Author's Note:

I'm sure everyone has had the thought of "What if I was in a world where magic and Harry Potter was real?" So I made an original character that resembles us, the fans, and had her deposited into the world where magic is indeed real. I'm trying to keep it relatively convincing because I can't imagine someone being completely excited to find out magic and the HP characters are real at first. And of course, who would be able to keep all the important information to themselves once they realize it is real?

This is my first fanfic, so I'd love some reviews and constructive feedback for my writing. I'm also insanely curious to see if anyone actually enjoys it, lol. Thank you for reading! :)

Btw: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters or anything else resembling what J.K Rowling introduced us all to. Just the plot and OC are mine.

Chapter 1

A young, handsome teenage Sirius Black silently laid on his bed waiting for one of his best friends to join him, levitating a black leather boot above him, moving it in a figure eight pattern out of boredom. Remus had come over to visit so that James and Sirius could be with him to help out with his "furry little problem" two days ago, and this was the perfect opportunity for them to enact their plan. It was the end of the summer, only a few days before they returned to Hogwarts for their seventh and final year. The boys were hoping that their werewolf friend could start off the year with a bang, so they were hoping to get Moony a girl. According to Sirius, Remus had been "pathetically single" his entire life so far, causing the boys to be determined to find him a bird.

Impatiently, Sirius blew a lock of his long, black hair off his face and let the boot drop to the floor and quickly cast Tempus, realizing that he had really only be waiting about five minutes. And to think, he had been worried about how long Remus had been reading in the Potter's library when realistically, he had just started. His friend would usually settle down with some swotty book for about an hour before becoming too restless, so James and he had plenty of time to perform the spell. Moony was always moping about how he was a "monster" and no girl deserved to be tied down to him, so Sirius had the brilliant idea of looking for someone that was matched to him. That way, there'd be no mistaking that Remus belonged with this mystery girl…or guy, he supposed. James agreed and remembered his parents mentioning the Potters' luck in marriages had to do with the family grimoire. Almost a month ago, James had been able to locate the text in the Potters' library and sneak it away to his room, where Sirius and he studied the incantation and wand movements forwards and backwards. It's not dark magic, as Sirius would've expected to find in the Black library, but it's a little gray, considering it required some blood. However, it's for Moony. And that kid deserves a good lay, he thought. The boys had spent the last week double and triple checking that they knew all of the pertinent information. All they had needed was an opportunity to obtain some of Remus' blood, which Sirius was able to do so during the full moon a couple of nights ago. They would always play and wrestle during the night, so it wasn't too much of a stretch for him to have bitten maybe a little too hard on Moony's shoulder. James was able to quickly collect some blood from the shoulder wound after Remus transformed back, but before he regained consciousness. The two teenagers felt slightly guilty at sneaking around their friend's back, but they reassured themselves that it was for his own good. Although the intention behind the spell was to find the one, true match for Remus, it supposedly summoned the person. Which was the perfect way to surprise Moony, Sirius thought with a grin.

Sirius glanced at the door for a few moments before huffing, then repeating the words and wand movement for the spell in his mind as he waited for Prongs to show up. They had learned their lesson the hard way this past school year when they attempted a prank without understanding the spell properly. No more half-assed spells, the Animagus thought to himself with a wince. A minute or so later, James came through the door all nonchalantly and Sirius whisper yelled, "What's been taking you so long?!"

James rolled his eyes. "I was responding to a letter from Lily."

Sirius rolled his eyes and mumbled, "That could've waited, you know. This is only for Moony, one of your best friends."

James mock glared and held a hand to his chest, "My Lily flower waits for no one," he said dramatically. His expression turned serious and he said, "Okay, let's get a move on," as he pulled out a vial of blood from his robes.

Sirius' face lit up. "Finally!" he said excitedly.

James volunteered to be the one to create the required rune on the floor, using Remus' blood. It looked like a sideways "X" with a straight line down the middle. James stood back from the rune, looked it over, and quickly dropped back down to add another small line, connecting two to create a triangle at the top right of the symbol. "Whew, that wouldn't have been good," he said lightly to Sirius as he took a step back to stand side by side with his friend. The spell required two casters with the best intentions for the person seeking his or her "other half".

"Ready, Prongs?" Sirius asked with a grin. James nodded, so he began to chant "Unum opus est adducere... Unum opus est adducere..."

James soon joined in with, "Horam tuam in ecclesia santorum… Horam tuam in ecclesia santorum…"

After chanting their individual phrases, in unison they uttered, "Medium deducere et alia." A moment later, the rune of Remus' blood on the floor glowed a bright gold, then vanished, leaving the floor as clean as it was before the spell. The teenagers stood in complete silence, waiting to see what would happen next. They looked around the room, Sirius twisting this way and that, trying to see if there was anything different in the room. James' eyes darted all over the room, looking for the arrival of a person. But there was nothing. The boys frowned at each other. No appearance of a lady friend for Remus, no shouts from downstairs signaling that she appeared in front of the werewolf himself, nothing.

James had a look on concentration on his face and Sirius groaned, putting his face into his hands. "All that hard work for nothing," he muttered.

"Hang on, Pads. It should've worked. I know that spell works. Potters have used it in the past to find the one person they are meant to be with," James said confidently.

His friend shrugged. "Maybe it takes time?"

James frown deepened as he ran his hand through his messy, jet black hair. "I dunno. Maybe. The book didn't say anything about that."

"Well, it's not like we can just ask Mom and Dad. They wouldn't be happy knowing we're taking spells from the family grimoire without asking. Let's just wait and see what happens," Sirius told him, moving towards the door. "We've still got a few days until we go back to Hogwarts, maybe the girl for Remus will show up before then."

James sighed. "Let's hope so Padfoot."

Sirius swung his arm around James' shoulder as he led him out of the bedroom. "C'mon mate, we'll get him a girl soon enough. Even if the stupid spell doesn't work."

James merely grunted in response. He was sure that the spell worked, and he was positive that they performed it correctly. They were meticulous when it came to completing new spells after all the years of pranking, becoming Animagi, and creating the map. Not to mention the mishap last year, he thought with a shudder. Maybe it was because Remus wasn't a Potter? But the book didn't mention anything about that. He shook his head to dismiss the thoughts as he and Padfoot bounded down the stairs. Both boys managed to push the seemingly faulty spell to the back of their minds when they left for Diagon Alley a while later with Remus and the Potters, quickly becoming distracted with the thought of stopping into Quality Quidditch Supplies.

Over the next couple of weeks, James Potter and Sirius Black had managed to nearly forget the entire ordeal with the unsuccessful spell they used to try and find their lonely Moony a girl. School had started up, quidditch practices were just about every day, and they had plenty of school work. Even their social lives provided a distraction as James was reunited with Lily and Sirius was once again unleashed upon the female population of the school.

At this moment, the boys, and now Peter, were sneaking out to the Shrieking Shack to meet up with Remus. Once there, they greeted an exhausted looking sandy-haired boy with tired green eyes.

"Thanks, guys," Remus told them, as he did every full moon that they joined him.

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Enough, Moony, we get it. You don't need to keep announcing your never-ending gratitude." He paused and quirked an eyebrow. "Or is this your way of professing your love for us?" he asked with a wink.

"Sorry, mate, I've got a girlfriend," James chimed in with a grin. The other boy, Peter, nodded along with a grin as well.

As uncomfortable as Remus was feeling, he managed a slight smile at his friends' ridiculous antics before gasping in pain and collapsing to the floor of the shack. The other boys went ahead and transformed into their various animals. Unfortunately, the werewolf's transformation was longer and included more bones snapping and groans of pain. As Remus' spine began to elongate, a blinding light flashed throughout the room, causing all of the occupants to squeeze their eyes shut.

Author's Note:

For those of you curious :)

Unum opus est adducer-Bring the one needed

Horam tuam in ecclesia santorum- In the darkest hour

Medium deducere et alia-Bring the other half