AN: I stopped writing this originally, mainly because i went on a vacation last summer and by the time I got back I didn't feel like writing. When I went back through the story, I wasn't thrilled with how I handled things and so, I've decided to rewrite it. It'll still be on here and most of it will be the same but I'm going to change two major points.
1. Aside from the creation of magic the God's won't have a real appearance in it. At least not early on. Therefore, Harry will need to learn magic on his own as a child, making him slightly less op. I feel that by introducing gods this early on, I made Harry get too powerful too quickly. In my new timeline, he will be around professor level by the time he starts Hogwarts, perhaps more. He will equal Dumbledore at the end of his first year and surpass him quickly after that.
2. The way he gets girls. I'll admit it, I was a bit over the top with how easily he got his harem. All the original girls will still be in it but I want a bit more character interaction before he gets with them. It was too easy.
By doing the things listed above I can improve my story drastically while still keeping the original ideas I had alive. So, while I haven't updated in a while, I swear this story isn't abandoned, I'm just making major revisions and with school and work going on, that's time consuming. Anyway, that's all for now, peace.