I don't own any characters or anything but the story. I am so sorry that it took so long to get this chapter out but I had writers on how I wanted this chapter to go until the past three days when the words seemed to come so easily. I hope you enjoy the new chapter and I will try to get the next one out a bit quicker but no promises.

Draco sat in his room staring at the letter laying on the bed in front of him without really seeing it, though he was well aware of what it said. When he first opened the letter to find out who he had been matched with he had not expected the reactions he had gotten. He had been horrified when he had first read names of his future spouses. He didn't know enough about Padma Patil to really have an opinion on being matched to her yet, but being matched Weasley was almost the worst possible scenario that could happen.

He had thought his father would feel the same, but his reaction the news had been surprising. He looked furious at first, but after a few second his expression became thoughtful and then suddenly a fierce smirk appeared on his face. When he finally spoke Draco couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth. "Well, this might work out better than I thought." Both Narcissa and Draco had stared at him in confusion trying to figure out what he meant.

"What do you mean Lucius?" Draco's mom had asked tentatively. His father's smirk had grown slightly before he had had explained the idea that had come to him. Both Narcissa and Draco were a little by what it was. His father had explained that he realized they could buy their way back into their former position in the wizarding world as they had before.

"So you see "His father was saying" instead of using bribes and blackmail in order regain our station in life we are going have to use old fashion political manipulation."Draco frown in confusion "How does that have anything to do with my marriage Father?"

Lucius still had calculating look on his face as he replied "You see Draco thru out time some of the best ways people have been able to avoid or recover from a scandal has been thru a good marriage and this time will be no different." He held up a hand to stop Draco before he could speak as he continued "Yes I am aware that neither have same political or respectable noble blood we always wanted but lets face it that would do you no favor at the moment and you likely would not be able to fetch a respectable contract even with out the law. If you think about it both your soon to be spouses are well known to be firmly light side most especially... " Lucius saying the next part in way that show he was trying to be nice "the Weasley."

His father seem to have to repress a grimace as he says the name before continuing with his explanation. "Not only is the Weasley family always been firmly on light side, they also have a very close relationship with the so called hero of the wizarding world. This is particularly true for Ronald Weasley, your future spouse." His father's smirk returned as he said "That put us in a very good position if we play our cards right."

"In what way?" Draco's mom spoke up from where she had been quietly listening nearby. Lucius glanced at her for a second before turning back to Draco. "We need to get people to believe that the Malfoy family has turned over a new leaf, which would be almost impossible to do without some support from the light side and what better person to vouch for us than the very symbol of light themselves one Harry Potter. No one in the wizarding world would dare question his judgement as was shown when it was his word alone that kept us out of Azkaban and just so be happen to now engaged to someone who's family not only considers Potter a son of their own but who Potter himself seem to consider a brother."

Draco couldn't stop himself from interrupting his father here "And how does any of that help us. If you haven't noticed Potter and the entire Weasley family hate us, so there is no way their going to vouch for us. The only reason Potter help us before is because he felt he owed something to mom for potentially saving his life." Lucius glared at Draco for a second before answering "We will obviously have to get them on our side and I think the best way to do that is by showing our support for your future marriage."

Lucius then looked at him and Draco's mother seriously as he said "That means that no matter what feeling we have towards the Weasley family we will all treat them we the utmost politeness and respect." Draco was about to protest but was stopped by his father continuing "This is not up for debate. You will treat Ronald Weasley and even Padma Patil with civility. Ms. Patil my not have the same amount of influence, but she is still a part of a rather light and any support will be helpful. I'm not saying you have to suddenly act like you are suddenly friends or anything, In fact it would probably be suspicious if you did but you will not antagonize them in any way."

Draco had wanted to argue but he could tell his father would not hear of it. The conversation continued for a while after that as they, particularly Lucius refined details about the plan. It eventually ended with Draco's father heading up to his study to write letters to the Weasleys and the Patils inviting them over to discuss plans for the wedding.

Now a few hours after that discussion he laid there miserably contemplating the fact that not only would he have to be married to someone who hated his guts, he would be in no way allowed to retaliate when Weasley insulted him. Considering Weasley's temper and lack of filter it was bound to happen quite often and he would have to bite his tongue every time. The only thing he could hope for is that Patil would at least be tolerable so he could have a decent relationship with at least one of his spouses. He was not looking forward to his future marriage.

Ginny ground her teeth in frustration as she gazed across the room at Harry. She just couldn't believe that the ministry had screwed up so badly that not only had they failed to pair Harry with her, they had matched him to her brother instead as well as their greasy old potions professor. To make matters worse she hadn't been able to talk to Harry at all in the past couple days since his matches had been revealed. She had tried to approach him several times only to have someone pull him away every time she got close.

Her brother Charlie who had never seemed overtly interested in Harry before, now rarely seemed to leave his side. If he wasn't around then Ron or Hermione would suddenly appear, always seeming to need Harry for one reason or another. It felt like everyone was trying their hardest to keep the two of them apart and it was simply infuriating. She was sure Harry felt the same way, though he had shown no visible sign of being annoyed by it, but she was sure he was just putting on a brave face.

She was determined she was going to be with Harry one way or another, though she did not know how to accomplish that yet. Just then the thought hit her that's maybe that's why Harry was not protesting his matches and why he seemed to be staying from her. Maybe he was trying not to draw attention to how unhappy he was with his matches and how he would rather be with her instead because he too had no idea how to get out of the and he didn't want them both to get trouble if someonr thought they breaking the marriage law.

She nodded to herself, thinking it made perfect sense and realizing for the time being she too would act like she was no longer interested in Harry while researching for any way to get out of their upcoming marriages. With that thought she deliberately turned her attention away from Harry and headed up to her room. If she was going to act like she was going along with marriage law, she could start by replying to the letter that McLaggen had sent her.

Charlie warily watched his sister leave the room from his spot on the couch next to Harry. When Harry had told him how fixated Ginny seemed to be on him, Charlie hadn't wanted to believe it but her freakout at seeing Harry's matches and her constant attempts to get close to him after that, convinced him. He didn't want to think that she would actually do something but he hoped she got over Harry soon. Until then the younger man had asked not to be left alone with her and Charlie had done his best to comply.

After his sister was out of sight he turned back to Harry, who had also been watching Ginny with an uneasy expression. Ever since they had been matched Charlie had been making an effort to get to know other better and they had been talking idly about different things trying to pass time before meeting up with their other match Severus Snape.

They had sent a letter to man asking to meet and talk about their upcoming marriage and had gotten a short reply with a time and place to meet. He had to admit he was a little nervous because the brief letter had given them no clues on what his former professor thought on the match results. Charlie had never seriously considered getting married before as from a rather young his passion and focus had been on his love of dragons and being a dragon keeper. Still if he was going to be forced into marriage he wanted it to be a happy one where even if he was not in love with his spouses they could at least be friendly to one another.

That had been his wish from the moment the Marriage Law had been annouced, so he was glad he and Harry was starting to get along, but Professor Snape was still a wild card at this point. He hoped the fact Harry had started to build a better relationship with the man after the war meant he would be open to at least a civil relationship between the three of them if nothing else.

He didn't think he could bear being married to someone he couldn't stand being near, particularly if he was expected to have and raise children with them. So he really hoped that Professor Snape would be reasonable and he knew that Harry was hoping for the same thing. He glanced at his watch and realized it was just about time for their meeting with said Potion Master and they should probably get going.

He said as much to Harry and the two headed out the door to get where they could apparate close to the meeting location. They both appeared in alley just around the corner to a small out door café that Professor Snape had mentioned in his letter. Both he and Harry had been a little surprised that he chosen a muggle for this but Harry stated it made sense as if they met anywhere in the wizarding world they would unlikely be left alone to talk in peace.

The two walked around the corner towards the café and Charlie easily spot the potion master already sitting at one at the tables. He began walking towards him but was stopped by Harry seeming to freeze at his side. He paused and turned toward him, while quietly "What's wrong?" Harry didn't say anything just looked at him, but Charlie could see the panic in his eyes.

Charlie placed his hands on his shoulders and said "Hey its going be okay?" Harry nodded and seemed to calm down a bit though not completely, so Charlie gave his shoulders a light squeeze before placing a hand Harry back and guiding him towards Professor Snape, while hoping greatly that the upcoming conversation was going to go well.