A/N This story was inspired by the 2D Bendy and Ink Henry AUs created by shinyzanzo and themarginalartist. You can find their work on tumblr. You can also find me on Tumblr too under ZanzaFlux. If you have questions or just want to say Hi, you can do so there.

Disclaimer: Bendy and the Ink Machine belongs to The Kindly Beast. I only own my OCs.

From the outside, the Anderson home appeared like any other home in their neighborhood. No one knew of the turmoil that befell it just a few hours ago.

Jason sat on the couch with Beth and Sarah curled up against his sides. He had his arms around their tiny shoulders as he held them close. This was the only thing that kept him from jumping into his rig and booking it to Joey Drew Studios.

When the children got home from school, he tried to break the news to them gently. He didn't want to scare them. They were worried, of course, but much to his surprised, not scared. They had complete faith that their uncle Henry and Ben were going to bring their mother and Bendy home. Their belief was so strong, it even affected him. Jason knew that his brother-in-law wouldn't stop until he brought them home and with Ben by his side, they'll bring them back safe. They just had to…

He stared down at the little kitten curled up on his lap. Jason had a heck of a time getting that ink off his paw. The stuff clung to Cloudy's fur stubbornly. The kitten mewled and tried to squirmed out of his hand but he was determined to get it off.

Jason thought about the mess upstairs and how badly he wanted to get that ink off his wall. He'd never felt so violated before in his life. Helplessness gnawed at his nerves every time one of the girls asked when their mom and cousin was coming home. He really didn't know and it was eating at him. All they could do was wait and pray for their safe return.

The quiet was shattered by a thump coming from upstairs. Beth and Sarah jumped off the couch and ran for the staircase. Jason set Cloudy on the couch and stood close to the children. If it was dangerous, he would pull them out of the way. Lucky for them, it was quite the opposite.

One loud thump turned into many smaller ones as someone made their way to the top of the steps. One by one, familiar figures slowly descended the staircase.

"Mommy!" Jason released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. She was finally home and she was safe! June looked a little bedraggled as she stumbled down the stairs but she didn't appear to be hurt. The girls nearly knocked her off her feet but he managed to catch her, wrapping her up in his arms.

"Juniper." She sagged in his arms as she pulled the girls in for a group hug. June tried to say something but she couldn't get the words past the lump forming in her throat.

Henry, Bendy, Shadow, and Ben stood off to the side to watch the touching reunion. The old animator sighed and placed one hand on Bendy's head and the other on Ben's back. He told both demons that they did good and he was proud of them.

"Aw shucks Henry, I couldn't have done it without Ben!" The little toon's eyes were practically sparkling from the praise. His grin was so wide, it nearly split his face.

"Ttthank you?" Ben was somewhat taken aback. Not just from Henry's kind words, but how happy he felt from it. He didn't think it would mean so much coming from a man he tried to kill months ago. This was a little awkward for him but he got a reprieve when the children's attention was on them.

Beth and Sarah ran up to their uncle and he scooped them up in his arms. He reassured them that no one was hurt and they were all safe. As soon as Henry put them down, Bendy and Shadow were tackled by the girls. Their laughter filled the air and their happiness was infectious. Even Ben was smiling.

Jason shook Henry's hand then pat him on the back. The man looked tired but absolutely grateful for having them home, safe and sound. He hugged Bendy and scratched Shadow behind its horns before approaching the tall demon.

"Ben." Jason held out his left hand. The demon thought it was odd that the father would want to shake his hand. Ben stared at it for a few seconds before grasping it tentatively with his human hand.

If anyone were to ask, Ben swore up and down that he was just exhausted. That's how Jason was able to tug on his arm hard enough for him to loose his balance, and pull him into a hug. Surely that man wasn't strong enough to get the better of him. Ben was so tired, he practically leaned against the shorter man.

"Thank you." Jason whispered. His voice thick with emotion. "Thank you for bringing her back to me."

The demon was at a loss for words. He knew the man might be grateful to him, he just didn't expect to be embraced so warmly.

Jason let Ben go with a hearty pat on the back. Soon he was beseeched by two little girls that attached themselves to his legs. Ben stumbled a bit but managed to keep his footing.

"Hey look at his eyes!" Beth squealed as a huge smile spread across her face.

"Oh wow!" Sarah gasped, then giggled. "We can see his pretty eyes again."

Ben grumbled but he couldn't cover them up again. June asked him not to. So now, he had to stand there and let them compliment him on his eyes. It made him feel uncomfortable. He didn't know how to handle a compliment.

June stood back and watched Ben squirm under the girls' scrutiny and praise. It amazed her how someone so terrifying could barely stand something good being said about him. It shows what very little kindness he was given in the past. She was going to fix that.

"What happened to your hand?" She was startled when Jason gently took her hand and examined it.

"It was an accident." June hissed. He hummed and turned her hand over. She was glad he didn't ask too many questions. She was too tired to talk about it now.

"Alright. Let's put some ice on this, then I'll bandage it up."

"Okay…" June looked past her husband when Bendy joined the girls in embarrassing Ben. The lanky demon looked like he wanted to strangle the little toon, but couldn't because Henry was there. The scene was silly and heartwarming. Her family was together again. She should be overjoyed, but she wasn't.

She needed to tell the girls about the inky trio. They need to know what happened. They will never see them again. June didn't know how she was going to tell them. No matter how she spun it, they were going to be upset, and she didn't want to do that to them.

"June? Juniper, what's wrong?" June hadn't realized she was crying until Jason wiped away her stray tears. He gently took her shaking hand into his own.

"I-I have to tell them something. It's important, but-but I don't know if I can…" Her breath hitched and she wiped at her eyes with the palm of her uninjured hand. "I don't know what to do!"

"Hey hey, it's alright." He wrapped his arms around her. She sobbed softly into his chest. "Whatever it is, can wait until tomorrow."

June shook her head. This wasn't something she wanted to keep from the children. She knew they would ask about the trio of sooner or later, so she needed to tell them now.

"Listen, you've had a long day, you're hurt, and you're tired. Whatever you need to tell them can wait until tomorrow."

She pushed away from him and stared into her husband's eyes. Sometimes it bugged her the way he could stay calm sometimes.

"But-but tomorrow is-" Jason stopped her by pressing his finger against her lips.

"I know what tomorrow is and it'll be okay. Right now, I need to look at your hand and we all need a good night's rest."

June hesitated but ultimately agreed. She was just too tired to deal with this right now. Jason lead her into the kitchen where he applied an ice pack to her hand while rummaging around for the first aide kit. By the time they walked back into the living room, Ben was sitting on the couch while the girls hammered him with a million questions. She chuckled. The demon looked as tired as she felt.

Jason whistled to get everyone's attention. "Alright guys, it's time for bed."

The girls started to protest, but he reminded them what tomorrow was and that they could talk to Ben later.

"Well, you know what happens if you stay up too late?" Beth and Sarah shook their heads. "You'll oversleep and completely miss Christmas!" Both girls gasped. Neither one wanted to miss that special day.

"C'mon munchkin, mornin' will be here before you know it." Henry smiled and scooped Beth up in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he carried her up the stairs.

"Lets go, chipmunk." Jason picked up Sarah and hugged her. She settled in his arms as they headed up the steps.

June was about to follow them when she felt a light nudge at her leg. It was Shadow. It looked up the stairs, then back at her. She reached out and pat it on the head and told it to go on up. Shadow gurgled and trotted after the group. Looks like the ink cat will be spending the night in the girls' room.

She looked towards the couch. Ben was slumped in the seat. She supposed he was going to head back to the studio soon. The thought of him in that empty place, all alone, saddened her. She couldn't stop him though, so all she could do was hope that he'd come back.

Bendy was watching Ben with a contemplative gaze. "Bendy? Sweetheart, are you coming?" The little toon blinked and looked up at her. June wondered what he was thinking about.

"I'll be up in a minute, aunt June."

She wished Ben a good night and got an exhausted moan in response. June just shook her head and dragged herself up the stairs. She was sure she was going to pass out any moment now.

Ben had never felt so tired in all his existence. Those transformations he did back in the studio really put a strain on his body. He needed to get up and head home, but June's couch felt so comfortable. Maybe he had enough energy to open one more portal. He could find a nice, quiet spot to curl up and shut down. At least he wouldn't have to worry about something sneaking up on him. All the trapped souls were gone. The studio was truly vacant now…so why did that bother him?

"Whew, that was a close one!" Bendy hopped onto the couch and sat next to him. Ben growled. How come he had so much energy after all of that?

"We did it! We made it out alive and that place can't hurt us anymore!" While he agreed with the little toon, he was annoyed by his cheerfulness.

Ben's mood lightened when he felt something paw at his leg. It was his little Cloudy. The kitten was mewling and trying to get his attention. He scooped the little cat up in his hand and laid him on his chest.

Cloudy purred and rubbed his cheek against the demon's bowtie. He made his way up to Ben's shoulder where he head butted his cheek and chin. Soon, the kitten settled against his neck.

The corners of Ben's mouth twitched into a soft smile as he reached up and ran his fingers through the kitten's soft, grey fur. As silence filled the room, something just occurred to him.

"You lied to me." Bendy had the good graces to flinch at the other's accusation.

"Yeah, I know." He chuckled and turned slowly to face him.

Ben narrowed his eyes. "Why?"

Bendy sighed. "You were giving up! I couldn't just sit back and watch you fade away. Not again." The little toon sagged into the couch cushions and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked like a pouting child.

"So, yeah, I lied to you and I'm not sorry either. I needed a way to bring you back with me. I knew Henry and June would straighten things out later." Bendy gave his grouchy counterpart a smug grin. "And it worked! You're here with the rest of us!"

Ben hated to admit it, but he was right. The fact that the little toon was able to trick him, really made his ink boil.

"But WHY? Why did you do thisss for me?"

"Because!" Bendy shouted. He looked absolutely frustrated. "Because you gave me what I needed to escape the Studio with Henry. So, it was only right that I give you what you needed to be the perfect toon."

"I didn't expect you to blow up at aunt June and transform like that." A look of guilt flittered across Bendy's face. "I guess I gave you that ability too."

"You little ink ssspot!" Ben groaned. He couldn't believe this. Now he can turn into a hulking beast too? Like he didn't have enough to worry about.

Ben reached over and flicked one of Bendy's horns with the tips of his fingers. The little toon yelped and shoved the demon's hand away.

"Hey, quit it Lanky! That hurts!" Bendy scowled and rubbed his horn.

Both demons glared at each other for a long moment before they dissolved into exhausted chuckles. They were too worn out to stay angry at one another.

"Don't worry, you'll learn to control it in no time." The little demon smirked. "I can even teach you if you want!"

Ben huffed and rolled his eyes. He didn't need his help. He could figure it out on his own. Can't be that hard if the little ink spot figured it out.

The demon's eyes wandered around June's living room. Without the ink covering his eyes, he could see everything so clearly. The silver and gold tinsel twinkled in the dim light. Ornaments of every size, shape, and color hung from the large tree in the corner. It felt so warm and cozy around him. It was strange but nice at the same time.

Bendy yawned and rubbed at his eyes. It was the first sign of exhaustion the little demon showed all night. Looks like their adventure was finally catching up to him.

He knew he needed to leave. He really did, but this darn couch was so comfortable. He had a hard time getting up. It didn't help that every time the little ink spot yawned, he made his own eyelids feel heavier. It even felt like Cloudy gained weight while curled up against his neck. The little kitten was a purring ball of warmth. This…felt…really…nice…

Henry was so glad they got out of that situation alive. He hoped that this was the last time he'd ever step foot back in the Studio. He never wanted to bring that hell into his family's lives. At least it was over and he could finally relax.

Henry shuffled down the hall quietly. He helped tucked the children in for the night. They all needed to get some sleep before the mayhem of Christmas morning hit.

As he made his way down the stairs, one thing was still bothered him: What were they going to do with Ben?

Henry supposed if the demon didn't want to go back to the Studio, he could make room for him in his home. It would be a little awkward, but he owed it to him to try. They definitely needed to talk and clear the air between them. Then maybe, they can finally move forward.

"Hey bud, you ready to hit the sack?" Henry didn't receive an answer but he thought he heard snoring. He also noticed that Ben was still here.

"Bendy?" He crept towards the couch. As he got closer, he heard two different snores coming from that direction. Henry made his way around the couch and was surprised at what he saw.

Ben had his head tilted back and his mouth wide open. Cloudy laid around his neck like a furry scarf. Bendy was curled up against the other demon's side. All three were sound asleep.

"I'll be damned." Henry chuckled and shook his head. "Didn't think he actually slept." When he thought about it, Bendy always got tired after transforming when they were trapped in the Studio. He supposed Ben was going through the same thing.

Henry didn't want to wake them so he grabbed a thick blanket out of the linen closet and covered both demons with it.

"G'night bud." Henry whispered. "See ya in the mornin'." He reached out and ruffled his fingers between the little toon's horns. Bendy sighed and curled up under the blanket.

He stared at Ben. This was the most relaxed he'd ever seen him. It seemed so surreal. After a moment of hesitation, Henry reached out and lightly laid his hand on Ben's head. The tall demon grumbled but tilted his head into the old animator's hand.

A ghost of a smile tugged at Henry's lips. "G'night Ben."


*Christmas Day*


Ben was pulled from the blissful darkness by something shaking his shoulder. Why did someone have to disturb him when he finally found some peace in the Studio. Whoever it was, he was going to drown them in ink!

As he made his slow march back to the waking world, he realized something was off. For some reason, he was warm, very warm. Something soft covered his body. Another presence was pressed against his side. There was also someone calling his name.

After a few unsuccessful tries, he managed to crack open one eye. Staring back at him with huge grins on their faces was Beth, Sarah and Shadow. Sarah was even holding Cloudy in her arms.

"Good morning!" Both girls shouted.

"Morning?" Ben rubbed his eyes and blinked to clear his vision. It took one good look at his surrounds for him to realize what was wrong. He didn't make it back to the Studio! He must have fallen asleep on the couch. Someone covered him with a blanket too. He must have been really tired not to notice that.

The presence pressed against his side began to stir and Ben stared in horror as Bendy's head popped up from beneath the blanket. The little toon yawned and stretched his spindly limbs.

"Whas goin' on?" Bendy rubbed at his bleary eyes. Ben had a sense of satisfaction knowing the little toon seemed just as groggy in the morning as himself.

"C'mon, get up!" Beth's smile was so bright, it was almost blinding. "It's Christmas!"

Those two little words worked like magic on the toon. He went from half asleep to fully awake within three seconds. Bendy's eyes grew wide and actually sparkled. Ben hadn't been around his counterpart long enough to see him like this. It was kind of disturbing.

Bendy looked around. He just noticed the adults were missing. He asked where everyone was and the children told him they were still asleep.

"Well that won't do at all!" Bendy threw the blanket off himself and hopped off the couch. "Let's go wake them up!"

All three took off like a shot, leaving Ben and Shadow behind. The ink cat watched them disappear up the stairs, then turned towards its creator and gurgled in confusion. Ben just shrugged. He didn't know what was going on either.

Five minutes later, Bendy rushed down the steps with the girls hot on his heels, and Jason yelling for them to "WALK DOWN THE STEPS!" The adults shuffled down shortly afterwards. The all displayed varying degrees of wakefulness, with June looking really exhausted. The demon wondered if she got any sleep at all.

"Good morning Ben." She yawned and headed straight for the kitchen. Henry and Jason weren't far behind. "We need some coffee." June mumbled. She barely had her eyes open and managed not to bump into anything. That was pretty impressive.

The kids sat around the tree, grabbing gifts with their names on them. The sound of torn paper and cheers filled the air as Bendy and the girls held up each of their presents.

The adults returned from the kitchen with mugs of piping hot coffee in hand. June sat on the couch with Ben, sipping her own dark brew. He noticed the bandage wrapped around her hand as well. He had a vague recollection of what happened and he looked at her with concern. June just smiled and pulled a small camera from her pocket, ready to take pictures.

Board games, puzzles, and building blocks covered the floor amongst the colorful wrapping paper. Dolls and stuffed animals were hugged then set up in an orderly fashion around a new tea set. They weren't as enthusiastic about the new clothes, but they were grateful for every present they received. There were even new art supplies scattered about the floor.

Ever box and bag that was discarded by the children were thoroughly explored by Cloudy and Shadow. The little kitten would hop in a box and wait for his 'prey' to pass by. The ink cat's thin tail or paws were often the perfect targets. June made sure to take pictures of that.

Shadow found one particular empty box interesting. Jason had given June a bottle of perfume. It was attracted to the sweet smell that lingered within the box. It stuck its head in while taking in the lovely scent. Unfortunately, when Shadow stepped back, said box was stuck to its face.

The poor ink cat stumbled around the room, shaking its head as it tried to get the box off. When it wasn't knocking things off the nearby shelves, it was running into walls. They couldn't help but chuckle at the cat's misfortune until Jason decided to put it out of its misery. He told Shadow to hold still as he pulled the box off its head. The ink cat grumbled, finally free of the accursed, sweet smelling trap.

"Aw, sorry big guy, looks like these things are too small for ya." Shadow whined and lowered its head. Jason felt bad for it, but then he had an idea.

He threw on his coat and went out to his rig. Jason rummaged around in the back of the cab until he found what he was looking for. It looked like a huge piece of cardboard. He carried it back to the house and begun unfolding it. It turned into a box large enough to fit a person inside.

"Here ya go! Your very own box to play with." Shadow circled the cardboard box. There were a few labels here and there, and a picture of a bed on it. It pawed at the opening, then took a step back before it leapt gracefully into the box. A moment later, it poked its head out and gurgled happily.

Henry didn't understand cats and their fascination with boxes, but Shadow looked happy. "Where did you find that Jay?"

"A friend of mines ordered a bed and I delivered it. I helped them set it up too." Jason shrugged. "I put the box in my rig and forgot about it."

The girls asked Ben for the blanket. When he handed it to them, they covered the top of the box with it. This started an interesting game of Peek-a-Boo. The children would tap the top of the blanket, then suddenly, Shadow would pop its head out, and scare them. They'd giggle, the ink cat would slink back into the box to hide, and the game would start all over again.

"I guess it's a good thing I didn't toss it out." June stood next to her husband and took a few more pictures. Even little Cloudy tried to get in on the fun as it toddled behind the girls.

"Oh, before I forget-" June moved towards the tree and pulled out a small, white box from under the tree. She picked up the little kitten and headed for the couch. She placed the bundle of fluff in Ben's hand and sat next to him. June opened the box and pulled out a little, white collar. A cute bowtie was attached to it.

"Here, just slip Cloudy's head through this." Ben took the collar and was surprised to see the word, "CLOUDY", embroidered in beautiful cursive on the back of it. A warm feeling bloomed in Ben's chest as he ran his fingers across the soft material. The little kitten always had a name, but this just made it feel official. He held the kitten still as he slipped the collar over his head. Cloudy mewled, pawed at the bowtie, and nearly tumbled off of Ben's lap.

"Aw, he looks so cute with his own bowtie." She poked the kitten's nose and he pawed at her fingers.

"Shadow!" June called out to the ink cat. It popped its head out from under the blanket. "Can you come here for a minute?" It hopped out of the box and trotted over to her.

June pulled out a long piece of gold satin cloth. She held it up for Ben and Shadow to see. Its name was embroidered in lovely, red cursive along the length of the cloth. Shadow pawed at the material lightly and gurgled. It almost sounded like it was asking a question.

June smiled. "Yeah, this is for you." Shadow bounced from paw to paw excitedly, then leaned into her so she could tie the cloth around its neck. June lifted its head a little so she could tie the ends into a neat bowtie. Once she made sure the collar wasn't too tight, she leaned back and admired her handiwork.

"You both look very handsome." She took a picture of Cloudy and Shadow together. Ben agreed. Everything looked good with a bowtie.

Shadow rested its head against June's chest. Its horns twitched. It sat there quietly for a moment before it began to purr. The sound was soft, but it vibrated through her chest. It didn't hurt. It just felt really weird.

"Why do you do that?" She giggled and scratched the ink cat behind its horns.

Ben hummed softly. "Ssshadow doesssn't have a heart of itsss own." June looked at Ben in shock. She thought Shadow was like Ben and Bendy. Both demons had hearts. Why didn't Shadow?

"I didn't know how to create a heart for it." Ben stared at his creation. A hint of guilt tinged his voice.

"It isss quiet on the inssside." He placed his hand on the cat's head and it leaned into his touch.

"It lovesss to listen to the heartbeat of othersss." Ben sighed and actually looked upset. Even Shadow noticed. It whined softly and nudged his hand.

"Hey Ben? Is Shadow happy?" June's question caught him off guard. He blinked and looked a little confused.

"Yesss?" June nodded, then addressed Shadow.

"Are you happy with who you are, even if you don't have a heart?" The ink cat tilted its head slightly and seemed to give her question serious thought. Finally, it huffed and nodded.

June reached out and placed her hand against Shadow's cheek. "Well then, that's all that matters." The ink cat murmurs softly and nuzzles her hand.

Ben chuckled. It took him quite awhile to learn something his own creation knew all along. Of course June was there to remind him in the most round about way possible. She could be deceptively clever sometimes.

A light tap on his arm got his attention. Beth and Sarah stood there, holding up a fairly large card to him. He took it, opened it, and was pleasantly surprised.

Written in large lettering and glitter across the page was the words, "MERRY CHRISTMAS". There was a drawing of Shadow and himself standing next to the Christmas Tree. The tree itself was made of colorful construction paper, ribbon, and various shiny things. There was also paper snowflakes glued to it. They came in different sizes, shapes, and colors. Cloudy pawed at the bits of ribbon and string that hung from the paper.

"Do you like it?" Sarah asked. She wrung the hem of her shirt in her hands. She always does that when she gets anxious.

"Thank you." Ben reached out and gently ruffled their hair. Beth and Sarah looked relieved and he was rewarded with bright smiles.

"I know Mr. Sammy will like his!" Beth pointed to three similar cards that sat under the tree.

"We made one for Mr. Norman and Ms. Alice too." Sarah frowned slightly. "I hope she comes this time."

The entire room grew silent. The adults were glancing at one another. Even Bendy stopped what he was doing and started to panic. Ben's heart sank when he realized that no one told them what happened to the trio.

"Ben, could you…" June sighed. She looked like she wanted to do anything but this.

Ben glanced a June before picking up Cloudy and giving her room on the couch. He stood near the kitchen and watched the entire scene unfold.

"Girls, come here. I need to tell you something." Beth and Sarah sat on either side of their mother and she wrapped her arms around them. June took a deep breath and steeled herself. She couldn't put this off any longer.

Ben didn't envy June at all. It looked like it hurt her to deliver such sad news to the little ones. June didn't go into the gory details, but she let the children know that the trio was gone. Even though she reassured them that Norman, Sammy, and Alice was free and happy to finally move on, it didn't change the fact that they will never see them again.

"T-They're really gone? But-But we were going to spend Christmas together!" Beth sniffled and rubbed at her eyes.

"I know. They wanted to be here, but they had to leave."

"We didn't get to say Goodbye…" Sarah buried her face into her mother's side.

"I know baby, I know." June hated seeing her girls so upset. "But you made them so happy." June hugged them both. "Your letters brought them so much joy. They will never forget you."

Ben hissed softly. He didn't like this. Sadness filled the room. It was like being back in the Studio. June's home is a place of love and warmth, not-not this!

He wanted to see the children happy and hear their laughter again, not tears. He had the urge to do something, anything! But what could he do? He was a demon. He didn't know how to comfort others. He only hurt people. He wasn't as kind as Norman and Sammy…

Something had just occurred to him. Something important! Maybe he could help. It might not work, but he had to try.

"Ssshadow." The ink cat looked up at him. "Ssstay with them." The cat nodded and moved close to June and the girls. It nudged Sarah's arm gently and gurgled softly. She didn't smile, but she did run her fingers across its stubby horns.

Ben waved his hand and an inky portal formed on the living room wall. He started to move toward it when Henry cut him off.

"Where are you going?" Henry whispered. His eyes darted over to June. She stared at them with concern but didn't say anything. She was a little busy trying to calm the children down.

"I'll be back." Ben handed the little kitten to Henry. "I promissse." The demon stepped around him and disappeared into the portal without another word.

It took ten minutes for the adults to get the children to calm down. They were still upset but at least they weren't crying. June was beginning to wonder when Ben would return when ink bled through the living room wall. Ben stepped out of the portal carrying three familiar objects. An old, but well maintained projector, reel of film, and a record.

He shuffled over to the coffee table and laid his burden down carefully upon it. Beth and Sarah stared at the objects then up at Ben expectantly. He wasn't used to such scrutiny. He glanced down at the table and began to fidget.

"They wanted to give you thessse." June noticed the way he rubbed his mismatch hands together, the same way Bendy does when he gets nervous. Funny how the demons possessed similar mannerisms. "They are giftsss."

Beth slid off the couch and picked up the record. She turned it over. There was a label in the middle of the vinyl. The yellowing paper was a little faded but the words, "Body and Soul"* was neatly printed on it.

Sarah brushed her tiny fingers against the intricate mechanisms of the projector. It reminded her of Norman's, only smaller. She picked up the reel of film. There was something written on the case, but she had a hard time pronouncing it.

"Hey, that's, "Amusement Park Mayhem"!" Bendy tapped the yellowing piece of paper. "I remember this!"

"Norman and Sssammy found them in the vault."

While the children examined their new treasures, Ben watched their expressions closely. They still seemed a little sad, but not as upset as they were early. Bringing these gifts from the trio seemed like the right thing to do. He was glad the girls seemed to like them.

"Thank you, Ben." The demon flinched when he felt a warm hand land on his shoulder. Henry stood next to him and smiled as his nieces tried to guess what might be on the film and record.

"I don't like them being ssso sssad."

"Um, uncle Henry?" Sarah held out the reel of film. "Can we watch this now?"

He took the film from her and looked it over. The case it was in kept the old film in good condition. The projector Ben brought looked to be in excellent shape too. Norman must have fixed it up to make sure it was in good working order.

"It's a little bright in here, but I think we can set it up." Henry chuckled when he was hugged by Beth, Sarah, and Bendy. The little group cheered as the adults got to work turning the living room into a makeshift theatre.

Ben helped Jason push the couch back to give them more space on the middle of the room. June moved the television to the side. She grabbed a white sheet out of the linen closet and some thumb tacks to pin it to the wall. Henry set the projector on the end table and loaded the reel of film into it.

The children sat on the floor with Bendy and Shadow as the adults went around the room, closing the curtains to get it as dark as possible. June realized that the curtains weren't heavy enough to block out the sun. The living room was still too bright.

"I don't think this is going to work." Ben tilted his head slightly and waited for her to explain. She pointed to the window. Even with the curtains closed, sunlight still streaming through. "It's just too bright in here."

Ben chuckled and waved his gloved hand. Inky veins crawled out from under his feet. The shadows crept across the floor and up the walls. When the dark tendrils reached the windows, they slithered under the curtains, and collected onto the glass. Slowly, the room grew darker until all of the sunlight was blocked out. He even covered the kitchen windows. It was like the ink was swallowing up the light in the room.

"Wow…" June couldn't help it. She was impressed. How many times did he use the ink to intimidate and now, he was using it to help her daughters. "Thanks Ben."

"Heh, you'rrre welllcome." The glow in his eyes grew a little brighter.

Jason clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Okay guys, let's get this show on the road!"

June and Jason sat on the couch while Ben sat cross legged on the floor. Cloudy ran up and practically jumped into his lap. Henry manned the projector. With a flip of a switch, the show was about to begin. Tinny music drifted through the air as the Joey Drew Studio logo and jingle played.

Bendy, Boris, and Alice were walking down the street when they came upon an amusement park. The cheerful music attracted the little devil. He grabbed his friends by the hand and pulled through the park entrance.

The Butcher Gang was there. They seemed to be running the games. Bendy's eyes were as big as saucers as he darted this way and that. Alice and Boris stood by, waiting patiently for their demonic companion to make up his mind.

Bendy grabbed Alice by the hand and dragged her over to the various games set up between the rides. Boris shrugged and followed close behind. There were all sorts of wonderful prizes that sat on the shelves. The game booths were run by Charlie, Barley, and Edgar.

The first one the little devil tried was a shooting gallery game run by Barley. He handed Bendy a gun and pointed towards the targets. It seemed simple enough so he gave it a try. Every time he shot at a target, he either missed the wooden ducks or they didn't fall over. Bendy thought something must have been wrong with the gun so he handed it to Boris.

The wolf shrugged. He gave it a try and managed to hit three ducks, winning himself a small stuffed dog without even trying. Bendy couldn't believe his eyes. Barley just smirked and waved for him to move on.

The next one was a Balls and Bottles game run by Charlie. All Bendy had to do was knock over the bottles and win a prize. He even pointed to a big teddy bear that he wanted to win for Alice. Charlie handed him three balls and pointed to the bottles.

The little toon scrunched up his face in concentration, cocked his arm back, and tossed the ball as hard as he could. The ball hit the stack of bottles, then bounced right off. Both Alice and Bendy stared in complete shock. He tossed another ball, then another, and got the same result. The little demon stomped his foot and complained, but Charlie just laughed and motioned for Boris to give it a try.

The wolf took a ball and tossed it. He missed, sending the ball sailing past the stack of bottles. It ricocheted off the back wall and hit the bottles, knocking them over. Charlie congratulated Boris and handed the large teddy bear to the wolf who gave it to the angel. Alice hugged the bear and kissed the wolf on the nose.

By this time, Bendy was growing quite frustrated. He stood there with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. He already lost twice and didn't want to play anymore. Alice pat him on the back and gave him an encouraging smile. She wanted him to try one more game.

It was a ring toss game run by Edgar. All he had to do was toss a ring onto the neck of the center bottle to win the prize. Bendy was skeptical but the spider just smiled and handed him three small rings.

Bendy squinted at the rows of glass bottles. He tossed the first ring. It bounced off the center bottle and fell off to the side. The little demon grumbled and tried to line up another shot. It spun on the top of a bottle neck before tipping over and falling to the floor.

Bendy had a fit. He jumped up and down, pointed at Edgar and accused him of cheating somehow. The other toon just laughed and stuck his tongue out at him.

The angel was worried about her friend. She didn't like seeing him so upset. All of a sudden, her halo flashed brightly. She got an idea. While the spider was distracted, Alice plucked the halo from above her head. She shrunk it down until it was about the size of the ring. She took Bendy by the hand to calm him down and switched the ring for her halo. She told him to try one more time. She believed in him!

Bendy sighed. He supposed it couldn't hurt to try one more time. He tossed the ring without really trying and watched as it bounced from one bottle neck to the another. The ring reached the middle bottle and landed perfectly around its neck.

Edgar and Bendy's mouths hung open as neither one could believe he made that shot. The little demon recovered first. He jumped up and down, pointing to the prize he wanted. The spider grumbled, but climbed up the shelf to retrieve the prize.

Edgar handed Bendy a stuffed cat that was bigger than him. The little demon was over the moon and proudly showed off his prize to his friends. Alice clapped. She was very proud of him. Boris gave him a 'thumbs up'.

The group walked away, leaving a very confused Edgar behind. Before they got too far, Alice snapped her fingers, and her halo appeared over her head. She pressed a finger to her lips in a hushing motion and winked at the audience.

Ben glanced around the room. The girls were smiling. Even the adults were smiling. They would laugh at the toons on the makeshift screen. From Boris sneaking a bite out of Bendy's hotdog to Alice getting pulled out of a haunted house by a scared little devil, everyone was enjoying themselves.

Henry would whisper to June and Jason about how the animators managed to pull off certain scenes. There was a twinkle in his eyes and a certain excitement in his voice as he spoke passionately about the techniques and tricks he used to use back in the day. Watching the old animator reminisce was quite the sight. He really loved what he did all those years ago.

Ben suddenly realized, he had never seen an audience reaction to a Bendy cartoon before. He remember watching them on loop and feeling nothing but anger. They were nothing but constant reminders of who he was suppose to be, but wasn't.

No one else is the Studio watched the old cartoon except for Norman. Not even Sammy, with all his crazy devotion, watched them. Most of the searchers or Butcher Gang clones mindlessly wandered the inky halls. Lost ones just hid away in their little town, trying to stay as far from him as possible. No one actually liked the cartoons created there, thanks to Joey.

Now he got to see first hand how those cartoons affected others. It may not be a theatre full of people, but this was good enough for him. Seeing the smiles on his friends faces filled his heart with so much joy, he thought it might burst. This was the true purpose of the Bendy cartoons. It wasn't there for one man to slap his name on it and claim all the fame. It was there to entertain people.

Ben listened as the girls talked about their favorite parts in the film. Bendy put in his two cents. The little toon looked as happy as he felt that Beth and Sarah loved the cartoon.

Henry turned off the projector while Jason took the sheet down. June went around the room, opening the curtains. The ink still clung to the glass so Ben waved his hand and pulled it back towards himself. Light gradually flooded the room as Ben reabsorbed the ink.

Beth ran up to her mother with the record in hand. She asked if they could listen to it. June pulled the record out of its jacket and looked it over. It was in very good condition. No nicks or scratches. It should play just fine.

June opened a large box on the mantle. She jumped when Ben leaned over her shoulder. She didn't hear him get up. He can move a little too quietly for her tastes.

"What isss thisss?" The demon pointed to the contents of the box.

"It's a record player. See, you put the record on the turntable," She placed the record in the box and turned it on. The turntable began to spin. "then you place the needle here." June pulled the arm until it hovered above the record. She lowered it and gently laid the needle on the vinyl.

Ben ran his fingers across the wooden box. It almost looked like the phonograph Sammy kept in his office. He wondered where the sound would come from. He got his answer when a speaker crackled to life. There was a moment of soft static before a piano began to play.

A saxophone, flute and clarinet soon joined in to created a jazzy tune. The demon smiled and returned to his spot on the floor. Cloudy scurried back onto his lap. He closed his eyes and hummed contently as he stroked the little kitten's soft fur. He recognized Sammy piano playing anywhere. He always enjoyed his music even if he never showed it.

Everyone was enjoying the music but grew silent as a familiar voice chimed in:

I'm lost in the dark,
Where is my spark, for my love?
I'm lost in the night,
Holding the light, of my love.

The heavens opened and closed,
As well I might have supposed,
And I am left in this abandon,
So far removed from all that I had planned on.

My days have grown so lonely,
For I have lost my one and only.
My pride has been humbled,
But I am hers, body and soul.

"Is that Ms. Alice's voice?" Beth asked. She didn't know the angel could sing.

Henry smiled sadly. "Her name was Susie Campbell and she was the voice actress for Alice Angel." The children were amazed that her voice was used in the cartoons. The beautiful song continued.

I was a mere sensation,
My house of cards had no foundation.
Although it has tumbled,
I still am hers, body and soul.

What lies before me?
The future is stormy,
A winter that's gray and old.
Unless there's magic,
The end will be tragic,
And echo the tale that's been told so often.

My life revolves about her,
What earthly good am I without her?
My castles have crumbled,
But I am hers, body and soul.

Henry knew this song but Susie changed a few words, essentially altering the meaning of the entire song. He flinched at the hint of desperation in her voice. Did she really wrap her entire life around the character of Alice Angel? No wonder she was such an attractive target for Joey.

Henry glanced at Ben, only to find the demon staring at the record player. He looked deeply disturbed. Looks like the demon just realized how deep her devotion to the character really was. The same devotion that made her the perfect pawn for Joey's experiments.

What lies before me?
The future is stormy,
A winter that's gray and old.
Unless there's magic,
The end will be tragic,
And echo the tale that's been told so often.

My life revolves about her,
What earthly good am I without her?
My castles have crumbled,
But I am hers, body and soul.

As the music wound down, the room filled with a long stretch of static. The song had ended.

"I guess this is it." June reached for the needle, but startled when two voices broke through the static.

"Good job Susie."

"Thanks Sammy!" Susie cooed. "I'm sure Joey will let me voice Alice again once he hears this."

"I'm sure he will." Sammy sighed. He didn't sound convinced but he was trying to humor her. "Alright everyone, that's a wrap."

There was a little static before the record finally went silent. June turned off the record player, returned the vinyl to its jacket, and gave it back to Beth.

"Wow, we got to hear Mr. Sammy's voice!" Beth giggled.

"He was playing the piano too." Sarah nodded and pointed to the record.

As the children chatted amongst themselves, they failed to notice how quiet the adults were. Ben watched as each one seemed to be lost in their own thoughts. No doubt wondering how Joey could use someone so vulnerable as Susie. He knew exactly what Joey was capable of so this didn't surprise him one bit.

The demon was startled from his thoughts by soft taps on his shoulder. It was Beth and Sarah. They were smiling but he could still see a hint of sadness in their gazes. At least they weren't crying anymore.


"Thank you." Sarah wiped a few stray tears from her cheeks. Beth thanked him as well. She sniffled and he could see the glistening of tears in her eyes. She was trying her hardest to not cry. It was an admirable effort, but she didn't need to put on an act for him.

"You're welcome." They didn't need to thank him. He was happy to do this. Norman, Sammy, and even Susie would have wanted them to have these gifts.

The girls glanced at one another like they wanted to say something else. Instead, they did something he wasn't expecting. They wrapped their arms around his neck and hugged him. Ben stiffened in shock. He was afraid to move so he looked to June for help. He wasn't sure what to do. She smiled and whispered, "It's okay."

Ben hesitated for a moment, then slowly wrapped his long arms around each girl. He was careful not to squeeze too tight. He didn't want to hurt them. That didn't stop the children from tightening their grip around his neck.

They didn't say anything else, but he could feel their tears as it dripped onto his shoulder. Ben hoped these were happy tears and not the sad kind. He didn't want them to be unhappy anymore.

The demon wasn't sure why he did it, but he began to rub their backs. He hoped this gesture would help somehow and it did. The children loosened their grip and stepped back enough for him to see their faces. Their eyes were a little red and glassy. He reached up and gently wiped the tears from their cheeks.

"Feel better?" Both girls nodded and giggled when Shadow rubbed its head against their backs.

"Good." Ben smiled. He really meant it too. He had grown to truly care for the children.

"Alright guys." June placed her hands on each girl's head. "How 'bout we have some breakfast!"

The morning concluded with June and Jason cooking bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast. Ben had to admit, he liked his bacon crispy as opposed to that soggy mess from the soup. Looks like Bendy liked Bacon as much as he did. Henry had to keep the toon from eating it all.

All in all, the morning was quite pleasant. Presents were given, tears were shed, and in the end, laughter and warmth filled the home. Ben preferred it this way.

After breakfast, the house was a whirlwind of activity. June rushed the girls upstairs so they could get dressed. Later, she came back down in a powder blue and white dress. She was also pinning her hair up into a messy bun.

"Alright, I gotta start getting dinner ready. Jason's parents will be here in a few hours." June mumbled to herself. She asked Henry and Jason to bring up extra chairs and the extension for the table from the basement. She told Bendy, Beth, and Sarah to clean up the wrapping paper and boxes in the living room.

Ben wasn't sure what he should do so he tried to stand out of the way. That wasn't going to work for June.

"You're gonna help me." She grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into the kitchen. Shadow decided to help the kids since it was sure it couldn't help with the cooking. June made Ben wash his hands and she tied an apron around his waist.

She had Ben pull the ham out of the fridge because her hand still hurt and she couldn't lift it. She washed it, then had him set it down in a roasting pan. The demon watched as she put some kind of fruit around the ham.

"These are pineapple rings. It'll give the ham a nice, sweet flavor." She poured the pineapple juice over the meat, then covered it with a lid. June opened the oven and asked Ben to place it on the rack. She set the temperature and timer, then moved on to the next thing. A stick of butter was set on the counter to soften while June asked Ben to grab the corn meal off the top shelf.

Jason brought up the extension as Henry cleared off the table. The men stood on either side and pulled the table apart. Once the extra piece of wood was added, the kitchen table became a proper dining table. As they went into the basement to get the chairs, June asked Bendy to cover the table in a red and white lace cloth.

June had a few pots on the stove just starting to boil. One for the yams, one for the macaroni, one for the green beans, and the last was for rice. Ben was stirring a bowl filled with corn meal, milk, and an egg while June fished the good dishes out of the cabinets.

The children took the plates to help set the table. Jason and Henry supervised to make sure there were no accidents. Bendy grabbed the napkins and folded them, placing them near each plate. Beth made sure each setting had a butter knife, fork, and spoon on them. Sarah set a glass near each plate. They tried to make the settings look as neat as possible.

A little over an hour past and June poked the yams to make sure it was done. She took it off the stove so it could cool. She made sure Ben had the ingredients in the bowl mixed well before adding one more thing:

"My secret ingredient." June whispered. She pulled out a small can from the cabinet and opened it. The label read, "Cream Corn." Ben scowled. The stuff didn't look very appetizing to him, but she swore it would give the bread an extra sweet taste. He was skeptical but he figured she knew what she was doing.

With his large hands and strength, it was easy for Ben to stir the stiffening dough. June knew she couldn't do it with her injured hand. She was lucky the demon was willing to help out. Although, she didn't miss the way he kept glancing at the bandage on her hand. She had a feeling he was piecing together what happened. It was an accident and she didn't hold it against him.

This wasn't the first time Ben watched her cook, but it was the first time he got to help her like this. He was a little nervous. He didn't want to make a mistake and ruin the meal, but June was a good teacher. She explained things calmly and showed him what to do. Even when he didn't do something right, she didn't yell at him. She just showed him how to do it right. Ben felt proud that he was doing a good job.

After Ben finished mixing everything together, June got a muffin pan, and had him pour the dough into the molds. She let it sit on the counter for a few minutes before placing it in the oven to bake.

Now it was time to start on the yams. At this point, they were cool and easy to peel. All she had to do was cut them up, place them in a baking dish, sprinkle some cinnamon and sugar on top. She needed one more thing and then in the oven it goes. June pulled a bag of jumbo marshmallows from the cabinet.

No sooner had she opened the bag, it sounded like a herd of elephants running into her kitchen! Bendy, Shadow, Beth, and Sarah were staring at her from the other side of the counter. Their eyes, except for Shadow, were wide and pleading.

"Could I have a marshmallow aunt June? Pleeaase?" Bendy's eyes were practically sparkling.

"Can I have one too mommy?" Beth was bouncing on her heels.

"Me too?" Out of the three of them, Sarah had the best puppy dog eyes.

Shadow just laid its head on the counter and whined softly. They were making it hard for her to say 'No'.

"C'mon guys! I need these for the yams." June looked to Ben for help, but the demon just shrugged and chuckled.

June sighed and was glad she brought a large bag. She gave each one a marshmallow, then shoed them all out of the kitchen. She also gave one to Ben for helping her with dinner. The demon turned the soft treat this way and that before popping it into his mouth. He hummed and tried to steal another, but June took his apron and kicked him out of the kitchen too.

With Ben's help, she was almost done. The rice was done. She just needed to fix the macaroni and cheese. Before she could get started, the doorbell rang.

"They're here!" Beth screamed. The children ran to the door while Bendy, Ben, and Shadow stood close to Henry. He put his hand on top of the toon's head and told them that everything would be fine.

Ben remembered the grandmother. The woman kept trying to feed him vegetables. She started to annoy him and he wasn't looking forward to that again.

"Ma!" Jason opened the door and immediately swept his mother up in a hug.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" The girl rushed towards the portly woman. Pearl laughed and wrapped her arms around all three. She was followed by a very tall man. His arms were loaded down with packages.

"Hey! A little help over here!" Henry took the packages from him and sat them on the couch. The man shook his hand and thanked him. He turned to the little group hug and huffed.

"What do I look like? Chopped liver?" The man smirked. "Where's my hug?" The girls ran up to their grandfather and he picked them both up and hugged them. "Hah! That's more like it!"

The man was a little taller than Jason with long, greying hair tied in a loose ponytail. He has a light red mustache and long beard that had grey streaks running through it. He laughed heartily and even with his coat on, he appeared quite burly.

After the grandparents took off their coats, June got pulled into a hug by Pearl before getting swept off her feet by the grandfather. She laughed and hugged him back. The adults chatter for a bit before Pearl noticed the demons standing off to the side. Her eyes lit with recognition.

"Ben! Bendy! It's so good to see you two again!" The little toon happily accepted the bone crushing hug from the older woman. Ben was a little reluctant at first and tried to back away, but Pearl was faster than she looked. The woman managed to wrap one arm around his waist while keeping the other arm around Bendy.

"Hey Will! Come meet these boys!"

"Hey, I'm William, but everyone calls me grandpa!" After the elder Anderson introduced himself, he shook Bendy's hand.

"Well I'll be!" William chuckled. "He really looks like a cartoon character." He slowly knelt down and examined the toon. He touched Bendy's cheek and horns. He even noticed the way his head floated above his shoulders.

"In all my years on the road, I've never met anyone like you." A light grey blush dusted Bendy's cheeks.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir!" William narrowed his eyes slightly. "Er, I mean, Grandpa!" the little toon chuckled nervously.

William chuckled, "It's alright son.", and placed his hand on Bendy's head. He straightened up and turned his attention to Ben.

"Well, look at you…" He stood there quietly and stroked his long beard. He looked Ben up and down with a critical eye. This went on for so long, the lanky demon began to fidget. Pearl patted him on the back and told him to relax.

Finally, the elder Anderson's gaze softened and he chuckled. "You were right. He sure is tall and just as skinny as Jay was when he was thirteen!"

"C'mon dad, I wasn't that bad!" Jason pouted and caused June and Pearl to laugh. Ben wasn't sure if he should take offense to William's remark.

"Boy, you were all limbs like this fella over here!" William held out his hand. Ben stared at it for a moment, then took the elder Anderson's hand. The man had a hearty handshake to match his boisterous personality.

Both grandparents were startled when Shadow approached them. It stopped when William stiffened and raised his fists. Ben growled softly and was ready to protect his creation. Luckily, Jason stepped in just in time.

"Dad, it's okay. This is Shadow." Jason placed his hand on the cat's head. "It's just a big house cat. It's harmless." Well, that wasn't entirely true, but his folks didn't need to know that.

William and Pearl glanced warily at the cat. They weren't sure about all of this. Bendy looked harmless enough, but Ben and Shadow were honestly frightening. So imagine their shock when Sarah hugged the large cat around its neck and a little grey kitten curled around its feet. It leaned against the child and started to purr.

William shook his head. They'd have to have a little talk with their son later. He really didn't want to ruin the festive mood. "W-Well, now that introductions are out of the way, who wants some presents?"

The children cheered and rushed towards their grandparents. Boxes were handed out to them as well as the adults. Pearl even handed a large box to Ben and Bendy.

Amongst the puzzles and games, the girls also received sweaters. They were the traditional Christmas colors of red, white, and green. One had a jolly snowman on the front and the other had reindeer with a red nose on it. What really caught the eye were all the shiny baubles and strings hanging from them. It was like someone stuck a bunch of ornaments to the sweaters.

"Do you like them? I knitted them myself!" Pearl was practically beaming at her handiwork. The children quickly put on their sweaters to show them off to the rest of the family.

"Aw, they look so cute!" Pearl squealed. She turned to the adults and told them to open their presents too. It looked like she knitted sweaters for everyone. The others weren't as enthusiastic as the children and they fought hard to keep smiles on their faces.

The sweaters were all oversized and very fluffy. Some had stripes running across them while others had a strange zigzag pattern. There were even more colors and shiny things stuck to them as well as white ruffles around the necks and wrists.

"Thanks Mama Anderson." June held up her sweater. She winced at the random, colorful pompoms sewn onto it. "You really shouldn't have."

"Oh, it was no problem! I had to put all those knitting classes to good use." The portly woman chuckled.

Ben didn't want to say it out loud, but he thought the sweaters looked kind of ugly. So many colors and doodads clashed with one another, he wished the ink was covering his eyes so he could tone down the gaudiness.

Bendy laughed and pointed at the sweater Henry held in his hands. It looked like it had Santa's face on it with a load of cotton glued on to make up his beard. St. Nick's hat was made up of bright, red sequence and a fluffy white pompom on top.

"What are you two waiting for? Open your gifts!" Pearl had a smile that could rival either demon.

June didn't think it was possible but both demons suddenly went pale. She stifled a giggles as she snuck out her camera. This was going to be good.

Ben and Bendy glanced at one another. The little toon gulped audibly as he tore through the wrapping paper and opened his box. His eyes grew wide as he pulled out a very large, navy blue and white striped turtleneck sweater. There were silver stars dotted throughout the entire sweater. It was also incredibly fluffy and soft to the touch. There was also a white knit cap and a long black scarf underneath. They were made of the same material as the sweater.

"Thank you grandma Pearl!" Bendy beamed. He managed to pull it over his head and slipped his arms through the long sleeves. The sweater was so long, it hung down past his knees.

"Wow, this is so soft and warm…" the little toon sighed as the sweater settled on him. They could barely see his smile because his head seemed to be swimming in the turtleneck.

Ben sighed and opened his present. His sweater had a wide turtleneck as well. It was dark grey on the bottom and white on the top. There were glittery red stars on white part and shiny gold stars on the grey. There was thick white wool sewn on the cuffs and hem of the sweater. He also had a large, green wool cap and long, red scarf in the box.

Ben scowled slightly. He really hoped he didn't have to put this thing on. He was ready to throw it back into the box until he saw the look of utter joy on Pearl's face.

"Go ahead. Try it on!" He almost said 'No' but didn't, not when she was staring at him like that. Not only that, but the girls and Bendy were all pleading with him to try it on too.

In the end, Ben caved. He grumbled and pulled the sweater over his head. Pearl actually made the neck and cuffs wide enough for his head and large gloved hand to slip through with no problem. The sleeves were just the right length for his long arms too. The hem of the sweater fell past his hips, looking quite long on his slim frame. What really surprised him was how soft and warm it really was. It felt quite nice.

"Ttthank you…grandma Pearl." The woman swept him up in a bear hug and was happy he liked it so much. He chuckled nervously and pat the woman on the back. He had never been hugged this much in his entire existence.

June took a few pictures as everyone gathered around Ben to compare sweaters. They were all so unique. She couldn't wait to see what Pearl came up with next year.

Jason pulled out a few boxes from under the tree and handed them to his parents. The children also gave them some cards they made themselves.

William received a new fishing rod, tackle box, and CB radio for his truck. "You needed a new one for your rig pops. That other one is nearly as old as me!" The senior Anderson chuckled and slapped his son on the back. He promised to install the new radio into his rig when they got home.

Pearl got a beautiful wooden jewelry box. There was a gold paisley design running across the sides and a red rose carved on the top. Inside the box was a set of silver bracelets and a long silver chain with a heart shape locket attached to it. When she opened the locket, there was a picture of June and Jason on one side, and the other side had Beth and Sarah.

"Oh this is so sweet!" She clutched the locket and held it close to her heart. "Thank you, thank you so much!" Pearl pulled June and Jason into another bear hug.

"You're welcome." June hugged her back. "Well, I need to finish cooking. I want to make sure we have dinner on time." June slipped out of the older woman's hold and headed for the kitchen.

"Let me help you dear!" Pearl picked up a large aluminum pan and followed June. "I hope you don't mind, but I baked an apple pie!"

"Oh shoot!" June groaned. "I forgot about dessert…" She was so worried dinner wouldn't be done on time, she forgot to bake a cake.

"Mama Anderson, you're a lifesaver!" Pearl chuckled and told June that she liked to be prepared.

"So boys," William rubbed his hands together. "you two know anything about football?" Both demons glanced at one another before shaking their heads. "Well, that won't do at all! Son, see if you can find a game on TV."

"Heh, sure thing pops." Jason fiddled with the knobs on the television as he tried to tune into a game.

"While he's trying to find us somethin' to watch," William put his hands on each demon's back and pushed them towards the couch. "let me tell you about my old college football days."

Pearl slipped on some oven mitts and pulled the ham out of the oven. The smells that filled the kitchen was simply heavenly. June took some of the drippings to mixed it with brown sugar and mustard to make a glaze. She poured it all over the meat and used a brush to make sure every spot was covered. When she was done, Pearl stuck it back into the oven uncovered.

The corn muffins were done, so they were placed on the counter to cool. While June worked on the macaroni and cheese, Pearl watched her husband regale everyone with stories of running the ball down the field. The way he told it, no one could catch him and no one could bring him down. She knew he exaggerated just a tad, but he was so happy to tell his story to anyone that would listen, she let him be.

He had both demons hanging off every word. Her husband could make any story sound exciting. While Bendy bombarded him with loads of questions, Ben was content to listen.

"He seems different…"

"Hmm?" June stopped mixing the macaroni, milk, and cheese in a glass baking dish.

"Ben." Pearl check on the candied yams. "He seems a lot calmer than the last time I saw him. Less menacing too. Did something happen?"

"Yeah, you could say that." June smiled and placed the dish in the oven.

"Well? What happened?" Pearl sounded a bit annoyed that she wasn't getting a straight answer.

"We…went through some things." June placed the warm muffins in a bread basket and put it on the table along with a small dish of butter. "There were some misunderstandings and a few things that needed to be cleared up. So that's it!"

"That's it?" Pearl figured there had to be more to it than that, but June was being very evasive.

"That's it." June grinned at the incredulous look Pearl was giving her. She didn't like lying to them, but this was for the best. They didn't need to know what really happened right now. They'll tell them when they got to know Ben and Bendy better. June placed her hand on Pearl's shoulder and lead her into the living room.

They sat down and listened to the rest of William's story until Jason finally found a game on TV. As per tradition, Jason and William were rooting for different teams with poor Henry stuck as referee. It was funny watching these grown men fighting over which player is the best at doing what. Then, before things got too heated, Henry would step in to calm things down.

When the father and son weren't arguing, William would point to the screen and tried to explain the rules of the game to Ben and Bendy. Jason would jump in and simplify things when it looked like the demons didn't quite get it. It was nice to see Jason's parents trying to include their new family members in the conversations even if Ben didn't have much to say. She appreciated that they were trying to get to know them better. June was worried things might not work out, but it seemed those fears were unfounded even if William wasn't completely on board. He'll probably want to talk later.

While the girls showed their new dolls and stuffed animals to their grandmother, Shadow carefully saddled up to the woman's side. Pearl eyed the ink cat nervously, but June told her that it just wanted a scratch behind the horns.

Shadow leaned in close and wiggled its stubby horns causing the older woman to chuckle. Pearl reached out and touched one of its horns, then pat it on the head. Shadow leaned into her hand and purred softly.

"Aw, you remind me of a cat Jason had when he was little." Pearl placed both of her hands on Shadow's cheeks and rubbed lightly. The effect was immediate. It let loose a garbled sigh and laid its large head on her lap.

"She loved having her cheeks rubbed like this too." Pearl giggled. Shadow was practically leaning against her now. If it had visible eyes, they would be closed. The cat was like putty in Pearl's hands.

June smiled. Looks like Shadow manage to win over one grandparent. The ink cat knew how to be very disarming when it wanted to be. Now it had Pearl massaging its cheeks and loving every moment of it. June was glad things were going so well. From the quick glance and relaxed smile on her brother's face, Henry must have been relieved as well.

Around 4:00 pm, June and Pearl did one finally check of the food. The ham was taken out of the oven and placed near the head of the table. The rice and green beans were heated up before being placed on the table along with the candied yams and macaroni and cheese. A carving knife, serving spoons, and a few bottles of sparkling cider were the last things to make to make it to the table. Dinner was ready.

Jason ushered the girls and Bendy down the hall to the second bathroom so they could wash their hands. William washed his hands at the kitchen sink then took a seat at the head of the table. He eyed the beautiful ham before him.

"Mmm, smells good June." June thanked him as she lead Ben to the table. When he sat down, he noticed the utensils were larger than everyone else. He looked surprised until June took a seat to his left.

"I didn't forget." She smiled and elbowed his side playfully.

"Ttthank you…" Ben smiled sheepishly.

Henry took the seat to Ben's right. Jason returned with the kids and sat across from June with Beth, Bendy, and Sarah taking the remaining seats. Pearl sat at the other end of the table and waited for everyone to settle down before saying grace.

William stood up over the ham with carving knife and fork in hand. He sliced into the tender meat with practiced ease. June spooned some of the rice and green beans on her plate before passing it to her father-in-law. He put a few slices of ham on it then passed it to Jason where he put some candied yams and macaroni and cheese on the plate.

One by one, everyone's plate was passed around the table until they were returned full of food. June made sure everyone had a corn muffin then excused herself from the table. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a large bowl. She filled it with a little bit of everything at the table, including a warm muffin. She took it back into the kitchen and placed it on the floor near Cloudy's bowl. After making sure the kitten had his own food, June called Shadow into the kitchen. The ink cat padded in quietly.

"This is for you." The large cat looked into the bowl, then back up at June. It tilted its head and gurgled softly.

"It's okay." June rubbed its cheek. "You'll like this. I promise."

There was a soft cracking sound as Shadow opened its mouth. It bit into a slice of ham and purred softly. The end of its long, skinny tail curled around June's hand and squeezed gently.

"Aw, you're welcome." She returned to the table. June took a moment to look around the table. Henry was having a lively conversation with William. Pearl was fussing with Jason, saying he was too skinny and needed to eat more. Beth and Sarah giggled as Bendy was stuffing his face. She had to tell him to slow down.

Ben was eyeing the corn muffin suspiciously. June told him to try it. He huffed then took a small bite and his eyes grew to the size of small saucers. He took another bite and hummed softly.

"Told ya it would be good." June chuckled.

There were soft conversations and the clinking of silverware against plates that echoed through the room. Everyone was enjoying the good food and great company. Even the two demons at the table were being civil to one another.

Ben had to admit, he was really enjoying the ham. It wasn't on the same level as crispy bacon, but it was really good. The candied yams and the macaroni and cheese really surprised him. All three were such a great combination to him, he wondered why June didn't cook like this all the time. He even ate the green beans. Not because he liked the vegetable, but because Pearl would try to make him eat it. Frankly, today was a good day and he didn't feel like being nagged again.

Once Ben finished everything on his plate, June asked if he wanted more. He smiled and nodded vigorously. He got more of everything except the green beans. One helping of that was enough for him. While Ben was working on his second plate, Bendy was finishing up his third.

"Mmm, everything's delicious aunt June." Bendy managed to say between bites. Ben hummed in agreement.

"Thank you sweetheart." June grinned. She was happy to see them both enjoying her food, especially Ben. She was surprised he was eating so much. Apparently, she wasn't the only one that noticed.

"These boys sure do have big appetites!" William chuckled. Pearl agreed. She told Jason he needed to be more like them. She thought he was getting skinny. Her son just rolled his eyes and told her he was fine.

"Hey Ben, you keep eating like that and you'll finally put some meat on those bones!" William boomed.

Bendy snickered and Ben froze. First Pearl and now William? Why were they trying to fatten him up? He was reminded of a fairy tale he read in one of the children's books. Something about a witch feeding children sweets to make them fat so she could eat them. He chuckled internally. It's not like June was planning to eat him or anything. He glanced at the woman in question. She was staring back at him and smiling softly. He gulped audibly, then shook the silly thought from his head.

"Hey Ben, you okay?" June handed him a glass of the sparkling cider. He took it gratefully and had a few sips. The bubbly liquid tickled the back of his throat and caused him to cough.

"I'm fffine." June narrowed her eyes slightly but didn't say anymore after. She probably didn't believe him and it was eerie how good she was at reading him.

The rest of dinner went by uneventfully. They all sat around the table, waiting for their meal to digest so they could have dessert. They heard a few more sports stories from the grandfather and some funny stories of Jason growing up. There was also talk of another fishing trip. The children told Bendy about a school play or something like that. June and Pearl were comparing recipes, some of which sounded tasty and Ben hoped to try them someday. He didn't have much to say, but he was happy to be there. Being apart of all this, whatever this was, made him feel warm inside.

Almost an hour later, June and Jason sliced up the pie and put them on small plates with a little vanilla ice cream on top. She also brought a plate of gingerbread cookies to the table incase the apple pie wasn't enough. This was definitely the case with the two demons who asked for another slice.

Pearl was tickled pink that everyone loved her pie, especially Ben. She thought it was cute the way his eyes lit up every time he took a bite. In fact, she was the one that brought him another slice. The second one was bigger than the first. He thanked her with a shy smile and she had the sudden urge to pinch his cheeks.

After dessert, the table was cleared of dishes and put in the sink to be washed later. Beth and Sarah grabbed a few board games and set them up so everyone could play. They taught Ben and Bendy how to play Sorry and Mousetrap.

They were all surprised by how competitive Bendy was. The little toon relished jumping over other player's pieces while yelling "SORRY!" sarcastically. This often caused a shouting match between him and Beth. June and Henry had to break them up before things got too serious. Sarah and Ben watched it all go down and was glad they weren't the ones getting scolded.

The next game they played was Mousetrap and Ben will admit, he liked this one. It was an excellent example of a Rube Goldberg device. It reminded him of the crazy things they sometimes used in the cartoons. Sarah was pretty good at setting up traps and he loved watching it go off. Ben really got a kick out of it when Bendy was the mouse. The little toon scowled at him every time he got caught. Ben just shrugged but couldn't keep the smirk off his face.

The grandparents stayed for a few more hours but had to call it a night. It was growing late and they had a two hour drive to get back home. June made sure they packed some food along with two tins full of gingerbread cookies to take with them. Jason took their gifts and put them in the trunk of his father's car.

Everyone was pulled into another hug with promises of visiting again. The grandparents said their goodbyes and headed home. A calm atmosphere fell over the home. All the running around, getting dinner prepared, and having Ben and Bendy meeting the rest of the family, took a lot out of everyone. Lucky for them, it all went well.

"Alright guys, put the games and puzzles away. It's almost time for bed." The girls groaned and begged to stay up a little longer.

"But-But we're not tired!" Beth whined before it morphed into a yawn. A yawn that became contagious as Bendy and Sarah followed suit.

"Uh huh." June placed her hands on her hips and watched as the children tried to hide their tiredness. "You have all day to play in the morning. Clean up, then off to bed you go." She left no room for arguments.

While the kids were putting away their toys, Ben stood near the kitchen a bit conflicted. He didn't want to leave, but he was sure June wouldn't let him sleep on her couch for a second night. He should head back to the studio anyway. It was his home after all. It's just that, the place was empty now that all of the souls have moved on. He supposed that was a good thing. No one was going to disturb him now, but still…

Ben took off the sweater Pearl gave him. In spite of how it looked, it kept him very warm. He'd hate to ruin it by getting ink all over it. He sighed and stared at the sweater in his hands.

June watched Ben as he stood there holding his gift from Pearl. He looked so…lost. She glanced at her husband who gave her a slight nod. It was time.

"Hey Ben." June smiled warmly as she approached him. "Getting ready to head home?"

"Yeah…" He smiled, but it was kind of shaky. He tried to hand her the sweater, but June pushed it back towards him. He looked confused.

"Before you go, I have a present, for you." Ben stood there in complete shock. He wasn't expecting to get anything else.

"Come with me." June took him by his human hand and led him down the hall. He had been to this part of the house before. The hall was dimly lit with the only light coming from the kitchen or the small bathroom at the end of the hall. There was another room here, it was always kept locked. He figured it was just a storage closet, nothing more.

June stopped in front of the locked door. She twisted the knob and the door creaked open.

"It's in here." She stepped to the side so he could enter the room. The demon tugged on the sweater in his hands nervously. June gave him a reassuring smile and encouraged him to step through the doorway.

Ben had to duck slightly so he wouldn't hit his head on the doorway. He looked around, but couldn't see anything. June stepped into the room and flipped a light switch on the wall.

Ben froze.


-Two Weeks Earlier-


"So, I've been thinking about this for awhile, but I want your opinion first." June ran her fingers through her hair. This was a major decision she was about to make, but she didn't want to do this alone.

She sat at the kitchen table with Beth, Sarah, and Jason. Family meetings were often held at this table and they had something important to discuss.

"If any of you are uncomfortable with this, we won't do it."

"I'm okay with it." Beth shrugged her tiny shoulders and glanced at her sister.

Sarah tugged on the end of her sleeves as she thought about what was being asked of her. She looked at her sister, then her mother, a soft smile spread across her face.

"I-I don't mind." Sarah giggled when her dad ruffled her hair.

"I'm fine with this too. He earned this." Jason chuckled.

June sighed and sagged in her seat. If they sad no, she would accept it. She would never bring it up again and go about their lives as normal. She was relieved they were willing to do this.

"Well, that settles it: Ben is getting his own room!"

"It's about time!" Beth shouted. Everyone at the table laughed. They all agreed, Ben practically lived here now.

"Now this is going to be a surprise, so you can't tell him. Not even Shadow. Can you keep this a secret?" The girls giggled and nodded vigorously. They ran out of the kitchen and up to their room. They wanted to make something pretty for Ben's new room. June just shook her head. She was truly proud of their girls.

Jason hummed softly. "Do you think he'll say, "Yes."?"

"I dunno. At least he'll have a room to go to whenever he shows up here at odd hours of the night."

"Heh, tell me about it!" Jason chuckled. "I can't tell you how many times I've come home in the middle of the night, only to find him sitting on the living room floor, in the dark."

"Maybe he'll stop sneaking up on me if he has his own room."

Jason snorted. "Not likely. You're his favorite target." She huffed and pouted. Her husband was right. "So, are we giving him the guest room?"

June shook her head. "We need that room when we have company."

"Oh, well, I can fix up the basement. It's not too junkie down there."

She shook her head again. This confused him. They didn't have that many rooms in the house.

"I want to give him...that room." June pointed down the hall from the kitchen.

Jason paled suddenly. "Are you sure?"

She had been asking herself that same question for awhile now. If she wasn't ready now, she may never be.

"Yes, I'm sure."

June jingled a set of keys nervously in her hands. She had been standing in front of this locked door for a few minutes now. Jason squeezed her shoulder gently.

She took a deep breath and unlocked the door. They both entered the room, flipping on the light switch. The lights flickered a bit. The room was slowly flooded with light.

The room was about as large as the girls' room. There were two windows that faced the backyard. There were off white curtains covering the windows.

The room was sparsely furnished. There was a tall, simple dresser that stood between the windows. A small closet was built into the wall in the left hand corner of the room. There was a wooden nightstand on the right side. A small lamp sat on top of it. Everything was covered in a light layer of dust.

The only other thing in the room was a large wooden box in the middle of the room. The box was painted blue and the top was closed with metal hinges. It was a toy chest. A large stuffed elephant with a red and white, polka dot bow around its neck, laid on the top of the box.

June walked towards the toy chest and picked up the stuffed elephant. She turned it over in her hands before hugging it to her chest. She wasn't sure how long she stood like that, clutching the stuffed animal tightly, but her breath hitched when Jason wrapped his arms around her.

"You don't have to do this." His voice was slightly muffled as he rested his head on her shoulder.

"I know." June leaned into him. "This room has been empty long enough. It's time someone else got to use it."

Neither one said anything. They were lost in their own thoughts…and memories. Finally, June leaned back just enough to wipe a few stray tears from her eyes. Jason asked her if she was okay.

"Yeah." June sniffled. "It's just really dusty in here."

"Juniper." Jason looked less than convinced.

"He's going to need a bed." June tried her best to change the subject. Her husband rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll find one." She thanked him. The room just needed a little cleaning, maybe a fresh coat of paint. She could do this.

"Can-Can you do me a favor?" June ran her hand over the toy chest. She opened the lid and carefully laid the elephant inside. "Can you put this in the attic for me? Please."

He wrapped her up in another hug and kissed her on the forehead. "Sure."


-Present Day-


Ben walked around the room slowly. A tall dresser sat between two windows covered with gold curtains. There was a writing desk and a chair in the left hand corner of the room along with a small bookcase. A nightstand with a small lamp sat in the right hand corner near a bed that was pushed against the wall. The bed itself was covered in a large, colorful patchwork quilt. What really caught his eye was a handmade sign that was taped to the wall above the bed.

The words, "Ben's Room", was written in crayon and glitter. There was no doubt in his mind that the girls did this. He ran his fingers over it just to make sure it was real. He looked over his shoulder to see June standing there.

"My room?" Even saying that out loud, he couldn't believe it. Were they really giving him his own room in their home?

"Yup. This is your room…if you want it." June began to squirm under his intense stare. Maybe he didn't like it. She knew there was a chance he might say "No", but she hoped he would at least consider it.

"I know the walls look a little plain, but we can change the color if you want." Ben didn't say a word. Now he was really starting to make her nervous.

"Um, you can even bring some of the posters from the studio if you want! We can frame them so you can hang them on the wall."

Ben hung his head and started rubbing his hands together. He took another look around the room before his violet eyes fell on June.

"Ben, are you alright?" June reached out and touched his gloved hand. "Talk to me."

"Thisss isss…my room?"


"I-I can ssstay here, with you?"

June smiled warmly. "Yes, but only if you want to."

"Yes! I-I want to ssstay!" He took her hand and squeezed it gently. A real, genuine smile spread across his face.

Before June could say another word, Beth, Bendy, and Sarah burst into the room. The girls cheered and told Ben how glad they were that he was staying. All three hopped on his bed and commented on how soft the quilt felt. June scolded them for jumping on the bed to which Ben wrapped his long arms around all three and lifted them in the air. Squeals and laughter echoed off the walls as his captives tried to wiggle out of his iron grip.

Henry and Jason stood in the doorway and watched the chaos unfold in the room. Neither one had ever seen the demon this happy before. Plus watching June fuss at all of them was always amusing.

"So, the bed was for him?" Henry questioned.

"Yeah. June wanted to keep all of this a secret." Jason chuckled. "Even the girls was in on it."

"This isn't going to be easy. Other people aren't as opened minded as you." Henry glanced at his brother-in-law. "They are going to take one look at him and see nothing but a monster."

"Don't worry Henry. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." A look of determination crept into Jason's eyes. "Besides, he more than deserves this."

Henry hummed softly. He approached June, placed his hand on her shoulder, and asked to speak to her out in the hall. She hesitated for a moment but followed him out of the room.

"Juney." Henry sighed tiredly. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah! I figured he wouldn't want to go up and down the stairs with his bad leg." She rambled. "He'll have a place to go during those few times he dropped by in the middle of the night or when we weren't home. And if he needs something, I'm sure we can-"

"That's NOT what I meant." Henry's sharp tone caused June to flinch and step away from him. He quickly apologized and softened his voice. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her.

"I-I know. I know." She rubbed her arms absentmindedly. "We talked it over and agreed to do this. Besides, after what happened to us in the studio, I just…couldn't let him go back there."

"I understand, but are you sure you want to give him this room?" June bit her lower lip and ran her fingers through her hair. She took a moment to collect her thoughts before looking her brother in the eye.

"He needs this. Heck, I need this!" June rubbed a bit of moisture from her eyes. "It's just that…I couldn't keep that room empty forever. I want him to have it."

Henry shook his head. He understood why they were doing this. It didn't change the fact that having Ben around may make life harder for her and her family. He should know. A lot of parents were scared when they found out Bendy, a toon demon, befriended their children. And while things might have calmed down over the year, the adults still keep a wary eye on him.

"Y'know, I'd be willing to make room for him in my home. You don't have to do this." June smiled warmly and hugged him.

"I know you would and you should still do it. You are his creator after all. He needs you. I know you'll help him get past all the terrible things Joey did to him." Henry agreed. He still owed the demon his side of the story.

"He needs to know that he's wanted and that we won't abandon him." When Ben broke down in the studio, she made up her mind then and there that she would help him.

"Alright Juney, you win." Henry chuckled softly. "But if you need help, don't hesitate to ask."

"I will old man. I promise." She smirked when he groaned, telling her he wasn't THAT old. She ruffled the patch of grey in his hair and laughed.

When the siblings returned to Ben's room, Jason had convinced the lanky demon to relinquish his prisoners. The girls were showing him the closet and his new view of the backyard from the windows. June was proud of her girls for welcoming him with open arms.

She clapped her hands to get their attention and told everyone it was time for bed. The girls begged and pleaded but their mom wouldn't be swayed. Jason took them both by the hand and promised to read them a bedtime story.

They wished Ben Goodnight and filed out of the room one by one with Bendy meeting Henry out in the hall. The little toon looked up at him and frowned.

"Henry, is something wrong?" The man blinked and looked a little confused. Bendy told him that he felt pain through their bond just a minute ago. He thought that maybe he was upset because June asked Ben to stay.

"No bud, I'm not angry. It's just-" Henry cut himself off before saying anymore. He didn't want to get into this right now. Plus it wasn't his story to tell. "I'm fine."

Bendy narrowed his pie cut eyes. He knew Henry wasn't being completely honest, but he couldn't figure out why. The old animator was being incredibly tight lipped about whatever was going on. The little toon figured he'd drop it, for now. He was too tired to argue about it right now.

The only ones left in the room was Ben and June. In the past, she used to be scared to be left alone with him. But now, she was happy to have him around. There were moments where he made her a little nervous, but she knew he didn't do it on purpose. Well, most of the time. He still got a kick out of sneaking up on her, but it was all in good fun.

June watched Ben fold up his sweater and place it inside one of the dresser drawers. She made a mental note to get him some more clothes. The demon crossed the room and sat down on the bed. He ran his hand over the quilt.

"It'sss ssso sssoft." Ben whispered.

"It's very warm and I figured you'd like the colors too." Ben's grin was lopsided and relaxed. She liked this smile more than his manic one.

"Ttthank you, for everything."

"You're very welcome. Well, I'm heading to bed. I'll see you in the morning." June was about to leave, but Ben grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks.

"Ben, is something wrong? If the blanket's not warm enough, I can bring you an extra one."

The ink demon shook his head, then stared at the floor. He wasn't used to speaking a lot. Ever since he met June, she had got him to talk more than anyone else in his existence. Sometimes it frustrated him when he couldn't find the right words to express himself. He wanted to tell her how much he appreciated everything she had done for him, but he couldn't. Not yet anyway.

Ben lifted his head and looked at June's hand. He ran his thumb over the bandage and made a silent promise. He wont hurt her again. Not if he could help it.

Ben looked her in the eyes and smiled. "You would've made a…beautiful angel." She gasped and her green eyes grew wide. She seemed to be at a loss for words.

"Goodnight, June." He let her hand slip from his grip.

June stumbled back an d pressed her hand against her chest. Her heart raced as dream-like visions flooded her mind. A large, white face looming over her. A purple orb floating in an empty space. For just a moment, she felt like she couldn't breathe. But the sensation ended as quickly as it started. She was safe in her home, far far away from that hellhole. That place will never hurt then again! She took a few deep breaths and graced Ben with a gentle smile.

"Goodnight Ben." June walked out, leaving him alone in his room. It felt strange to consider this 'his room'. He spent years wandering the halls of the studio and never had a room of his own besides the throne room. He finally had a place to rest without the fear of being attacked.

The duo walked around the room, inspecting every corner, and sniffing at his new bed. The demon scooped the kitten up and laid him on his shoulder. Cloudy purred and rubbed his cheek against the demon's neck.

Shadow sat on its haunches and stared up at its creator. Ben could feel a gentle nudge at their bond. It was as if the cat wanted to ask him something. He patted it on the head and scratched it behind its horn.

"Isss thisss home?" Ben froze. Shadow "spoke" to him! This hasn't happened before. He always felt impressions or saw flashes of images in his mind when the cat wanted to communicate. Never words and certainly not this clearly.

Shadow's 'voice' was like the quiet whisper of running ink. A soft hiss of air through the old pipes. It was something that shouldn't be understood as words and yet it rang through Ben's mind as clear as a bell.

"Yesss, thisss isss our home now." The demon could feel happiness and relief from the ink cat. Looks like it didn't want to go back to the studio either.

Shadow jumped onto his bed and managed to curl up next to him. Ben leaned back against the wall anhis hand down the ink cat's skinny body. Ben was finally at peace, surrounded by content purrs. One from the small, furry body resting against his neck and one from the large body pressed against his side.

Is this what a true home felt like? He finally understood why Bendy wanted to stay with their creator so badly. Henry, June, Jason, Beth, Sarah, and even the little ink spot…they were his family now. He had people that actually cared about him and he cared for them just as much. They were precious to him and he won't let anyone take that away from him.

Ben closed his eyes and for the first time, slipped into a peaceful slumber.

* Song: Body and Soul - by Ruth Etting (1930)

E\N: Well, this is it. This is the end of the Shadows of the Studio series. This took me way too long to finish, but I did it! Thank you all for sticking by me all this time. Even though this is the end of this series, it's not the end of Ben's adventure.