Chapter 1

Return of Nr.0

Deep inside an underground military facility created by humans during the war with the Legion an individual known as Nr.0 was standing leaning on the wall in a deep slumber. A bio-mechanic machine created by humans to kill Red Eye, the commander of the Legion.

However the individual became self aware and too powerful during his mission on the front. Afraid of repercussions ,the creators decided to get rid of him as he became to powerful.

Nr. 0 stood looked down in a heavy imprisonment cell under heavy chains and powerful firewalls to prevent him from hacking into the security.

7000 years have passed since his from his creation and imprisonment. Waking up from his slumber Nr.0 was looking around.

Activating system...

Loading data...

Initialing combat data...

...please wait...

Data loading completed.

Loading security system...

Security loading completed!

-"What a boredom!",he muttered."Being looked down for over 7000 years."

Nr. 0 was playing tic-tac-toe with an AI.

Current score: wins/798.231.678 loses.

Losing another game he made a grunt. 'What now? Every day the same.'

For another day he tried to break the chains restraining him.

-6 hours later-

The chains were getting weaker and weaker of his thousands attempts in his time.

One chained snapped.

Another one broke.

-"Yes! This is the day!",he yelled.

-5 hours later-


The last chain broke. Nr.0 was trying to walk around. His legs were numb after all this time.

Initialing support for locomotive system...

-"Guh...I need to recover fast. But better get out of here."

Looking at the rusted door he punched if making a huge hole in it.

'Better find something that can last next time.'

2B and 9S were patrolling around in search for machines.

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-"Operator 21O to 9S."

-"9S here, nothing to report."

-"Understood. 9S make sure to upload your data yo the bunker as soon as you reach back."

-"Yeah ,yeah."

-"One affirmation will suffice."

-"Oh ,not again!",complained 9S.

Ending the call 9S made a few complains .

-"9S ,emotion are prohibited."

-"Fine, I get it.", said the scout android."Hey 2B, what do you think was that signal?"

-"Don't know."

-"Ugh... I guess it's time to return to the bunker,huh?"


The androids were heading back towards the Resistance Camp to move back to the moon bunker.

Nr. 0 finally managed to get out from the underground bunker after destroying the defensive machines that were supposed to keep him locked.

Seeing the daylight he rushed towards the exit.

The horrific scenes of the past where now replaced by a beautiful sunny view with green trees and grass. No more salt snowing down the earth and the shady clouds.

Nr. 0 took a deep breath.

-"Finally!",he yelled victoriously. He dropped on the grass and tumbled around with a lot of happiness.

Standing on the grass he was facing the blue sky. He felt the warm sun covering his face.

It was time for a new life. But now he wondered. What was with this all peace and quiet. He expected at least a dangerous animal outside, but he could only see over sized boars and mooses.

Deciding to explore the reshaped world,he was now walking towards what could be described in the distance as a ruined city.

-"Maybe ,I can find something there."

Going towards the city he encountered the first hostile life forms...or to be more specific machines.

-"AnDroId...aLeRt atTack at oNcE!",yelled the machine.

-"Oh? Come and get me then!",taunted Nr.0.

The machine was really slow and had no match for him. With a simple technique he morphed his arms into some artificial metallic claws and pulled the machine's core.

Another group of machines were coming to attack him. Making some quick movements he managed to rip their supposed heads and drop them on the ground.

-"Ahh, that was refreshing. Now them let's do some scanning on them."

Making a quick some scans Nr.0 managed to identify some good chips to put in his mechanic system.

Looking at their memory chips he decided to get them to watch later at what they held. Perhaps they contained some useful information about the era. Or probably some informations regarding more powerful weapons.

Anyway more machines were alerted by his presence and attacked him.

-"Alert! Enemy machines lifeforms detected in the vicinity. Approximate distance 50 meters east."

-"Roger that. C'mon 9S let's go!"

-"Got it ,2B."

-"Alert, unknown mechanic life form detected! Distance 50 meters east."

2B and 9S were now running towards the location ,. Reaching there, they found nothing but the broken machines. Among them Nr. 0 stood there gathering resources from the machines he killed.

-"Stop right there!",said a mysterious voice that seemed of a boy.

Looking behind Nr.0 saw the two androids and the support Pods looking at him.


No biological functions found in the target

Mechanical forms identified.


Humanoid mechanical life forms identified

Powerful chips implemented in them


Destroy them and gather the chips

Nr. 0 didn't held back and rushed towards the androids.

9S and 2B dodged the claws and grabbed their swords. 2B swung her swords at Nr. 0 to cut him.

Nr. 0 responded by disappearing and reappearing behind her to cut her neck.

-"2B, WATCH OUT!",yelled 9S.

2B ducked and and kicked him in the guts pushing him backwards.

Nr.0 grunted and plunged his claw into the ground,creating spikes around him.

The androids jumped high in the air to dodge the attack.

The androids and Nr.0 were now standing 10 meters away, glaring at each other.

-"Analysis , black box not detected. Mechanical components detected. Biological components detected. Hypothesis: relic of the past discovered. Further analysis comencing."

-"Oh no, you don't.",said Nr.0 making a tumble towards a dead machine grabbing it.

-"Here! Analyze this.", he said trowing it at the pod.

The pod was hit and destroyed by the machine. Taking advantage of the attack Nr.0 retreated into the city to escape.

-"2B, we need to catch him!"

-"I'm on it. gHuh..."

Before they could follow a swarm of machines surrounded them.


Nr.0 managed to escape deep inside the city. Luckily no injuries were sustained the confrontation.

Good thing he destroyed to pod before more analysis could be done. Otherwise it would be troublesome for him to be discovered at such a weak state.

-"Damn, that was harder than I though. Did I got really weak or is everyone stronger?",asked Nr.0 himself.

Finishing off the swarm of machines 9S rushed towards were his pod was standing. Unfortunetly it was completely destroyed, with little data managed to be saved.

-"2B ,can you contact the bunker?"

-"I'm on it."

thir thir*

-"Unit 2B to operator 6O. Can you make contact with the commander?"

-"The commander? What happened 2B?", asked a blonde android with blue eyes,wearing a black outfit.

-"Regarding the mission ,we believe we found the source of the signal."

-"I see. Commencing the call towards the commander right now."

-"Commander White here. 2B what's the emergency?"

-"Commander we had an encounter an anomalous entity a couple of minutes ago. We believe that it might be the source of the signal earlier."

-"Understood. Please commence the data transfer towards the bunker."

-"Ehm.. commander.. we were incapable of defeating the entity. Also he managed to destroy the pod with the data."

-"Sigh* Understood. Make sure you manage to reach the bunker soon."

-"Yes Ma'am",said the androids in an unison.

-"Ending call."

-"Hey 2B, what do you think was that entity? Do you believe it was a machine?"

-"I don't know.",said 2B looking at the ground.

Ending here this chapter.

Tell me what you think about and if I should continue.