Chapter Twelve: Rosalie's Story

Bella's Point of View

I vaguely remembered falling asleep in Edward's warm arms after the "Selena confession". When I woke up again, all I heard were soft whispers and shuffling footsteps. I smiled as I registered Edward's hand in mine, he must have been holding me all this while.

"Bella?" I heard his sweet relaxing voice. I slowly opened my eyes and they met with his beautiful green ones. His face broke off into a radiant smile and I returned it instantly.

I proceeded to look around the room and saw all the Cullens and Adam in the room.

"Oh! Bella! I'm so glad you're okay!" A bell-like voice chimed. Definitely Alice. She ran forward and attempted to hug me, but was held back by Edward.

"Careful, Alice. Bella's shoulder isn't alright yet," he said in an authoritative voice.

"Oops sorry, Bella," Alice smiled sheepishly.

I returned her smile and then suddenly remembered something.

"Wait," I said so suddenly everyone looked at me, startled. "Where's Rose? The other girl who was with me?"

The room fell into an ominous silence as everyone hung their heads. "Is she okay?" I asked again, frustrated. Edward came and put his arms around me.

"She's well…she's not in a very good condition, love," he said sadly. I felt tears forming in my eyes. Though we weren't best friends anymore, deep down I knew I still cared for her like a sister.

"How…how bad is she?" I finally asked after composing myself.

Edward took a deep breath and I knew this wouldn't be good. "She was raped multiple times. Suffered lots of bruises and cuts. And extremely dehydrated. She's conscious, but weak."

The tears that were accumulating in my eyes finally fell. Edward wiped each one of them away. "Can I see her?" I asked shakily.

"Bella, you have to rest," Edward said in concern.

"Please, I promise I'll be careful," I pleaded. Edward sighed.

"Fine. But please, no moving your left arm," he said.

I nodded and within minutes, I was outside of Rosalie's room, Edward pushing me in a wheel chair. We went inside and I took in the scene before me. Rosalie had IVs connected to her everywhere as well as purple bruises all over her body. Her eyelids fluttered as her eyes met mine.

Edward bent down and whispered in my ear, "I'll be outside, love. Just call me when you're done."

I smiled and waved the phone in his face. "Okay. Goodbye." He kissed me on the lips before exiting the room.

I turned to Rosalie who was still looking at me. "Hey," I said, smiling. To my surprise, she smiled back weakly.

"Hi," her voice had regained some energy.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. "Horrible. What more?" She said sarcastically. We both chuckled lightly. She was still the same old sarcastic Rose I knew. Even as her former best friend, I could still see through her strong image. Still as egoistic as ever. I could see she was emotionally hurt, but she refused to put her pride down even in this situation.

"Care to explain how you knew Selena?" I asked. She sighed and looked away, shaking her head.

"It's a long story," she said.

"We have time," I replied, giving her no choice but to tell me.

Rosalie's Point of View

Bella gave me no choice. I hadn't actually met Selena directly; it was through her well…boyfriend.

I met this guy, Zachary, in University of Washington. He was like the typical flirty guy you will meet. He started flirting with me when we first started school. As the 'slutty' hot girl I was, I flirted with him too. In less than a month, we began dating.

At that time, I didn't know what was love. I had boyfriends before, but they were all just a pastime for me. I never thought of relationships as anything more than just going out with someone, even until now.

I may seem like a whore, but one thing I valued a lot was my virginity. I refused to have sex with any of the boyfriend I had. I remained a virgin, at least until the day I was kidnapped.

Zac was another boyfriend for me. But as time passed, I started to think that he may be the one destined for me, since I had never had any boyfriends that lasted more than a week.

We were five months into our relationship when Zac started pressuring me for sex. I refused him again and again, much to his frustration. Then one day, I saw him shouting at a blonde girl outside his dorm, they seemed like they were in a heated argument.

"Aren't you doing the same thing as well?" Zac yelled furiously.

"It's all because of you! It's my revenge!" That blonde girl shouted back.

"Seriously, you're being immature!" Zac was red with fury.

"Screw you! You did this to me first! And you don't feel guilty at all? Are you breaking it off with her?" She screamed.

Zac remained silent, still fuming.

"Fine. Then don't expect me to be too generous," the girl said in a calmer voice before stalking off.

I questioned Zac about it that night, he seemed panicked and kept asking me over and over again whether I heard anything else. Then he explained to me that that that was just his cousin, Selena, being a brat. I bought the explanation and didn't thought about it anymore.

Until a few days later, I was walking home alone after studying in the café when I was kidnapped by a man, Jacob. He raped me that night and multiple times afterwards. It was the worst thing that's ever happened to me. I kept myself innocent and everything was just destroyed by him. I cried so hard that night, so much that I wanted to kill myself, but I was too tied up to do so.

The next morning a girl dropped by. And I immediately recognised her as Zac's "cousin", Selena Mitzi. She slapped and vent out all her anger on me. She told me that I stole her boyfriend and she was going to make me pay for it. I then realised that her boyfriend was Zac. He had been lying to me all this while. He had a girlfriend, but still decided to date me. All my fondness of him turned into hatred. He caused all of these, I hated him with all my might.

The rest were just pure torture until I was saved by Bella. I was quite shocked to see her too, but was too weak to do anything.

Bella's Point of View

As Rose finished her story, tears were streaking down her cheek. She was really hurt this time. She'd always refuse to let others see her cry, even me as she thought it made her look 'weak' and 'pitiful'.

I lifted my good arm and slowly ran my fingers through her hair, trying to comfort her. "It'll all get better, Rose. Trust me."

She finally looked at me with puffy red eyes. "I'm sorry, Bella."

"What for?" I asked, confused.

"I was an arrogant bitch. I neglected you," she said guiltily.

"I can't disagree with that," I replied honestly. We looked at each other for a moment before starting to giggle lightly. Rose pushed my good arm lightly.

"Still the same old honest Bella," she laughed.

"Still the same old arrogant Rose?" I raised my eyebrow.

She smiled and said, "Not anymore."

I grinned and held her hand in mine. This is what best friends are for, right?

AN: Hi there! So here's the thing, I need more votes on whether I should include lemons in this story, I now have way too less votes to decide on! So please vote in the reviews!

Anyway, please review! I read each and every review and they really made my day!

Thanks for reading!

-Yours Izzy