I do not own DC Comics. I do not own The CW. I do not own anything related to DC Comics in general, or Arrow specifically. Except maybe a few DVDs of old DC movies that I haven't given away yet.
Chapter One
By The Shroud
My third story. Please review on whatever you can, suggestions, ideas, etc. This is a story exploring an idea I had, if Amanda Waller used something similar to brainwashing and Vortura upon Oliver. It's also based on a one-shot in Harry Potter I once read, called "What Was Your Plan?" by 'SpoonandJohn', with the fanfiction ID (the long number inbetween [slash] s [slash] and [slash] 1 [slash]) being 11613187. Just change that in the link here to go there. Now that's explained... so it begins.
Her new operative, Mr. Queen, had attempted to leave... again. This time, with the help of the Yamashiros. The father, Maseo Yamashiro, had thought it out well, when he had lied to Mr. Queen about what they would do, but had been foolish in coming back to 'save' Queen. No matter, it meant she could use an asset to assist her new and ever so resistant operative again, without diverting a resource.
They would probably continue to try and do so. But this time they won't. .Not anymore.
All that was left to fix this problem was to utilize the results of their reprogramming program. A combination of their reprogramming helmet, hypnosis techniques, and modified Vortura would leave lasting suggestions in both of their mind.
The lasting suggestion would activate a failsafe whenever she used the phrase, 'As the Mockingbird commands to all, you must listen, understand, and follow, so hear and obey,' making them susceptible to suggestion by her.
Oliver Queen was yet an imperfect agent. Further training and experience would be necessary, only truly attainable outside of work for ARGUS, but some low-level suggestion would be required, to make him be willing to torture brutally at a moment's notice. Extreme measures are necessary to eliminate those who deal in the same, doing otherwise is utterly naive.
Letting him loose soon after this operation would be the best option. The subconscious suggestion would still be in place for any specific urgent matters, and should already be motivating him to become what he needs to be..
As for Maseo, also after this operation, the League of Assassins was interfering more and more often with operations, she needed an agent to infiltrate them, and Maseo had the skills for them to be willing to let him join. He could offer the Alpha-Omega device to the League of Assassins, something they would be very interested in. They already had enough power to kill many, many more people, the virus would just make it cleaner, while decreasing how much time she would have to waste on clean-up.
As she thought about all this, she noticed in front of her that Queen was waking up, slightly dazed, and started sarcastically, "You're not dead, if that's what you're wondering..."
And that concludes this chapter. It's short, but it summarizes everything that she's done so far. The rest shall follow as she (well, I) see(s) fit. The specifics are for you to see soon. The next chapters will be longer, but it's late at night/way too early in the morning for too much yet.