A/N: And, we're back for the final story. Coasting on the coattails of SM's work for the previous projects was fun, but now we're down to the real work... Wish me luck, guys.
Disclaimer: The Twilight series, as well as the characters from Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined all belong to Stephanie Meyer. Many of the descriptions, dialogue, and word choices early on may belong to her, too. (Mostly in chapters one through four, before we hit the point where the plot diverges sharply from the original Breaking Dawn. Because this story wouldn't be complete without as much plagiarism as possible.)
Rated T for violence, and some sexual themes. (Though expect some scaling back on the latter in comparison to the original—the rationale there will be discussed in notes in later chapters.)
Thanks so much to all of you who have stuck with me all this time, and see you next chapter! :J
I'd had to make a lot of tough choices in my time. Especially the last year.
I was ready for this. Ready to risk everything, to make the ultimate sacrifice, if only I would just have a chance to help those who had already suffered, and those who would still suffer if something wasn't done. I could do the right thing, regardless of all else.
Doing the right thing was never supposed to be easy. I knew that. And yet, as I stood there, gazing into the face of the one person who mattered most, restrained in the iron grip of a figure in a dark cloak, I felt as though I might be wrenched in two. I never imagined that doing the right thing would ever constitute such a betrayal.
The sun beat down from above, playing off our hard skin, as I opened my mouth to speak.