AN: The responses to the previous chapter were awesome. I really enjoy getting feedback from those I'm sharing this writing project with. I am striving to improve my writing and all these different responses do help me out. So thank you all!

Valern wasn't the kind of salarian who could be easily intimidated. He couldn't afford to be. Not when he was the head representative of his species in an intergalactic alliance of alien races. He just preferred not to get into physical confrontations. The nearly eight-foot-tall alien standing in his office doorway, wearing some of the heaviest armour he'd ever seen and staring down at the salarian with intensity, however, was more than slightly alarming to the middle-amphibian.

The salarian councillor knew just who this individual was, or at least, who this armoured alien belonged to. He was one of Valkyrah's Royal guardsmen, an organization that Valern had asked Valkyrah about several times now over the past three days. The first was the reason why the avani monarch would bring several heavily armed individuals into a diplomatic meeting. Her reply? 'Protection.' Of course, then Sparatus went off and gruffly told her that C-Sec would be more than happy to oversee any safety concerns, and said in more or fewer terms that her Royal Guards were not welcome.

Valkyrah's reaction was to withdraw the pistol she carried in a holster on her person and then shoot one of her guards in the head! The guard in question didn't even flinch, not even a twitch at being shot at, the shot which in this case appeared to be some form of a high-intensity energy bolt, not even making a mark on the guard's armour. To her stunned audience the avani monarch smiled and stated, "When one of your security can do what one of my guards can do and not be dead from it, then I will consider letting them protect me."

No one had tried to dissuade Queen Valkyrah from leaving her guards behind after that, though the monarch started coming to later meetings with fewer guards than before. An olive branch? Maybe. After that, Valern had been able to gather a few facts about the guards. They were an ancient order, going all the way back to Avani antiquity when they lived as nomads on their old homeworld. An honour guard that was considered a prestigious post to gain. They served for at least ten years and once those years had passed, they had the option to resign, or sign on again for another ten years. The position was open to any race that was a citizen of the Commonwealth and had incredible martial skill. They were given top-tier armour and training beyond any special forces. Their numbers were in the high hundreds, protecting all members of the royal family from any threat. And they were serious about their duty. When one overzealous asari reporter pushed her way to Valkyrah demanding an interview, one of her guards picked the journalist up with a single hand like one would do a sack of fruit and deposited her back on the proper side of the C-Sec barrier. And then crushed the reporters recording drone with his other hand, gave her a glare, and walked back to his queen's side. It had sparked a sensation in the media.

Still, none of this explained why one of the avani monarch's loyal guards was standing in his doorway. Or how he had gotten past security. But before he could ponder whether he should call for help while reaching for his concealed pistol, the guard bowed their head and stepped off to the side, revealing the avani herself, Valkyrah, standing by the door, looking regal despite her rather conservative outfit. His fears about being attacked by seven-hundred pounds of heavily armoured soldier allayed, for the time being, he relaxed and gave a friendly smile to the monarch.

"Your grace, this is an unexpected visit," Valern said, and yes it was. Unless they had a meeting booked and he'd forgotten all about it. With that nagging thought in the back of his mind, he continued, saying, "My secretary didn't alert me that you were here."

Valkyrah suddenly had a look on her face that the salarian couldn't ascribe to anything other than sheepishness.

"I'm sorry, but it seems that your employee took poorly when Falyre here appeared in front of his desk. He may be somewhat in shock," she said apologetically.

Ah, that explains that. Poor Lihre. Never did like surprises that one. "I'll see to him right away. As to the nature of your visit…" Valern trailed off, waiting for an answer.

"Yes, well, I came to see if you wouldn't mind accompanying me to luncheon. I admit that I haven't gotten much time to see more of your Citadel during these past few days, and I figured that perhaps we could talk in a more relaxed setting than the council chambers," the avani said.

A lunch meeting? Well, Valern wasn't all too opposed to the idea. "While I'm honoured to be asked, you are aware you could have sent a message ahead of time? You didn't need to bother yourself with coming all the way the offices here," he said in a polite, respectful tone.

"I am aware of the fact, though I didn't think of it till I was just outside. It completely slipped my mind to just simply send a message. Whenever I wished to speak to someone, such as a member of my government or an important official, I tend to have the habit of going to speak to them in person. I find messages to be rather impersonal, and given who I am in my nation, may come off as being demanding. Though I admit it is not always practical to go speak to a person face to face every time I need to talk to someone," she added with a small chuckle.

Ah, a personal, perhaps cultural reasoning behind her actions. Valern nodded. "Well, fortunately, I do not have any pressing engagements at this hour," he replied, "I'd be more than pleased to accompany you to a luncheon."

"That is wonderful to hear," the avani said, smiling brightly. It was always strange to see an avani smile. Very different due to their muzzles. "I'll have to rely on your tastes though, as I have no real idea of where we should go. I dislike going off of reviews and prefer to see and taste for myself," she told the salarian. "I can tell you, some places, despite their fancy appearance, deserved their poor marks for what I found inside."

Valern stood tall as he walked over to where Valkyrah was standing. "Well I can assure you, your Grace, that any place we go to will for a certainty have cuisine that will astound you," he promised, already having a place in mind.

"I'll hold you that," Valkyrah replied, taking a step back to allow the Councillor room to leave his office. Outside, her escort of two guardsmen stood silently in the hall. "I'll let you lead the way."

"As you wish your grace," Valern said, feeling rather pleased by this gesture. Opening his omni-tool, he quickly got some of his own personal security detail to join him, and for someone to check up on his secretary, while also double-checking that he indeed did not have anything important to do for the next couple of hours.

The place Valern had chosen was quite exquisite. It was undoubtedly for the wealthier and influential citizens of the Citadel, having that air that just oozed the smell of money and power. The seating was very comfortable, and the table they'd been seated at had a lovely view out across the Presidium ring, with an air of quietness around them. No doubt this location had also been chosen for its privacy as well as its food, for as Valkyrah glanced around, she could see no one around them save for her guards for at least a five table radius.

A glass of an alcoholic beverage that came from the asari homeworld in her hand, the avani smiled to herself. Hopefully, by the end of this luncheon, they'd be able to strike a deal that would allow the Commonwealth to move forward with their plans with more ease. The two leaders sat there in silence for a few moments before Valkyrah's magenta eyes flicked up to meet Valern's.

"I've come to the understanding that the salarians are considered to be the technological experts in Citadel space. Is that assumption correct," she asked in a gentle voice.

The salarian seated across from her gave a proud smile. "Why yes. The Salarian Union is considered to be at the forefront of technological developments. At least, until the Commonwealth's discovery, though beyond your ships, armour and weaponry, we have yet to see what differences between our states really exist."

"I believe that the salarian people would have a field day meeting some of the Commonwealth's scientists," the avani said with a small chuckle. "I met a salarian during Commander Shepard's time in the Commonwealth's care. A Dr. Mordin Solus. Brilliant fellow. Excitable and eccentric. He spent most of the time with us questioning our engineering projects and how we make our ships and devices function without your Element Zero, I believe its called."

She could see the salarians eyes light up at the mentioning of Mordin's name. The old salarian really was well known. "You've met Professor Solus? I had heard it mentioned that he had left his clinic on Omega, but as to where he had gone I had no information. Is he well?"

"He seemed quite fine when I saw him. I believe he desired to return home to your homeworld once the Normandy returned to Council space," she said, though she had little doubt that the salarian councillor had put operatives to watch the Doctor the moment the Normandy had arrived to dock. It's what she would have done with a person of interest.

"I see. That is very good to hear. He's one of the finest minds of the Union," Valern stated.

"The scientists he spoke to thought the same about Dr. Solus. So much so that some expressed a desire to meet with more similarly minded salarians." That caught the politician's attention. Valkyrah took a sip of her beverage, enjoying the flavor mildly before putting the glass down, withdrawing from her person a holo-display disc. Clicking a button on the side, the device projected the image of a large space station in orbit around a gas giant. It was a monstrously large station, with four pairs of station arms stretching out from a central core. "This is the Commonwealth's Science Nexus, a state of the art facility utterly devoted to research and development of as of yet unknown technologies, as well as the improvement of existing ones. Thousands of laboratories, testing sites, anything required for the art of science to function is found there."

Valern was paying rapt attention, doubtlessly running through various proposals in his mind that would allow the Union and by extension the Council access to this location. Valkyrah would help save the Councillor the trouble though. She already had a deal in mind.

"I'd like to invite some salarian scientists to the Commonwealth, and in turn, for some of our scientists to travel to your Union. An exchange program of sorts," she explained.

Valern made to reply, but before he could their food arrived. Which was good timing honestly. It would give the salarian time to mull over the idea, try to see how to get the better end of the bargain. The avani monarch calmly ate her food. What cuisine was this again? Salarian, right? It reminded Valkyrah of the Hinu's style of cuisine, but was still different enough to be unique.

After a few moments, Valern spoke again. "While I am not opposed to the idea of your proposal, you surely recognize that we can't just let your people walk into our labs, just as you probably wouldn't allow ours into yours. There are far too many secrets that would risk exposure, don't you think."

"True, there would be some risk involved," admitted the monarch, "But if we don't start making progress in developing trust between the Commonwealth and the Council, then the relationship between our two nations will never progress beyond a strained and suspicious peace. Now I'm not suggesting that we should be absolutely honest and open with one another; by all means, let our intelligence agencies compete against one another, but something has to start changing. That is why, if you agree to this proposal, my government is willing to allow access to the science nexus by Salarian, or Council, scientists and researchers."

"I will have to bring this to the other Councillors… but personally, I do like the sound of this plan. The technological capabilities we have seen of the Commonwealth are impressive. Learning more about your civilization's technologies will no doubt revolutionize some fields, and hopefully the same can be said of you learning of our technologies."

"Certainly you will be able to bring your colleagues over to favour this proposal. It might need some fine-tuning, but at least we'll be able to get it off the ground and into peoples minds."

"This is an encouraging development, your grace," Valern said, before growing thoughtful. "But even so, it did not really warrant a private meeting between us. Was there something else you wanted to discuss."

The avani nodded. "There was. The Commonwealth wants access to Rakhana and Tuchanka, in order for disaster relief missions to be conducted and supplies delivered to their populations. The situation on Rakhana is intolerable, and conditions on the Krogan homeworld are also abysmal."

Valkyrah was well aware of the Council's fear of the Krogan. While she doubted that gaining access to Rakhana would be all too difficult, it was known that it would be a far more difficult challenge to get a legal link to the ruined homeworld that was Tuchanka. Though Valkyrah's role in those negotiations would be minor. She'd be leaving the Citadel come morning, heading off to the next stage of the Commonwealth's plan. The majority of the fleet that had come with her had already left, leaving a small but formidable token force behind for her protection, the rest vanishing back to Commonwealth territory. By the end of tomorrow, the Commonwealth would seize control of the Eagle Nebula and its systems, and flush out the criminals that resided in them.

Bizxo would be taking the lead in diplomacy here on the Citadel, and Valkyrah had absolute confidence in her Chancellor's abilities to finish negotiations in a fair manner. The Foreign Affairs office was still shaking off the cobwebs of inactivity, but soon an official ambassador would be chosen to represent the Commonwealth to the Council, as well as minor ambassadors for the individual member species. Then both of them would be back home and away from this stale-air filled place.

But for now, it had been decided that it would be best to put the idea into the minds of the Councillors. The Commonwealth would be pushing for access to Tuchanka, legal or otherwise. Valkyrah was aware that a stealth team had already been deployed and had landed on the Krogan homeworld, laying the groundwork for future relations between the Commonwealth and the Krogan Clans. There were concerns of course. It was only a matter of time until the Council did discover the Commonwealth team currently on Tuchanka, and that could lead to some awkward conversations that were best left avoided. But the Commonwealth couldn't wait. Time was precious; who would know when the Reapers would arrive. They had to present as much of a united front as possible, and didn't have the time for all the pleasantries that they perhaps should be going through.

Valern wasn't caught as off guard as the avani monarch would have thought he'd be, though the surprise was still very much there in the salarian's expression. The Salarians were the ones who had uplifted the Krogan in the first place. They had developed the Genophage as well. It would be highly likely that the Union would fear any sort of retaliation from the Krogan should they begin to recover.

"The Krogan homeworld is under the supervision of the Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission," the Councillor eventually replied in a calm yet wary voice. "There are numerous restrictions of who or what can travel to the planet. It is a dangerous place, overrun with violence from both the local population and wildlife. And the Krogan are not friendly to outsiders. You'd most likely be viewed with suspicion, if not outright hostility."

"If you may recall Councillor, the Commonwealth's citizens and soldiers are well-armed and protected. If we feared wildlife, we wouldn't ever leave our homes," Valkyrah told the amphibian. "And as for the attitude of the Krogan, that is of little concern. We have discerned the more politically stable areas of Tuchanka and will focus our efforts there. It's interesting to see just how the opinions of some change when you bring them needed goods and items to help relieve the stresses of their lives," she said in a somewhat humorous tone.

"The Krogan are a menace to galactic civilization your grace. Any attempt to offer aid is refused by a proud and stubborn people. And they would much rather be selling their fighting skills to the highest bidder then engage in any sort of civilized diplomacy. Any efforts would be better spent elsewhere." Was the Salarian's haughty reply.

"He really doesn't like the idea of the Krogan getting outside aid.." the monarch thought to herself, idly picking at the food on her plate. "We're not going to be giving them the ship-based weaponry you clearly fear," she said, trying to placate Valern. "And the Genophage, while a topic for another day, is also not one of the goals the Commonwealth has in mind with regards to the Krogan."

Valern looked very puzzled by this, not expecting to hear that the Genophage was not to be a target. "I beg your pardon," he asked, confused.

Valkyrah dabbed her lips with her napkin, focusing all her attention on the Councillor. "While it would be mere child's play for Commonwealth geneticists to work on and develop anti-genophage agents, doubtlessly completing the work in a manner of months, to do so would be counter-productive to the very species my people are trying to help. Tell me, Councillor Valern," she said, suddenly turning the conversation around on the now startled salarian. "What would curing the Krogan race of the Genophage actually accomplish?"

It didn't take long for a reply. "The Krogan would undoubtedly use such an action to replenish their numbers, using those numbers to unleash their retribution on the rest of the galaxy."

"So, nothing truly good can come from curing the Genophage at this time. At least not with the Krogan being the way they are now," Valkyrah stated, taking a sip of her drink. "The Krogan race is a dying species, not because of the Genophage itself, but because of their own fatalistic and suicidal outlook on life. They are highly individualistic and completely self-interested for the most part in their own future, rather than that of their species as a whole. Some visionaries, like those of the like of Urdnot Wrex, are able to look beyond their own needs to those of their fellow race, and see the true reason for the continued decline of their species."

"And what do you believe that reason is your majesty," asked Valern.

"The inherent belligerence that has infected the majority of layers of Krogan society. So many Krogan are seemingly caught up in reliving the 'glory days' of their species, namely that of the time you call the 'Krogan Rebellions' when they had the galaxy at the throat and were in a position of absolute power. The Krogan at this time actually remind me of a race from our home galaxy I learned about. They were called the Chixtinx, and they were old, much older than the Avani Commonwealth was back when they first started out among the stars. They were a giant, sleeping for a time, until they were awakened by some fools who thought themselves to be the Chixtinx betters. The Chixtinx believed themselves to be the most powerful and mighty race in the galaxy, and so sought to bring back that ancient glory by warring against most of the galaxy."

"What happened to them," asked an intrigued salarian.

"They ultimately all perished due to their hubris. Believing themselves to be so powerful, they left themselves open by sending in every single one of their warships against the 'lesser' races of the galaxy, allowing for a large coalition of star-ships to sneak in behind them in the rear and go after their worlds themselves. Intending to subjugate the stars, the Chixtinx found themselves subjugated by the very people they fought against. Yet that was not the end. A dozen times their worlds revolted in their attempts to re-establish themselves. Twelve times they were beaten again. They refused to cooperate with the way things were, isolating themselves politically, geographically and militarily, so caught up in their own past. Eventually, they became one of the first victims of the Prethoryns when they arrived. It is reasonable to assume that their race is now extinct."

"The Krogan are not the Chixtinx, not yet anyway, but they are well on their way to becoming just like them. The Krogan have such untapped potential, just lying in wait below the surface, underneath all that military talent and love of war that most of their species go for. What the Krogan lack for in order to make this change is rather simple; Hope. They lack the hope necessary to push past their fatalistic views and to instead focus on the future. The energy spent on military pursuits could be spent in much more productive ways, such as the rebuilding of their homeworld and its biological rehabilitation. We must remember, the Krogan are not merely dumb soldiers. The once had the technological capabilities to split the atom after all. The Commonwealth wishes to see them reach such heights once again, in a manner that will not end in a repeat of the disaster that ruined their world. In other words, Krogan who are responsible and who exercise self-discipline and control over their own violent tendencies. Now that isn't to say that it would be an easy task. Centuries of bad blood would have to be rectified in some manner. But essentially, the restoration of the Krogan race into a responsible galactic partner is the Commonwealth's goal."

"We will give the Krogan this hope. This idea of a better future that can actually be realized, building a better future together. Without a hope to look forward to, the Krogan will continue to decline into obscurity, which would be such a waste."

"That sounds like a grand undertaking," Valern commented, looking thoughtful. "You will have many opponents, not just in the Krogan circles but from outside parties who will not look upon this course of action with favour," he warned.

"Would it help sooth some of those 'outside parties' nerves if I were to tell you that the Commonwealth would be willing to trade some terraforming technologies in exchange for clear access to these worlds," Valkyrah asked smoothly.

The salarian's eyes lit up, interest clear on his face. "Perhaps, perhaps… please, do go on."

Valkyrah smiled her queenly smile. Yes, Valern had been the right one to choose to approach this topic with.

Across the galaxy, in the massive fleet that made up the Quarian Flotilla, lines were being drawn. Lines which went right down through all layers of Quarian society, from groups of vessels to individual ship crews. And such cracks were starting to show towards outsiders. If one looked closely, they'd see that the normally insular and tight-knit quarians were starting to separate into two groups. The larger group, composed of most of the Heavy, Special Projects and parts of the Patrol fleet, were crewed by those who firmly held to the belief that Rannoch was the only hope for salvation for the Quarian race as a whole. The second group was made up of the bulk of the Civilian fleet, and the remaining scatterings of the other fleets, manned by Quarians who felt that enough was enough, that it was time to end the exile through means of the deal offered by the Commonwealth.

Interestingly enough, members of the normally reclusive Nedas Movement were coming forward and speaking out publicly, advocating for the starting over on another world rather than focusing singularly on Rannoch. Adherents to the Nedas Movement had long come to the conclusion that the obsession with the homeworld doomed the quarians into their eternal homelessness, without hope for a future, or even a voice in galactic politics, since nobody listens to people without a planet, and that, while the Commonwealth may not be offering them a planet perse, that what the Quarians were being offered was by far the best deal they could hope for given the Flotilla's current state.

Such events were weighing heavily on the minds of the captains of the Flotilla, who were busy trying to calm their ships' councils and their residents. Tempers were flaring, tensions rising between the two groups, and Kon'Lannis was fearing just what this could mean for the future of the Quarian people. The Commonwealth's offer had polarised the population, and emotions were running hot. The Hora, his own vessel, thankfully managed to escape most of the divisive fervour than seemed to be sweeping the flotilla. The Hora was not a combat ship, and armed though she may be, Kon'Lannis had no intention of putting her and her inhabitants into a war zone. So it was that his council voted in favour of accepting the Commonwealth's offer, with only one voting to stay in the fleet. Said council member had to be restrained and taken away when he began threatening everyone, calling them all traitors to the Quarian race.

That little event left Kon'Lannis feeling less than perky. No doubt similar occurrences were happening all over the flotilla. It made the quarian captain sigh in despondency. It had only taken a few hours after his meeting with the admirals following the Commonwealth Emissary's departure for the true weight of the situation to fully hit him. This schism between the quarians was going to tear the flotilla apart.

Interestingly, Kon'Lannis had learned that Hullos actually wasn't a diplomat, but rather a retired admiral who had volunteered to be the face of the Commonwealth to the Quarians. In the several days since his arrival, the former admiral had several smaller meetings with captains or just simply civilians, marines, whomever wished to speak with him, answering questions about his people, the Deal, the potential new home being offered. Hullos had a kind, yet attention grabbing way of speaking, and Kon'Lannis was certain that Hullos had been a popular admiral during his active years. The avani had even brought up his age, being that of a hundred and twenty, yet was only considered just past retirement. When asked how it was possible, Hullos went into a short explanation of the genetic treatments available in the Commonwealth, bringing out that any quarian who wished to accept the deal would also gain access to these treatments.

"Imagine not having to rely on those suits, but instead having a robust immune system unlike anything you can think of," the avani had said.

A welcome and desirous thought indeed, and another issue straining the bonds of the flotilla. To overcome the quarian race's weakness on their own, or accept an outside hand?

Kon'Lannis was brought out of his musings by the approach of one of his aides, who looked nervous. Keelah, this should be good.

"What is it," the Hora's captain asked.

"Sir. We just received word from Admiral Gerrel," was the aide's reply. "He's ordering all those loyal to Rannoch to rally around the Heavy Fleet."

A cold pit opened up deep in Lannis' stomach and he stared at the crewman for a few moments, stunned. "Is.. Is that all," he asked in a hoarse voice aggravated by his suit's speakers.

"He has given one standard galactic hour for this to happen. A-And Admirals Raan and Koris are stripped of their titles and authority by Admirals Xen and Gerrel. They are to be arrested as traitors to the Flotilla and tried for treason!"

The Hora's assistant-communication officer rushed up to the duo. "Sir!I've just received a communication from Admirals Shala'Raan and Zaal'Koris," he said in hastened brevity, "All Captains loyal to the Quarian people are to rally around the Commonwealth vessels immediately. Gerrel has been declared unfit for duty and he and Admiral Xen are declared traitors!"

Kon'Lannis slumped into his chair, the bridge deadly silent in the wake of such declarations. He hazarded a glance out the bridge's viewport, watching as the engines of the flotilla's ships burned brightly, the vessels taking up positions based on their allegiances. What had happened to have caused such a rift between the admirals to the point where they declared each other traitors?

"Sir.. Captain, what do we do," asked the aide.

Communications started arriving from the Commonwealth Vessels, which had grown to a small dozen ships since Hullos' first arrival, questioning just what was happening. It seemed even they had been caught off guard by this sudden and dire development. They were asking for everyone to stay calm and rational, but no one was listening. Including Lannis. He was lost in his own head trying to come up with a solution to a situation that was spiralling out of control fast.

"We.." He took a breath. "Make for Emissary Hullos' escort," he ordered roughly, putting his head in his hands as his crew hurried back to their posts as the order rang out across the ship.

Lannis was not a very religious quarian, but he prayed hard and fervently, more devout in that moment than he'd been in his entire life. "Ancestors, please, hear my plea. Don't let this be the beginning of the end of our people. Please let this be the right choice."

To be honest, I'm not very satisfied with this chapter. And I realize it's shorter than the more recent ones, but given that some have complained that my chapters tend to be stretched too far, I think I'm just going to end this here. Starting in future chapters, I think I'm going to switch to an, at most, two perspective changes a chapter. And try to condense and simplify what I'm writing. Helpful and constructive Advice is appreciated greatly

To those who may be interested, the Commonwealth's Ethics are (using the Cultural Overhaul 2.3 [Ethics-Civics-Traditions] mod, which is awesome btw) Xenophile, Militarist, Collectivist, Egalitarian and Ecologist. Their Civics are Peacekeepers, Ascended Meritocracy, Social State, Efficient Bureaucracy, Environmental Economy and Free Haven. I always found the limited amount of Civics you could have to be off-putting, so I'm cheating a little bit and tossing in two more to help fill in the Commonwealth's character. All in all, it adds up to the Commonwealth being a form of Enlightened Socialistic Monarchy.

Secondly, about Game mechanics in terms of Stellaris… yeah I'm breaking those. With a jackhammer. Seriously, 200 days to recharge a jump drive is absolutely ridiculous! Among other things. Now not all mechanics are going to be broken cause hey, realism (haha) is important..ish. This story really is for fun and entertainment. But lots of things are not going to be exactly like they were in the game. Cause then what would be the point right?

To fans of the Quarians, please don't throw me before a tribunal. I know that the Quarians are a really tight-knit group of people and I'm kinda messing with them with the whole 'Civil war' theme comes out of left field, but see I'm trying to change things but at the same time not? Does that make sense? I asked my second in command about it and he just shrugged at me and said "go with it" so by the great digital research mind of Tobor Prime I'm gonna do it! PLUS its fanfiction. I can do whatever the heck I want with it! I apologize for the expositiony bits. Just trying to figure out how I want to cram all this stuff about the Commonwealth down without choking someone to death is hard! Please be patient with me!

As always, thank you for reading through all this gobblygook and please leave a like and review if you can. Always searching for ideas and a hand at writing this monster. Although, if you are going to leave a comment/review, please see to it that your spellcheck is working. It makes it much easier to read and understand what you're saying. Secondly, keep it CIVIL in the reviews please. Thank you! Judging by how bad I've been suffering from writers block lately, it may take a while for the next chapter to come around, specially since I don't know what to focus on next. Sorry!