Disclaimer: I do not own anything, The creators of the show do. I'm making cover artwork for my stories but I do not claim any images as my own all I did was make collages. I'm happy to give credit where it's due please inform me if I've used your art.
AN: I have a learning disability that affects my writing. All mistakes are mine. I would like to thank breezyday123 (sweetaubs) for being my beta something we are both new to. Also thanks to Dpooh1970 who has been able to keep up with my crazy request for images and being a second beta for me. I can't forget the one who always willing to listen to my crazy rambles thanks for the encouragement Sa'Diyah.
Summary: Emma's mouth gets her into something unexpected with Regina.
Regina was sitting at her desk going over the last file needed for her next meeting. When the door to her office was flung open by the savior. She didn't need to look up at the blond as the woman stormed into the office to know the mood she was in.
"Miss Swan. What can I do for you?" Regina asks hardly looking up as she wrote a note about correcting some funding issues. She smirked knowing it would bug the other woman to be ignored.
"Marry me today," Emma says as she stands in front of Regina desk. She smirks when the dark-haired woman head shot up in surprise. She loved getting that shocked look out of Regina but honestly, it was the only way she could solve her mother's determined attempts to set her up.
"What?" Regina asks in shock.
"I said marry me today," Emma repeated slowly leaning forward to ensure she was heard.
"Ok, why?" Regina asked after a moment.
"Snow has tried to set me up with August and the Pirate for the third time this week and I'm tired of it," Emma explains as she moves to a chair taking, Regina questioning to mean there would be no fireballs thrown.
"Right" Regina in agreement with the reason. " I won't be free until after three and Henry should be there for his mother's marriage," Regina says going back to her paperwork.
"Right he should be," Emma says nodding in agreement then pausing she looks back at Regina. "Really you're agreeing?"
"Yes. How about 4:30? We can meet at the courthouse. You'll pick up Henry from school. Do remember Miss Swan it's early release today. Oh, and Miss Swan wear something nice." Regina orders
"Right, I'll dress up but nothing fancy." Emma agrees then asks "Why are you agreeing to this?" She hadn't expected this to turn out like this. She came to rant about August, Hook, and Snow before asking to have Henry for the weekend. Instead, she had popped the question.
"There are several reasons but mainly to piss off Snow when she realizes that you will be sharing my bed." Regina says with a smirk as she looks at Emma with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh," Emma says swallowing hard as she catches on to what Regina means.
"You will need to find a sitter for our son for the weekend as it will be our honeymoon and I plan to keep you in my bed. You better go now, Miss Swan, and get some things in order because you're going to be busy." Regina says looking away from the blushing blonde.
"Right," Emma says with a quick nod. "I'll ah go see if Rudy or Belle could take Henry and um get the station covered," Emma says as she gets up turning to leave.
"4:30 Miss Swan don't forget," Regina calls out.
"Right yeah 4:30," Emma responds as she closes the door.