A/N- I've decided to start this little series. I just don't see enough Lucy and Gajeel brotp stories and I would really like to see more, so maybe this can gain some attention to this underrated friendship. Though I already made a small oneshot on it, I just really want to wrote more on them because I feel they would have the coolest dynamic. Most of these will be small one shots and little drabbles.

Disclaimer- I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters.

Summary- Gajeel suddenly pleads Lucy to help him out with confessing with Levy. She finds the idea hilarious but ultimately decides to help him. Having fun along the way as she does.

Genre- Humor, Friendship, Romance

Rating- K

Pairings- GaLe, slight Nalu

"Bunny girl, you have to help me." Gajeel stated quietly. He sat next to her at the bar while she read her book. Lucy was slightly irritated at the moment, she was reading a novel that Erza had lent her and she was just getting to the good part when he interrupted her. She was tempted to ignore him but the desperation laced into his voice raised a red flag. She set her book down rather harshly and turned to him.

She glared. "What?" Usually, Gajeel would act like he needed something but then would say something completely stupid and walk away. Thus wasting her time and bringing her out of her concentration. He just loved messing with her, like she constantly had a 'pick on me' sign in colorful lights plastered on her back. He scratched his cheek nervously and coughed. She raised a brow and patiently waited for him to continue.

"I need your help," He paused for a minute, every second evident from the ticking of the clock next to her. And as every second ticked by, the angrier she felt herself get. Seriously, if he was just messing with her, she'd kill him. "H-Help me with Levy..." He whispered. Her irritation faded instantly.

She knew he had a major crush on the bluenette. Although it was funny, it was also pretty pathetic. He stared at her from afar for hours and would get pissy when someone stood in front of his view from Levy. It was sad, she admitted. She pushed her book away as to not get distracted and she fully turned her body to his, to show him that she had his full attention.

"Go on." She said simply. She felt the need to tease him even when he was in this state. It wasn't like he never teased her about her apparently "non-existent" love life, his words, not hers. He groaned and grumbled. It seemed he was having a lot of trouble saying it. Which means it must be something juicy.

He suddenly grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the guild. All eyes on her, even Natsu's. He was busy fighting Gray but had stopped to watch as she got closer to the door. Before she turned back to the taller man, she noticed the dark aura that Natsu emitted, even scaring Gray slightly. Once they were outside, he let go of her hand.

They continued to walk until they made it to a small park. It was peaceful and vacant. They both planted themselves on a bench. She sighed and shook her head. Seriously, what was his deal? "Okay Gajeel, you dragged me out here. What is going on between you and Levy?"

"You gotta help me confess to her, bunny. I'm going to you of all people, I'm desperate." She rolled her eyes at his insult. She may not have a lot of experience in love but she did know Levy like the back of her hand. Of course she could help him confess. But will she make it easy for him? Hell no.

"Okay, you want some help? Sure!"


"I feel like you're just trying to embarrass me." Gajeel grumbled. Lucy giggled softly and brushed back his mangled hair. She squeaked and fell back, standing back up, she noticed the broken brush. Sighing, she set it down with the two others that broke and pulled out another one. When was the last time he brushed this? It was a mess!

"Don't be such a whiny baby. If you want to confess, you gotta look the part." She took a break and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She had gotten to the middle, since she had started from the bottom. Before she started she figured his hair would be atrocious and got three bottles of detangling spray. She had gone through two bottles already. Gajeel crossed his arms and landed back.

"Then why the hell is he here?" The long haired man said, motioning to the pink haired dragon slayer laying on her bed. They were currently at her apartment, she figured they would have peace and quiet. But of course Natsu barged just as she was spraying the detangler in, she wanted to laugh when he almost fainted from the strong smell. She continued to brush through his hair. Cutting his split ends.

"He barged in here all the time. Unannounced if I might add!" She raised her voice towards the end and glared at the slayer. He just pouted and crossed his arms over his wide chest. Lucy knew he was going to say something she wasn't going to like.

"Why'd you invite metal breath before inviting me?" He asked.

"Well for one he doesn't barge in through my window every night. And for two, I'm helping his confess to Levy as I've said a million times before. This is something important." She nodded when she finally got through all his hair. She didn't know whether to put it up or not. She'll just ask him. She patted his shoulder. He looked up and she smiled.

"Do you want me to put it up or do you want it down." He unconsciously ran a hand through his hair, feeling the soft strands flow through his hands easily. He thought back to that party after defeating those seven dragons during the Grand Magic Games.

"Low ponytail." He said simply. She laughed happily and called out Cancer. "What's with the crab?" He asked. Lucy rubbed the back of her head nervously.

"I'm not as good with putting up others hair. I usually have Cancer do all my hair chores anyway, but don't worry, he's great with hair!" She encouraged. Gajeel trusted her judgment and let the weird crab style his hair. But before hand, Lucy had asked the spirit to mess with Gajeel and put it in several wild styles before getting the one he wanted. Gajeel was angry, but couldn't help the smile that came to his face. Before Cancer finally gave him the look he want, Lucy stopped him.

"What now?" Gajeel scoffed.

"Here Cancer, use this." She said as she took out her side ponytail and gave the crab the tie that held up her own hair. Cancer smiled and used the tie to finally put Gajeel's hair up. Natsu watched silently from Lucy's bed, seeing the smile that crossed the blondes face, he smiled a little too. It was like watching the girl next door get along with your other siblings. It was odd and different, but endearing.

"It looks good, bunny girl." The man grinned.

"Really with the nickna- you know what? I give up." She sighed. Both slayers laughed at her surrender.


"Now that you look the part, you have to act the part. Ease into the confession, don't just do it unexpectedly or Levy will get scared and panic. Y'know what I mean? Flirt a little before you make your grand confession, make her laugh or something." Lucy explained. Gajeel nodded and pulled on the tie that wrapped around his neck. Not only was his hair done, but Lucy provided him with an outfit. An annoying and constricting suit. She had brought him to an open field surrounded by nature.

"Why are we here?"

"Bring her here. This is her favorite place to visit when we go out to hang out. She loves the nature. Okay, now that you have a place picked out, I want you to try and confess to me as if I'm Levy." Gajeel coughed on his saliva. There was no way he could do that! It was like confessing to a sister. This would be way too weird for him. He looked away for a moment, gulping.

He just had to suck it up and do it. "So, bunny- Levy! Nice weather?" She stared blankly at the man before busting out laughing. He growled and turned to stomp away, but she grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He was angry, but not enough to get out of her grip.

"I know it's hard pretending I'm Levy but try not to look so constipated and uncomfortable. It'll make her uncomfortable and want to get out of the situation. Now try again." He bit his lip, feeling heat rush to his cheeks. Was he really going to do this?

"Levy, did I ever tell you about the time that salamander got his ass handed to bunny girl?" He bagan to flow smoothly with the story, like he was actually talking to Levy. Once he finished, he looked into the blondes eyes as if she were the solid solid script mage. "Anyway, I wanted to tell you something important, Lev. I know I just acted like everything is normal but it's kind of hard to just casually put this into a regular conversation. I've felt this way for a long time now and I feel like you have the right to know. You were the one that brought me out of my darkness and I was able to make friends at Fairy tail, I was able to think about life in a different light, other than a waste time. I was able to fall in love with a shrimp like you. Thank you." He finished softly.

Lucy had tears running down to her face once he finished. She wiped them and gave him a watery smile. "That was beautiful Gajeel. I didn't know you had it in you." He mumbled something incoherent and looked away from her with a blush. "I'm happy to tell you that Levy heard every word." He froze and turned to the blue haired girl as she came out from behind a tree. Her smiling face, wiping her own wet face.

"H-How? I would of smelled you!" She held up an empty bottle.

"It takes away scents. I made it just for you since I knew that I couldn't sneak around without being caught." Lucy noticed how red Gajeel's face was and took that as her cue to leave. She gave Gajeel's upper arm an encouraging squeeze before running back to Natsu who took her back to the guild. Levy clasped her hands behind her and smiled softly, recalling what he had said about her. Gajeel was speechless, he knew that bunny girl was mean but how could she be that heartless. He wasn't prepared at all.

"S-So you heard all that huh?" Levy nodded. Suddenly, tears streamed down her face again. Gajeel panicked and bent down to her level and tried to comfort her. "Don't cry Levy! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset!" The biggest smile he had ever seen came to her face and hugged him. He stood there frozen for a moment, just listening to her sniffles.

"Gajeel, I love you too!" He was incredibly happy right now. Like he was on cloud nine, maybe her hiding behind a tree wasn't so bad after all. She loved him back, and all this was made possible by the bunny girl. He found himself thinking incredibly fondly of the blonde now, new found respect for the mage. She helped him while still having her own problems with the salamander.

"Thank you Lucy." He whispered, knowing words couldn't even describe how thankful he was.