Chapter 15
It was a strange request.
Evo had just gone over with the brothers about 106, he explained how difficult of a clone he is and how much trouble he has caused with the family. All the while he explained, he did a quick check up of the two, and even went as far as giving them an injection for a boost in their immune system. Yet shortly after, he gave a sigh and said. "I want you to meet a fellow clone. He was the one who found the blood that made you, he wishes to see your progress. It is the least I could do for him." He explained.
Street was a little leery. "Is he trustworthy?"
Evo gave a nod, Street however saw that his face didn't match the emotion, not in the least bit. "We worked well together back in the day, he was like an older brother to me. We worked hard on our projects and I have come to trust him. He goes by Dr. Quantum. Believe it or not, he got his name since his blood is the most viable out of all of us!"
"Viable? You mean?"
"He a rather pure clone. You can take his blood and make an exact copy, it would be as if you took master's own blood to make new clones. His is that strong. If I am not mistaken, he was clone number 2." Evo said and paused to think it over. "Anyway, he is trusted. But a check up on you would be good, to ensure everything is working well and your bodies are in harmony and synced."
"I suppose that does make sense," muttered Knuckle. "Okay, so how far do we have to go?"
"Oh, not far at all. I'll drive us there!"
Street however was getting an uneasy feeling. His gut was telling him not to go. "Doc, couldn't you bring him here instead. I got a bad feeling about this…"
Evo sighed. "Sadly, I cannot. If I do, I fear that 106 would know we are in collusion together. If that happens, my brother will be in danger. At a hospital though there are too may people, 106 won't take such a chance at an attack."
With a sigh, Street agreed. They ventured to City B, the hospital Street knew from back when he was a kid, yet the place was massive and more high tech than before.
"Whoa, they certainly added on to this, it's been a while to say the least." Said Knuckle.
"Come, we shouldn't be seen out here for too long." Evo announced.
The three went in. The place was rather busy to say the least, yet a nurse took notice of Evo and waved him over. "Looking for Dr. Quantum?" she asked.
"Indeed. Is he…"
"He's down at the other end of the hospital. Where they are rebuilding a wing. He just checking on the progress, he told me if I saw you, you could go and see him."
Evo nodded. "I'll be back, brothers, wait for me here." Evo went to the left, down the hall and vanished pass a door stating for all to not enter. Street took a chair as Knuckle peered about. Kids began to stop and stare at them. Some were brave enough to approach.
"Sir… how did you get so big!?" one little boy asked.
Knuckle smirked. "I always have room for desserts, but only after I cleaned my plate. That's the key to getting big and strong, clean plates and then desserts. If you ever go in reverse of that order or don't finish a proper meal… you never get as big as me." He warned.
The parents snickered as the children were inspired to clean their plates at every meal. But Knuckle made certain to say if they were too full for desserts, the best part about it, desserts taste great no matter when you eat them.
Street nodded. "It's true!" he said. "He's my brother and I'm just as big and strong as him!"
The children thought they were amazing, they spent time with the kids waiting to be seen by a doctor, many had broken arms and legs. The parents explain there was a monster attack in the area, the Neo Heroes came but the timing was terrible. "They need to move faster, in fact I saw Muman rider call in for help the moment he spotted the monsters, yet there were Neo Heroes who blocked him from trailing the beasts… it's a shame they couldn't have worked together. The Neo Heroes lost track of it!" one mother said.
'Make notes about that…' Street thought to himself.
Time continued to pass, yet the brothers found it strange. It was nearly an hour and Evo has yet to return. Knuckle was getting concerned as he approached the nurse, he was about to request permission to go into the renovated areas when a doctor emerged from the room.
He had red hair and yet looked very much like Evo. "Street and Knuckle Brawler?" he asked.
The brothers turned. He froze at the sight of them but smiled briefly. "Please… follow me, this is urgent."
Street sensed the panic in his, the brothers excused themselves from the room and the children and followed Dr. Quantum down the hall. "I have been informed of what is going on, I have to agree with my counter part on all measures. This way!" he said urgently.
Deeper and deeper they went down through the construction site, all the while Quantum brief them on the plan. "We have to go forward immediately, there isn't much time…"
Street started to notice the halls getting darker, that and there was a staining on the floor. He froze in his steps when he heard a moaning coming from a room. He turned to the door nearest to him, the handle slick with blood. He knew he heard a faint voice but it only grew louder. "Run…. RUN!"
"Evo?" Street opened the door, Evo laid in a bloody mess on the floor. Street trembled at the sight, they were bullet holes throughout his body.
How the hell was he even still alive?!
Then, he felt the stab of a needle in his neck. "What a shame…" Street froze as he saw Quantum pull a gun with a silencer. He held two, one aimed at each of the brothers. The room began to blur, Street barely stood on his feet. There was no way he could fight back against an armed man.
"Fuck!" roared Knuckle. He must have gotten stuck with the needle as Street was distracted.
"Gentlemen, plans have change. Evo no longer has shares the vision we had in mind for you. Now… if you wish to remain alive. You will do exactly as I say, correct?"
Knuckle sneer, he nearly made a move yet the gun went off. The brothers froze as Evo was struck between the eyes. With the hammer pulled back once more, Quantum took aim at Street "Try it, and you no longer has a twin!"
He froze and refused to move. "Good… now then, you two are going to assist my master, 106 with his new test… will you follow me please?"
"What are you going to do to us?" Street demanded. "Evo… trusted you!"
Quantum laughed. "Oh, I am more than aware that he did. It was that trust that allow me to get to you. Now, as for your use, that isn't for me to decide, but my master… Come, he doesn't like to be kept waiting."
There was no choice, the brothers were forced down the hallway despite their bodies resisting the injection. However, they could barely stay on their own feet as Quantum herded them into a room far away from Evo. The moment they passed the threshold, the door slammed shut and was locked. Street knew escape wouldn't be that simple. Just as Knuckle gathered his strength to try and bash down the door, the room filled with a strange and body numbing gas…