"You knew him well?"

Harley turned around and saw a boy around his age with brown hair.

"Not really. Saved his butt once, though. " He shook the boy's hand. "Sorry, who are you?"

"Peter… Potts. I'm a… nephew. Of Pepper. Aunt Pepper."

There was a pause.

Peter felt a little uncomfortable talking to Harley, a person he knew nothing about, but being surrounded by so many famous superheroes and government agents made him feel overwhelmed. Harley was the only person around his age, and he found talking with him much easier than with Doctor Banner or Nick Fury.

"So, Pete, what did you think of him?" He didn't need to say the name.

"Well, he wasn't the warmest person on Earth when I met him, that's for sure. He used to mess around with me a lot, flirting with my aunt and stuff." Pete stopped, thinking he had said too much, but Harley didn't seem to notice. "But the more I got to knew him, the more I realized he was just out of his depth, and didn't want to repeat the mistakes his dad did."

"Well, looks like it worked all right." Harley looked at Morgan Stark talking with Happy.

Peter wanted to talk to the little girl as well, but, what would he even say that would make Morgan feel better after losing her father? Then he remembered a time, not too long ago, in which a young boy found out the only father he had ever known had been taken before his time. He knew exactly what to say.

"Gotta go talk to her." He said before walking away.

Harley looked around at the other guests. All the Avengers were there, all the people Tony's life had touched in some way (also, a racoon walking on two feet; Harley didn't dare to ask). There was, however, one missing.



"Are you Spider-Man?" Harley asked in the same tone he would use to ask if Peter was a Mets' fan. Peter looked as if he had been asked if he was Thanos in disguise.

"Me, Spider-Man? Nooooooo." He brushed off. "That guy's like, thirty, and full of tattoos."

"OK. It's just,… it's weird that he's the only one not around here."

"That's because he had some business in… space." He mumbled.

"What's Spider-Man doing in space?"

Peter shrugged his shoulders.

"How should I know?"

Harley smiled to himself as he saw Peter go towards Morgan. Pete sounded like a nice guy, but boy, did he suck at lying.

So, what did you guys think? Should I continue to do more?

If you suggest any characters in the reviews, I can't promise I'll include them, but I might give it a try.