Not Every Dragon Can Be Trained
The Guardian Light In The Dark
Summary: Okay, so there are like nearly zero fics about the Light Fury? Am I the only one who kinda liked her? I know the ending of the movie sucked but I kind of liked her wild and feral personality.
This fic is about what if Hiccup met the Light Fury before he met Toothless, as a child? Mostly fluffy, possibly a oneshot since I'm not expecting a lot of interest if the fact there isn't even enough interest in her for there to be a Light Fury character tag is any indication.
Note: There is a piece of ASCII art (juuuust a little, it's a pain in the rear because FF eats everything), be sure to view on widescreen with default font if possible. May not display right for everyone, just... skip over it if that happens.
It was supposed to be the story of a child.
Her child.
Instead, everything went wrong, and she found solace in someone else's, as funnily shaped their hatchling might be.
Her nest was precious to her, as all nests are, but it was not enough to stop them from coming. As they had for the previous nest, and the nest before that. She fled, she flew from place to place, but it was never enough. Somehow, over the years, the hunters always found her new home, and always gave her grief. The old, wily white beast watched her mates, meant to be for life, die each and every time.
When she fled, she always felt like a coward.
She meant to kill the little one at first. They took so many of hers, why not one of theirs?
It came upon the grief of hearing a great, child like singing that filled her with hope: it sounded exactly like her children, her lost ones, her loves. But it turned out to be a lie. Not every bird falls for their cuckoo, and she had lived too long and too fierce to fall for the draconic equivalent. When she saw the blue monstrosity, not yet the size of a mountain in those days but slowly growing to be, she felt nothing but rage. It was too big for her to take on solo, so she redirected it upon one of the raids on the hunters, despite her total lack of interest in giving the cuckoo dragon any tithe.
With a bright, lethal light firing from the dark, she killed without mercy.
With one exception.
The small, mewling child.
Camouflaged as she was, it would have been so easy. One snap, with no one even looking over, and none would even be the wiser until morning what had happened. But that was exactly it. No one was looking. They were all too distracted and busy. And the note of distress in the little one's voice said this was not the first time it was neglected for more important things. It had wandered and gotten lost in the raid, easy pickings, but instead of finishing it off she growled at a Nadder that came too close. Her imagination caught, she wondered, for a moment, if this was a second chance.
A lost mother. A lost child.
No. What would she even feed it? She knew nothing of the hunter's children. It had family here, however easily distracted they might be. This was folly. She was folly. Softly, she picked it up and deposited it back inside it's house, and snarled off any other dragon that came near. The humans might be too stupid and nose-blind to notice her, but the other dragons weren't. They might not comprehend why she wasn't eating him, for meat was meat to the great Cuckoo Queen, but they comprehended that she had claimed him, and none but the cuckoo dragon herself would dare challenge her, and that one was rapidly growing so fat she doubted it would ever fly here.
The child gasped and squirmed at being picked up by a nearly invisible being in the dark, then stilled when placed in the crib.
"Mom?" they asked in that strange language of theirs, and she stilled, her heart threatening to break. "Did you come back as a ghost to protect me?" they whispered in reverent awe.
She gave a soft coo, and was rewarded with one of their strange lip expressions, a smile. No, little one, she was not your mother's ghost, but she might as well be. What harm, she decided, would it do to watch over this one as a guardian light in the night?
No one else need ever know.
The raid drawing to a close and the light of dawn drawing nearer than she liked, she reluctantly drew their secret meeting to a close and leaped off into the dwindling of the night, already planning to visit tomorrow's dusk.