I am back everyone! Hope you all enjoy a 'silver bullets' approach for our favorite PSB agent. As I said in SB, adulting is hard, but I will try to update as regularly as I can. Please be patient! This is Episodes 563 and 564

Akai Shuichi is dead. The thought rolled through my head on continuous repeat. I sullenly slam my drink down on the wooden table in my apartment. I had gotten the news a few hours ago, when I was doing work with Kazumi I had gotten the text from Vermouth. I had barely managed to keep my cool and smooth down any questions from Kazumi, but now in the privacy of my own apartment, I could truly mourn the loss of killing my arch nemesis. What was this bull?

Akai Shuichi, the rumored one agent that could take down this monstrous organization, was dead. I mean, yeah I hated him, and I knew him better then most. I had researched him, planned my revenge against him countless times for what he did to Scotch, and he just dies with no ceremony, and out of a stupidly cliché trap of all things. I don't buy it. He is too smart to just walk into something like that and die so easily.

I take a deep breath and refill my water glass. I need my nerves and deductive skills in peak condition to conquer the next step. I glance over at my coffee table at the manila envelope. Vermouth had been kind enough to send me the tape that the agent, Kir, had taken of the whole encounter. I want to review it thoroughly to make sure that Akai Shuichi is truly dead.

I gently turn on the TV, remote in hand ready to pause when needed and kick back on my couch. I was going to see for myself. I needed irrefutable proof that he was dead.

I watched the whole thing through once in its entirety without pausing or stopping it, just to see what I was up against. I couldn't help but smirk when he got shot through the lung, and finally through the head. If that wasn't enough, Kir set a bomb up in the truck as well, completely combusting it.

After the video ended, I cocked my head to the side slightly. I muttered to myself as I restarted it, this time looking for inconsistencies.

"It does look like it's true."

But something still ate away at my intuition. This time I focused on the dialogue between the two of them, pausing every once in awhile to watch Akai's reactions. To being shot, to Kir pointing a gun at his face, he remained calm throughout the exchange. That's not out of character, but something still didn't feel right.

After watching it a minimum of five times I pause it with finality, sighing. I leaned my head back against the couch, this time replaying it in my mind.

"It's too clean."

Everything worked out to Kir's plan perfectly and he didn't even resist. He could have prevented her shooting him in the chest to begin with. It took her several seconds to pull out the pistol and he just stood there. It just felt wrong that he was so complacent, so careless, when the Akai Shuichi I know would have defended himself with well-trained reflexes.

Which means he is still alive. I am almost certain of it.

I flick open my phone and scroll through my contacts, finally pushing the call button on the one I needed. After two rings, a female voice that usually struck shivers down my spine.

"Yes Bourbon?"

I cut right to the chase.

"Vermouth, I just finished going over the tapes from the Kir and Akai incident."

I could hear her smirking.

"And? Feeling victorious that we have one less threat?"

I frowned.

"On the contrary, I feel like this could possibly be a plan by the FBI to make us lower our guard."

Yes, a plan was already forming to flush out those Americans. It was a win-win situation really. I can use this opportunity to prove my usefulness and loyalty to the organization, possibly kill that bastard Akai, and make a fool out of that blasted FBI. Vermouth sighed.

"Usually I would say yes, but I saw their reactions when the body was identified. As an actress, I could definitely tell the difference between acting and genuine feelings, and those were real tears. The FBI thinks he is dead."

I counter with a smirk.

"All I am saying is we have underestimated that man before, and the organization has paid for it. I think it is in our best interest to go forward with caution and test to make sure that he is dead."

Vermouth paused for a moment before she commented.

"You sound like you have a plan."

I grin.

"I do, and I need your help to pull it off."

I readied the umbrella in the snow. Time to put my plan into action. I was ready. I had my target, Jodie Starling, currently two hundred meters from my location in a store, and my disguise.

I was almost disgusted when I turned and saw my reflection in the mirror. Of all the masks I have worn, figuratively or literally, this was definitely the worst. I mean I had to hold myself back from wanting to punch my reflection. I guess it just shows how good Vermouth is at her disguising technique. With the amount of time to do it, I hope it works.

I had helped her put it together, shooting ideas to help make it look better. I was the one who suggested the burn scar, that covered the right side of my face, inspired by the explosion that he had been caught up in to make it more believable. It wasn't perfect; we had different facial structures after all, and my eyes I comforted in the fact that they were distinctly me. More fire and passion, and not matter of fact and cold like his. However, it wasn't a problem. I had a baseball cap to cover my face and help build up the idea that I was in hiding.

I narrowed my eyes as I see the FBI agent storm out of the convenience store. I walked slowly behind her across the street, planning my move. I am just scouting out right now. I am not going to try to talk to her. I just want her to see me in passing and see how she reacts, test the water so to speak. I narrow my eyes as I see her standing at a crosswalk with a small crowd, ready to cross the street. Perfect.

I fold my umbrella just so I could catch her eye, and my face is visible. I walk slowly toward intent to cross paths. I can't call out to her; I don't have the ability to mimic voices like Vermouth can. I just want to see how she reacts to seeing her colleague alive.

I don't meet her eyes directly, instead using my peripheral vision to carefully observe her. I see the exact moment where she recognizes me and I am disappointed. I am trying to prove that Akai Shuichi was still alive, but her face suggested otherwise. Pure shock fell over her face; she didn't expect to see me, like she believed that Akai was dead. I didn't stop walking, didn't even acknowledge her.


The hope in her voice was palpable, but I refused to stop. Now that I have seen her initial reaction, now I want to move on to step two; draw her into a trap. I want her to follow me and figure out what she will say to 'Akai'.

"Wait for me Shuu."

I spy an alley up ahead and quickly spin down it. Perfect, somewhere besides the busy street that has a bit more privacy. I hear her behind me stopping at the alley entrance, while I turn the corner, leaning against the wall. Now just to wait and see how she approaches me.

I wait several seconds and frown. She should be here pushing me against the wall with a bombardment of questions. I turn slightly and peeked down the alley to see if she was coming, only to see an empty alley. I gritted my teeth. Shoot. She probably thought she was seeing things and doubted what she saw and turned back.

So I have two options now. I could disregard the plan, let it fester in her mind a bit before striking another day, or go after her and force an interaction.

No, the FBI was hard enough to pinpoint on a normal day. I wasn't satisfied with today's results anyway. I want to see what she would say to me. I nod before rushing out of the alley, sliding around the other two FBI agents easily to look for her. There she goes, into Teito bank.

I walk briskly after her, planning the next encounter. I can pretend to be making a withdrawal or something. I can do this.

I walk into the mostly crowded bank. I stay on the edges, waiting until I could pinpoint my target. There, in line for the ATM. I jump in a line that was between her line and the door, a couple of people behind her. If she turned to walk toward the door, she would definitely see me.

I take a deep breath. Was this the right move? Was I acting too rashly right now? I clenched my fists. I always lose my cool when it comes to him. I just get consumed by this burning passion to destroy him. Even now, when I am 95 percent sure he is dead, he still makes my blood pressure jump.

Suddenly, a familiar sound cracks through the busy ambiance that disrupts it completely. A gunshot. I resist the fight or flight instinct as I slowly turn to see five men with masks and wielding guns.

"Lock the entrances and close the shutters."

A robbery? Now? I glance around. I want to do something, but now is not the best time. I have at least five hostiles, and I don't know if there is another one, and it is just me, and possibly the FBI woman if she is worth her salt. I don't know their plan, or their skill setting. I don't have enough information. The best thing I can do right now is wait for an opening.

One of them pointed to the ground.

"Have a seat, sit close together."

Another approached the counter, gesturing for the tellers to come out from behind the counter.

"Come on out from behind there."

I see the fear among the other customers and feel a split second of anger. How dare they threaten my people? Relax, calm down and analyze. Focus on the situation at hand.

"Hey, hurry up and have a seat over there."

I spy a man near one of the robbers tensing up. No, don't do it! Too late, he charges the robber, yelling wildly. The man turned and easily shot the man in the arm, causing him to fall on the ground. The robber's reaction was calm. He must have some experience with this then; not his first rodeo. That makes things a little harder to deal with.

"If there is someone you know or brought with you, stay close to them."

I narrow my eyes slightly. Was that part of their plan? I sit near the back, right next to the FBI keeping my cap over my face as I stare at the ground. If I am close to her I can complete my other mission, as well as possibly having an ally to collaborate with, as much as I dislike it. I hear the shutters slide shut behind me, trapping us in here. This is bad. Now the police will not be able to observe the situation.

"All right, for the time being all cellphones in this bag."

They aren't acting without a plan, that is for sure. They have secured escape routes and outside communications quickly. This is getting to be increasingly difficult to deal with.

"Oi, foreign lady. You don't understand Japanese?"

Ah crap, why did she have to draw attention to herself? I hope she just plays dumb. I sense her stiffen next to me, before relaxing into a ditzy persona. She replied in broken Japanese.

"No I understand a bit."

Good, she isn't a total idiot. Best to play dumb for now.

"Then hand over your cellphone and sit down."

"Ok, Ok."

She replied in English, before sitting down and bumping into me. I instantly zero in on her reaction. What will she do once she realizes who I am?


She turned to look, and her eyes widen in shock. Same reaction. Nothing new. The reaction of someone who has seen a ghost, not someone who helped fake a death. She sat staring at me, shaking for a few seconds, not saying anything. Maybe she doesn't know what to say, but it's not like she can ask me freely with these robbers telling us not to talk.

"Shuu? Are you Shuu? That is you right Shuu?"

She puts a hand on my shoulder. I froze. Ah crap, I can't give her an answer. Ah well, it isn't to hard to pretend the explosion gave me some amnesia so I don't have to speak.

"Say that it is you!"

I stare at the floor, not giving into her demands.

"You don't recognize me? You can't talk?"

She gasps. I would pay excellent money to know what is going through her brain right at this moment. Well my suspicions are confirmed. Jodie Starling is acting like she didn't know Akai was alive. Does that mean I am convinced Akai is dead? No, but it is a lot more likely now. Now that that problem is solved, time to deal with this robbery, and to deal with her questions in our now unfortunate extended time together.

"Stop making a fuss foreign woman. Put your cellphone in the bag."

Attention diverted, excellent.

"Ok ok."

She slipped the cellphone into the bag.

"Hey you too."

It took a second to realize he was talking to me. I wasn't going to give up my phone that was for sure. I couldn't tell him either because if she hears my voice, my disguise is ruined.

"Bastard, do you want to die?"

He yanks me up by my collar, pulling me close to his face. I narrow my eyes slightly. I could use this as an opening, but not with all five of them here in the same room, and another already on the way to deal with me. I can't use anything, as much as I want to.

"No, no."

I freeze as Jodie pops up at my elbow, waving her hands and protesting in horrifically fabricated Japanese.

"He no talk because of shock from accident. Burn marks are proof."

Oh, is that the deduction she came up with? Excellent.

"I think he no talk even if he does have cell phone."

The robber groaned and unbelievably backed off.

"Fine, I get it. Just sit down and hush."

I sit back down next to her, my adrenaline and heart rate finally slowing down. I keep seeing her sneak peeks at me and that isn't good. My disguise is all right, but it isn't stellar by any means. I know that the more exposure I give this agent to me, the more inconsistencies she is going to find. If she stares long enough she will notice that my facial structure is totally different then that bastard. I just hope she keeps her eyes and focuses on the robbery more then me.

"Is the branch manager here?"

A man in a suit shakily raised his hand.

"Good come over here."

I bet he will make him fill up the cases they brought full of money.

"Don't be scared, just pack all your money into these cases. Easy isn't it?"

The robber tapped the briefcases with his pistol carefully. The branch manager gulped and replied steadily, even though I could see him trembling.

"Only me?"

The robber turned with a playful look on his masked face.

"Yeah, seems like you'd know about where the money is."

Then, he looked at his watch. What could be the purpose of that? Was he checking to see when the police are arriving? Or was there another step to the plan that we didn't know about? Possibly a get away driver? Another robber raised his gun.

"Now the ones who have no companions here, stand up."

Why are they isolating the persons who came here by themselves? Around the room around ten people stood, holding their hands above their shoulders. I half expected Jodie to stand, but it seems like she is sticking with the story that she knows me. The robber gave his instructions deliberately, holding up duct tape rolls.

"Come here and take a roll of tape each. Use it to tape the eyes and mouths of everyone with a companion and tie their arms behind their backs. Since you aren't acquainted with any of them, I don't have to worry about you going easy on them."

Ah, I see. That's why. Not only do they get everyone restrained in a timely manner, but they effectively make sure that they are tied up correctly. No person is going to risk their lives to leave a few untied. They started to hand out the tape and a few robbers split up follow groups of the independent hostages as they filed throughout the room.

"Of course, we will tape you up all the same afterwards."

One thing confuses me. I understand the hands behind the back, and possibly the mouth, but why do our eyes have to be covered as well? There must be something they don't want us to see. An escape route? Something that causes panic? Whatever it was, I wasn't ok with it. Duct tape is horrible on a silicon face mask. What if it peels off my disguise when I have to take it off? Not to mention taking away sight as well as hands? This was getting to be dangerous. I am next to useless without these things. I fight the urge to fight off the person behind me as they start to roll the tape around my wrists.


I hear the small whisper as a small piece is pulled over my mouth, and finally my eyes, throwing my world into darkness. I sit perfectly still, relying on sound as my only information source from the outside world. I hear a shuffle from behind me as the person moved on the FBI agent next to me.

"Um, sorry I am putting it on…"

"Oh, before that, please let me go potty. I no hold it more."

Gosh that voice is grating. However, is she making a move? If she can isolate one of them and take him down that would be much better, then dealing with four of these guys. I will let her take this one.

"Dang, it is that foreign woman again."

"Pretty please?"

"Fine but your eyes, mouth, and arms need to be taped up."

Looks like your plan isn't going to work. If you expected them to just let you do as you please you were sorely mistaken.

"Ok, thank you."

I know the FBI is incompetent, but surely she can handle this situation even with those handicaps right? I hear the robber step forward, and the warmth of the FBI agent next to me shifted.

"Come on, let's go. Move it."

Then I hear two pairs of footsteps moving away. Well good luck. Doubt you will make it, but maybe you can take one down.

I don't hear any information for awhile, but as expected, the FBI agent and the other robber that escorted her haven't come back yet. I hear police sirens through the metal gutters; looks like they finally arrived. So I can at least think about why they chose to pick out the companions that weren't accompanied by anyone else. Suddenly a yell over the almost silence.

"You two, go check. They shouldn't have been gone that long."

Well, two against one isn't going to end well, that is including the one she had already hopefully disabled. Time to turn back into planning. These guys are super interested with the time. They care about people who came here alone. If they were using the masks and guns, they should have just grabbed the money and left as quickly as possible, not shut themselves in here.

Suddenly, I hear two people walking toward the crowd, and they were wearing boots so it had to be the robbers that were sent to retrieve the FBI, and then the familiar sound of a body hitting the ground.

"What a sly fox she was, this foreign woman."

Wait, did they kill her? I couldn't tell; usually a dead body would cause panic, but since it sounded like most people were blindfolded now, no one could really see it. Still, I didn't hear any gunshots. The next sentence made me relax a little.

"We could always bust a cap in her. But it would be bad if we alerted the cops with a gunshot so we better not."

So just incapacitated, whether that meant unconscious or just restrained I didn't know. However, I heard only two people walking back, instead of the three robbers that should have been. Which means she must have taken one of them out right? Maybe she wasn't completely useless. Why didn't they want the police to know they had guns though?

"Um, the money is ready. Can you open the cases for me?"

Ah the branch manager. So, the money is ready then? Does that mean my time is limited? Are they about to leave?

"Hey! That's a small wad! Isn't there anything else in the vault? Do you want to be blown the pieces?"

Blown to pieces? So they have bombs too? Well he yelled it out awfully loud, maybe it is a bluff. And it sounds like he was whispering to the guy too, telling him some message he didn't want the other hostages to hear.

"Listen up! Those of you without a companion, get over here and put duct tape over your eyes and mouths."

A second robber speaks up.

"We are going to tie your hands behind your back."

I hear a flood of people walk away from my direction. I don't move, keeping the attention off of me for as long as possible. The longer this goes on the less and less openings I have. I need to find a way to break out of these restraints and deal with this bomb, if there is one.

Suddenly, I hear a phone ring, toward the front of the room. There was a click as someone opened the phone. So a robber's cell phone then. Who was calling? There was a second pause before the robber's voice boomed out in surprise.

"What, you are awake?"

Ok, context clues here. I don't think he is talking to anyone outside the heist; no criminal such as this would do that. So someone within the bank, but all of them are here, except for the one that the FBI took out in the bathroom I am guessing. That must be who is calling, but why would he call? I am getting far more questions then answers at this point.

"Got it. Wait for me."

I bet that when the FBI took him down, she probably caused a head wound to knock him out and now he is having trouble moving. Does that mean that they were going to leave him here since he was a hindrance now? No, it sounds like the one is going back to check on him and help him. There was the sound of cloth rustling. Is he taking a jacket off? I wish I wasn't blind.

"That guy woke up. I am going to go help him up. You take care of things here."

"Be quick we don't have much time."

I hear someone walk in the direction of the bathroom. I can only wait for now. I wish an opportunity of some kind will present itself to me so I can do something.

That guy that left has been gone for a while, longer then he needed to be just to pick up the man in the bathroom and bring him back. Wait…is this the chance I was looking for? As far as I could tell the robbers hadn't left the main lobby area, except for these times to go to the bathroom. Could it be possible there were hostages here that weren't captured? Maybe they were hiding in the back offices or the bathrooms and they just haven't been caught yet.

No, that was too good to be true. Besides the person taking on a robber with a gun? I haven't heard any gunshots. Besides, the guy talking on the phone definitely knew he was talking to the other robber.

There was muffled talking before I hear an electric sizzle. A stun gun? Did they knock someone out? Based on the direction, I would say it was the branch manager.

"The guy who went to go get our unconscious comrade in the restroom."

"It's been five minutes."

They have noticed too. Does that mean that they are going to go check?

"Forget about them. It is time for the finale."

I am running out of time. I need to figure this out, and deal with this issue. Let's focus on their plan. First off, their goal. They wanted to rob the bank obviously, but it sounded like earlier they shirked the bills that the manager tried to give them. Smart, considering bills can be tracked, and harder to transport. Which leaves electronic deposits. That probably would be the easiest, but also easily traceable.

Ok, now, about their escape. The police have to be here by now. They have shut the shutters so no one can see what is happening from the outside, and blinded us as well. Which means they may be planning a switch. Yes, all of the robbers were wearing the same clothes. It wouldn't be a problem to knock some hostages out and pretend those were the robbers. It made sense. Why they covered our eyes, why they sorted out those who came alone so they could easily slip out without saying anything when the police actually do break in, and why they just left one of the robbers in the bathroom. My next thoughts were interrupted by someone shouting.

"Screw it, we are just going to blow the bank up."

Bombs. Great. Probably not enough to kill all of us hostages, and me, being farther away from the counter, will probably not get hit, but those hostages dressing up as the robbers will die and possibly the closer ones. It could be a 'happy ending' with the fake robbers dying while the real robbers sneak out with the hostages. Shoot this has turned dangerous. How did they smuggle in…the cases. Of course.

I hear some more shuffling, probably the robbers disguising themselves as the hostages. Now that the robbers have yelled that, the police will be dying to get in to stop the bombs. They must be getting into their own positions now, and if they are, they must be blindfolded too. I pull at the duct tape around my wrists, wriggling to try to break free. I doubt these are sophisticated bombs. I could disarm them if I just…

Suddenly, a new noise echoes softly in the now silent hall. I freeze in my struggling. Footsteps? No, all the robbers should be tied up and pretending to be hostages by now. The one they left in the bathroom? No these are very light, almost inaudible in the silence. It was not a full adult man, and even an adult woman was a stretch, but perhaps, a child? No, it couldn't possibly be.

I hear them pause. I concentrate fully on my hearing, ignoring the breathing of the other hostages around me. There were two sets of footsteps, off beat slightly. So at least two of them then. What could these children possibly be doing? If they were smart they would get the shutters open and let the police in. But no, these aren't normal children. Normal children would be frightened, crying, screaming, walking in and calling for their parents naively. These footsteps had a purpose. They were stealthy, moving quickly and quietly. Could they be under the direction of someone? If so, what kind of person could direct children like this?

They move over to where the counter was and hop over it. Going toward the bombs? What could they possibly do? Then I hear the sound of wheels rolling along the tiled floor. A cart? Are they going to move the bombs? I hear a small whisper.

"Hey Conan, the cart is here."

That confirmed my suspicions. The voice wasn't deep, even in a whisper it was a young boy, primary school age I would say. The tone also, was almost like an officer reporting to his commanding superior. Is this Conan guy the brains of the outfit? I hear another order.

"Get these on the cart."

Not an adult voice…another child? At least the voice was. The tone was the complete opposite. It held confidence and authority in it, even with the short sentence that was uttered, it expected the order to be followed. Is this 'Conan'?

I hear the clatter of what I could assume was the briefcases hitting the cart. So they are putting the bombs on a cart… to take away from us. Would it be enough though? I doubt they made the bombs too powerful because they didn't want to get caught up in the blast, but still.

"Hey, we have a minute left."

A third voice and I hear a gasp from the first boy.

"Are we going to make it?"

"Careful. We will."

'Conan' reassured softly. Then I hear three sets of footsteps sprint back toward the back of the bank, taking with them the cart. I let out a soft sigh as I go back to getting the duct tape off of my wrists. I hate leaving it to three kids of all things, but if I can escape, I can help a little.

I suddenly feel a rumble and a loud boom permeates the air. The bombs, they went off. Enough to rock the place, but as a bank, it was built solidly. It won't fall from a small explosion like that. I hear the murmurs of shock even through the gags. Are our little saviors all right I hope? I scoot a little away from the other hostages so I don't hit them and pull my arms underneath my legs. The robbers are all tied up so they can't see what I am doing anyway. The least I can do is get my arms in front of me so I can deal with the threat if necessary.

Slowly I ease my hands up to the blindfold. The urge to rip it off is powerful, but I keep my hands still. I don't want to draw too much attention to myself. The immediate threat of the bombs is neutralized, so now I can just wait for the police to break in. If needed I can have a word with Kazama to manipulate the police force, but I doubt that will be necessary. I can't help the curiosity that comes with me wanting to see the boys that helped protect us, but I will refrain for the moment.

Ah, the little footsteps are back, and it sounds like they gained one. They whispered to each other for a moment before I heard something I didn't expect. The voice of the robber that had been knocked out in the bathroom boomed out over the stillness.

"Listen up, everyone stand up and slowly walk towards the direction of my voice."

I heard hums and clacks as people slowly stood around me. What was going on? What happened to the children? Were they safe? I slowly followed suit, careful to stick close to the hostages on either side of me so that my arms weren't seen. I don't want the robber to see that I was close to being free. I hear him yell again.

"I repeat slowly. Don't trip on the person in front of you."

I hear most people start to walk toward the robber, and I try to follow suit. I can't stand out too much. Suddenly I hear a small gasp, followed by a clear voice.

"It's you three, isn't it?"

What? That was that boy's, Conan's, voice I think. He found the robbers. But what about the robber that called over the hostages? Was he taken out? 'Conan' continued.

"Not obeying orders outside of the plan, you can only be the robbers."

I see. They must have stayed seated and not moved when everyone else got up to move. This Conan character is clever.

"Let's get the tape off the bank employees and ask them to open the door."


Came a chorus of children voices. So what was the robber then? Was that a recording of some kind? Some kind of voice changing device? No, I have never seen a voice changing machine like that. The leader continued.

"When the police charge in, they'll take these three men, the guy in the hallway, and the guy lying in the restroom…"

I suddenly hear Conan's voice cut off abruptly, followed by a gruff.

"Who is lying in the restroom?"

Oh shoot, no doubt about it this time. That was definitely the robber. My alerts went into heightened mode. It sounds like from how his voice was cut off he grabbed him by the throat.


The cheerful chorus turned into terror.

"Whether it's that foreign woman or this brat, what are they up to?"

I slowly brought my hand up to rip off the duct tape off my mouth. It is obvious now that the control has switched hands, and the robbers are at the end of their tether. The plan has changed so much from the original so that they will become rash and desperate. That doesn't mean well for us hostages. I pull it off as gently, but as quickly as possible. I feel my mask rip a little, but I don't have any time to worry about that now. I reach up for the duct tape over my eyes next as the next order came out of the robber's mouth.

"Hey you brats over there, if you don't want to see his neck broken, hand me that gun on the counter."

Gun on the counter? Heaven is on justice's side today. I peel back the tape and take in the scene in an instant.

There was a bigger man standing in the middle of the room, holding onto a squirming bespectacled boy in his arms. There was a small group of children standing behind him, looking angry, yet worried. The three robbers were in front him, sitting and bound. I glance over at the counter and see the pistol within easy getting distance. Carefully, as not to draw attention, I sidle that way, gnawing at the duct tape around my wrists. I need free hands to aim correctly.

"With things this way, we'll go down together. Accompany me to hell."

He's planning to shoot the kid and then suicide? I narrow my eyes as I reach for the pistol.

"What's this? You already got one."

What? How did the kid get a pistol? Confiscated off another robber? Bad stroke of luck.

"You just get ready to die!"

A few inches. Let me make it in time.

I snatched up the pistol and turn, raising the sights to aim at the man in what felt like slow motion. I had a clean shot at both shoulders, and the gun. Shoulder so he drops the kid would be the best bet. I quickly fire.

The shot permeates the tense atmosphere.

A blossom of blood erupts from the guy's shoulder and I see his arm go slack and he drops the gun as he brings it up to put pressure on the injured shoulder. All the hostages quickly panicked running around like crazy. I tense as a few run around me, but keep the gun trained on the man. Was that enough, or would he try something again. If these people don't keep still I could shoot them on accident.

Suddenly I felt pressure, like someone was looking at me. The robber? Jodie? Someone else? I haven't felt something like this since that Bastard.


I hear crumpling noise and police swarmed into the room as they busted through the shutters, catching us all by surprise. I quickly turn and grabbed the first hostage I could, pulling the tape off of their wrists. The police can handle the robbers. I can't be seen here as the hero here. I undo a couple of hostages, watching the police. They were worried about the robbers, and undoing the hostages. I could easily sneak out the door. So the next hostage I released, I walked out with them to freedom.

I decided to not stick around while most hostages found the ambulance or more officers to speak to, I slipped into the crowd. I needed to escape before that FBI woman caught wind. Besides, my mask was slowly slipping. The spirit gum had been pulled loose because of the tape, and I barely made it home with it still intact.

I sit on my couch and sighed, pulling off the mask. I almost want to crumple it up and throw it away, but I am not done with reconnaissance yet with it.

What a wild adventure. I didn't expect to be caught up in all that when I was just trying to see one person's reaction of seeing me. I leaned my head back against the cushion. I am just lucky that whole situation ended as peaceful as it did. Scum like that messing up the country that I love. I hope they get a sentence fitting them.

But what a strange group of little crime fighters. I lean forward again, and narrow my eyes. That Conan character seemed…odd. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something was off about him. Was he just a kid with a hero complex or what? And his little minions listened to his orders like a little boss. I shook my head. I bet that FBI gave him orders or something. Or it was a fluke. A very lucky fluke.

Ah well. I plan on doing another mission to find out if Akai is truly dead. I planted the seed of doubt, next I need to see it bear fruit. I will catch the bastard, watch me. I have to, to insure my position, to protect Japan, and for my own satisfaction.