Author's Notes: These chapters will be released in no particular order. The first one takes place shortly after Chapter 8 of Knights of the Eternal Throne.

To: Shae Vizla, Mandalore the Avenger

From: Corellan Halcyon, Commander of the Alliance

Re: Sacrifices


I will not waste your time telling you of Torian Cadera's courage in battle.

I know you already knew all about that.

I will not tell you of how, in the Alliance's darkest hour, Torian was unwavering, doing what needed to be done.

I know you would have expected no less of him.

What I will tell you is that Torian was Vaylin's final victim. She will never kill anyone again.

Know also that from this day forward, when the people of the Alliance speak of making the ultimate sacrifice, they will speak of Torian Cadera.

To that end, the Cadera Medal of Valor will be the highest honor ever awarded to Alliance personnel, and that it will only ever be awarded to those who make the same sacrifice with the same courage.

I hope you and the Clans who follow you will choose to stay with us. But even if you do not, even if fate decides we must someday be enemies, we will never forget the blood that was spilled this day.

Torian may have been the last of his line, but Clan Cadera will live on forever in the hearts and minds of the Alliance.

Mhi will draar digur.

- Corellan