Hey y'all! Welcome back for the next chappie of A Musician's Dream. Hopefully y'all are enjoying it so far. Well, it's been fun so far for me to revise this. Of course I'm grateful to my sister for allowing me to adopt this from her. So, let's get on with it now I suppose. Hehes

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy what happens this time. Please remember to favorite, follow, subscribe, drop some kudos, and leave some nice comments.

Chapter 4: Pulse

Atem sighs in frustration, this is indeed going to be difficult. Unfortunately he needs to explain to the others about certain things pertaining to his and Yami's parents and where they come from. None of them have had an easy life though. Each of them deal with their own hardships that still haunt them to this very day. It seems no matter how far they travel that it seems to go with them wherever they may be.

"When I went to Yami's room, he was on his bed. But what was weird was that Yami was calm," he explains after composing himself, hanging his head a little bit though to have his bangs conceal his expression as he recalls what has gone down earlier.


"Have you ever wondered what happened while you were away?" Yami asks shakily.

"Of course I have," replies Atem though a little shocked at the question.

"Well, if you're still wondering then sit down and listen," says Yami in a commanding voice before his tone changes to a more calm one as he fills Atem in on all the details. "When you went to school, mom and dad would go in my room. Everytime they came in, they kept talking to me saying how I'm going to be such a good lawyer. That was when I knew something sketchy was happening. When you were in high school, they would pester me about my grades. One day was so bad that I yelled at them. Dad had a fit and started to hit me. Mom did nothing at all. She sometimes even got in the fight and hit me so hard that mom's makeup wouldn't cover it up completely. Then, my stability issue came up."

Atem felt even more shocked. He walked over to his little brother and pulled him into an embrace while he continues to tell him everything. It's not an easy thing to swallow at knowing how their parents have been treating his younger sibling. The good thing is that he's here with him to keep him safe from the people that claim to be genuine when in reality they're all monsters seeking out to further their own gains than giving a damn about the people they wrought damage upon.

"Dad got drunk out of rage and started to throw me downstairs. The fall damaged my hips and knees. T-The doctor said that I might not be able to walk normally again," Yami cried as he turned and buried his face in Atem's chest. "That's also when my anxiety came up. I was so scared that I kept having panic attacks. Dad finally had it and raged again. He had a doctor prescribe me a medication for it. "

"The pill you had last night?" he asked.

Yami nodded in confirmation as he continued, "When Kira came, he became more careful. But when you left, he locked Kira in your room and would continue hitting me."

Atem gasped, "I'm so so so sorry, Yami...I should have been there."

Soon, Yami fell asleep before Atem left. Though he remains unaware of the talk and all Yami has had with Yugi after he left the room. To see him asleep out of emotional exhaustion does take a toll to him, hoping that he can protect him better from this point onwards. It's something he views to himself, knowing that he'll do everything in his power to ensure no more harm comes to him.


Everyone gasps. It's no wonder now that Yami has been acting like that. It shames Marik and Bakura to have been so accusatory towards him earlier. Though Akefia reaches out, grabbing one of Atem's hands to squeeze lightly, understanding how it can be when sustaining physical abuse. Though it isn't as bad as the white haired Egyptian has experienced in his past, but he can still empathize with his partner's brother nonetheless. !

"I'm calling my lawyer," growls out Seto, whipping out his phone to make the call,"Atem, do you want to take Yami into your custody?"

Atem nods without an ounce of hesitation before he buries his face into his lovers neck. The tears begin to stream down his cheeks. Akefia holds him close, whispering in his ear in a calming tone to soothe his troubles, knowing this is hard for him to take all in. None of them know how to deal with it either as everyone has mixed feelings. Seeing that Yugi isn't here confirms to him that he's probably still with Yami, feeling a wash of relief to know that someone is good enough to be there to give him some comfort and all.

"Is practice canceled?" Ryou whispers.

"Yup, we have some shit to take care of," affirms Jonouchi to the hazel-eyed brit.

It's only then they hear a crash downstairs. Atem immediately jumps as he runs downstairs, panicking slightly since his brothers stuff is there. When Atem enters, he sees Yami there on the couch with Yugi by his side, seeing to his injuries in case there might be any.

"Yami?" Whispers Atem, feeling relief again overcome him at seeing that Yugi is with him, idly wondering what connection the two may have.

Yami looks up as he smiles slightly, "Hey…"

"Yami?" they hear as the two turn to see the band down there, noticing Bakura and Marik have their heads down.

"We're really sorry Yami! We didn't mean to cause harm, it was just curiosity," the two say, not expecting to receive any forgiveness right away.

Yami stands up as he staggers to the group to smile slightly, "It's fine, you didn't know. I forgive you,".

The two smile a little before hugging him tightly. Although Yami stiffens a little before relaxing as he hugs them back. The group smiles at seeing at the scene unfold. Yugi remains nearby in case, remaining cautious with how Yami can react at tiems. It still amazes him how someone still so fragile can dish out forgiveness like it's nothing. Perhaps he does view the people here as those he can trust. Though it can be a number of things aside from that one in particular. It's something to contemplate further about later he supposes.

"Yes. I want the contract down and signed. Yes. Have it done by next week. Yes. If they go to court, we'll go to court. Yes, ok thank you," they all hear Seto say as they're all used to him conducting business.

"What is Seto doing?" Asks Yami in confusion.

Atem smiles as he holds Yami, "He's trying to get you into my custody. I don't want them near you at all."

Yami's eyes lit up almost instantly at this admission," Really!? Thank you."

"Well, I had my lawyer take care of that. But your parents may come and have a visit," explains Seto as Yami comes running over to hug his cousin fiercely.

"Thank you, Seto," he whispers, mirth shining in his ruby pools at feeling as if he has something good going for him at last.

Seto gives a rare smile and nods, returning the hug given to him by Yami. It seems as if everything is coming together nicely enough. Though how will Yami handle it when his parents need to come for that visit? Yugi reaches over, grabbing one of his hands when Yami and Seto finish up their embrace. Picking Yugi up into his arms, Yami still smiles. It's almost contagious, causing him to smile too. Seeing him like this is something Yugi hopes to see more often from now on. If not, then he'll try his best to make him happier from now on that he's here with them. It's the least he can do after all.


A day later, the band and Yami are in the living room. Today, they have to practice what to do and sing for the concert but Yami decides to join them in rehearsal. What he's playing is his guitar as the group talk amongst themselves. The thought of being on stage excites him, hoping that he'll have enough courage to do it alongside the others. To see his dream coming true seems almost surreal, but he loves it nonetheless. The group is still trying to figure out what songs and who is going to sing what.

"Hey, what about Yami? He plays so good. Can he please play a part, Seto? Jono?" Yugi asks hopefully, using the puppy dog eyes of doom at his disposal if necessary.

"Sure" they agree as the band stops after a while for a moment before looking at Yami who starts aimlessly playing again.

"Yami? We need to ask you something," says Atem, putting his own guitar down.

Yami stops playing as he looks over at the band, "What's up?"

"Well," begins Seto to bring up, hoping this is a good idea since Atem and the rest seem so eager about it apparently," We have been talking about having a new member join the band,"

"Yeah," continues Jonouchi, hoping that his gut is telling him the right thing here, "We already have this guy. He's your age and looks like you,"

"Is it, m-me?" he asks, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly in a curious manner, hoping that he's guessing right here.

Jonouchi and Seto nod their heads in confirmation about it. Though they hope that the managers will be ok with this. Most likely Akefia will need to speak with Zorc about things again, knowing he's the best one to speak with him aside from Bakura. Yami smiles even more as he tackles the two. Everyone laughs as Jonouchi accidently pushes Yami on his hip, making him hiss in pain.

"Yami?" Asks Yugi worriedly, noticing the issue as he recalls what Yami has let him know about his past.

Yami looks up as he forces a reassuring smile on his face, "I'm fine. It just hurts a little. Don't worry about me, Aibou."

"Damn, I'm sorry about that," frowns Jonouchi, moving away from him to give some distance.

Yami waves him off, "It's no problem a t all."

Turning to his service animal, he whistles for her to come over to his side. Kira jumps on off her seat as she rushes to him. Yami gently applies pressure to her side as he stands up with some of Atem's and Yugi's help.

"But really? Do I really get to join?" he asks hopefully.

Seto laughs a little as he replies, "Yes but you need to be homeschooled and get practice done before next week."

Yami nods, thinking that's reasonable," Yes sir."

"Hey! Where are you going!" Calls out Atem and Yugi as the two run after him.

"I'm going to start on homeschool," replies Yami back at them.

"Goodness, he must be determined," says Ryou as he giggles lightly. "I'm sure he'll be just fine."

"Yes, he is," the others murmur in agreement.

"So, who's going to sing what?" Pipes up Akefia to bring the focus back to what they've been trying to figure out all morning into almost midday.

"Well, I've been thinking that You and Atem can give a duo, Yugi and Yami sing a duo, and maybe a solo. Lastly, the group do one together," explains Seto as he lays out his thoughts like a floor plan.

"Who will get the solo?" Asks Ryou excitedly as everyone seems complacent with the plan that Seto has given them all.

Shrugging, Jonouchi says, "We need to take a tally. Everyone get three pieces of paper and right down three people who you think you do the solo. But you cannot pick yourself."

"Atem, get your high and mighty ass down here right now!" Yells Akefia.

Soon, Atem is down there as he asks in a rush, "What?"

"We're taking a tally. Take three papers and write down three people you want to play for a solo. The one rule is don't pick yourself," explains Yugi, deciding when he's done here that he'll go see Yami.

Atem nods as he grabs his things. Five minutes after, they put their votes in a box. Ryou has four votes. Malik has four votes. Bakura only has one vote. Marik has no votes for him. Yugi has five votes for him. Akefia has three votes. Atem has four votes. Yami has five votes towards him. It seems that the voting period has come to a close, taking into account all of the totals for everyone.

"Well, it looks like Yami gets to play the solo," says Seto in a pleased manner.

"Wow, I must sing amazing to not get any votes," Marik sarcastically says with a scowl.

"Wait, won't Yami get anxious about this. Won't he be scared and screw up?" Asks Malik in concern.

"Maybe. I just need to practice more in front of people," a voice says dryly, hating it when people talk about him when he's not even in the room, noticing everyone turns to see that it's only Yami there.

"Are you ok?" Asks Atem when he sees that it's Yami there though he seems a little pale.

Shrugging, he waves him off, not wanting him to worry so much," I just saw mom and dad's car come in the driveway, so you tell me."

Atem jumps, frowning in concern about this, "Well, just stay here and practice for the concert. You and Yugi will be playing a duet. You'll also be doing a solo."

Yami blinks a few times before he nods, grabbing his guitar as he hums a song softly while playing the guitar. Atem smiles softly as he runs off to the door. Inwardly, he grimaces. Somehow he knows in the back of his mind that this might not go over so well. Though he has to keep hope, knowing that there are still a few tricks up his sleeve along with the others of the band here. It does reassure him that he does have backup.

"What?!" He yells at the pounding at the door.

"Where's the freak! You have no right to take him from us," Amara yells back at him.

"Oh but I haven't! I saved him from being abused! I'm not letting my baby brother in the hands of abusers!" He retorts in retaliation to them.

"Boy, give him back or we will disown you," Aknamkanon threatens.

"Then disown me! Right now I have the rights to keep Yami here! If you want to talk more about it then go to court tomorrow. We'll settle this" says Atem with rage apparent in his gaze before turning to slam the door on their faces.

"Those bastards," hisses Yugi, having been listening, going to comfort Yami at noticing he begins tearing up.

"He heard them call him freak," says Yugi to him, holding Yami close as he sways a little on his feet.

Why is this always happening to us?

Oks, that's the end of chappie four. I hope you all enjoyed it. The next one will be out shortly whenever I have it finished being revised. Hopefully that won't be too long of a wait for it though. Until then, please remember to review, darlings!