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Voldermort smirked as the room fell silent. "Now that I have you're undivied attention..." his voice trailed off and he glanced at the basilisk. "You'll all note that by precious has it's eyes closed... but not for long." He started hissing at the snake.

The serpant didn't respond.

He hissed more.

Still no response.

He pulled out his wand and muttered a spell, taking over the snakes mind with his own mind.

Aya stepped sadly away from the snake. "It's being possessed," he said sadly.


"Oh no!" Hermione exclaimed. "That's a basilisk. We can't let it open it's eyes!"

"What do you want me to do, Hermione-san?" Ritsu asked.

"Who is the rooster? The cry of a rooster is fatal to basilisks," Hermione said quickly.

"I'll take care of it!" Ritsu exclaimed. He shot forword and froze. Kunero wasn't in the room. "I'm so sorry! Kunero's not here!" he screamed.

"Oh yes he is!" Haru exclaimed. He kicked one of the Death Eaters across the room. "You had better let Kisa go right now!" he warned Voldermort.

Hermione popped up behind Kunero. "Crow like a rooster or I'll tell about the curse," she threatened and than hugged him.

Several things happened at once. First and most importantly, Kunero transform and screamed out a wake-up call. At the same time, Aya used Kyou as a bat and smacked Voldermort away from the snake. Then the hebi climbed up the snake and covered it's ears, mentally asking it to keep it's eyes closed. The basilisk nodded contently and settled down for a nap.


"Haru, where the hell have you been?" Rin snapped, ducking beneath a Death Eaters spell and pulling out her wand.

"Here and there..." was the response. He grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder, snagging Kisa in the same motion.

"Hey!" Rin protested.

Haru didn't respond. He crouched down behind an overturned table and peered at the Death Eaters casting spells towards the general student body.

"Is she hurt?" Akito asked. He was leaning against the back of the table, obviously suffering from some sort of asthma attack.

"She should be fine with a little bit of doctor attention," Hermione said. "However, if we're going to cast the counter-curse, we're going to have to first get rid of Volder...mort."

"Counter-curse?" Rin asked. "What are you talking about?"

"Didn't Momiji tell you? I know the cure to your curse. It has to be preformed tonight... and all the Souma's have to be present."

"Everyone's here," Akito said, opting to go along with Hermione rather than be upset that she knew the cure to his curse and hadn't said something sooner.

"Actually, I think Hatori's missing," Uotani announced. "I haven't seen him at all." She was holding an unconcious rooster firmly in both hands.

"That's not good, but like I said, we're going to have to get rid of -"

"GET RID OF VOLDERGOAT!" Akito snapped. He slapped Haru in the butt, prompting the cow to charge mindless towards the dark wizard and certain death.


Trees sprang up through the stone floor and ewoks started throwing rocks and spears towards the confused Death Eaters. Aya and Shigure led the charge. "We must defeat the IMPERIALS!" they shouted, proving that they had been watching too much Star Wars.

Voldermort blinked as a cute and fuzzy ewok smashed his knee with a rock hammer. That second was all Haru needed. He connected with the Dark Wizard at eighty miles per hour. A solid punch to the jaw staggered the frailer man, causing him to drop his wand.

Hiro preformed a summoning charm and called the wand to his hand. "You really shouldn't have hurt Kisa," he said coldy, snapping the wand into eight pieces.

Then he aimed his own wand and started blasting jinxes at the Death Eaters.


Kisa woke up to Sirius Black's concerned face. "That was one hell of a spell ole' Boldermort cast on you," he told her.

Harry nodded. "I was really worried about you," he said.

"Nani?" the tiger questioned.

BAM! Frost, the fire tiger pounced over Voldermort and landed beside them. "Frost, what's wrong?" Kisa asked.

"There's someting wrong with Haru's cow too!" Momiji exclaimed. "Apparently all the animals are starting to freak out!"


Hatori didn't know what to do or think. He was being served up as merpeople food. It wasn't supposed to be happening like this! He was supposed to be confessing his feelings for Kana, not feeling like a meal!

He felt strange. Hogwarts was possibly one of the worst mistakes he had made in his life. The school caused nothing but trouble and... His body felt hot, distracting him from his thoughts.

His pulse quickened and the water around him seemed to start boiling.

'Great, they're cooking me,' he had time to think and then it happened. His body exploded. Or at least that's what it felt like. One second he was a little fishie and the next he was a full blown dragon.

He stretched his wings out to the side and pushed up against the water, shooting out of the lake and hovering uncertinly for a moment. Kana was standing on the shore, eyes wide. In the air all around him were dragons of every size and shape. They all called out to him, wanting him to fly with them.

He landed. "Kana, calm down," he ordered. "It's... ah me, Hatori."

"Wha-wha-wha?" Kana stammered. "You turned into a little seaho-ho-horse and then....."

A loud explosion sounded from Hogwarts. Hatori blinked, his dragon ears picking up the sound of death spells being cast. "We need to get to the castle!" he exclaimed. "Climb on!"

Kana gave up objecting. She climbed on his back and held her breath, hoping for the best.


They were fighting... and loosing. Then the dragons came. The smallest, a black dragon with Kana riding it's shoulders. The biggest, a large red dragon, flopped down behind Voldermort and ate him.

The Death Eaters all looked around shocked. "Dragons?" one of them squeaked.

In response, the dragons licked their lips.

"Don't eat anyone!" Hatori shouted. The dragons settled back and started batting at the Death Eaters.

Everyone's here, preform the spell!" Akito ordered Hermione.

"Bu- bu- but Voldermort....." she managed to say.

"Looks like he's dead," Akito announced.

Hermione nodded. "Okay, Bipity, Bopity, Boo!" she called out and waved her wand in an elaborate circle. Around her wrist was a band of Holly, the only ingrediat needed for the spell.

A soft light enveloped the room and all the Soumas transformed into their animal forms for two seconds. Then with a burst of lightly colored smoke, they returned to their true forms.

Akito frowned. "Did it work?" he asked. He grabbed Haru by his wrist and shoved him into Hermione's arms. There was no POOF.


Afterword; This story took a long time to complete. I suppose that there could have been more; however this is how I wanted to finish it.

Akito and the Soumas all left Hogwarts and returned home. Kisa and Harry write each other all the time. Aya, Shigure, and the ewok nation are always in close contact with each other. Hiro still hasn't gotten rid of Crabble and Goyle. Haru and Rin are dating tenatively. Uotani and Kunero are also a tight couple. Kyou, Yuki, and Tohru haven't resolved their love triangle yet; however, Tohru finially graduated using a homeschool program. Hana returned to her family and gave her brother, Megumi a large collection of curse books. Ritsu still keeps in close contact with Ernie Maccillian; he is also suffering through a crush on Hermione for which he is very sorry. Kagura returned to Hogwarts and has redevloped her crush on Professor Snape. Hatori and Kana are redating.

As for the Souma curse; as things turned out, they can transform into their animal forms at will. Akito loves the new abilities best of all, considering he can become any animal.


Author's notes; Thank you to everyone who reviewed and loved my story! I would especially like to thank inu87yahsa! You were a great support to me; I only hope that you enjoyed the ending and will continue to read my stories.

Thank you one and all,
