Merry Christmas!

Short chapter, but i literally have had block for months

Holy cow. I want to apologise for my absence. Ive been working like crazy, and unfortunately it got the better of me. I can't say i'll update every week, because if that means im forcing myself to write, then it won't come out well.

Sesshomaru had been gone a while. Kagura and Kagome had opted to talk to eachother more, but Kagura was a busy woman. She spent half her time in the air, patroling and keeping a look out for Sesshomaru. After a day or two, both women were beginning to wonder what was going on. He never left without letting someone know of his plans.

Kagura sat in the field, braiding Rins hair while she made flower crowns. Kagome sat on the edge of the well, watching the two. Over the course of two days, she'd gotten to know Kagura quicker than anyone she'd ever met before. Kagome came to think of her as a sister. With her playful demenor and witty comebacks, she thoroughly enjoyed her company. it was easy to be around her, and it had felt like she'd known her for years.

She began to think back on the bond Sesshomaru said they'd shared. He had talked about mates, and bonds and right before he'd disappeared, he asked her to be his mate. Was it wrong to say no? Wrong to want time? She knew what he'd wanted, but what if she wasnt ready? And though she liked Kagura, she wasnt keen on sharing. During their "moment", she'd learned of Sesshomaru and Kagura's planned marriage to overthrow her father, and everything inbetween. She definitely didnt want to ruin all their careful planning, it was another reason she'd asked for time.

Sango walked through the field toward Kagome, awkwardly waving at Kagura. Kagura gave her a smirk, and Rin giggled. Sango was getting use to Kagura hanging around. She wasnt the worst company, but she felt that Kagome overlooked her now. When they once were sisters, closer than anyone, they now stood apart, what felt like a canyon between them. Maybe it was that, with Kagome being a half demon, she wanted the company of a demon. Maybe Kagura understood her better. Kagome seemed to laugh a bit more when she was around.

"Kagome, has Sesshomaru came back yet? I wanted to report patrols, but he isnt here." she asked the girl, sitting next to her on the well ledge. Kagome looked up to the slayer, thinking about the guard Sesshomaru had posted around the village. Seeing as the humans were scared of the sudden influx of demons after the loss and betrayal of Inuyasha, he had appointed Sango as an officer in his guard. It was like she had been picked simply to be an ambassador for the humans. Little did the other demons know, she was highly skilled, and her constant and non-stop training had assured her that failure was no option.

She quickly, within a week, rose to the position of commander, showing those demons what she was made of. Sesshomaru knew of her strength, giving her every opportunity in the world to rise and conquer. He wanted only the strongest in his ranks, and spieces was of no matter.

Kagome shook her head, confirming with Sango that she hadnt a clue where he could have gone. "I suppose you could tell Kagura, she's more than capable to help if somethings amiss." she shrugged, and Kagura looked up, hearing her name. She patted the girl as she got up, a flower crown adorning her head. She made her way over to the others and stood, attention fully on the slayer.

"Worry not, I am one with the West Wind." she spoke, balling a fist in front of her chest, bowing low. Sango returned the gesture, eyes wide, not thinking she'd ever hear those words. After a long meeting with Sesshomaru and the other commander, who stepped down to her second in command, she'd learned the secret codes to look for in notes, such as the pen name White Fang, Cloud Nine, and many others. And West Wind was a term used only by a single being. She was the wind, one of Sesshomaru's most trusted allies. Though she'd been here, Sango hadnt realized that Kagura was Cloud Nine, the West Wind. She hadn't even known what kind of demon she was. Sango quickly relayed the prior patrols.

"The border of the village is secure, but Inuyasha was spotted west of this well here, late last night. Though we had intended to capture, he was chased off in the early hours of the morning, heading south. I know not what he wants, but he was looking for something." Kagura stilled. having seen Kagome's memories, she knew who this man was. Hesitation taken as being uninformed, Sango started to tell of the nuisance she spoke of.

"Inuyasha is the half brother of Sesshomaru. He has been banished for crimes of-" She was cut off by the hard look in Kagura's eyes, along with the hand she raised. Looking to Kagome, both girls took note of how she kept watch if the treeline, signaling Rin to go into her open arms. Now seeming unsure of her surroundings, she lifted the girl, who placed one of her flower crowns on her head. Kagura turned back to Sango.

"My apologies, I know of Inuyasha's betrayal. This area is now secure, no?"

Sango nodded in affirmation, glancing at Kagome once more. "After the chase, I had a larger perimeter posted. We will not tolerate being watched, and absolutely no harm will come of anyone by his hands here, ever again." Sango's voice took on a feral tone, surprising both demons. Her usual level-headed gaze was angry, bright eyes burning with the need to seek justice. Human or not, this woman was a force, even Kagura swallowed hard. She would not be messing with this female. Kagome sighed in relief, smiling to Rin, who giggled a bit, she set the girl down. Seeing as the area was safe, she still kept watch around, though her shoulders seemed to relax a bit. Having Sango to back her up always seemed to make everything easier.

"So, Kagura, Sesshomaru informed me that you were the commander of the Northern army. I may only be Captain of the guard posted here in Edo, but id love a new sparring partner. Kagome's not much for fighting, and the monk cant take me hand to hand. Care to give me a challenge?" Sango smirked. she knew she was no match for this demon. in fact, not a single member of her guard here was. And as if that wasn't enough, no one here could last over 10 seconds with Sesshomaru. He alone told of how she was one of the few in his guard that handled him the longest. Kagura, however, was possibly just as powerful as him. Sango expected no less from a demon born into nobility, the only princess of the Northern Lands. what she didn't expect, however, was Kagome's interruption.

"Sango, how about we try? I know I haven't fought with you in ages, but I've learned a few things." She eyed Kagura, smiling to herself. She hadn't actually been able to try any fighting since her turn, and after seeing Kagura's fairly long life, she had some ideas. Sango's wide eyed expression turned to a devilish grin, and she dropped all her weapons but one. backing away from the well and farther into the clearing, she waved to Kagome, eyes gleaming with a passion no one had seen in a while. Kagome stepped forward, not entirely sure how she could achieve victory over her long time friend. She never had before.

Sango looked back, taking her Hiraikotsu and readying herself. She didnt know what to expect, but it sure wasn't what she witnessed.

Kagome took a wide stance, giving herself plenty of room to pivit and adjust. Putting her arm up in front of her, she closed her eyes, bringing her other arm up to towards her ear. With an audible groan, she pulled her arm back, revealing a bow made completely of reiki. she smirked, aiming towards Sango.

Sango rose her hiraikotsu to block, amd with a twinge, Kagome sent the arrow flying. While Sango was defending, Kagome used her newfound demonic speed to launch herself behind her opponent. Had the been anyone else, her punch might have sent her enemy flying. In this case, Sango avoided it with ease, launching her weapon with a force akin to demon kind.

With a loud thud, Kagome was knocked off balance, tumbling into the dirt. She quickly shot up, growling. In the fall, her obi fell off her head, revealing that she no longer had hanyou ears. Sango glamced at Kagura, who shared the same awestruck expression.

In that moment of hesitation, Kagome lept onto Sango, and they tussled for a good minute, until ultimately the demon overtook the slayer. She admitted defeat, and In a fit of pants and giggles, both girls rolled onto their backs, physically exhausted. Sango looked to her sister in awe.

"where did you learn the reiki bow? That was awesome!" Kagome blushed, clearly embarrassed. She looked up to an equally proud Kagura.

"Well, I actually learned from Kagura, about power manifestation. I never tryed it though. I believe I can do that with reiki and youki, but I didnt want to risk actually hurting you." She giggle when Sango huffed. "So you took it easy on me!" She hollered, tackling the other girl, who started giggling again. they were interrupted by a low chuckle.

"I see I have nothing to fear, leaving you all alone." They all looked up to see a stoic Sesshomaru, who had surveyed the entire fight. Kagome jumped up, clearly embarrassed again for being caught on the ground. Sesshomaru let out another chuckle.

"Don't let me spoil your fun, everyone deserves to act like pups once in a-" He cut himself off as he notice Kagomes uncovered head. Briskly walking to her, he ran fingers through her hair. Not finding what he was looking for, he went to push her hair back to reveal elven shells. Sesshomaru momentarily froze, as Kagura and Sango watched in mortified interest.

"Whats the problem?" Kagome asked as she noticed her hair didnt fall forward. She touched the side of her head only to freeze herself. Where did these come from?!

Clearly panicked, the whole ensomble stared at Kagome, eyes wide in confusion. The first person to break the impenetrable silence was Sesshomaru.

"Just who are you, Kagome?"

I'll try to update more, but this single chapter has literally taken months. Thank you for sticking with me!
