Danganronpa : Harems heart

Inspired by Klonadreams : harem happy havoc, a female Makoto Naegi navigates her way through life in Hope's Peak Academy, but being the only girl in her class isn't easy especially with Jun Enoshima manipulating things from behind the scenes.

Warning: gender bending, self-harm, foul language, abuse, violence, death, sexy situations in later chapters

Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with danganronpa, but I will say that I was inspired by someone else this time.

okey lovelies

here's a new story, i recently got all of the Danganronpa games and i'm enjoying it alot, i admit that i was inspired by someone else and i hope they don't mind but i wanted to expand on the idea and develop the characters a bit more too. any way read, review, leave a useful suggestion and feel free to read my other stories.

love snow

Chapter one: orientation day

Jun Enoshima groaned in boredom as he threw a hunting knife at his older twin brother, only for him to catch it as it sailed through the air, with little to no effort at all. After a few more attempts, Jun gave up knowing that Murukuro would continue to thwart him.

It was a beautiful April morning, with birds singing and the cherry blossoms where in full bloom, creating a perfumed snowy scene as the petals fell to the side walk in the breeze.

"Geeze, it's just going to be another boring day again!" Whined Jun in annoyance, he was seriously reconsidering his choice of turning down a photoshoot in Sendai in order to attend the school orientation day.

"At least I'd be working if I was in Sendai, but no you make me attend this dumb orientation" he muttered darkly running a hand through his elegantly maintained, shoulder length strawberry blond hair, turning to look at his twin, taking in the older boy's freckled face and matted yet neatly done hair as well as the slightly worried expression he held.

"Okay remind me to never let you near my hair, with the way you do yours" exclaimed Jun with a biting remark as he looked away from the other boy in order to start people watching, not bothering to see the hurt expression briefly flicker across Murukuro's pale face. "just stick to trimming that black rat's nest you call hair"

Suddenly, Jun caught a flicker of movement coming from the side walk leading up to the main entrance to the school, it was a boy in a dark blue military style school uniform with black lace up boots and short spiky hair.

Frowning Jun dug around in his back pocket an pulled out a note book, flicking through the cream pages until he found what he was looking for, it was information, on the student, who was called Kiyotaka Ishimaru.

"so, he's the ultimate moral compass, laaaaame!" exclaimed Jun, boredom one again echoing through his voice, watching as the boy enter the school. "he's going to be a wrench in my plans that's for sure"

Although he might be entertaining to fuck around with, smiling the strawberry blonde pulled out a pen and added the boy's name to a slowly growing list of people he desired to mess up.

"are you just going to stand there like the pile of shit that you are?... c'mon make yourself useful, get me some more info" demanded Jun, not caring for the abusive nature of which he spoke with the older boy, Mukuro sighed sadly, picking up is messenger bag and began to walk towards the entrance.

"I'll see you later then" the raven-haired boy called over his shoulder, while Jun rolled his eyes in disgust at the older boy's affection, it made him want to gag, before going back to watching his soon to be victims/classmates. Half an hour crawls by slowly before the next person arrived, it was Celeste Ludenberge, the ultimate gambler, in a classic Rolls Royce, driven by his attractive female driver, causing Jun to scoff, in his mind Celeste was nothing more than a fraud, a liar, so to Jun, Celeste would always remain as Yasuhiro Takeda, nothing more than a lie.

Following the arrival of Celest came the ultimate biker gang leader, Mondo Owada, riding on his motorcycle, escorted by several members of his gang, their engines letting out a series of deafening roars. Jun was certainly surprised at how early Mondo was, in arriving, but he noticed the way his second in command, Yukimaru seemed to harangue him for any misdemeanour but also begging him to sort his life out too, Jun had heard about the accident that had put is brother into a coma, and how Mondo took over the gang right after it.

A few minutes later the effeminate visage of Jun's crossdressing classmate, Chihiro Fujisaki, being walked by his equally short parents to the front entrance, clutching at his laptop, signifying his status as the ultimate programmer. The small family shared a short yet affectionate moment together (making Jun gag) the boy's parents turned and walked away, leaving Chihiro to head inside the tall modern building.

Things only got increasingly predictable as Jun caught sight of the singing sensation Maizono Sakuya, running towards a side door, wearing a pair of dark shades, and hiding himself with a large black umbrella, shielding himself from both the paparazzi and rabbid fangirls, causing the strawberry blonde to struggle to hold in his laughter at the sorry excuse of a teen idol.

Not long after that mess, a tan blur passed by Jun's observation spot, it was Aoi Asahina, the ultimate swimmer and his younger brother, yuuta who while was shorter than his brother, but just as fast and just as loud.

"few years to go and Hope's peak will have an ultimate track runner" Jun muttered rolling his eyes at the pair of athletes and their antics.

Suddenly a stretched limo pulled up to the curb, and out stepped a boy with honey blond hair, white framed glasses and a tailored dark green school uniform, before he turned and briskly walked inside.

"that must be the ultimate affluent progeny, Byakuya Togami" Jun whispered making a mental note not to cross him.

Togami was swiftly followed by, Toko Fukawa a plain, yet morose looking boy wearing round frameless glasses, quickly walking to the entrance, wringing his hands all the while, the ultimate writing prodigy entered the building shaking for the entire duration.

"how pathetic, picking him off will be all too easy" Jun muttered smirking.

It wasn't long before other student's arrived in drips and drabs, including Leon Kuwata, the ultimate baseball player, who was doing his best to avoid his family as he walked through the front gate towards the main building, he was followed by the ultimate clairvoyant Yasahiro Hagakure, whom Jun thought was a closet stoner or something along those lines. Not long after that Hifumi Yamada, appeared, causing Jun to wrinkle his perfectly sculpted nose in disgust, not only at the boy's pug like face but also his morbid obesity, it was obvious that he wasn't impressed by the ultimate fanfic writer.

"So that just leaves the final two, I wonder who will get here first" said Jun quietly as he watched the gate eagerly.

It wasn't long before the giant muscly form of Saicho Oogami, the ultimate martial artist appeared at the gate, in a smart black high school uniform that wouldn't look out of place in a kung fu movie, his long white hair tied back neatly in a high pony tail. Jun was about to head in himself, when he witnessed a black and red blur streak past him, it was this year's ultimate lucky student, Makoto Naegi who came tearing around the corner, through the gate and crashed right into Saicho, knocking her flat on her ass, a travel mug of tea spilt on the asphalt, narrowly missing her and Saicho, causing Jun to chuckle.

Well that was a first impression thought Jun smirking, until he sees Saicho scooping Makoto up in his arms, a pink hue spreading across his cheeks as he holds the doll like girl in his arms, looking at her like she was the most precious thing he'd laid eyes on.

Makoto, was running late, first she overslept only getting up in time to shower, dress and grab a travel mug of tea before rushing out of the front door, then the bus was late, then there was a traffic jam, she just hoped that things would sort themselves out, she really didn't want to move schools again, this was her fourth high school try out ( her family constantly moved around), and she didn't want anyone to hate her either. She had just made it past the gate, only for everything to go from bad to worse, when she collided with someone, and a boy at that, this terrified Makoto, seeing the boy in his six foot glory staring down at her with piercing forget me not blue eyes, Makoto didn't know what to do, she was so scared that she closed her eyes silently begging for him to leave her alone.

It wasn't until she felt his arms around her as he scooped her up that she opened her eyes, the boy had scooped her up and was holding her in a bridal style, as he seemed to examine her, his blue eyes transfixed with every inch of her.

"Are you alright?" he asked in a deep and slightly gravelly voice, all Makoto could do to respond was nod her head in confirmation.

The boy breathed a sigh of relief before setting her back on her feet and opening the door to let the both of them in, just in time for the orientation to start.

The entrance hall was large, with pillars and tiled floors, reminding Makoto of the pictures of Notre Dame she had seen in several of her text books. However, while she was looking around in awe, she was yet again not paying attention to her surroundings, causing her to bump into another person, much to Jun's amusement as he noticed who it was, it was another boy with waist length lavender hair that was styled into a long plait. It was Keyo Kirigiri, the ultimate Detective of his generation and the headmaster's son. who turned to glare at the person who walked in to him only to find that it was a girl who did.

"Oh, god I'm so sorry, my name's Makoto" exclaimed Makoto, trying franticly to straighten her clothes introducing herself in mid apology

"It's alright, we be better get to the gym, I heard we have an authoritarian in our class, and he's a real hard ass" said Keyo giving Makoto a small smile, placing a hand on the small of her back and began to guide her to where they needed to go.

Keyo took in the girls appearance, she was in a wine-red blazer with her previous high school emblem attached to her lapel in the form of a brass enamelled brooch declaring her to be a former student of St Burns high school, she was also wearing a black pleated skirt, with matching tights as well as a pair of soft brown leather ballet shoe style pumps. However, the most peculiar thing about her ensemble where the white silk gloves on her dainty hands, they covered a truly dirty secret where her sleeves couldn't.

For you see, Makoto self-harmed, she cut and burned herself, her family life wasn't a happy one, her mother was an entitled, narcissistic, abusive, manipulative woman, who was living her dreams through Makoto, if she argued against the woman she was met with threats, violence, mind games and other forms of abuse, Makoto took is silently, if only to protect her little sister Komaru, her father wouldn't, he was a spineless man these days, there was a time when he tried to protect her but it failed miserably. The pressure from her mother came at all angles, having to be pretty, popular, having to have the right friends, be in the right clubs, having the best grades possible, it was all too much! Makoto felt like a puppet on a string, with no control of her own, control that she desperately wanted, and the only way to have it was to hurt herself, the more she did it the better and more in control she felt.

Makoto was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a door open and she was led into a large gymnasium filled with other students, all of them looking for a spot to sit in the bleachers. However, before she could even make a comment, Keyo led her up the bleacher's steps and to a seat, where she plonked herself down, while he sat down next to her, they were joined by Saicho and Jun a few moments later. Saicho had a rather irritated expression on his tanned, scarred face, while Jun seemed to carry a calculating look, however before anything could be said or any introduction could be made there was a loud metallic screeching coming from the speakers, causing every student cover their ears, yelling at how painful the sounds.

After a few seconds the screeching came to an end, making everyone look directly to the stage area, to find a tall man in a suit, the headmaster had arrived and was standing at the podium, waiting for everybody to be quiet.

"Well, here we are a new year and a hall full of new faces" he began his speach with a smile, as he went on to explain how the student where ultimately the hope for a better future thus had big responsibilities, he also went on to tell everyone that their class rosters where on the boards at the back of the gym as well as their assigned homeroom teachers too. However, just as everyone was getting up to look at the boards, the headmaster began to say something else.

"And one more thing, to whomever spilt their tea at the front entrance, the mess has been cleaned up and no harm was caused, just be more careful next time" said the headmaster with a warm smile, inadvertently causing several students to laugh, and causing Makoto to blush and to sink further back into her chair in embarrassment, while Keyo and Saicho looked at her with their eyebrows raised, meanwhile Jun was quietly sniggering as he walked up to the roster boards and found his class, when he noticed something, Makoto was the only girl in his class, to him this was hilarious, seeing as she would be seen as the ultimate prize for anyone in the class should they score a date with her. Jun was excited at the thrill that of the hunt, so he made a decision, despair could wait, the game to capture the heart of Makoto Naegi had just begun, and he wasn't going to lose.

A few minutes later, Makoto had made it to her home room and was sitting in her assigned desk, waiting for everyone else, hoping no one would call her out on the tea incident again, after a minute or two of waiting the classroom door opened and a boy in a military academy uniform entered the room, only for him to stop and look at Mikoto with wide eyes, it was like he hadn't seen a girl before, Makoto fought the urge to tell him to take a picture. His staring unnerved her.

The boy sat down in his seat which happened to be the one next to hers, and turned to once again look at her.

"Forgive me, for my rudeness I wasn't expecting anyone to be here before me, I'm Kiyotaka Ishimaru, but everyone calls me Taka" he introduced himself politely, giving Makoto a stiff formal bow.

"I'm Makoto Naegi, the supposed lucky lottery student" she replied in a somewhat frosty tone, while she hoped to be a friend to everyone in class to some capacity, the vibes she received from Taka where similar to those of her mother albeit weaker vibes that that women's.

As the next ten minutes the rest of the students came in in drips and drabs all introducing themselves in one form or another, staring with one of them tapping Makoto on the shoulder, causing he to jump and turn around to see a lean, tanned brunette teenager behind her, he was in a sports uniform and trainers, he had warm grey-blue eyes and a smile that could light up a room.

"hey, I'm Aoi Asahina nice to meet you" he said brightly holing out his hand, Makoto politely shook it and introduced herself.

As more and more students arrived the room was humming with noise, there where introductions left and right making the room buzz more than a bee hive, Makoto was talking to Aoi and learning more about him untill...

"Makoto, is that you?" came a voice from behind her, it was Sakuya, his standing in front of her in his previous schools' uniform.

"Sakuya? I haven't seen you in years!" exclaimed Makoto in excitement, making Jun's insides Freeze, he hadn't accounted for Makoto knowing anyone prior to coming to the school, this game just got harder, and more thrilling all the same, now all he needed to do was to get the idol out of the way.

"Yeah since middle school, when you rescued that crane from the school's pond" replied Sakuya rubbing the back of his head smiling awkwardly.

"Yeah, your career took off not long after that. How's it going?" said Makoto, wondering how her old friend was doing.

"Fine, fine, despite the annoying fangirls, any way how about you, you ok with being the only girl in the class?" answered Sakuya, not realising that as he mentioned that Makoto was the only girl in class, that everyone else had gone deathly silent and had begun to stare at the pair as they talked.

It was then that it was silently decided, it was war! the battlefield was to be Hope's Peak Acadamey itself, the prize: the heart of Makoto Naegi, now it was just a question of who will win.

The room sat in silence, the tension building so high that people on the floor above could probably feel it, evryone of the boys where giving each other glares and dirty looks, only for it to stop when the homeroom teacher came into the room and began to talk.

"Okay I'm Koichi Kizakura, your homeroom teacher, and all of you will be under my watch this year! And yes, I know that we only have one girl in the class, but it's not an excuse to behave like cats in heat around her! I intend to keep all of you as pure as fresh driven snow!" Lectured the teacher obvious trying to play the papa bear figure, but failing miserably, this was shown by most of the boys and Makoto trying to sink down behind her desk, her face a deep fire engine red, this was going to be a hard year, a hard year indeed.