Jennifer, thank you for the reviews. :) I hope you like the sequel. :)
Title: Reminder
author: Cindy Ryan
Commander Susan Ivanova knew she was staring wide eyed but couldn't help it. She'd had a whole speech planned complete with supportive content. She hadn't expected Michael to be doing the same thing she was. But then Susan should have realized he would've been. They both were almost killed. That makes one reevaluate things.
"Susan?"Michael prompted.
Susan swallowed hard and struggled to pull her thoughts together. She looked down at their intertwined hands and squeezed his.
"When I woke up and realized what had happened and that I was alone."Susan began quietly. "I was so afraid for you. The not knowing was the worse. So much so that when the rescue workers and Sheridan found me my first question was to ask how about you. You know what Sheridan's response was?"
Michael shook his head; waiting silently.
"That you were in Medlab worried about me."Susan said with a smile. "It took them awhile to get through the rubble. Gave me time to think; about us."
"And?"Garibaldi inquired softly one finger rubbing the knuckle of Susan's thumb.
Susan leaned in and kissed Michael not caring who saw. She tried to put as much of her feelings into that kiss as she could. Susan felt Michael's good arm raise up and rest behind her neck. She brought her free hand up to caress his left cheek. When they finally broke apart a few minutes later Michael tenderly wrapped one of her curls around the forefinger of his left hand.
"I love you too."Susan said softly.
Michael closed his eyes briefly and Susan could see relief wash over. When he opened his eyes again she was surprised by the depth of emotion she saw. At that moment Susan knew she'd made the right decision with her heart
Michael was so sure he'd screwed things up. He'd never been so grateful to be wrong. Hearing Susan say she loved him solidified his earlier thinking. That they had a future; a good one.
"Where does this leave us?"Susan asked quietly.
Michael leaned up and kissed her once more.
"We'll figure it out."Michael promised huskily.
Susan gently caressed Michael's bruised right cheek.
"Get some rest."Susan suggested.
Michael could already feel his strength fading but he didn't want to lose the moment.
"Will you stay?"Michael asked as he laid his head on the pillow.
Susan squeezed his good hand once more before letting go and settling back into the chair. She pulled the blanket up around her and rested her head on the chair back.
"I'm not going anywhere."Susan replied. "I told Stephen I could rest here just as well as in a bed."
"Good."Michael said as his eyes drifted closed.
Minutes later he was asleep.
To be continued in 'All or nothing.'