Chapter 7-September 23rd, 2002

"Right there baby, yeah, yeah, YEAH!" Monica panted as her husband pounded into her from behind as Monica held unto the wall for dear life.

This was a much more comfortable then the bucket. After several awkward and uncomfortable sessions on the bucket, they decided to do the sane thing and clear off some wall space so they could do it against the wall. The first time, they did it Chandler held Monica up as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

This time, they were doing it just for them so they were doing it doggy style against the wall.

"Oh, God, yeah," Monica smiled as her whole body shuddered from the pleasure of it all. She would much rather be holed up in their bedroom then doing it in a dingy closet, but Rachel finally had the baby, and they were waiting for Nora to bring Olivia to the hospital to meet Emma. Then, they would finally go home and make love the normal and regular way. She had to admit, though, it had been a pretty fun adventure.

"You have to be quiet or somebody is going to hear you," Chandler panted flushed with pleasure as he massaged her sensitive clit while he thrusted rapidly in and out of her.

"Then, stop doing that," Monica hissed as she felt herself begin to unwind, and her whole body let go.

"Oh, shit, Mon," Chandler moaned. Feeling her unwind around him made his cork pop, and his whole body began to undulate as he came inside of her hard.

"Oh, honey," Monica whimpered as her whole body shook out of control, and he wrapped his arms around her and pushed her up flush against him. He and buried his face in her neck taking in the intoxicating and delicious smell of her. Her coconut shampoo mixed with her Chanel lavender perfume.

"I love you," Monica whimpered as she turned her head to the side, and he nuzzled his nose with hers before capturing her lips in a searing kiss. No matter how kinky or unconventional their lovemaking, it was still lovemaking from the very first time. Each time they made love, the love they felt for one another spilled through.

"I love you too," Chandler finally said. His words making her twitch against him which made him chuckle in amusement and pride that he could still make her do that after all this time.

"I doubt we made a baby that time, but it was sure a lot of fun," Monica said as she leaned her head against his chest savoring being in his strong arms.

"Do you want to go again?" Chandler smiled mischievously.

"I wish, but Lulu and your Mom will be here any second," Monica said as both were still too lost in their post coital bliss and each other's blue eyes to notice the door opening and someone peeking into the room until they heard a familiar voice exclaim, "Oh my God!"

Both of Monica and Chandler snapped their heads toward the voice and were shocked and appalled that it belonged to none other then Jack Geller.

"Oh my God!" Monica gasped as she stumbled out of Chandler's arms to cover her completely exposed breasts and flower.

"Hello sir, you know Monica," Chandler said as he attempted to cover his now and forever limp dick as Jack Geller closed the closet door.

"Oh my God, Oh my God, oh my God!" Monica repeated in disbelief as she yanked on her pants forgetting entirely about her discarded underwear.

"Honey," Chandler said trying to calm his wife down.

"Don't," Monica pointed at him before finding her discarded bra and blouse.

"I can't believe my dad saw us having sex," Monica said more to herself then anyone else as she buttoned her blouse and stepped into her clogs.

"Honey," Chandler tried again as he buttoned up his own shirt.

""I can't believe my dad caught us having sex. He didn't make it to one of my piano recitals, but this he sees," Monica said as she ran her manicured nails through her long wavy hair.

"This is ok. We're all adults here. There is nothing to be ashamed of," Chandler said as he reached for his discarded briefs and her discarded thong off a shelf. How they ever got up there he would never know. Chalk it up to the heat of passion. Hell, there had been so much passion that they had thrown caution to the wind and got completely naked in a janitor's closest where his father and law caught them having sex.

"Now, let's put our underwear in our pockets and walk out the door," he said as he handed her underwear and shoved his own in his pocket.

Chandler was the first to venture out with Monica it tow. Both hoping that Jack was long gone, but that was no such luck. He was leaning against the wall still in utter shock apparently for catching his only daughter and son in law post coital and completely naked.

"Hi dad. I can still call you that right?" Monica asked as she stood on the other side of her husband. The more distance between herself and her father the better.

"Of course I will always be your dad," Jack said miserably unable to look his daughter and son in law in the eye which was ok with them.

"I just want you to know that what you witnessed in there…that wasn't for fun," Chandler said trying to lighten the mood and make their act of fornication seem less dirty.

"It wasn't fun?" Monica slapped his arm and asked in shock and offense.

"Why…why…why…why would you…why? Chandler asked completely shocked.

"Look, I don't want you to think we are animals that do it whenever we want," Chandler said which was actually lie. They pretty much canoodled whenever and wherever they wanted. Hence, the fact that their daughter was conceived on a pool table, and they were trying to conceive another baby in a janitor's closest where they had already done it ten times.

" I don't think that. Before today I never thought of you two having sex at all. It was a simpler time," Jack said as he looked off nostalgically as Monica and Chandler tried to follow his gaze.

"The truth is, dad, we're trying?" Monica said.

"What?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, We're trying to have another baby?" Monica smiled at her father hoping it would make her dad seeing them in such a compromising position a little less horrible and scaring if he knew they were doing it to bring another grandbaby into the world.

"Oh my God! this is so exciting!" Jack said suddenly brightening. "Well, Get back in there. I'll guard the door," Jack said as he pushed the horrified couple back towards the closest.

"What?" Monica asked in shock. "Its's ok, dad. We can wait until later," Monica laughed uncomfortably.

"Woah, woah, I don't think so. Aren't you ovulating?" Jack asked as both Monica and Chandler blanched.

"Well, you gotta get at it princess. When your mother and I were trying to conceive you whenever she was ovulating…bam we did it. That's how I got my bad hip," Jack pointed to the aforementioned hip as Chandler's mouth opened aghast.

"That's funny, that's how this conversation is how I got the bullet hole in my head," Chandler laughed uncomfortably as Monica pinched his arm.

"This one time I had my knee up on the sink and your mother…" Jack began demonstrating the position before Monica cut him off.

"Daddy, I don't think we need to hear about the specific positions you and mom had sex," Monica laughed awkwardly.

"You're right this is about your positions. Now, what I saw in the closest is not the optimum position for conceiving a child though it may feel good," Jack said as Chandler's eyes widened. Not only was it widely inappropriate for him to say, but Jack was speaking to the choir as he and Monica had successfully managed to make a baby without trying.

"I don't feel good right now," Monica laughed miserably.

"Pleasure is important and it helps if the women has an orgasm." Jack continued lacking any indiscretion so much for confiding in her father about conceiving. Big mistake.

"Are you up to the task sailor?" Jack asked as he patted Chandler on the shoulder making his eyes widen even more. Chandler turned his head towards Monica, and his expression said it all. They would not be having sex again for a long time which was a real bummer because regardless of whether or not she wanted another baby it felt really, really good.

"Seriously sir, my brains are all over the wall." Chandler said as he pretended to shoot his brains out.

Monica looked down at her watch and noted the time. Shit. 12:15.Nora and Lulu would be there any minute.

"Would you look at the time, Lulu and your mom will be here any minute," Monica said as she dragged a stunned Chandler away.

"Well, I'll come with you," Jack said which was the last thing either Chandler or Monica wanted.

"No, no, daddy you promised you would call mom at 12:15, remember?" Monica lied.

"Shoot, I totally forgot. Your mother is going to kill me," Jack said as he rushed off.

"Oh my God," Chandler said as he and Monica made their way down the hospital corridor.

"We are so not telling my mother that we are trying for another baby. Because if that is Jack's reaction, imagine what my mother's will be," Chandler said as Monica laughed.

"It can't be as bad as that," Monica said.

"As bad? Remember how my mother tried to publish and erotic novel about us," Chandler scoffed.

"I just can't believe my dad saw us like that," Monica said changing the subject.

"I can't believe he tried to give us sex tips and tell us about his and Judy's sex positions," Chandler grimaced.

"I know," Monica exhaled. "I'm going to have to get my ears cut off," Monica groaned.

"Well, at least we finally get to see our little girl," Monica smiled.

"I know," Chandler smiled. "I've miss Lulu so much. Even thought it's only been forty-eight hours. It feels like forty-eight years," Chandler quipped as Monica shook her head and laughed lightly.

"Even though my dad totally grossed me out and scared me for life I still want to make another baby with you," Monica said as she gave her husband's hand a gentle squeeze."

"Me too," Chandler said as he smiled down at his wife.

They made their way down the maternity ward back to the nursery which is where they saw Nora standing behind Olivia with her arms wrapped around her granddaughter as they looked on at the babies. As terrible of a mother Nora Tyler was she made up for as a grandmother.

Both Monica and Chandler smiled when they spotted their little girl, and they both shared a knowing smile remembering how eight years ago their own precious angel was one of the babies lying in the same nursery. It filled them with nostalgia and longing to go back to that time when their little girl was so tiny and new. She was growing up so fast, and Monica and Chandler were struggling with the reality of it.

"Hey," Chandler said, and both Olivia and Nora turned around. Lulu's face lit up when she spotted her parent's, and a huge smile lit up her beautiful freckled face as she raced towards her beloved mommy and daddy.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Lulu exclaimed as she raced towards them, and Chandler scooped her up in his arms.

"I missed you," Monica said as she gave her daughter Eskimo kisses and ran her hand through her daughter's long sandy hair.

"Missed you more," Lulu smiled before giving her father Eskimo kisses.

"Did you have fun with Gigi?" Chandler asked before kissing his daughter's forehead.

"We had so much fun!" Lulu said as she wrapped her arms around her father's neck.

"Did you enjoy Beauty and the Beast?" Monica asked. Referring to the play that Nora had taken Lulu to as an eight birthday present. One of several presents she had given her for her birthday, but a special birthday with her grandmother was just one of them.

"It was great and did you know the Beast is one of Gigi's special friends?" Lulu said innocently as Chandler rolled his eyes and Monica laughed and lovingly caressed her daughter's cheek.

"Why am I not surprised?" Chandler said as he gave his mother a disapproving look.

"Lulu Bear that was supposed to be our little secret," Nora said as she approached the reunited family.

"I bet it was," Chandler quipped as Monica poked his side.

"Did you see your cousin Emma yet?" Monica asked Nora and Olivia

"No, and that's her name? How on Earth did that become an option? I thought it was either Isabella or Delilah?" Nora asked as she put her hands on her hips.

"Well, Rachel decided that she didn't exactly like those names as much as she thought," Chandler replied.

"Did you know that Emma was going to be your name?" Nora said to her granddaughter.

"It was?" Olivia asked looking at her parents in shock.

"Yup, Emma Grace, but mommy took one look at you and decided that Olivia was a much better name for such a special princess," Chandler said before kissing her nose.

"But I like Emma," Lulu pouted.

"Oh great, there's already cousin rivalry, and they haven't even met yet, good going mother," Chandler jokingly glared at her.

Nora just waved dismissively at her son.

"Piggy back ride?" Chandler offered to his daughter.

"Piggy back ride!" Lulu said excitedly as he set her down.

"Chandler, not in here," Monica protested as Chandler turned around and kneeled down.

"Mon, we're not going to get in any trouble," Chandler said as Olivia climbed up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Fine, but no running," Monica said as she pointed sternly at her husband.

"Fine, fine," Chandler said as he stuck his tongue out jokingly at his wife.

"Hi ho silver away," Chandler said as he galloped away.

"And no galloping," Monica said as Chandler slowed down before trotting away.

"He's so not going to listen," Monica said as she rolled her eyes.

"He never has," Nora said as she linked arms with her daughter in law.

"So, how is my favorite daughter in law doing?" Nora said as the pair began to walk arm in arm. Nora also turned out to be an amazing mother in law. In fact, Monica had a solid relationship with Nora long before she and Chandler married. Her relationship with Nora started growing when she was pregnant with Olivia…after they got over that awkward encounter. However, that was long since water under the bridge.

"Nora, I am your only daughter in law" Monica laughed.

"Yeah, but imagine the alternatives," Nora shuddered at the thought.

"Speaking of alternatives Janice had her baby today, but get this? She was sharing a room with Rachel," Monica said.

"No kidding, what a small cruel world," Nora quipped.

"Speaking of having babies, when am I going to get another grandbaby? I think I've waited long enough," Nora smiled as she patted Monica's arm.

"Actually…." Monica began against Chandler's earlier wishes. "Chandler and I decided to start trying for another baby," Monica said opting to leave out all the intimate and humiliating details from their janitor closest trysts.

"Oh, Monica?" Nora said stopping in her tracks and cupping her hands over her mouth.

"Do not tease me," Nora said putting her hands over her hips.

"I'm not teasing you. Monica laughed. We are really trying," Monica smiled.

"It's about time. I am so happy for you two," Nora smiled as she pulled her daughter in law in for a big hug.

"How long have you been trying?" Nora asked when they finally pulled apart.

"Actually we just started trying yesterday," Monica said unable to lie to her mother in law. They had a very close relationship and Monica found herself confiding things in Nora that she would never confide in her own mother. While Monica and Judy's relationship had improved since having Olivia, it just meant less harsh criticism and of course her parents doting over their precious granddaughter.

"Wait? You were here yesterday," Nora said in disbelief as Monica smiled and bashfully nodded in confirmation.

"You started trying here?" Nora asked bemused.

"Yeah," Monica nodded her face red with embarrassment, "But please do not tell Chandler I told you".

"Oh, I know better then that dear. I know how much he hates discussing his sex life with me," Nora said as they locked arms yet again.

"Well, to be fair you did try to publish a book based around Chandler and I's relationship and sex life," Monica said as they continued to walk.

"What? Can I help it that your relationship is a truly inspired love story for the ages," Nora said as Monica smiled and rolled her eyes, but she had to admit that their love was truly epic.