A/N: Hey, 4LunarAngel here with a new story. This is my first Penguins of Madagascar the series story. First chapter is the longest. Definitely an AU of sorts, with cute and adorable Private at the center of it all. Hope you enjoy it. Please let me know what you think.


Private had a painful past, before joining the penguins at Central Park Zoo. Five years after joining his new team and family, his painful past has come back. A dangerous animal back from the dead brings many new dangers, with Private at the center. The danger posed to Private has brought his uncle and two others from his past running to protect him, leading to a clash between the two groups. Once his past has been revealed, problems have started to arise. His team is over protective, becoming paranoid, even towards the other animals in the zoo. He can't get a moments peace. On top of that, the zoo is now playing host to three more animals. All three overprotective and untrusting. With a threat of old enemies arising, it's a fight to protect the youngest penguin. And Private is just trying to keep the fighting to a minimal, keep the animals in the zoo from being caught in the cross fire of the two groups, and keep everyone safe. Can the warring groups put their differences aside, when the one they're trying to protect, gets caught in the danger that's after him?

The Past

Three creatures were swiftly making their way through the trees. Their destination was at the clearing at the top of a steep cliff. Quick access for making a swift getaway.

The one leading the other two was a handsome red fox, he moved as quickly as he dared. Keeping up with him was a beautiful, shining hawk, who stayed low to stay with his team. And the last one was an adorable, young penguin with sleek black feathers. The hawk kept his eyes on the young penguin. "Pyre!" The hawk gasped as the penguin stumbled.

The fox halted and turned back. "Barrage, how bad are the wounds getting?" He asked. Before the hawk could reply, the penguin spoke up.

"I'm fine, Eyre." He said, voice determined to go on. Ignoring the pain in his side.

"Pyre, you're really hurt. We're just worried." Eyre told him. Pyre sighed. "Barrage, help him onto my back." Eyre told the hawk after a moments silence.

"What?" Pyre gasped in shock. He let out a squawk of surprise as he was put on the fox's back. "But Eyre, you're hurt too." The penguin argued.

"I have bruises, Pyre. You have a bloody gash." Eyre growled back, as they moved swiftly through the trees once more. They were quiet for a while. Eyre sighed. "You care too much Pyre, for others rather than yourself. You should worry more for yourself."

"It's only a little farther now." Barrage told them.

"We must hurry so we can care for Pyre's injuries and explain the situation." Eyre told them. The trio nodded. It was a few more minutes before they finally reached the spot.

In the location were five agents. A large wolf, a small badger, a tiger, a sheep, and the tallest and oldest of the group was a dignified penguin. The group saw the trio headed their way.

"You've arrived. We were worried." The sheep said, seeing the group.

"You're a member short." The wolf observed. His eyes narrowed. "Where is agent Bastion?"

"Bastion has betrayed us." Eyre said.

"What happened?" the badger asked, as the penguin went towards the other penguin. The group of agents backed up as the fox and hawk bared their fangs/talons at them in an attempt to protect their injured comrade.

"I'm not going to hurt him. I just want to help him." He said.

"Sorry Agent Nigel." The duo said as the small penguin's breath hitched.

Nigel quickly took the penguin from them and took some of the first aid supplies and started treating the injuries. "What. Happened?" Nigel asked, and all but the small penguin's team backed away, hearing the fury in the older one's voice

"We got to the location of the meeting between the doctor and the trapper." Eyre began as Nigel started the first aid. "No one was there. But there was a box. It was suspicious from the beginning."

"We got to the box and when it was opened, a smoke cloud was released. It was during our predicament that Bastion made his move." Barrage continued. "He just struck, separating Pyre from us in the process. When the smoke cleared we were surrounded by the doctor, the trapper, and their minions."

"Bastion was congratulated on bringing his team to their demise." Eyre said. "There was a fight, and Bastion is the one who hurt Pyre. He went right for him, Nigel! The penguin who admired him and looked up to him like a brother! How could he do that to Pyre, of all animals?!" Eyre snarled.

"I don't know, but he's a dead penguin for sure once I get my flippers on the bloody bastard." Nigel snarled, startling even Pyre's team. Suddenly their was a shout. And the group was surrounded.

"Well, well. If it isn't MIA6." The Doctor said.

Doctor Scalene was a komodo dragon. Next to him was the Trapper, a large camel spider. Their minions were around them and soon, a tall penguin stood with them, one with dark brown, nearly red eyes. Pyre's team and the other agents snarled at the penguin.

"You led us right to them Bastion. Good work." Doctor Scalene told the traitor. He handed over a device. "There's the agreed on payment."

"Pleasure doing business." Bastion said.

"Why did you do it Bastion?" Eyre asked, fangs bared at the penguin.

"Because, there was something I wanted and they had it." The penguin shrugged.

"I mean, why did you hurt Pyre?!" The fox snarled.

"Because, he posed a problem for me. So I took care of him." The penguin grinned.

Nigel snarled, and they all saw the flinch that the penguin gave. Before anyone could react, the minions attacked and a fight broke out. "Bloody hell! Keep Pyre safe." The older one growled to Pyre's team.

The fight lasted a long time. At one point, Bastion headed for his old team. Eyre and Barrage attacked to defend Pyre. But the injured bird got up and helped his team. "Get back Pyre." They demanded.

"I'm not leaving you to fight him alone. You're my team, and we will fight our ex-teammate together." Pyre told them. The fight was long and they were all fighting hard.

Bastion took down Barrage first. "Barrage!" the two left cried in alarm as the hawk laid unmoving on the ground.

"Damn you!" Eyre snarls, lunging at the penguin as Pyre was pushed back, dangerously close to the edge of the cliff. Unfortunately, Bastion saw it coming and re-directed the lunge into a group of minions.

Pyre growled and fought harder against the one he once called brother. Nigel and the other agents were too busy with the minions to come to the aid of the three animals.

Oh, how they tried to get to them. Especially Nigel. Pyre and Bastion left many injuries on each other, when Bastion kicked the much smaller penguin to the ground. "You can't beat me Pyre, and you know it. You could never step up to me." Bastion gloated. "You don't have the feathers to fight me."

Pyre grabbed the first thing his flippers found and swung around and brought the rock up and smashing it across the older ones face. He gave a pained snarl, stumbling to the edge. "I'm going to hurt you." He glared at the younger penguin, blood covering both of them.

Bastion reached for Pyre, ready to deal the final blow. Pyre closed his eyes, waiting for it. "Not my nephew!" A voice snarled. Pyre's eyes opened as Agent Nigel slammed into Bastion, sending him back. The two penguins watched in shock as the traitor fell over the edge and down into the storming and raging sea and rocks below.

It was silent for a moment, before Nigel rushed over to Pyre. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.

"Barrage and Eyre?" Pyre asked instead of answering.

"They're fine. Pretty banged up, but fine. I'm more worried about you. You've lost too much blood."

"Are you okay? The other agents?" Pyre asked, realizing the fighting had ended. The other agents looked on the small penguin with both worry and affection.

"We're all fine. Get some rest. We're getting out of here." Nigel told him.


"How is Eyre and Barrage?" Pyre asked. He had awoken from a coma a few days ago, and was only recently let out of the infirmary.

Nigel looked to his nephew with warmth and love in his eyes. "They were sent to safe houses to recover and they wished to train more."

"So long as they're okay." Pyre said. Nigel chuckled. They were approached by an agent.

"Agent Nigel, you and your nephew are to report to the board room." They nodded and headed off. In the room were three superiors. A lemur, a monkey, and a penguin.

"What's going on?" Nigel asked.

"Now that your nephew is awake, we wish to send him to a new location. To be under the wings of another team." the lemur said.

"What?" Nigel asked in disbelief. "No. I almost lost him to one of his own bleeding team mates. What makes you think that I'd be willing to let him go get involved in another bloody team?" The older penguin demanded, his British accent coming out more in his state.

"We understand your reluctance, Agent Nigel." the monkey said. "But after a discussion with your nephew's healer, it was agreed that a change of environment would be good for his health."

"Where would I be going?" Pyre asked.

"I forbid this." Nigel protested.

"Uncle Nigel, I think this might be good for me." Pyre told the older penguin.

"I can't let this happen. You're all I have left, and I can't lose you. It hasn't even been three weeks. I almost lost you, and I can't do it again." They could all hear the pain in the older penguin's voice. Their hearts broke for the older penguin. Pyre's especially.

"Please Uncle Nigel? I'll keep in touch. And I'll be careful. You won't lose me."

"You will also receive monthly reports on your nephew's health and progress." The penguin superior said. Nigel was silent for a long moment, as he stared into his nephew's eyes, before sighing.

"Where will I be going?" Private asked once more, placing a flipper on his uncle's back. Nigel gripped hard onto his nephew. Not wanting to let go.

"You'll be going across the pond. To New York. Your new location is Central Park Zoo. You'll be apart of an all penguin team there. They do on land missions around the area. Sometimes even water recon. You're name will be Private, which will also be you rank as you start in this new team."

"Why does he need a name?" Nigel demanded. "Bastion is dead, there should be no reason for this."

"Because the doctor and the trapper are still out there. He needs a new identity, for safety reasons."

Nigel grumbled. "Who's his new team?"

"We have the files for you already, Agents. You leave tonight Private, and you'll be meeting your new team tomorrow morning."

The two penguins left as they went to prepare...Private, for his flight. They looked over the files together before heading to the flight landing.

"Promise to be careful?" Nigel asked.

"Only if you promise the same." Private replied. Nigel nodded before giving his nephew a hug.

"Keep in touch. Let me know if they're treating you right. Just call for anything you need. Tell me yourself how your team mates are. And don't die. I wouldn't make it if you were to be gone." Nigel said, hugging the small boy harder, Private returning it with his own strength.

"I promise uncle Nigel." Private said. The last call was made and soon the two separated. As Nigel watched the plane disappear, he spoke a vow.

"If any of you hurt him," he said, thinking of the members of his nephew's new team. "So help me, I will ensure that you disappear. Forever."


Private looked around as the red haired, human female took his crate to the place he'd call home. "Here we are. Alright trouble makers. Here's your new buddy. Be nice." The woman said, opening the crate to let him out. Private hesitated for a moment before stepping from the crate.

He watched as the lady disappeared around the corner. He took a deep breath to steady himself, before turning around to face his new team. Two were tall, and the other only a little taller than he was. But he could tell. They were all definitely older than he was.

He had a flash of near red eyes and blood before he snapped out of it and stood to attention . "Private reporting in." He said, nervous about this meeting. The silence went on for a bit as the four penguins studied each other. The second tallest one has a scar on his face with a mohawk, and the shortest one had a commanding aura around him. While the tallest one seemed rather calculating.

"At ease soldier." The shortest one said. Private obeyed. "We were expecting you. You're younger than we thought." The leader said. Private knew not to answer.

"Well, introductions are in order." The short one continued after a little bit of silence. "I am your captain, Skipper. Next to me is my lieutenant, Kowalski. He is our brains and tech man."

"Hello. Nice to meet you." Kowalski said softly, light brown eyes observing the much younger penguin's behavior.

"Next is my corporal, Rico. He is weapons and demolition."

"Ello." Rico said raspily, pale green eyes taking in their new recruit.

"Nice to meet you all." Private said nervously.

"Why are you here?" Skipper asked.

"To train and become a member of your team sir." Private said. Skipper studied the young penguin before him with icy blue eyes, before grinning.

"Welcome to the team soldier. Let's see what you're made of."

"Aye Skippah." Private replied. And so began his new life. Private of Central Park Zoo. And so, five years passed that he was happy and made a new family. Unfortunately, it was about to come to an end.