Seeing the familiar, now hated, red hair among the group waiting for him at the docks made him wish they had allowed him his sword prior to reaching his destination at Castle Black. He desperately hoped that this was the last time he had to lay his eyes upon her and wouldn't be forced to suffer her presence during the voyage north.

She surely had achieved all her goals and those of her mother now. She was Queen. Free from having to defer to any siblings, she could let her cursed ambitions roam freely. Free from any bannerman that would see through her façade and reveal the spoiled treasonous child within.

She tried to speak to him after he had said his farewells to Arya and the thing that was Bran but not.

"Spare me your pretty songs, Sansa!" he spat, "I should have never trusted you. I should have left you to your fate that day you showed up at Castle Black. Ygritte was right, I truly knew nothing. Enjoy your kingdom built on the bones of those you used, Sansa Bolton. Or is it Sansa Lannister? For a Stark you are not."

Without giving her a chance to utter a single word, he turned and marched towards the ship, waiting to take him to his final exile.


Years later, he had heard from a passing trader she had died alone, childless and abandoned. Many of the surviving Northmen either moving further north beyond the crumbling wall that marked the borders between the Kingdom of Winter and the Free North or moving South to greener pastures in the Reach, lured by offers of land and coin by the Sellsword-Lord of Highgarden.

The relative peace in the nearly abandoned lands North of the Neck only held by the warfare and strife providing a distraction for the slowly but surely disintegrating Southern Kingdoms. In the end, it was all for nothing…


A/N: It's probably pretty clear by now that I despise Sansa. While I am disappointed with the shoddy job of character development and pacing DD did once they ran out of source material to lean on, I am mostly ok with the ending, with the exception of Sansa ruling the North. In many ways, her and her mother are actually worse than Cersei. While Cersei was selfish and petty, at least she loved her children enough to want to protect them and she was loyal to her family (Tyrion being the exception due to the prophecy... sticking to book Canon here). Catelyn was perfectly willing to sell a child she didn't particularly care for to the Freys to protect her precious favorite daughter and she selfishly started a war because she didn't even bother to ponder the consequences. Sansa was perfectly willing to execute Arya when she perceived her a threat to her power, basically gave up Rickon for dead without even trying and was perfectly fine with risking Jon's life to be the conquering heroine by holding back the knights of the Vale until the last minute. She was a spoiled petulant idiot throughout the show and the books... what a great role model...