So... one of the things I hate most about my writing as that no matter how much I try to write in chronological order I sometimes can't. I know you all were waiting for the reunion but I'm still working on it. After the finale (which I still refuse to watch) this chapter that I had been playing around with came fully out and I had to write it. When I finally finish the next chapters I'll make sure to put them all in the correct order to not confuse you all more. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy.

"You asked to see me Bran?" he asks, walking into the Godswood where his son spends most of his day.

"I did. Meera would you mind leaving us?" Bran asks as he holds his wife's hand.

"Are you sure you should show him these things, Bran? It may be too much," Meera voices her concern before Bran looks at her.

"He has to see. He has to see how much one decision changes things," Bran explains.

"But Jon and Daenerys barely…"

"But they did," he places a soft kiss on the back of her hand. "He can handle it, just as they did," he says and Meera simply nods before leaving them alone.

He doesn't fully understand what his son is now or what he can do. But he's the only one of his children he still hasn't spoken to alone.

Well, not the only one.

Jon still refused to talk to him. He would exchange pleasantries and would put up a front when in the company of other siblings but whenever he would attempt to talk to him, he would claim to have duties to attend to or simply walk away.

"My husband is stubborn, Lord Stark," he remembers the Queen saying as they took a small walk around the gardens. "He suffered a lot in his life and the knowledge of who he truly was…"

A haunted look came across the woman's face before she seemed to shake off some unknown demons.

"Give him time, the truth was not something he easily accepted."

His thoughts return to the present as his youngest remaining child sits there patiently, seeming to know where his thoughts just were.

"Daenerys was right, the knowledge of Jon's identity was what decided the fate of the realm," Bran admits.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"One decision can change everything and there's a certain moment in time where one decision changed the realm completely," Bran says in a more monotone voice than he's heard

He feels a pull towards his son and without thinking takes his hand.

Around him everything changes, he is no longer in the Godswood but is instead standing in dark room lit only by the fire and a few candles.


If what his children have told him is true, then he would never see these walls again. Looking around he recognizes it as Robb's old room but is surprised to see a slightly younger Jon sitting on the bed seeming to be meditating on something. He turns to look for Bran and sees him standing on the other end of the room.

"Bran? You're…" he tries to speak, and he sees Bran smirk.

"In here I can stand," his points out.

"Where is here?" he asks.

"I wish I could explain but the longer we stay, the harder it will be for us to return," Bran explains. "I just need you to watch this moment. Here is where the fate of the realm was decided."

Before he can ask any questions, he sees the Queen enter the room, closing the door behind her.

"Are you drunk?" he watches her ask Jon as he stumbles getting up.

"No," he answers but with an incredulous look from the queen he responds, "maybe a little."

They both walk closer to each other

"I didn't know Ser Jorah well, but I know this. If he could have chosen a way to die it would have been protecting you," Jon answers and the queen moves closer to him.

"He loved me," she states and he watches as Jon simply nods.

He recalls the queen telling him how Ser Jorah had been her most loyal companion, that despite the times he betrayed her, he always came back and gave his life to save hers during the battle against the dead.

"And I couldn't love him back, not the way he wanted," the queen says, standing right in front of Jon, "not the way I love you."

He watches as Jon pulls her towards him and he has the urge to look away. However, a force he doesn't understand refuses to let him remove his gaze.

"Is that alright?" he hears a twinge a fear in her voice as Jon kisses her.

The kiss keeps building and he tries to speak to Bran when suddenly everything seems to stop.

"Bran maybe we shouldn't be watching this," he tries arguing to his son, but he simply shakes his head.

"What Jon does next and the conversation that follows would have changed everything. In our present, this continued, and Daenerys would have told him about expecting Lyanna. But here things will go differently, and the result would be vastly different than what you know," Bran explains.

The two monarchs begin to move but Jon pulls away. He watches the hurt in the queen's face as Jon removes himself from her and how her violet eyes fill with tears as he moves away.

"I wish you'd never told me. If I didn't know I'd be happy right now," her voice devoid of emotion as she sits near the fireplace. "Tonight I did for a while…"

Ned can't believe how broken this young woman looks and how confused his son seems to be. He listens and watches how they argue, how their relationship collapses before his eyes, he watches how this strong woman he had met at Kings Landing begs his son not to share his identity.

The sight changes and he sees all his children at the Winterfell Godswood.

"You need to swear," Jon says to his sisters.

"I swear it," Arya quickly answers, and he watches as his oldest daughter reluctantly agrees.

"Tell them," Jon orders a version of Bran, who seems to be able to him.

He feels dizzy as the sight changes again to Sansa and Tyrion talking at the ramparts of Winterfell and his daughter breaking her vow.

Again, it changes and from the shores of what he assumes is Dragonstone, he watches as one of the magnificent beasts he met recently is killed.

The scene changes, and he watches as the Mountain kills the innocent Missandei upon the walls of Kings Landing.

Once more the scene changes and he's inside another room. He sees his daughter by marriage completely distraught and broken as his son walks in.

"Bran why are you showing me this?" he asks as he watches the two people who he had seen be so in love and with a family, break all bridges between them.

"Because I needed you to see how close we were to this, how Jon's acceptance of his identity determined what happened in the Seven Kingdoms. He needs to accept who he is or what comes next will happen," Bran explains.

He turns and watches as his son is unable to pick up on the need of his love and how upon a second rejection she completely shuts off.

Instead of the warm loving queen he has gotten to know, he sees a cold woman with nothing left to lose in the world.

"Let it be fear then," she vows.

Dread hits him at this, especially when he sees the look of sadness on his son's face.

"How bad is it Bran?" he asks, knowing that the woman he just saw would not hold back her fury. But his son's features just confirm the worst.

The scene moves one last time and he's in the destroyed Red Keep. Ashes are everywhere and he knows that the Queen he had heard so much about during his time at Kings Landing had not spared anyone or anything.

He can't hear what she and Jon are saying but she is in his embrace. He can see the same love gaze in her face that he's seen every time she looks upon his son. As Jon leans in to kiss her, he sees him reaching for a dagger.

"No!" he screams out trying to move to stop this horror from happening.

But the same force that refused to let him move his gaze now refuses to let him intervene.

It's in her heart.

He feels tears fall down his cheek as he watches his son kill the love of his life. He watches how her face shows the hurt and betrayal she's feeling. As her life begins to leave her, she takes Jon's hand and places it upon the swell where their child had been growing.

His son, who had seemed close to breaking before, shatters as he realizes what he held in his hand, what the queen had kept from him, what exactly he had just murdered. Jon looks into Daenerys's eyes begging her to deny it but instead, she looks at him with sadness as her eyes close and she takes her final breath. A gut-wrenching scream comes from Jon as he cradles the body of the woman he loves and the mother of his unborn child.

He mirrors his son as he too sinks to the ground crying for what he just saw.

He cried for his son, who had now lost everything by his own hand.

He cried for his daughter, who had only begged for love and understanding and instead got betrayal.

He cried for the little girl who had stolen his heart since he found her in the streets of Flea Bottom, that never got the chance to live.

If he had told Jon the truth about who he was, had taught him to accept it, this future wouldn't be a possibility.

He feels someone place a hand on his shoulder and instead of seeing Bran as he expected he sees Jon. Not the one who just killed the woman he loves and his child, but the one who he has seen showing unconditional love to the two most important people in his life.

But Jon's not looking at him, he's looking at his other self. His face shows no emotions as he watches his other self cry over his beloved's body or even when the dragon appears to mourn for its mother and burn the Iron Throne.

He's seen this, he remembers. Meera had mentioned both Jon and Daenerys seeing this before.

How did they handle this?

But tears fill Jon's eyes and the way he gives his shoulder a squeeze of comfort show him that they didn't. They were living with this knowledge and horror every single day.

And suddenly things began to be clear. The way anytime a serious crime had been committed and Daenerys's temper would rise, Jon would immediately rush to her side to calm her and then comfort her. The way anytime Jon felt lost or felt upset how Daenerys's would remind him she was at her side. The way they desperately held their daughter as if she would disappear at a moment's notice. The haunted looks they would get and that would lead to them telling themselves how much they loved each other.

They feared to lose it all because they had seen it happen.

The vision begins to go away and they are once again in the Godswood.

He's still on the ground, Jon's hand still upon his shoulder and none of them move until he hears Jon's voice say.

"I think its time we talk, Father."

I didn't include the lines from the throne room because as I said before I refuse to watch that scene. My heart still can't/won't handle it.