Hello Everyone. Here is the revamped version of this story. I'm hoping grammar and the story is fixed, as well as sounds better.

This was supposed to be a one shot, but I decided to continue the story and turned it into chapters. I will be uploading the other chapters very soon, hopefully tonight. So, look out for those.

If you don't want to read that much, you could definitely stop at chapter one and call it a one shot.

Please let me know what you think. :)


Chapter 1: A Mission to Confess.

"Ugh! Boys are so stupid, I swear!", Sarada pouted as she laid across the couch and roughly set her head down on Boruto's lap. He lifted his arms awkwardly, trying not to interfere with her movements as she settled. He rested his arms once again, as her actions stilled accompanied by an annoyed sigh.

"Sarada, you can't just swear off every guy just because one hits on you and you don't like it.", Boruto teased, poking her puffed cheeks.

The new Team 7, (including: Konohamaru sensei, Mitskui, Boruto, And Sarada), were on a mission. The mission they were given to complete was to assist a small, nearby village in finding a nuisance who has been tormenting their town's people with petty theft. This usually wouldn't be a mission for them since they were now all 18 years old, almost gaining the new rank of Jounin; but with the newly-found peace that lasted throughout the villages, the ease of missions was something they started to treat as paid fun.

Since the threat wasn't as big, with it only being one man committing small crimes, the team decided to split up. The team of four were now separated into partners of two, and would surveillance one half, while the other did the other half of the village. They would then meet back up at the hotel to go over any suspicious events or suspects.

This had been their first day on the mission. Konohamaru Sensei and Mitsuki were partners and had the other half of the village for the time being. Boruto and Sarada had finished their parts early and went into the village to get dinner after their shift.

During their time with their customary bantering with each other out of entertainment while they awaited their food, a man their age came up to their table and started to openly flirt with Sarada. Right in front of Boruto! For all the man knew, they could have been on a date and he just interrupted it.

Of course, Boruto did nothing to help the situation. He knew how aggravated Sarada would get when guys hit on her. She wasn't one to be easily upfront with her feelings, just like her father. Her pride, of course, always came first.

This hadn't been the issue lately though. Most guys interested in her just weren't people she liked and they wouldn't take "No" for an answer. For some reason people thought she was an "easily approachable person" because of how she was with Boruto; but even Boruto had to break through her rude, sarcastic, snarky shell before they got to their current point of friendship.

Boruto was always one that rolled with the punches, especially when it came to Sarada and her literal physical punches. This was just how Sarada was. He knew her personality too well and just shot the same motivated enthusiasm back at her. That's how they became best friends after all.

There was an unspoken language between the two of them that no one else could understand. If anyone else bantered with Sarada like the way Boruto did, they would get a mouth full of fist, but for some reason these two had a connection. Maybe because they've been forced into each other's constant presence since birth, but whatever the reason, they would never let anyone else in like the way they did with each other.

These people flirting with her didn't understand her at all. She did not like cocky people. She did not like when people interrupted her. And she definitely did not like people obnoxiously confessing their so called "love" for her.

While Sarada is a simple girl, she didn't need to be treated like a piece of meat. If someone truly liked her then they should pull her aside, one on one, and make it a cute, sentimental moment. Not slam an intruding hand on the table while she is having a nice time with her teammate and say, "What's up pretty face".

She strongly disliked when guys didn't have a filter or a time and place in mind with no respect. She couldn't do anything rash to put the guy in his place at the time. No matter how badly she wanted to channel her chakra directly from her fist to the guy's face, it would blow their cover. She sat there and ignored the guy giving Boruto a death glare for not helping. Finally, receiving an evil smirk from Boruto from across the table, she knew she would be getting no assistance this time from her supposedly "childhood friend".

It was a rough time, but finally, the guy backed away once she told him Boruto was her boyfriend and could seriously hurt him with one finger. The guy took one lazy look at Boruto, sizing him up with no effort. Boruto gave the guy a confident wink with one of his signature cheeky grins. He then faked shooting a finger gun indicating how he would injure the guy with his one finger. The guy's face deadpanned and respectfully left the table.

"OH, please. He wasn't the only guy who hit on me, there have been many before. Plus, you do it all the time!", She shot the blond-haired boy a glare through her red-oval glasses, as her head still rested on his lap.

Boruto rested his cheek in his fist that leaned on the armrest of the couch, "Who said you don't like when I flirt with you?", He gave her a seductive gaze and an all-knowing smirk that always raised her levels.

"ME! that's who!", Sarada flustered, pushed his face back with her hole hand abruptly and got up from his lap to pace in the space in front of them, "I mean who does that guy think he is, thinking he can just approach me?", She questioned waving her hands around furiously.

This made Boruto laugh as he leaned more into his comfortable position on the couch, "You're just such an approachable person, Sarada; how could he not think he could? With your rude sarcasm and eyes filled with constant thoughts of killing men.", He chimed with a hint of amusement behind his harassing words.

She stopped her pacing to give him one of her typical death glares and shot an accusing finger that was snappishly brought his way, "AND WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? You didn't help me one bit! You just watched me suffer.", She frowned as her threatening finger was inches from the boy's nose.

"Oh, come on, Sarada. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't watch you suffer?", He chuckled as he stood up and snatched her wrist playfully to get it out of his face.

"A good one!" She grumbled.

"You got yourself out of it, you're fine.", He pushed his case again.

"Yeah, by saying you were my 'boyfriend'!", She air quoted the word boyfriend with her two fingers. She was repulsed that she even had to do that just to get a boy to stop harassing her. A guy should take a no for an answer.

Boruto leaned in close with a devilish grin, "Or were you just looking for an excuse to call me your boyfriend?", he harassed, as Sarada was leaning back from his closeness with a loss of words and a fully reddened face.

They've been close like this before numerous times while messing around, physically and verbally, but lately her heart had been fluttering around him. They were teens now, 18 to be exact, almost adults. They've grown so much together from being: family friends, to teammates, to best friends. For some reason, just the thought of them being closer than friends kick-started Sarada's heart.

"I-I uh", she could feel the warmth of his forceful breath hit her face from the close proximity. He was still gently holding her wrist in his grasp which sent sensations through her body.

'No stop Sarada! What are you doing? Get it together, it's just stupid Boruto!'

She snapped her face to the side away from his gaze and slid her hand out of his grasp to cross her arms in defense, "Not even. He obviously wouldn't have taken me serious if I threatened him, 'I'm just a dainty precious flower', remember?", She quoted the words of the pitiful man from the table, "I was counting on you to help me out and you didn't! So, I figured I'd throw you into the mix anyway.", She sneered.

"Wow you really thought of everything for our relationship to work out.", He pressed even further, flustering Sarada even more. She turned bright red and puffed her fist to the side of her like an angry child.

"Oh, shut it! It was fake, I would obviously never think of you that way.", She raged out her aggravation, as she walked heatedly to the room she'd be staying in for their time being.

Coincidently, Boruto and Sarada had to share the same room and a bed, due to the lack of resources.

It was decided when they got to their hotel to share rooms since that was their only option. Boruto, of course, figured since they were in pairs, the team mates should be in the same room together. Also, whenever he shared a room with Mitskui, he was mysteriously stared down and practically had his every movement monitored like he was a test subject. Sarada on the other hand, was a lot cleaner than the two boys, and always smelled of fresh strawberries like her house. He would pick rooming with her any day. Konohamaru didn't have an issue with this of course. It was usual for them to pick roommates for the nights they had to spend on missions, since a lot of hotels didn't have 4 separate beds or for cheap if they did.

Boruto chased after Sarada to their shared room, "You can't be mad at me, Miss SA-RA-DA!", he yelled.

Boruto rushed in to the room and Sarada turned around rapidly at how he tempered with her name. She loathed when he'd say it like that. He used to pick on her all the time when they were little and that was his go to way of making fun of her.

Unfortunately, when she quickly turned around to face Boruto, Boruto was already storming after her and was not expecting her to stop. Boruto clashed into Sarada and thankfully they fell on the bed. Boruto was on top of her, slightly crushing her. When Boruto faintly lifted himself off enough to face her, they were both blushing hard at their circumstances, but Boruto would not let up, "W-Wh-why are you mad at me! And why wouldn't you ever think of me in that way?", he said a little hurt as his brows furrowed and searched her eyes for answers. More for his last question.

She watched as the very close Boruto saddened right in front of her. She had gone a little too far, she guessed, but why should he care how she felt about him?

"Why does it matter to you if I think of you in that way or not?", She whispered. Why was he so serious about the subject? They were constantly flirting and bickering with each other, but they've been acting like that since they were children.

Boruto's face released from his saddened expression, "Just forget about it", he pushed himself off of her and presented a hand to help her up. When she took it her whole body quivered with a feeling of nervousness. She was pulled closer than she was expecting when he helped her up and Boruto had her hand in his, still thoroughly interrogating her eyes for the answers he wanted.

"Sarada i- ", he began but was cut off.

"Were back!", Konohamaru announced from the entrance of their hotel room door as Mitskui followed close behind.

Boruto dropped his head in hopelessness and let go of Sarada's hand, "I'm going to go take a shower.", he said not waiting for a response as he walked away.

Sarada nodded in response even though the boy's site was far from her. Detached from what she couldn't wrap her head around, she watched as her expressionless friend wondered into the bathroom that was connected to their room.

'What was he going to say?', Sarada contemplated.

Sarada went and greeted her two roommates and told them Boruto would be in the shower. Boruto came out a while later to talk with the team. Sarada took that as her cue to shower while Boruto wrapped up their day around the village with their sensei.

By the time Sarada came out of the steamy shower and was dressed for bed, their room was pitch black.

"Boruto?", Sarada faintly whispered in case he was already asleep.

"Hmm?", He said in a clear enough purr to indicate he was not yet asleep.

"I- I can't see…", Sarada's eyes weren't adjusted to the darkness yet. She kept her position at the bathroom door so she wouldn't trip with an attempt to try to find the bed.

Boruto turned on a small lamp next to the bed that lightly dimmed the room enough for her to make her way to the bed. He watched as his favorite girl lit up from the dim, yellow, tinted light, and swayed with her soft footsteps. As her hair brushed against her shoulders in an enthralling pattern. As her eyes focused with passion, like they commonly do for everything she did. She was all he could think about ever.

He felt imprisoned that he put himself in this position. She was his friend and was supposed to be nothing more. He shouldn't be thinking of her in these ways. In ways that were more than a friend.

Once she made it safely to the bed, wrapped in covers they were to share, he quickly turned off the light and stated 'Goodnight' a little coldly.

She could sense the tension and she couldn't understand. She was usually harsh on him, that's how they worked, but why was it affecting him now?

"Hey Boruto?", she whispered in a soothing, gentle voice that made him blush deeply. He loved the sweet serenade her voice carried when she said his name.

"Hm", was all he could manage in reply.

When he didn't get a response back, he rolled over on the bed to face her, only to realize she was already facing him and that their noses were touching now. He hid his blush at the small touch with the darkness of the night that surrounded them, as he stared into his favorite onyx eyes that were barely lit from the moonlight coming in through the window.

"Why are you mad at me, Boruto?", Sarada pondered with a more concerned tone.

There it was again. She knew how to make him melt with the sugary tone that carried his name alone. She had been doing it since they were kids whenever she would seriously hurt his feelings, but now? When they were teens? It had a damaging effect on his heart the more he aged, and he was sure she didn't know what she was doing to him. He loved this girl. She made it easier and easier to fall in love with everything about her as more than friends.

He pressed his eyes shut and let out an uneven breath he had been holding in. He returned his gaze to his favorite Uchiha and slid a strand of hair behind her ear, gently grazing the soft skin of her cheek on the way, "I could never be mad at you, Sarada."

He said it so effortlessly, breathily. How could she not melt? He had been doing it for years as well, whenever he would forgive her and it made her heart skip every time. His voice was raspy, yet harmoniously held her name with a murmur, and her fears of losing him would fade away. She loved this boy, but he was just her friend, right?

"Then why were you… sad, earlier", she managed to piece together her new question.

"I promise it was nothing", he said removing his hand from her hair and was getting ready to pull it away when she tenderly put his hand in hers and added pressure to his hand lightly to stay on her cheek. This made him lose control. Why did she have to play with his feelings like this?

"Please Boruto. Were the BoruSara duo, you can't hide this from me.", she said with a gloomy tone and puppy eyes of pain. She hurt whenever he would hide things from her. No matter the tough shell she had for everyone else, it always fell quickly for Boruto. She just wanted the same from him. He could trust her, he always has.

"I can't tell you this time, Sarada, I'm sorry.", He said taking his hand back once again.

"Boruto, please?", she said one last time with agony grazing the breaches of her eyes.

He couldn't do it anymore. She was going to be the death of him; whether it was from his heart exploding or her physical attacks. If what he was going to do next meant having to sleep on the couch or be punched into oblivion, then so be it; but he had no words left to say.

The distance between them was already scarce, but Boruto quickly eased to lessen the space even more and met his lips with Sarada's softly, but passionately. He deepened it while he had the chance, putting his hand to wrap around the back of her head while his thumb grazed her cheek tenderly. As his other hand pulled at the curve of her back to close the space between them. She was fully pressed against him.

Feeling every inch of her childhood friend's muscle and warmth through his thin grey t-shirt he slept in. She was shocked. Boruto was kissing her and she was kissing back. Then it stopped before she knew what to do. He sadly brought his lips to release hers and rested his forehead on hers in regret.

"I'm sorry, Sarada."

There it was again. The sweet voice he never used unless it was along with her name, and now she knew why. She was stunned, why was he saying sorry? She didn't know what to say or do except for stare at him and blink, as his eyes stayed shut, with their foreheads resting on each other's, their breaths in sync, and him still holding her close. This was her new favorite feeling that was ending way to quickly as he was letting go.

"W- ", Sarada cleared her throat to regain the dignity she had left from fully melting two seconds ago, "What, where are you going?"

He began to prop himself up to turn back over to his side, "I'm sorry, Sarada, I didn't want to lose this friendship, but I can't handle the strain in my chest anymore. I'm sorry if I made things weird between us… You're just so-", She grabbed his face and smashed it against hers impatiently as their lips were brought back into another dazed kiss of neglecting, of sadness, of loss. She didn't want to lose him, he was all she wanted now. Sarada ran her hands through his silky washed hair. He dragged his hands to find their spot back around her waist as he hugged her even tighter than before, scared of letting go, when he finally broke the kiss once more.

Breathing heavily Boruto whispered, "- captivating.", to finish his previous sentence, "Sarada, I like you. A lot. A-and it hurts me… a lot.", he confessed with a sudden out of breath desperation, as his eyes stayed pressed shut.

The air fell silent. He wanted her to know his feelings. He was planning it for the longest time, but it was hard with how close of friends they were. He couldn't lose her, and If that meant hiding his feelings then that's what he would do. But now, it had to be said. This was his only chance and he wouldn't let it go.

He wouldn't let her go.

Sarada never knew how to handle her feelings, and he knew this, but she knew he would be the only one she had feelings for, ever. Hearing the fear in his voice broke her a little. She wanted him to be sure that what he was doing was right.

She delicately brought her hand away from the silkiness of the blonde's fresh hair and caressed his whisker-lined cheek, while giving an easy smile to turn at her lips. She brought her two fingers to his forehead with a lasting touch of reassurance, "Boruto… I like you too."


I have another story of Boruto and Sarada in the making and am hoping to have it finished once I force myself to fix my previous works. If you enjoyed this story or my ideas keep a look out for the new story to come!

Thank you for your support :)