PADME IN THE PALACE: a Star Wars fanfiction by shadowgirl999
Padme is caught and enslaved by Jabba. Adults only, contains sexual abuse/rape and sexual humiliation.
Chapter one: the capture of a queen.
Padme slowly walked into the palace, her white jumpsuit standing out in the dim lighting. She had hacked the palace to enter the former monastery through the back doors Jawas used to enter the droid bay, after hearing rumors of the crime gangs on Tattooine having access to Separatist files that could be of use. Her mission had been kept secret, only she knew about it, although she had mentioned it to Anakin. Her husband had been supportive, but still cautious.
"Be careful." Was all he had said to her.
Padme had acknowledged this, stating she could take care of herself and for her husband to search for her if she wasn't back in a month. She remembered Anakin's kiss, how her heart fluttered at the touch of his hands like it had when they spent their wedding night together… Padme shook her head to remove such thoughts from her mind. This was no time to think of sex. Her mission had led from one place to another, and finally ended here at Jabba's Palace. Anakin had been kept up-to-date for most of the mission, but she had skipped over her last stop at Anchorhead and intended to inform Anakin about both that stop and this one later. She pulled out a lock slicer and opened the small door. Entering through the main gates would be not only impossible but also risky, so she slowly slid through the narrow entranceway to the droid bays. Padme slowly shifted through the narrow walls of the bay, using her military training to slide through the lines of non-functional droids. She slowly slid open a small gate-door, climbing over the repair equipment and finally walking through the cleared area of the droid bays.
"There it is." She thought as she saw a small doorway leading to an alcove with an all-too-familiar depression in the wall, glowing with lights.
Her training had conditioned her to know where exactly to find a computer terminal in an enemy stronghold and hack it, and there it was, right in front of her. Padme snuck through the hall of droids and other kinds of equipment as she continued onwards, careful not to bump into anything and cause a racket. She slowly walked across the hallway and finally reached a more open area, walking across to the shadowed terminal.
"Okay, you." Padme thought. "Let's see what you're hiding."
She pulled open the terminal and reached out with her lock slicer and handheld computer, plugging it into the terminal when suddenly, she paused and squinted in the dim light as she turned the lock slicer to the right. The computer was nothing but a molded chunk of quickcrete with a series of lights attached to it and a screen painted on. In the dim lighting, Padme had not noticed.
"What the-?" Padme said as she did a double take.
Suddenly, the ground under her feet opened up, sending her sliding down a slick chute into the shadows. Padme yelped as she slid further and further down, landing on her butt in a small cage fixed to the floor, which slammed shut and locked her inside. Suddenly, the lights came on and Padme gasped as laughter echoed throughout the small room she was in, the form of Jabba The Hutt himself becoming visible.
"Didn't I tell you that this would work, Bib?" Jabba chuckled as he slithered into view, his guards surrounding the small cage. "My trap appears to have caught a queen!"
Padme struggled as the Gammoreans poked at her with vibroaxes through the bars of the cage, making her yelp as they jabbed her with the blunt ends of their weapons.
"Let me go at once!" she yelled as she kicked a vibroaxe that poked her through the bars. "You're going to regret keeping me here!"
"Oh, I think not, my lovely woman…" Jabba said as Bib Fortuna approached the cage. "…what do you think, Bib?"
Bib Fortuna reached in through the bars, tracing Padme's lovely face. Suddenly, Padme bit his fingers, eliciting a yelp from the majordomo.
"Punish her." Bib said as the guards pulled out shock lances, poking them through the bars and shocking Padme in several regions including her firm breasts, her crotch, her neck, her feet and her underarms.
Padme yelped and groaned as she collapsed to her knees from the pain, rubbing herself to relieve the pain. Suddenly, all twelve guards jabbed her at once, making her convulse horribly.
"AAUUGHH!" she screamed as her body convulsed and shuddered with pain.
She collapsed to the floor of the small cage, her vision blurring as the Gammoreans surrounded her.
"Take her out and prepare her." Jabba said as he licked his slimy lips. "She will make an excellent guest here at the palace…"
Padme didn't like the sound of that. The cage was yanked open and the Gammoreans pulled her to her feet, making her sore muscles ache. They pulled her around as Bib Fortuna aimed a blaster at her and fired, set for stun. The last thing she saw before she passed out was Bib Fortuna grasping for her with his sharp fingernails…and then everything went black.
To be continued.