Sorry for taking a year to update. Life and school got in the way. ¨Plus, I am slow and forgetful.

It was Harry's first morning at Hogwarts, and he was anxious for his first class. He only learned about magic a little over a month ago, and now, he was at a magical school. While it was good to learn he's not the only one who was Muggle-raised, he wasn't a bookworm like Hermione Granger, though thinking of it, there was Dean Thomas too who was Muggle-raised, his biological dad has disappeared, and his mom doesn't know about his status.

As soon as Harry reached the Common Room, he was greeted by Professor McGonagall.

"Good morning, Potter!"

"Good morning, Professor McGonagall!"

"Here's your class timetable. Do not be late to class."

"Thanks, Professor!"

Looking at the piece of parchment, Harry saw that his first class will be Herbology with all the other houses. He grabbed his trunk and went to the Great Hall.

Hikari and Sabrina Esper were at the Ravenclaw table eating their breakfast and discussing school. Hogwarts wasn't like elementary school, it was very different. Hikari Berlitz (Dawn from Pokémon) was born in London to a German father and a Japanese mother (who's half-Ainu) while Sabrina (an OC) was born to a Japanese father and an English mother.

"Do you think I will be accepted at school, Hikari?"

"No need to worry, Sabrina! The whole Ravenclaw house is with you."


"Not only that, but nearly all the Japanese students support you," added Takeshi Iwa (Brock from Pokémon and a Third-Year).

The Kirlia saw there were a few Slytherins staring at her, like Shinji Abashiri (Paul from Pokémon), Natsume Tokyo (Sabrina from Pokémon, and a Third-Year), and Draco Malfoy.

"Accepting non-humans? This school is pathetic!" said Shinji with his usual frown.

"Don't you guys have better stuff to do than staring at a fellow student?" asked Gladion, a Third-Year.

"She won't be a student once my father hears about this," said Draco.

"Your father is not the Headmaster of Hogwarts. He can't expel students," replied Gladion.

"My father is on the Wizengamot and he will make sure they pass a law to kick the half-breed out."

After a good breakfast (especially for big eaters like Ron, Haruka, and Satoshi), it was time for all houses to head Herbology class at the greenhouses near the castle with Professor Sprout. Harry was relieved to notice that he wasn't the only anxious one, everybody else was. For their first lesson of Herbology, which was also their first lesson at magical school, the First-Years were taught about the Fire-Making Spell (Incendio) and general plant biology. At the end of the lesson, which lasted for an hour, everyone was able to cast the spell save for Ron and Neville. After a break of 15 minutes, it was time for the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw to head to Transfiguration, while Gryffindor and the Slytherin had to head to Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Quirrell, a teacher who's good at theory but sucks at demonstrations. Everyone considered him to be a joke, and the Ravenclaws were ashamed he was from their house (as is the author of this fic). Lunch lasted an hour and was followed by Transfiguration, another class where Gryffindor and Slytherin were together (while it was a free period for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw). For there first lesson, Professor McGonagall taught the class about the Transfiguration alphabet. When Professor Dumbledore became a Transfiguration teacher, the Transfiguration class was reformed to include more scientific and English linguistic material. Professor McGonagall also gives remedial English lessons for those who don't have English as their native language, like Hikari who grew up speaking German, Japanese, and Ainu. The fourth and last class Charms for Hufflepuff and Slytherin and was History of Magic for Gryffindor Ravenclaw. Unlike the boring Professor Binns, Professor Kitami (Cynthia from Pokémon; Kitami is the real-life equivalent of Celestic Town) was an energetic and interactive teacher.

"Who could tell me about the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy?" asked the blonde woman.

Hermione was the only one who's hand was raised.

"Yes, Miss Granger."

"The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy is a law signed in 1689 and passed in 1692 by the International Conference of Wizards in order to conceal wizards and all magical things."

Impressed, the teacher awarded five points to Gryffindor, then started her lecture. Sabrina was asked comes Muggles don't notice her, and she answered that it's thanks to a Pokémon-Concealment Charm, which made her look like a normal girl. Harry remembered Arabella Figg mentioning this charm, it's why the Dursleys never realized her pets are magical. Next to the Kirlia was seated the other Sabrina. The two bonded quickly over their shared name, the human Sabrina even introduced the Pokémon Sabrina to Chloe and Pi and told her about her friend Harvey.

Tuesday started History of Magic for Hufflepuff and Slytherin and with Charms for Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Hermione was happy to learn that Latin was part of the curriculum. Their first course was about Wingardium Leviosa (which is pronounced LeviOsa, not LeviosA as Hermione informed Ron). History of Magic continued with what led to the Statute of Secrecy. After lunch, Gryffindor and Slytherin had a free period followed by Transfiguration, while Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had Transfiguration followed by Flying lessons. Harry discovered that magic wasn't just raising your wand and saying some funny words. It required a lot of studying.

At midnight, all classes had Astronomy. Most students groaned upon learning that maths is part of the curriculum (another of Dumbledore's reforms), but Hermione and Pi were happy. Pokémon Sabrina sat next to Human Sabrina (that's their nicknames to avoid confusion) and was introduced to the latter's friend, Harvey Kinkle. The first lesson was about the planets of the Solar System and Plano (which was considered a planet back then) and a review of additions and subtractions. In the morning, everyone had Herbology from 10h15 to 11h15 and from 13h15 to 14h15 (they started later that morning to give students time to sleep), then after the 15 minutes of break (which is needed to allow students to go from one class to the other), Gryffindor and Slytherin had DADA while Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had Transfiguration. Thursday started with Charms for Gryffindor and Ravenclaw and History of Magic for Hufflepuff and Slytherin, then Gryffindor and Slytherin had Transfiguration while Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had no class. During that time, a certain Espurr was following her owner to inquire about a certain rat. Hermione was surprised to see Crookshanks in her class, and it seems like he wanted to tell her something. Seeing this, McGonagall turned into her Animagus form and started talking to the Pokémon. When she was a human again, she asked Ron to take Scabbers out of his pocket. The boy did, but the rat started to run. Professor McGonagall immobilized it and said something. What happened made her scream in surprise.