Just a short funny oneshot to brighten our spirits. I hope everyone is keeping safe and practicing social distancing.

Marie and Stephen age 11

Amelia age 8

"You can't put the toast like that Venny. Daddy likes it this way" Marie said fixing the two slices so that that one overlapped the other perfectly

"You of all people should know that Mr. My comic books are out of order" Amelia sarcastically replied

Stephen huffed. "Are you sure they're still sleeping Ree?"

"For the tenth time yes" she said stressing the s sound. "Dad's usual waking time is 7:15 and momma's usually up around 6:30. But when I checked before we started at 5:30 before we started, they were still sleeping. And seeing as I have not heard any walking its safe to assume, they're still sleeping. Anything else Captain?"

Stephen glared at her, "You two don't always have to be so sarcastic all the time. I deserve a little respect, I am the oldest" he grumbled as he arranged glasses of juice on a tray. "It would just be sad if we try to surprise them with breakfast in bed and they're out of bed looking for us"

"If momma was awake, she would already be down here making us breakfast. Its fine" she said lifting the tray.

"You sure you don't want me to carry it?" Stephen asked

"Oh please" Amelia said skipping ahead, "Ree has more muscles than you"

"Happy anniversary!" Amelia shouted while opening her parents' bedroom door so she and her siblings could walk through

And several things happened in that moment;

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" Marie shouted increasing an octave every time and dropping the tray causing the glasses to break. But she couldn't care less as she bolted for the hallway

"Oh my God" Amy gasped as she tried and failed to grab the sheet to cover her body. Only succeeding on the second attempt

Amelia let out a shriek, as she squeezed her eyes shut and frantically waved her arms around as she followed her sister's lead

Sheldon let out his characteristic shrill scream as he attempted to cover himself with a pillow but instead toppled off the bed

Stephen seemed rooted on the spot, his face a mixture of surprise, horror and disgust. He wanted to run away, he knew he should, but something kept him standing there, until Marie's hands grabbed his shoulders yanking him into the hallway.

She pulled him all the way into the nearest room, Amelia's, who was still freaking out on her bed. "What did we just walk into?" she groaned with her eyes still shut tight.

Stephen gulped, "It would appear our parents were engaging in coital interactions" he whispered

Marie threw a pillow at him, "don't tell her" she hissed

"B-but why…" Amelia started

"No more questions" Marie said, "Its already burned into my brain" she said holding her head with both hands

"Yeah, how's that eidetic memory working for you now?" Stephen asked. He shrieked as he narrowly missed the pillow Marie threw in his direction

"Oh God" Amy groaned as she climbed out of bed with the sheet still tightly wrapped around her body. "I thought you said they were sleeping" she said glaring in the direction Sheldon had fell

He sat up rubbing the back of his head, "No. I said I didn't hear them up here and even if they were awake they don't usually come in unannounced."

Amy walked near the forgotten tray, careful to avoid the broken glass and juice. "I think they were trying to give us breakfast in bed" she said bending to pick up the now juice soaked card, "this was so sweet"

"Sweet?" Sheldon scoffed "I fell out of bed and hit my head on the way down"

"It's no one's fault that you fell. Now hurry up and get dressed"

"Why?" he whined pulling her close

"So we can talk to them about what just happened. We can't just hope they'll forget"

"Or we just stay here and go back to what we were doing. They already know not to come in" he muttered while playing with the edge of the sheet still wrapped around her body. Amy gasped and lightly hit him in the chest. "Where did you throw my nightgown?"

"There" he pouted while pointing to the closet door to before trudging off to get his pants

Amy knocked softly on Amelia's door before opening it, "Your father and I want to talk to you guys about what just happened" she said as a slight blush crept up on her cheeks.

"No its fine you really don't have to" Marie said

"Your mother said we have to, so we're here" Sheldon said barging in the room

"I would done a gentler approach" Amy mumbled

"So what you three witnessed was the special hug that couples give each other called coitus" Sheldon started

"Do you have to be a certain age to do it?" Amelia asked

"Yes" Sheldon said at the same time Amy said "No"


"When you're in a committed relationship with someone, you can do it when the time feels right" she explained

"Ignore your mother's poppycock" Sheldon said with a wave of his hand, "I'll tell you what age you can do that, furthermore I'll tell you when you can be in a committed relationship" he said

"Sheldon" Amy hissed, "that's not a conversation for now"

"Guys we learned about this in school already" Marie blurted out.

"Yeah. There's no need for this very uncomfortable topic" Stephen mumbled

"Well look at that Amy, the educational system is good for something after all"

"I have another question" Amelia whispered

"Oh God. When will it end?" Stephen groaned rubbing a hand down his face

Amy shot Stephen a glare and motioned for Amelia to continue.

"W-why were you guys facing in that direction?"

Amy eyes widened as the blush returned to her face. Sheldon cleared his throat. "Well umm… there are many different… coital positions a couple can use when-"

"That's not important!" Amy yelled cutting Sheldon off, "the most important thing is that we just wanted to clear up what happened, and seeing that you have no more questions, I'll just go get started on breakfast again" she said rushing out of the bedroom pulling Sheldon in tow

"M-maybe next year we just buy them a back massager" Stephen suggested

Marie put a hand on his lap, "we already caught them doing it the opposite way. We don't need anything else added to the mix" she said seriously

"How about a book" Amelia suggested, " and we wait in the living room until they get up to surprise them with it"

"Your best idea yet Lia. I can't ever that room unannounced again" Marie said with a shudder