Hey guys! Thank you so much for the support with this story! I'm so happy it seems like a good number of people like this!
So I've been listening to the song "Rise" by Katy Perry and listening to the State of Mine version and I really think that that song is basically Hermione's theme in this story.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter
Chapter Three:
A Confrontation
Hermione steeled herself when Professor Snape led her to the Infirmary where most likely her head of house would be. Snape didn't say anything on the way there, and she didn't expect him to, but his presence did make her feel a little more like she wasn't alone.
Several students saw them walking together and they did a double take, shocked Snape was walking with a student outside of his house. Snape gave them a look however, and it chased off any nosy students who were willing to follow them.
'Ironic—the professor that makes me feel safer is the one who terrorizes everyone.' Hermione thought to herself.
They arrived at the Infirmary too soon for Hermione's taste. Snape wasted no time in opening the doors and walking inside. Hermione followed dutifully, not wanting to annoy Snape with cold feet when she said she would do this.
Professor McGonagall was there with Madam Pomfrey who was healing Ron's nose. Harry, Seamus, and Dean were there as well, looking nervous as she felt. Hermione wanted to groan.
'Great… four against one. This is going to be lovely.' Hermione thought bitterly.
"Miss Granger!" Professor McGonagall announced her presence, and Hermione winced when all eyes were on her and Snape. Harry and her other housemates' eyes widened at the sight of Snape with her, but she wouldn't give them an explanation. "Where have you been?" McGonagall asked her.
She didn't owe it.
"Around." Hermione answered, shrugging, hiding her fear and shame at hiding. Show weakness in front of those who hurt you will only bring her more misery. Professor McGonagall was not amused.
"I expect your attitude to come from someone else, but not you, Miss Granger." Her head of house said sternly. Hermione felt her hackles rise, breathing deep. Nonetheless, Snape beat her to the punch.
"I believe it's better to move on, Minerva." Snape cut in smoothly. McGonagall eyed him but listened to his words.
"Mister Weasley says you assaulted him Miss Granger." McGonagall says. "As you know, violence is not tolerated in Hogwarts, magical or physical." The woman lectured. Madam Pomfrey finished healing Ron's nose and went to go tend to other students.
"Did he say why I hit him?" Hermione narrowed her eyes. McGonagall paused.
"Pardon, Miss Granger?"
"The reason why I hit him. Did any of them tell you what happened?" Hermione's tone grew more dangerous. Seamus and Dean grimaced while Harry looked uncomfortable. McGonagall turned towards the boys.
"Actually, I have not. Mister Weasley, when you said Miss Granger assaulted you, you did not explain the circumstances." McGonagall eyed them. Harry squirmed while Dean and Seamus tried to not appear guilty.
"What does it matter why—you hit me and broke my nose!" Ron exclaimed. It seemed his fear of her was gone. A dark part of Hermione whispered in her mind she would have to rectify that.
"Ron was making fun of Hermione, Professor." Harry said quietly, not able to look anyone in the eyes. Everyone stared at him in shock, especially Ron. "We were laughing along, and Hermione felt humiliated and got upset." He confessed. He then directed his gaze straight at Hermione's shocked ones. "We were in the wrong. I was in the wrong. I should've stopped it."
Hermione blinked, surprised Harry was the one to admit the wrong. Professor McGonagall also blinked, not expecting Harry's explanation. McGonagall cleared her throat.
"That may be, Mister Potter, and thank you for admitting your mistake, but Miss Granger is still also wrong for lashing out." McGonagall said gently. Hermione was about to hiss—she was right here. No need to talk about her like she wasn't.
"We've actually been rude to Hermione for a while." Harry continued, ashamed. "If she's wrong so are we. We pushed her."
"Harry!" Ron protested. Harry gave him a sharp look.
"It's true! She's been nice to us and we've been treating her bad!" Harry said fiercely. Seamus and Dean had enough sense to look guilty at Harry's statements. Professor McGonagall looked ready to skin Ron alive.
"Mister Weasley, you've neglected to mention this to me. Is this true?" She demanded. Ron looked guilty, avoiding his professor's firm gaze.
"We may have been a bit mean…" Ron admitted unwillingly. Professor McGonagall looked livid.
"And you intended for me to punish her without any repercussions to you?" McGonagall continued icily. Hermione could hardly believe how this turned out. She was expecting Ron to get away with it completely, but Harry came forward to admit the truth. She glanced at the black-haired boy, who tried to give her a smile, but it came out weak. Hermione narrowed her eyes. There had to be a catch somewhere. He must want something.
"It seems every party is guilty of something. As noble as it was for Mister Potter to come forward," here Hermione felt Snape had a bite in his tone at mentioning Harry, "It doesn't seem fair to not punish everyone."
"Indeed, Severus." McGonagall agreed. "You boys will serve detention with me tomorrow night. Miss Granger will tonight with me." Hermione bristled.
"Why should I have to miss the feast and they don't?" Hermione growled.
"Be as it may, they have admitted their wrong doings Miss Granger, while you have yet to apologize for yours. Bullying is not tolerated, but violence is worse." McGonagall lectured. Hermione felt her body heat up. She turned to glare at Harry—this was his plan! He admitted to his wrongdoings so he would get off easier!
"So you admit you're wrong for brownie points?! I should've known your confession was too good to be true!" Hermione snarled.
"Miss Granger!" McGonagall scolded.
"N-No Hermione. That's not it at all!" Harry protested, looking alarmed.
"Hey! Harry's being nice to you! You're the crazy one!" Ron accused. Hermione took a step forward towards him, growling. Here, Ron lost his bravado and shrunk back. His fear of her tasted delicious on her tongue.
"Enough! Twenty points from Gryffindor for incessant fighting." Snape snapped. He turned to Professor McGonagall swiftly. "I will watch Miss Granger tonight. You will have Potter, Weasley, Thomas and Finnigan tomorrow." He told her. "Return to your common rooms and prepare for the feast. Miss Granger, I will see you in the dungeons in my classroom tonight." Snape commanded. He turned and walked away, exiting the Infirmary.
Hermione's clenched fists were shaking at her sides. She badly wanted to hit something. She let out a scream in rage, pulling at her hair, before kicking a medbed as everyone watched her stunned at her behavior.
"Miss Granger, enough!" Professor McGonagall ordered, appalled by her prized student's behavior. "Your attitude is unacceptable, and I will be writing to your family about this."
This seemed to strike a chord with Hermione, and her expression turned sad. Professor McGonagall and the others thought it was because she was getting in trouble, something Hermione hated, but it was sorrow for having disappointed her parents yet again with her anger. Tears of frustration came to her eyes. It was only a month into the school year, and she was already messing up the lessons her parents taught her!
'They'll be so ashamed of me…' Hermione thought bitterly towards herself, the self-loathing coming back at full force. She bit her lip hard, to the point it bled, to keep it from trembling. She would not cry in front of those who hurt her. She reached for her stress ball, squeezing it tightly.
Fingers hesitantly brushed against her clenched fist and Hermione snapped her head up to see Harry gazing at her with remorse. His fingers brushed patterns on her fist lightly, afraid if he took her hand, she'd run. The feeling of comfort was foreign to her, as well as him, and he found himself relishing in the human contact.
"Hermione…" he murmured looking at her in sorrow. Hermione had enough of his act. She glared, snatching her hand away and made her way out of the Infirmary.
There you go! I wanted to add more but I thought it was best I end it here for now. Hope you all enjoyed!
Replies to Reviews:
burungmalam- thank you so much! I'm glad you liked Snape and Hermione's interactions. There will be more.
kristalfriesen- thank you!
nshaikh281- Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying the interactions!
Violet Rose of Darkness- yeah, here though Ron is kinda being a jerk—he will be one for a bit, but he won't always be a jerk and will become supportive later on
orangemavis- thank you!
KateKat1992- awesome. I'm glad
Mionefan- yeah, I'm going to try to make the chapters longer if I can
Guest- Thank you!
Arwengeld- Glad you liked Hermione's reaction. Yeah, Ron is going to be a jerk for a bit but he will change. As you can see, Harry is already trying to make up for his mistakes, but Hermione doesn't believe him, and he can't really blame her. It really is up to the parents, which will be addressed with Draco's parents, eventually Ron's and others as well. I agree there should be more mental health professionals in schools as well. It would really benefit I think. As for Harry, I agree and his problems will also be addressed such as depression and inferiority. As you can see, McGonagall helped but also didn't with Hermione, and didn't give her the counseling she needs. Snape will play a bigger part in Hermione's counseling, having dealt with his own issues and yet he hasn't in some cases.
Analena- I agree—it's a difficult situation. Violence really isn't the answer, but also it is understandable in this case. I won't spoil her future with Harry and Ron, but I will say it will be a bit different. I've reacted similarly as Hermione has with my own bullies and those issues don't really resolve themselves. It's better to get help.
Guest- thank you!
loves to read234- thank you!
13-BlackCat-2020- thank you! Hope this was a good chapter!
SilentlyStrong- Thank you! I'm glad you like this depiction of Hermione. To me, I used my own feelings and experiences as well as people I know who had anger issues from bullying and use them to think how realistically Hermione could react to stuff. I've been really bullied, and I would've liked to see in the original someone really lash out besides Harry—and that doesn't happen until he's years older—and even then, it appears he doesn't get counseling and he turns out perfectly okay. There will be some changes to canon yes.
Snow Leopard Pasha- thank you, and thank you for responding with my AN! I really enjoyed your thoughts and you have very good points. Harry did indeed not wanna say anything because Ron was his first friend. And you're right about him being more timid because of the Dursleys, which will be addressed when he comes out with his own depression and inferiority issues. You are absolutely right with his "people can be fickle" thoughts due to people not wanting to be his friend as soon as Dudley got to them.
Michelicious22- Yeah, that really didn't sit well with me, especially since Hermione lied to get them out of trouble. I don't remember if he apologizes in the book, but his apology scene is only included in the extended cut of sorcerer's stone. And thank you, sorry about that.
william and jack and jake- thank you!
Emma3mikan- hope you liked this chapter!
Leprechaun123- Oh no, I'm so sorry! I hope you're okay! I'm glad though that Hermione is relatable to you.
Guest- thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed this next installment.