Greetings one and all to my first fanfic actually written down on paper, I've always let my imagination run wild but I finally decided to get at least one story written down and im going to try to focus on just this one before I write any others (well this one and one that's completely original so no posting on fanfic for that one). It is with great sadness though that I must state that I do not own any of the Zelda Games nor do I own Overlord, if I did then there would be more gamer content for the second overlord game and a third one coming out soon! Anyways on with the story hope you enjoy
It was starting to grow dark as a young boy no older than 12 journeyed towards the great city of Hyrule that lay in the distance. Wearing the usual clothing of the kokiri tribe that resided within the forbidden forest located to the southwest of the kingdom, an overly large green tunic with white pants, dark brown leather boots, and to finish it off a green cap on top of his head. He had finally done it he had gone out and retrieved the two gems from the mighty goron and wise zora tribes. Non-stop questing and fighting all in the name of stopping the king of the gerudos was very tiring especially for this young man. Huffing in relief of seeing the castle gates, the young blond hopes that when he finally reaches the gates he won't have to wait outside fighting stall-children all night just like when he first came to the city.
"Hurry up Link, you need to get the crystals to the princess ASAP! No time for dawdling or daydreaming you know that!" the little blue ball that has been the annoying bane of his existence ever since that fateful morning when the Great Deku Tree had summoned him causing even more trials and difficulties for him to conquer. After all he had waited his whole life to finally have a fairy guardian someone who would always be on his side and help him out with the tasks that were given to him. It would finally mean that he was a kokiri and not just some strange kid who somehow wound up in the middle of a forest full of them.
However this little fairy has not given him a single chance of down time or a moment to himself, always saying that he needs to perform this task or he needs to talk to that person. Always nagging on him, Link would swear that the fairy was trying to be his long lost mother but only more annoying and nagging than she ever could have been.
Of course maybe not having a fairy guardian did have its benefits, after all while the rest of the children would stay within the confines of the village he would explore the forest, when they were playing he was training his skills with deku sticks, nuts, and the deku sword, a small blade that would be lucky to be called a short sword by anybody else's standard. It wasn't that he was a lone wolf he just learned long ago to try and not mingle with the rest of the village because he had no fairy. When the deku tree had finally passed on, even though Link had tried his hardest to save the wise old tree as quickly as he could, the rest of the village became angry with him cursing him and calling him a freak that should have died instead of their great guardian. So with a heavy heart Link had left the forest only for Sariah, his one friend in the village, there at the exit to see him off.
With the quest soon to be completed, he was hoping that the fairy would be on her little way never to bother him again, but if wishes were fishes he would never have to worry about food again. Coming to a stop before the gates he looks around for any signs of the stall-children popping out of the ground, but for once there were no signs of any dangers. Suddenly the gates to the city opened, surprising the young man when a white horse carrying two passengers bolted past him riding on into the night. Noticing that one of the passengers was Zelda herself Link watched on as she turned and threw an object towards the moat that surrounded the city walls. Looking back to the direction that the princess had disappeared to for a brief moment, Link decides to go and get whatever Zelda threw before he did anything else. However when he turned back to the gates, sitting on top of a horse black as night, the king of the gerudos stared off in the distance trying to find any sign of the princess and her loyal servant Impa. However with no sighting of them he curses and looks towards the only one who could have possibly seen anything.
"YOU! BOY! Did you see which way they went?" Gannondorf shouted at the young boy clad in green.
Left speechless for the moment all link could think to do was draw his sword and shield and prepare himself to be in a defensive position, not liking the way that Gannondorf glared at him. When the powerful king of thieves saw this puny little boy take up his stance, he just started chuckling until it was a full blown laugh. How amusing it was, for a little shrimp to even think of standing up to him.
"He He He, I like you kid you got guts, here's a little gift for you then." Gannondorf states as he raises his hand covered in what appears as black lightning. Throwing the charged blast at link gannondorf rides off in search of the elusive princess hoping to catch her before she can vanish from his dark grasp.
Deep in a dark cavern a grayish blob with a walnut shaped head looks up to the lantern that hangs from his back light up informing him that the latest master of the dark forces known as the minions is about to awaken and needs to be found soon.
"GIBLET! Muster the browns the new master has been found! Now where to send them to look, that is the great question. Hmm…"
As the ancient minion master hobbles his way over to where the tower heart idly sits waiting for a new master to claim it, gnarl looks into the pool that the heart floats over and sees an item of power that he thought he would never see or deal with again.
"THE TRIFORCE! Hmm well the only land that even keeps the legend of the triforce in this day is Hyrule, so that must mean that he is all the way over in those lands ooh boy the mistress sure did travel quite a ways to try and keep the lad safe from those wretched heroes, but why now I wonder, why does the young master awaken his dark heritage now of all times. Giblet get moving to Hyrule, I will in the meantime try to establish the psychic link with our new master, after all evil always finds a way. He he he"
"But Gnarl Hyrule far far away!"
not that far you DIMWIT! now get moving the sooner we can setup base there the sooner we can start properly teaching the new master... after all evil will always find a way."
Meanwhile back with link he slowly recovers from the attack, and sits up only to hear Navi to be yelling at him again. "yeesh link now is not the time to take a nap silly you know that you need to get that item the princess left you right? Come on slowpoke you are so lazy at times it's not even funny". Just once, just once would he like to get an hour of silence… not even that, just 30 minutes would be wonderful. Oh the peace and quiet he could have with that small amount of time.
Getting up link looks around and eventually finds the item that was thrown by the princess of Hyrule it was the ocarina of time. Receiving a vision from the small princess on how to use the ocarina and what to do link sets out for the temple of time, fighting his way through all the chaos that was Hyrule city due to all the monsters that gannondorf had released, link finally makes his way to the temple. Quietly entering the hallowed halls of the temple link slowly walks up to the pedestal where three holes are carved intricately into the stone in the shape of the three gems in his possession. Link suddenly stops when the three gems react and float to their respective places and settle into the fine grooves. Playing the song of time a giant stone door begins to crack and slowly move open. Walking into the room the young boy notices sitting on a large pedestal a gleaming broadsword standing tall a perfect double edge blade that had a handle long enough to be wielded either one handed or two depending on the wielder. As link steps up to the pedestal he touches the grip of the blade and before he realizes what he is doing the blade is drawn from the pedestal. With a giant flash of blue light rising up into the air, the only thing that link sees is absolute darkness creep into his vision and next thing he knew he saw nothing.
From the doorway leading into the sacred chamber stands gannondorf laughing while thanking the kid for doing his work for him.
And that's a wrap for the prologue of the Legend of Zelda: Rise of the overlord. Tell me what you think, this is after all my first story that I have written so critique is appreciated. I have so far 2 mistresses in mind one will of course be Zelda the other a secret if there should be a third let me know what you think and I might include her into the group. Again let me know what you think. I already am working on chapter 1 so it should hopefully be out soon after this is posted. This is DSwiftblade signing off.