Optimus Prime watched as Ratchet worked on the sleeping sparking, one that looked like he had been forced to take a form. It also didn't help that this sparkling had a human and a humanoid that stayed by his sides while the Autobot medic worked. It had been a nightmare when Arcee and Bumblebee had found the injured sparkling several feet deep in the asphalt. Things had gotten worse since the sparkling had been leaking energon heavily.
By Primus, this was making him a nervous wreck. A sparkling here on Earth was not a light matter, with the extinction of the Cybertronian almost assured, it was a miracle to find this one. Prime calmed himself as he watched Ratchet finish up.
"I've done the best I can," The medic said, sounding tired and stressed out, "by the Allspark, why is a Sparkling here?"
"I do not know, Ratchet," Optimus sighed, looking down at the now stable sparkling, "I do not know."
Bumblebee peeked around the corner to find Optimus, Ratchet and the two females around the sparkling. His thoughts were on why there was a sparkling in the first place, but then he pushed that thought away. At least Megatron hadn't found the sparkling first, that was the good thing. Megatron would of brainwashed the young cybertronian or worse! Killed it off!
The Autobot scout stopped peeking and walked towards his quarters before bumping into Arcee, the only femme Autobot that Bee knew. The motorcycle cybertronian looked up at him, her optics showing concern.
"How is the sparkling?" She asked.
"Ratchet got to him, Arcee, he's in good hands. From what I saw though, Ratchet finished patching the Sparkling up, so he's in the clear." the scout beeped and buzzed his answer.
The femme sighed, folding her arms across her chest. If Bee got anything out of this, it was that Arcee must of awakened some motherboard processes or something. Only explanation, or she was just worried like she was for every member of the team. Bee mentally shrugged before making his excuses and headed to his room to recharge. He needed it after tonight.
Danny slowly woke up, opening his eyes to find himself in a cavernous room. Groaning, he slowly sat up, only to get pushed back down. He struggled, but his body only flailed his limbs around.
"Let go!" He shouted, finally grabbing the thing that was pushing him down.
His clawed hand didn't even find any grip, making him look to see a white and orange arm holding him down. He finally started panicking, terrified that the government or worse, the Guys in White had captured him. In his panicked state, his arm cannon activated as he blindly aimed and fired. The hand flew back as Danny jumped up and ran towards a corridor. His only thought was escape.
He didn't even hear the cries of Paulina, Desiree or another, Optimus Prime. He only wanted escape, his body falling and changing into a Ferrari as he sped off.
Ratchet groaned as he was helped up but Optimus, who had only seen the sparkling speed off. He had only gone to get some energon when he had hear a weapon go off.
"Ratchet, what happened?" The Autobot Leader asked his friend.
"That sparkling had just woken up," The now annoyed Medic said, "I tried to stop him from hurting himself but he panicked. I was trying to calm him down but he somehow got off a lucky shot and hit me, and you saw what he did. He's running."
Optimus put a hand to his radio and got Arcee's and Bee's signals, "Bumblebee, Arcee, the sparkling is running, I need you to go after him and try to calm him down before the Decepticons find him."
It didn't take long for a blue motorcycle and a camaro to roar past since the sound of the fleeing sparkling could still be heard. Optimus looked at the two females that were now awake and looking worried. By Primus's eternal spark, this was turning out to be a mess.
Arcee sped down the highway, already seeing the fleeing car up ahead. She kicked it into gear, trying her best to catch up. The sparkling was fast, she'd give him that. The femme finally caught up, pulling ahead before pulling a risky stunt. She transformed right in front of the ferrari, hoping the sparkling would stop.
He did, thankfully.
The Ferrari transformed back into the sparkling, who was clearly terrified out of his motherboard. She held up her hands playcatingly as she approach the panicking cybertronian.
"Easy there, tiger," She said, trying her best to not make him more paranoid, "I'm not going to hurt you."
The bot took a step back and lifted his right arm, his arm cannon aimed at her spark, Arcee froze. For a long moment, the two stared at one another for the Sparkling swayed, Arcee's quick movements allowed her to catch the sparkling before he could damage himself from his fall. She held him as Bumblebee looked over the guy, making a sad buzz.
"I know, he's way too young." She sighed before radioing in to base, "Optimus, we have him."
"Good work, Arcee, Ratchet will open a ground bridge at your coordinates." Optimus said before Arcee looked up into the sky.
"Optimus, we may have some company!"
They did, for the Autobots had been spotted by the Decepticons. Landing before the three was Soundwave, the communications officer of the Decepticons. Next to him was Starscream, the second in command of the Decepticons. But that wasn't what made the two Autobots sparks dim in fear. Landing in front of the two was enemy number one of the Autobots, the gladiator of Kaon, leader and founder of the Decepticons himself.
"Well, well, well," The Decepticon Leader sneered, his purple optics looking over Arcee and Bumblebee before focusing on the sleeping sparkling, "It seems we may have stumbled upon a miracle."