On the contrary, you have been proving our leader's point. Women are just as valuable resources a man, not just breeding machines."
"What a revolutionary." She said sarcastically.
"He will bring order to this world! I – ah!" Natasha without warning hit the man in the mouth with the butt of her rifle, popping several teeth out of his mouth.
The man let out an agonizing yelp and touched his lips. A cold sweat broke across his forehead as he realized his suicide pill had been dislodged. He reached for a tooth sitting on the ground, but Natasha stomped on his hand producing another painful howl.
The Agent stuck the rifle barrel against the man's temple.
"Cut off one head, two shall take it's place." He chanted.
"We'll there's three of your friends over there." She retorted.
"We're merely pawns." He squeezed his pocket which made a single beeping noise.
"Oh shit!" Natasha jumped back and rolled into a ball. The explosion sent her tumbling several feet, its if someone turned on a jet engine right in front of her. A loud ringing temporary deafened her hearing, and she felt like her internals have all flipped over. The assassin grunted and gazed at where Kruger used to be, nothing but fire, blood, and debris.
"Damn it!" She slammed the pavement. Natasha stood up, her legs still a bit shaky. The mixture of sleep deprivation and the intensity of the explosion caused her body to be confused; not sure if it wanted to go into rest mode or ready to spring into action. She stumbled over to her jeep and entered the driver seat, checking the time. "Oh no, no, no…" She realized that the procedure had just began. Quickly she started the vehicle and raced her way to the facility.
Several loud blasts could be heard in front of her as she drove closer to the facility. It sounded like she was about to enter into a firefight. She swerved passed the light traffic and reached a blockade of cars, there were people in military uniforms firing at a truck heading their way.
The sound of metal and glass cracking and bending as the truck collided with the parked cars echoed through the streets. The massive vehicle was easily able ram pass the blockade and continue its path right passed Natasha.
She was hesitant to go after the vehicle. Not sure who was driving it, or if it mattered, the only thing she had on her mind was the safety of Steve. Luckily, she didn't need to wait too long to make a decision as a tall muscular man wearing clothes that looked two sizes too small began charging through the carnage with a murderous intent in his eyes. Natasha quickly reversed her jeep and chased after the superhuman who in turn was chasing another vehicle.
Dodging some more cars and civilians, the chase continued for a few hectic minutes. Until Steve decided to take a short cut throw an ally instead of running into heavy traffic. Natasha stopped her vehicle and sprinted after the blonde. Steve rounded the corner and disappearing from her sights.
Her body was tired, and it fought against her actions to continue the pursuit. The Black Widow ignored her physical limits and parkoured over a fence, cutting through the crowd of busy pedestrians on the sidewalk. She realized they were heading back to the harbor.
There was a crashing noise followed by dozens of people running away in fear. She could hear the grunting of two men engaged in a fist fight. It was no ordinary brawl as it sounded like gunshots every time a punch landed. Natasha pulled out a pistol and stealthy made her way to the commotion.
In front of her Steve was fighting a figure dressed in a full body Hydra uniform. Natasha new instantly that it was the brainwashed version of Steve as almost no one could withstand punches from a super soldier and walk away without some kind of major injury. The two exchanged fists and kicks, Hydra Steve was way more experienced landing a fury of punches that always connected with its target. Regular Steve looked like an amateur in comparison, doing his best to block incoming blows while dishing out his own.
Natasha had to act fast, she rolled up her sleeves and activated her electric gauntlets. "Steve!" She yelled, the one in a white shirt turned to look at her, a mistake on his end as he received a punch in the gut that sent him onto his knees. The Black Widow whispered an apology, but she needs him to be out of the way. She took aim and fired at the Hydra Steve, but her bullets didn't do much but stun the enemy.
Natasha closed the distance and inflicted some damage of her owns with several punches combined with the shock of her bracers. Using her agility, she got behind the man and jumped onto his back, forcing her arms around his neck to put him into a chokehold. The Black Widow pulled her arms closer inwards doing her best not to let him shake her.
Hydra Steve elbowed her in the side and used the back of his head to bash her face. He could feel her arms weakening, reaching back he grabbed at her jacket and threw her off with little effort, sending the agent crashing too his doppelganger. Just as quick, he rand over to harbor side and dived into the water.
Natasha grunted, her head ached, and she wanted to throw up from the pain in her stomach.
"Natasha! You alright?" Steve's concerned voice was booming in her ears, he shook the agent a few times until the white from her face began to regain color.
"I am fine, stop shaking me." She groaned. "What happened?"
The man gave her a look of defeat. "He got the serum."