Image credit Martina-Petrova from ArtStation

Taken from the Essence of Meta CYOA on QQ

Also I post the chapter early on the site where on can show their PaTrOnAgE to writers and encourage this time consuming habit. If you find yourself so inclinded. You can find me their under the same name; bossFNG




Essence of the Crafter

Master craftsman, able to design, build and maintain anything from machines to a simple shovel.

Flawless work, anything created will never rot or rust only able to be destroyed through violence. These creations are extremely durable as well.

Creations work better than one made by someone else.

Can conjure dead or inorganic materials needed to work with from thin air.

Ability to craft items on par with those in myth and legend, spears that never miss, swords that can cut through anything, invulnerable armor, etc.

Can force specific abilities onto items through sheer skill and ability to craft on a conceptual level.

Essence of the Warlord

By consuming the essence of the Warlord you are granted several boons.

A body just above peak of your species in ability, one sculped to your tastes.

Infinite willpower to tackle any foe, even bloody and broken you will not stop.

Endless endurance, stamina, and immunity to pain.

Mild regenerative ability able to come back from would be fatal wounds in minutes.

Supernatural mastery of many weapons and unarmed styles, even just plain old brawling.

Immense skill conducting war on a strategic and tactical level.

Good handle of logistics and how to raise and train a force from a small band of soldiers to entire armies.

Charisma to lead and inspire said armies even at your darkest hour.