Mad House

"I wanna watch Mary Poppins." Marty whispered as Punk opened an eye, lying in bed. He could see due to the fact there was no light coming through the curtains that it was still super early, but that was normal for Marty.

"Go back to sleep." Punk whispered as Marty shook her head, "Mhm." He mumbled tiredly, "Daddy will watch Mary Poppins with you later." He nodded.

"Can't we watch it now?" Marty questioned as Punk took his phone from the nightstand and looked at the time. 5.20am.

"Aren't you tired?" Punk asked her.

"No." Marty shrugged.

"Hey, what's going on?" AJ turned around, noticing Marty by Punk's side of the bed, sitting up and switching the lamp on beside her.

"Mommy I wanna watch Mary Poppins." Marty nodded as Punk turned to AJ.

"You do?" AJ asked as Marty nodded, "Ok… Ok." AJ said, "I'll uh… I'll come watch it with you." She nodded as Punk watched her get out of bed.

"You're insane." Punk whispered as AJ nodded.

"Mhm." AJ agreed, walking into the bathroom first whilst Marty waited, standing by Punk's bed side as he watched her.

"Why Mary Poppins?" He asked curiously as Marty looked at him.

"Why not?" Marty challenged as Punk nodded. She was a very blunt little girl. Her one-liners at times sent Punk and AJ over the edge, whilst Kaia was very into talking a lot.

"Ok, baby. Let's go." AJ nodded, grabbing her sweater and putting it on as Marty skipped over to her, "Mommy's gonna need a double shot this morning." AJ nodded to herself as Punk smiled, turning over in bed and closing his eyes back over.

"Why wouldn't daddy get up?" Marty asked, walking down the stairs with AJ, holding her hand.

"Daddy's really tired. He's been working a whole lot lately." AJ explained as Marty nodded, pretending to understand and listen.

"Can I feed Bruno?" She asked AJ who nodded.

"Yeah, although… he's probably still sleeping." AJ admitted as Marty ran through to the kitchen, pausing with a frown as she saw their dog still asleep in his bed.

"Oh." Marty frowned, "Well we shouldn't wake him." She nodded.

"He'll probably wake up once he hears us more." AJ told her, "You want some breakfast?" She asked as Marty sat at the kitchen table and nodded. The noise of the kitchen chair scraping back on the floor woke Bruno immediately where he got out of bed and stretched.

"Bruno!" Marty smiled happily, jumping off the chair and hugging her dog tightly as AJ smiled, "Come on, Bruno. Let's get your breakfast." She said, opening up the cupboard where the dog's food was stored. She was designated dog feeder in the mornings.

"Cereal, baby?" AJ asked her.

"Yeah." Marty nodded, shaking some of the dog food into Bruno's bowl as AJ smiled. Sometimes it was surreal to think at a time in their lives, they just lived alone with Bruno. It felt like such a long time ago, and she couldn't really remember the feeling of not being a mom. She loved both her babies dearly and their family felt complete with them.

Meanwhile upstairs, Kaia being the light sleeper she was, woke up once she heard people downstairs. She left her room and ran to her parents room, seeing her father asleep in bed and jumping up on it.

"Who is downstairs?" Kaia asked, lying down beside Punk who opened his eyes.

"I should get a do not disturb sign for the door." Punk groaned, lying on his stomach, "Mom and Marty are downstairs." Punk told her.

"Why are you still sleeping?" Kaia asked, not understanding. As children, they thought their parents should always be awake at all times to help them with anything they needed.

"I'm tired." Punk said, burying his face into the pillow.

"And grumpy." Kaia said with sass, "Mommy says you get grumpy because of your job." She said, "So maybe you should leave." She shrugged as Punk looked at her. He loved being a father for every aspect of it, but the most entertaining thing was seeing how his children's minds worked, how oblivious they were to certain things and how simple they made life seem. He loved that.

"I leave work and you're wearing the same pants every week to school." Punk explained.

"Sometimes I do that." Kaia admitted as Punk smiled.

"I'm fine. I'm just extra tired." Punk nodded. He'd been working non-stop on a case that they finally closed last night and his exhaustion was really hitting him all at once.

"Oh. Ok." Kaia nodded, "Well I'm going to get breakfast." She told him, sitting up on the bed as he nodded, "Is mommy working today?"

"No mommy's off." Punk said, falling back asleep as Kaia got off the bed and ran off out of the bedroom and downstairs.

She ran around the corner and into the kitchen where AJ and Marty were having breakfast.

"Hi, baby." AJ smiled as Kaia walked through, "You're up early."

"I heard you." Kaia told them, "Mostly Marty." She turned to her sister who was too busy eating her cereal.

"You want some breakfast?" AJ asked her as Kaia nodded, sitting up at the table whilst AJ got her some cereal. She was having an extra strong coffee which had become a pretty regular thing after having children. She knew it wasn't good for her but it certainly helped.

"We're watching Mary Poppins." Marty told her sister, acknowledging her a little as Kaia took the cereal from her mother.

AJ adored breakfast time. The girls still with their pyjamas on with the fuzziest, messiest hair was always amusing to her and Punk.

"I like that movie." Kaia nodded, "Daddy is still sleeping." She informed everyone.

"We know." Marty told her.

AJ normally just let them chat to one another at breakfast whilst she zoned out and enjoyed her coffee. She was lucky that she got to spend a few days a week with the girls after cutting her shifts at the hospital down. It was becoming too much for her and it meant Nadine wasn't always watching the girls, although Kaia going to school did help them out a lot. Regardless, it was a mad house at all times.

Punk eventually woke up and had a shower. He was so grateful that he had such an understanding wife, and they both took care of each other. Whenever AJ had a hard shift at the hospital he always sorted the kids out and vice versa, they had a very casual outlook on parenting and it certainly worked for them.

He headed downstairs and walked into the living room where he saw AJ lying fast asleep on the couch with Marty on top of her who was also fast asleep. Meanwhile Kaia was across on the other couch playing on her Nintendo switch with her headphones on, Bruno lying beside her.

He smiled to himself as Kaia looked up and noticed him, taking her headphones off which she and Punk shared.

"They fell asleep." Kaia rolled her eyes as Punk nodded.

"I can see that." Punk laughed a little, "What you doing?" He asked her.

"Playing on my switch." Kaia told him, "Marty picked Mary Poppins but then said she didn't like it." She shook her head as Punk smiled. Marty definitely kept them all on their toes that was for sure.

"I guess it bored her to sleep." Punk nodded, walking over and sitting down beside Kaia who nodded, "You get any homework for over the weekend?"

"No." Kaia shook her head casually as Punk looked at her, "I don't." She insisted as Punk folded his arms and looked at her again, "A little bit of spelling." She nodded, "But I can… I'll do it on Monday morning." She waved her hand, about to put the headphones back on as he stopped her in the progress.

"What about doing it now?" Punk suggested as Kaia looked at him with horror. She definitely struggled a little with going to school. She wasn't a fan of leaving her home and the place she was used to, and she really didn't enjoy paying attention to much either, but AJ and Punk knew it would pass.

"Later?" Kaia wondered.

"Or now?" Punk nodded as Kaia folded her arms.

"Then Marty should do homework too." Kaia huffed.

"Marty doesn't go to school." Punk laughed a little, "Don't worry, her time will come to do homework too."

"Should come sooner." Kaia mumbled.

"Why don't we do it together?" Punk asked her as Kaia shrugged, "Come on. Let's go." He said, getting up from the couch and heading into the kitchen where Kaia unpacked her bookbag which sat in the cupboard beside the fridge.

"I just have a little spelling and some reading." Kaia said, tossing her things over onto the table carelessly as Punk watched, "Some sums too." She remembered.

"You told me you just had a little spelling." Punk arched a brow.

"I lied." Kaia said casually as Punk nodded, "Sit." She told him, sitting up at the kitchen table whilst Punk sat across from her. Things like this were never a chore for him. He enjoyed being present in his daughter's lives and helping them in any way he could.

Later that night, the girls had gone into the living room after dinner to watch their before bed programmes whilst AJ and Punk stayed in the kitchen.

"Did you have a nice day off?" AJ asked, "Relaxing?"

"Yeah. Finally that case is out of my head." Punk nodded. From time to time he got set on really challenging cases which were incredibly hard to shift from his mind. AJ knew this and always worried that it would get too much.

"You shouldn't be under so much stress, Phil. I hate it." AJ shook her head.

"I know, I do too." Punk said, "But you know it never lasts." He reminded her, "Hey if I didn't take these cases, I never would have got with you-"

"I'm sure we would have found our way to each other somehow." AJ smiled as Punk nodded, "You did get Kaia to do her homework today, that was impressive. You gotta teach me." She nodded as he smiled.

"She's really smart, you know." Punk said, "Got almost all her spelling right. And her sums." He nodded.

"She came from me, of course she's smart." AJ nodded as Punk smiled, "You spoke to Seth since he got back from the honeymoon?"

"No, well… he only got back like two days ago and I thought I'd give him some space." He said as AJ nodded, "We'll see him at the Halloween party."

"We don't have to go to that, do we?" AJ rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, it's tradition." Punk said, "Come on, I love Halloween."

"So do I but the girls will wanna go trick or treating." AJ said.

"Yeah, we'll take them early and then head to the party." Punk said, "Tony really goes all out."

"I know he does, and it's always a fun time." AJ agreed, "What will I dress up as?" AJ wondered.

"How about a nun?" Punk nodded, "Well… a slutty nun." He shrugged as AJ turned to him.

"You just love this party because I get to put on something cute and distract you." AJ nodded.

"Yeah, well duh." Punk laughed.

"You should go as a cowboy." AJ nodded, "But only if you wear assless chaps." She said as Punk laughed to himself, "And then…" She leaned down, wrapping her arms around his neck, "You can tie me up and take me for a ride." She smirked as Punk nodded.

"Sounds like something I'd be interested in." Punk nodded.

"I bet." AJ laughed, "Seriously I'll need to look for a costume." She nodded.

"Why don't we go as Batman and Robin?" Punk asked her, "Oh, no… wait, Morticia and Gomez."

"Oh, that's a good one." AJ nodded, impressed, "Oh and the girls can go as Wednesday and… I don't know, the uncle." She shrugged as Punk laughed, "I'd look good as Morticia."

"Yeah, you would." Punk nodded immediately, "She was my childhood crush."

"Really?" AJ nodded, "You were a weird kid." She said as Punk nodded, "Let me think about other costumes and I'll get back to you." She nodded, "Morticia and Gomez is on the table, though." She nodded.

"Oh, I'm sure we will be." Punk nodded as AJ smiled to him over her shoulder.

A/N: Lots to come. Hope you'll enjoy. Let me know what you think.